ArcGIS – A Mapping Platform for Property and Facilities Management (Esri UC 2016)

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you guys good afternoon my name is John young with ESRI I'm joined by my colleague Ian feathers and we just want to thank you this afternoon for joining us for an exploration even a journey into the world of using ArcGIS for property and facility management and I think you saw the title was facilities and endures and we're certainly going to cover all aspects of that when it comes to the use case this is what we're really really talking about so you know ESRI and Ezra's partner community have been working to solve challenges and what we would call property workplace and facilities management for about 10 years we started this in our federal practice and now we do so across all of Ezra's vertical markets including a lot of corporate or commercial and in fact that'll be a lot of the focus that we have today so when I say that we focus on it I mean everything from the foundational data models all the way up to integrating with other systems of record in the 2d and 3d visualization and the real workflow the real tools that you need to improve your business as you might imagine we support key business objectives in this space so we break these out we break them out into three different categories okay so you got planning strategic planning in other words we're talking about tying the actual facility plan to the overall corporate strategy I think that's true for a lot of folks and they're different organizations whether they be a corporate entity or a hospital or a university and the like who provide solutions and support the workflow of those that are doing things in workplace management as well as those in facilities operations and I think if you look across these you'll see that what we're talking about is delivering value in terms of increasing revenue maximizing investment reducing cost efficiencies as well as mitigating risk okay so understand that those are some some key objectives that we want to support or that we do support now really why are we here and what are the benefits first and foremost we are all about improving the speed of business right getting the information getting the tool to the folks that need them very quickly the other piece is improving the whole ability to share collaborate disseminate this information again very quickly to the organization improving the speed of business they tie together taking advantage of the look the rich location analysis that ESRI provides to help drive decision-making in the organization and then this one which is very in particular to the corporate world although I think really any business is I think we're all trying to retain and recruit top talent right and that really channels into this whole business of either locating the right place to actually where you want to put a business all the way down to providing a really wonderful place to work on the workplace environment now one of the key things that we want to emphasize is that this is yes a mapping platform for this these kinds of use cases but really it's all about providing the location strategy their practice of property and facility management right in other words enabling the ability for the organization to discover and make use of the maps and apps anytime anywhere any place we want to make sure that it multiple levels right it across all these different patterns and workflows folks are able to achieve these efficiencies and so it's everything from this says constituent in our world its occupant or owner right engagement could be visitor engagement to our executives right support for those guys as well as inspections and audits in the field to analytics robust location analytics right that can support those key business use cases that we mentioned just a minute ago as well as probably one of the most important factors that in reasons why a lot of you are sitting here which is this whole location data management meaning we're seeing data flying at us from all different directions is there an integrating platform is there a way to really tie all this together and bring it to life well we're here to talk about yes that's ArcGIS is a mapping platform and yes a location strategy is at the core of this we wrap that all together we know that we want to have a system of engagement that's what's going to help us improve the speed of business across your organization do some of y'all's organizations look like this show hands maybe maybe not maybe you're taking this back to this part of your organization where a they're having to tie to those enterprise systems bead and then wanting to put these really helpful information products out into key folks like your strategic planners workplace managers facility operators and the like alright let's get to the heart of the matter on this what we want to do now is actually take a journey right take a journey through the life of those folks that we just talked about and show how a location strategy right location enablement can benefit the organization I'm John I'm with ASR ASR is a high-tech HR solutions provider to the banking and insurance industry the products and services that HLAs are provides and the delivery and the development of these products is completed by a workforce our workforce of over 10,000 folks located in offices around the world a DSR it's important that we recruit and we retain top talent in the industry like many of you our employees are an absolute vital part of our success and if there's one thing that we've learned at ASR is that location and a location strategy for our real estate and workplace services division is a critical part of accomplishing these goals the challenge the challenge for us boils down to really two things number one changing expectations number two the speed of business we can no longer settle for the blueprints in the basement we can no longer settle for spreadsheets we can no longer settle for a collection of design files sitting on our local hard drive managing and optimizing our workplaces should be as easy as playing a video before I reveal too much though let's go ahead and share our story about how ArcGIS is helping to transform our business so now I'm Joe right so Joe as is this guy and he's me right so I'm regularly onboarding new right it's my job to make sure that our workforce is productive as possible as quickly as possible I'm here sitting down with a group of new staff that I've just on board it we're going to go ahead and use a new app that's been created by dan I'm pretty psyched because this one's in 3d I have one in 2d as well the first thing I'm going to do is find the location of our next meeting now the new staff don't know this they're just concerned that we got to worry about where we're going next no big deal take out the app I go search for my room I go ahead and say look I want to route that uses elevators because I've got somebody that's just twisted their ankle right so we need to account for that and I'm going to come back and I'm going to say okay I'm actually sitting over here and building where am i building cute right so I'm going to go ahead and perform my route and you said you needed an elevator right let's do that so you know you guys this is this is awesome right I mean very quickly and easily I now have a route that I can use to take our folks on to the next meeting of the day and they're psyched we didn't even have to use any mental bandwidth on this at ASR we strive to use workplace productivity tools just like this one to put part of those precious 1440 minutes we have in our day back in the hands of our staff and another key thing is let's just go ahead and eliminate unnecessary stress at the same time well I mentioned it earlier how'd all this get started well our GIS professional Dan discovered ArcGIS dan let's turn it over to you all right thanks Joe so back in the beginning it wasn't always this easy you remember the whole conversation we had about blueprints in the basement these static PDF documents spreadsheets all these things that really weren't all dynamic in nature well ArcGIS as a system provides us all the tools that we need to eliminate the hassle of dealing with those documents the last thing that I need on a day to day basis is an IT or GIS professional is to stay later than I have to at the end of the day scanning in documents manually digitized all that's a way of the past now ArcGIS gives us automated tools to help think this easier so as you can see here in ArcGIS pro I have floor plans and a 3d model of a building on campus for the sake of time I'm going to show you a video that runs through this process ultimately it takes about one minute per floor per building so we have tools that help us funnel this into the local government information model and as you see as you can see here I can just directly input my CAD file it reads all the attributes I can point it to the correct data model and we're off to the races so what does that look like now as mentioned the speed at which we get this done is crucial for our operation the longer that it takes me to do my job the longer that it takes everyone else in the organization to finish their job as well so these automated tools have really streamlined everything that we do at ASR so as you can see here I've opened the tool I've assigned the data I'm assigning a spatial reference I'm telling it which geo database that it needs to go to and the tool runs and so as the end result in RTS Pro now I can visualize all this in 2d or 3d with that said now that this is finished I need to put an app in our organization so that our workspace auditor Jill can't conduct her daily workflow as well so with that said I'm going to turn it back over to Jill hey thanks a lot Dan all right so I'm Jill with our workplace Management Group and I'm going to be doing a space audit today in the past I used to use a spreadsheet and a clipboard dan now provides these fantastic tools that I have at my disposal to be able to conduct my audits and fortunately I have this group right that I can go to to grab a map to use this may be on my laptop but in some cases this may actually be on an iPad right so what I want to do is go ahead and start and Aude it with my iPad app and if as you might imagine it's very important an ASR to make sure that our occupancy and our condition information is always up to speed and readily available so I'm going to go ahead and grab this app and today I'm going to go ahead and go over to our campus to building Oh to conduct an audit so I go in I open up my collect your app I've chosen a web map for the spaces on my campus this happens to be you know building oh I'm gonna zoom in and somebody tell me this is okay that's can you guys see how to it and all I really want to do is go ahead and cut out my own it now I'm on the second floor I noticed that there's a space that's vacant that actually that is occupied that should be vacant this is probably a result of the last reorganization that took place a week ago and it just didn't get updated so I'm just going to tap on this space I'm going to choose to to edit that I'm going to cruise down here and make sure I assign it an office vacant status I need to make sure I click update and maybe I didn't select the right thing that's all right I've been meaning to get new glasses anyway let's see here so done oh there we go good I think I tapped the right button the first time okay so just like that you know I've updated that information but now at the same time I might notice you know look there's a network drop that's missing so I'm going to hold my finger down and I'm going to go ahead and note real quick in my audit the date and go in and type network drop here done submit that at a DUT updates sent and we're off now that was easy right yeah no big deal and I can continue my audit I can continue grabbing information I mean I think you know the idea here is that you can see that my changes now can be automatically reflected back in things like my space occupancy viewer all the data is tied together basically the advantages of time back to my enterprise system okay as mentioned earlier a SR is a company that's growing very quickly over the next five years with these new work audit tools we can quickly complete our job and inform folks like our workplace management folks like Joe as well as our strategic planners and our executives that need this ready access to this kind of status information so let's go back to our executives back to John and so my job at ASR is that I didn't explain what that was earlier is that I'm the vice president of our real estate and work place or work works workplace services organization it's important for me and the executives in our organization to have ready access to the performance metrics right for our portfolio so the key thing here you guys if you note right so it's not only having the portfolio viewer but the changes that people like Jill just made or all ready available in my broader portfolio of you this information just rolls right up so I can take something like a global portfolio dashboard when I look at my map today I noticed that here in Southern California if we could zoom in on that really quick that one of my locations is an orange status now not typically worried about this but this happens to be my biggest campus and I don't know this could be the case because demand for space is being exceeded by our new hires I'm not normally worried about it because it is the biggest campus but we just made a unplanned decision today our firm decided to acquire a new business right to stay competitive in the market to hit our revenue targets sometimes we have to purchase new companies what we just did that this fine gentleman right here is part of that company the new company has a thousand staff a thousand employees we're going to need to absorb these folks into our organization we're also going to need to evaluate options to either build or to buy new in one of two cities either Portland or Redlands the other thing I can do as an executive when I have a decision like this is to drill down a little bit further into a campus so I'm going to use another dashboard to do that really quick because I'm a look like I said I'm a little concerned I want to take a look to see if we're really going to have a challenge on our hands and immediately when I do that I can see that we are so fortunately I have a strategic plan or organization Navion and I'm going to go ahead and sign him a task to take a look at this unplanned acquisition in all right thanks John so I'm the strategic planner for ASR and I always have my work cut out for me excuse me here I'll get to the right place now one of the greatest challenges about my job is that I have to accommodate our immediate business needs such as this recent acquisition that our executives have just told you about but also we have future growth plans and more than a thousand people per year that's a lot to accommodate so my job is important because ultimately if we can't accommodate the workforce then we can't accomplish our revenue goals previously this took one to two years of planning to accomplish now it's important to recognize remember the whole conversation we had about blueprints spreadsheets static PDF documents etc that was the challenge I had to compile all that information and then turned that into something legible for our executives actually use and make decisions with so now ArcGIS provides me a lot of different tools to evaluate all the assessments that I need to put in front of the executive board so that we can not only tackle this immediate growth but also tackle the future growth plans as well so there are many built-in templates that I can use to help organize all this data it's a lot of information to process and this is just a basic compare analysis viewer where I take my web Maps put them in one spot and begin to evaluate the cards that I've been dealt so as mentioned I don't want to have to stay any longer than I have to so here I can look at the Portland ecwid I can also look at redesign options for our current campus potential growth sites but then also pull in the web maps that run our dashboards to give me a current real-time status of what's going on so now I use other tools to help deliver the message to the executive board because let's face it the decisions they make impact my job so now I'm going to show you that as well this is a this is a story map journal and I use this to help provide all these options to the executive board so let's take a deeper look at the Portland acquisition so this is the current office there are about seven hundred and sixty-five employees that reside there there's two hundred and thirty more though at other locations throughout the US that we need to accommodate so unfortunately expanding in Portland right now is a real chore real estate good real estate within our target demographic it's hard to obtain so I've evaluated all the options in Portland that would meet the needs for the additional two hundred and thirty in order for us to expand unfortunately the only site available is about seven and a half miles away from the current office in Portland it's going to cost fifty seven point five million dollars for us to retrofit this to accommodate the new employees and take another six to eight months so this is a no option now let's go ahead and think about accommodating these employees at our headquarters so there are two hundred and thirty that I need to accommodate I know that I have a total of around 640 vacancies but there are other options on the table here so we know that some buildings have more workers than other it's going to take more time to accommodate existing maintenance requests along with a redesign to accommodate these employees I know that between building em and building o that building o is going to work it's already in need of a space optimization retrofit so what does that mean well it's basically two birds with one stone alright we're going to increase the floorplan density to around 100 square feet per employee that's going to cost us around $200 per square foot we can do this for two floors and two wings it'll accommodate 240 additional employees it's only going to cost around five million dollars and it's only going to take two months to complete so this is our best short-term option for those additional employees outside of the acquisition but what about the future right we still have a thousand more employees the next year so I'm going to have to crunch some numbers here I'm going to have to do some spatial analysis so I've looked at our current headquarters and I've identified several sites that meet the criteria I evaluate all these sites based on cost time to operation but then also proximity to our target workforce demographic and I use ESRI tapestry segmentation to determine who these people are and whether or not they're the people that were targeting for employment so I've used some spatial analysis to come up with two different sites both of which fall within our budget of around twenty five to thirty million dollars they can hold between 850 and 1,000 employees and they'll be ready in about six to eight months to compensate for the future growth so with that said I'm going to hand it back over to Jon for executive review Wow right a fantastic set of options and it was amazing how quickly Ian can deliver those back to us I can now go back to the Executive Board deliver these options really quickly and it's going to dramatically obviously dramatically improve the speed at which me can make a decision it's important to note that not only are we saving time and money by doing this right but we're helping to target that top talent we're helping to retain this talent we're helping to increase increase the speed at which we're able to bring our products and services to market they're all tied together in a nutshell it's truly transforming our business the other thing is we're also in a great position now that we're using both ArcGIS and a location strategy okay to look at other technologies that are continuously put in front of us I mean we get hit every week with sensor monitor IOT types of technologies and sometimes we wonder how are we going to integrate all this technology and have it not be go out of fashion go be deprecated within the next six months to a year we found that having a location platform grounds that and helps us scale easily into the future okay stepping out of role that was our journey okay that was a hero's journey the life real estate and workplace services you're probably wondering how can i implement a location strategy for property and facilities management several things to note number one you want to focus your GIS professionals you may have them you may not they may have certain skill sets right but the key thing is you can take serious advantage in your organization of working with GIS science GIS technology it's actually going to be a foundation for improving that speed of business and the key to is this for a lot of us we got to move beyond paper we got to move beyond design files we need to get into a place where we have a system that is one of insight one that's providing immediate insight the other thing that we want to immediately do is know that or provide our apps folks want these apps that help them make a decision quickly right so apps anytime anywhere on any device we want to have a destination make it easy for the folks of your organization to grab the app they need at the time and the place that they need it and the last thing is this simply this sit down with your professionals or sit down and start making Maps right these maps can prove fundamentally instrumental in your business right so whether it's the type of maps and apps that Ian our strategic planner was providing whether it's the types of maps and apps that we were delivering to Joe in the workforce right or even our complete workforce we're navigating our campus whether the tools that we were using as executives and also again in strategic planning we want to improve performance we want to have we want to discover new opportunities we want to be able to have different alternatives finally here's the good news when you have the ArcGIS platform you only need three things to do this arcgis desktop or pro server and our GIS online or portal that's all you need those are the key ingredients the other thing you need and I'll leave you with this and not only can you get started today but the templates and the tools and the things I just showed you to help you complete this process are available not only at ESRI is 3d showcase where the facilities team is anchored but also with our partner network and our partner network that's been building these types of solutions for over a decade as well as the new partners that are introducing a lot of these new technologies except they understood that it needed to be grounded in ArcGIS you can see a number of those GIS Inkpen Bay OSI RAK that's just to name a few and with that we thank you for joining us this afternoon we hope this has been beneficial to your business thank you very much
Channel: Esri Geodesign
Views: 9,287
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: Geodesign, Esri, Design, Planning, Geography, Architecture, Sustainable, Sustainable development, GIS, Facilities GIS, Indoor GIS, Strategic Planning, Corporate Real Estate, Campus Facilities, Indoor routing, Indoor wayfinding
Id: nnQgGH-1zY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2016
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