5 Tips to Improve your ArcGIS Dashboards

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hi there my name is Adam Corcoran I'm a Technical Sales Engineer with ESRI Arland and today I want to show you five tips on how you can improve the look and feel of your dashboards I have a tourism statistics dashboard here for Northern Ireland and tip number one I would always suggest including a side panel where possible in your dashboards this provides you know your end user with context and also you know a guide on how to use your dashboard it can contain selectors company logos all sorts so to add a side panel I just go up to my plus button here click side panel and I'm gonna configure mine here so if I click on title you can see I have you know of course my title I have a description on how to use the dashboard where my data is coming from and I'll include a selector which I'll get to in a second in my description then I just have the ESRI logo it's worth noting as well that side panels can slide over in which case if I go here like this it'll slide over so you know you have a lot more screen real estate but I suppose I you know I like it when it's fixed in place so I'll just uncheck that box that's entirely up to you tip number two then is to include a selector within your dashboard it just makes it a lot more interactive no selectors can be added to the header panel you know we have category selectors number selectors date selectors whatever it is that your data is trying to show you can do selections off it so if I configure mine here you can see that my categories are being pulled from features I have my field name in here and I can sort A to Z which is good because I don't want belfast above eyes of north down for example and then finally I can configure actions based off of where this is real really where the power comes in and selectors that I can set up filters I could set it to zoom my mop flash my mop and also if I add action here I can pan it as well so I have it set up to filter basically everything in my dashboard and then I have a few actions based on the map what that looks like then is when I select Antrim here you can see if filters my dashboard three then would be to you know enhance your indicators so if you know your data said is information rich and it charts change over time or you want to compare two values or two fields in your attribute table you can do that by a conditional formatting in the indicators so from here you can see I have total expenditure 2018 and then I have conditional formatting to say to compare it against the previous year so that's my feature and then I selected my field here if we pop into the indicator tab here you can see conditional formatting I can turn it on or off so from here I can style for a value at or above the reference and the reference is the previous year and then I have tons of options so you see in this bottom text I can put in fields and you know XE is dashboards will actually help me come up with a few you know predefined calculations here so we can take percentage change this is what I'm doing but just you know a few more options in there for you so I can style this so if it's below and the reference value style is orange I can change the indicators as well or create my own custom icon and I just realized that that icon is pointing up I wanted to point down when I'm done that's what it looks like so when I changed my selector then you can see that it's pulled in so it's below the value so tip number four is when you have series carats within your dashboards okay so by default you can see here I have a graph showing and you know place of origin for tourists in Northern Ireland but you can see by default then the bottom axis it's kind of straight forward and it's kind of hard to tell you know it's 2011 what's 2014 etc for series graphs I would always recommend you either stagger or rotate these type of charts solely because you know it's very confusing for your end user if it's all in a straight line how I do that is I navigate the category axis click on stagger click on rotate it whichever one you want and it really is just about making it as clear as possible for your end user and actually understand what's going on in your dashboard and then tip number five is by default ArcGIS dashboards is always a white background and I use a you know an open source tool available on Google Chrome and you know it's just an eye drop tool which I can hover over it it'll give me the color of anything so really useful if you do want like your dashboards to tie in well with your you know company colors or your organization colors I think dashboards always look better with the dark team as opposed to light that's personal preference though but in here I can change the text color I can change the dashboard background color I can change the element outline color as well so I can change this to orange you know and it kind of gives me a nice delineation between my cards and my dashboard background bonus tip then actually is dashboards beta is now available this includes tons of new functionality and I'd highly recommend that you check it out here's the help page which I'll link below in the video but to get started on it you just go into your home page click the waffle up the top right and there's dashboards beta so that's it hope you found this video useful if you want do want to reach out let me know and that is it thank you all for watching
Channel: Esri Ireland
Views: 8,540
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, GIS, software, technology, arcgis, esri ireland, arcgis online, dashboards, tips, tutorials, how to, video, guide, digital mapping, maps, location intelligence, location technology, data, data visualisation, data analytics, analytics, analysis
Id: GcuojyIMLd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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