Creating a MEGA TSUNAMI in Cities Skylines 2!

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ho ho ho Merry bridas order your knitted merry bridas sweater now at real civil for xmus delivery hello fellow engineers and welcome back to City skylines 2 now I've started up a new map you can see in the bottom it's called gun get wet cuz not only not only is it raining but I've come up with an idea since there are no natural disasters yet I figured I'd try and make my own so I wanted to try and work out can I make a tsunami so first off let's let's buy some land plots cuz at the moment I don't own the sea and I need to own the sea if I want to make a tsunami so if I come right to the edge of the map back here and I just purchase all of these I wish I could can I purchase like more than I can oh devs you Legends Legends okay let's purchase all of those Bo actually can I just purchase the lot I don't have you can't purchase all the plots well that's fine I only need like this strip yeah we only care about this island island behind well I say Island land land behind if you don't get hit by tsunami that's all good but this front one this is what we're going to be testing contant so I mean first off probably worth actually building a city right cuz there's no point making a tsunami if there's nothing to destroy so let's go to like there is then put in the largest grid the world has ever seen oh no it says it's too slope is too steep oh yeah there's like Islands here let's just iron these out like when your mom used to do the ironing for your shirt before school and yes that is me admitting that I haven't used an iron since my mom used one for me I only wear t-shirts t-shirts you don't need an iron for a t-shirt I'm sorry quite bumpy over here we've really got to try and flatten this out a bit we'll do like that sort of thing tell you what devs if you wanted to make the brush size a bit bigger I don't think anyone would complain I can't see my forehead although it works very quick like oh my oh be PL look at this all right okay that's that's probably that's probably good enough so now can I build a big old grid boo yes we can another one there boo next up electricity we'll just take that from the outer wait is there are they oh cool I didn't know that pylons they take their electric City like underground oh that's really cool that's how you cross rivers and oh I like that fair plate yeah we'll shove a Transformer station down there connect it up to the pylon and then we've got we've got electricity yet this is all electrified up lovely we then do need water though so I guess we'll just shove a few pumping stations like down this way I've connected those up with the dirt road look what it's done to this I can't why are there why would there be so much cross I just cross once and then cross down here you don't need parallel zebra Crossings anyway rather than a sewage Outlet I'm going to use one of these a wastewater treatment plant we'll shove two of those in and hopefully oh especially if I if I upgrade these as well yeah shove those around the back yeah they are upgraded okay so we should all be good for power and stuff I just need to I need to make sure we've actually got people moving in so I've got to do some coloring in I want to start off with a strip of high density I reckon and we'll just slowly like work our way back in the different densities now there is isn't an infinite demand mod which is quite annoying I mean the game's not even out when I'm playing this but I'm hoping I can just sort of do enough variety of all the different stuff hopefully it'll all be good I'll shove like hospitals and stuff like that in shove a few of these signature buildings down as well all right so I've now placed one of every single signature building down a little silly looks like this I think we just need to fast forward and sort of let people move in yeah this is this is going to be good this is going to be it's going to be fun to destroy I mean I could so I could pay people money to move here so tax rate you get 10% of what you earned come move here everyone move in surprisingly it seems to be the the commercial that there's most of like where's everyone living how is there so much commercial demand when no one's actually moving in I don't know also how tall are these cranes they're huge I've also just plunked an airport down maybe that will bring some more people in as well oh my God look at all those oil canisters or wherever they are there's so many oh my goodness right well anyway this is this is actually get in there which means I can probably let's hit save on this call this gun get wet one and basically whil this grows I need to try and work out how to actually make a tsunami now I imagine we're going to have to use the landscaping tools and we have a few different things that are disposal so let's just start with a simple shift terain tool we'll up the brush strength we'll up the brush size and oh my oh my goodness there's a tornado well I'm glad I didn't build on that island but yeah if I if I hit pause what I want to know is if I were to like dig a trench there you go just got a bog standard trench there if I now press play does the C fall into it ah no no it doesn't uh that's not ideal maybe maybe this time I don't hit pause what if we just keep this playing so I'm thinking if I now just go like B did that oh no it did nothing to the water are there no water physics in this game don't think there's water physics right hang on we've got to we're going to have to try and come up with a different way to make us tsunami then oh look some grass gr at top of my Mountain so let's see how tall can we go okay that is that is the limit oh hang on hang on what's going on here something funky with the water are you going a tsunami are you going to knock that ship over please please no I don't think it is I don't think it is but my plan if I grab level teral right click up there then look I can I can make like a tall area up here okay so that's that's sort of useful maybe if I just make it a little bit wider the top like where you like Smooth your graphic like can you see it like puts like a texture in I think I need to like cck on the top just to uh yeah just to neaten that up a bit right so that's good what happens then if I then shift the terrain in the middle so we've got a very very deep hole now if I try and go down the hole aha look there's no water at the bottom that is that is grass so that's good I think I probably want to go to like that level I just sort of want to make a bit of a bit of a bathtub we go along to about there that's the width of our city now I can't fill this with water very easily but what I can do if I come down here I delete these the wastewater treatment plants b b then before everyone compl oh no they're already complaining except for Lon good old Lon but oh I've just realized how big this hole is I was going to say I can just surround this in sewage outlets and we can uh fill this up with poo I'm not sure we'll be able to it's a little bit it's a little bit large but I guess before we do too many let's connect these up with sewage pipes so they're all connected together we can then come over come over this way connect down here Aha and then oh my goodness it's made it's made land for like the pipe to rest on maybe I shouldn't do that could affect my my punami that I'm trying to go for all right yeah let's just let's delete this I'm going to go like the scenic route around the back oh man there's there's so much pipe to delete why why didn't I realize this first right okay it's gone it's gone right so we go from over this way down to there and then connects back up to there okay we're good we're connected again oh look there's snow on this oh it's like it's in the clouds oh my goodness but yeah what I want to see is yes there's poo coming out which hopefully means if I head down here where are those where are those poo Outlets I'm trying to look at is that one yeah there's one okay so down here hopefully we'll start to see some poo filling up oh my the side the rain is sideways down here so yeah hopefully that will start filling up at the moment it it's not or is it is that poo trouble is if I zoom in it depends on the camera angle I don't think the game being pushed to this limit but confirmation there is there is water filling up down here so my aim is just spend the next few hours adding sewage inlets all the way around here fill this up with water water and then I don't know build some sort of ramp and unleash it towards the city so first off probably a time lapse of me placing loads of sewage Outlets all right so the good news is I've got loads of these in the bad news is most most of them are either off or they're just splattering out a tiny bit of turd we want a full stream going on so I guess I just need like a bigger population now another positive is down here we are actually starting to fill up with water this this could take a while though I've been going 45 minutes and we've got barely a puddle I need this thing filled up so I guess all I can really do is pay attention to the demand of which there is lots of industrial demand I'll tell you what let's just make like this entire strip indust cuz the more we meet demand the more people are going to move in the more poo we're going to make so population graph looking pretty good they could perhaps go at a steeper angle I mean to be honest the only demand seems to be low density and Industrial so what I might do to fuel all that stuff if I just buy a load of tiles back there level it all out oh what's that something didn't get level oh Stone Henge anyway grid this all up connect it all in with another bridge then start painting in some houses so we'll do low density over to there there we'll do industrial just all down this Edge yes demand is dropping finally yeah look everyone is building over this side it's beautiful like the commercial look how fast they're going in they're really spread out by the way commercials are like I'm going to build over here I don't want to have any neighbors very antisocial those commercials whereas houses Safety and numbers which I guess technically true anyway good news is the puddles have got slightly bigger assuming this is actually working this could literally take days and uh this game at the moment for its uh Day One update it uses 100% of my GPU which is a 3090 so sorry UK power grid it's for the greater good though I can't believe there's not water physics I swear like in Utopia there were is it just that the sea doesn't have water physics the rivers have them all right let's just have a little play over here while we wait so if I do that yeah nothing nothing happens with the water if I do that water is just there interesting what if I buy some River tiles What if I like are you going to flood water are you going to flood it's like nah I'm I'm good here I'm good here thanks I don't want to go down there what if we put a very small channel in right there we go come on water you got to go down there you got to go why why is it just stopping what what's going on here right okay return of some water physics yeah I'm definitely making some sort of some sort of Channel it definitely doesn't flow like it used to try and let some more out like that that effect Downstream like I would have thought this would be like filling up what if I block this River what if I Dam it then water has to go down that way now there's some there is some funky some funky physics going on what if we try the slope T we say connect to that point and down there so we go in a nice straight slope what does the game think about that oh let's go in oh here we go physics have just turned on how did that happen the physics just suddenly went yeah fine we exist now oh look the water is Flowing okay this is what we wanted so appears we can do that with River Rivers just not with the sea interesting right I'm now wondering how much water can I store with this cuz maybe maybe it's better to build like a City Underground what if I just shift this entire River down a hole is that going to fill up with water or is game just going to be like what are you doing Matt stop trying to break me okay water physics sort of doing this it's very stuttery I guess there is quite a lot going on in the city I did build it quite big but yeah I think I'm just going to leave the game for a while I want to see if this fills up I want to see how big our population gets cuz we we built a huge area and most importantly I want to see if this fills up with poo cuz yeah at the moment there's there's not a lot of poo coming out of it right so I'm going to go take Paddy for a walk and uh I'll see you guys in a bit right I'm back oh my goodness it is warm in this room this PC sure kicks out some heat when it wants to right so looks like we haven't really filled up that River so that doesn't bode well for the rest of the place uh let's just go oh wow that's a lot of warning signs okay what what is actually wrong with over here what does that mean burned oh my entire city burned down so looks like my entire Industrial Area burnt to a crisp over this side it's a little bit more successful so that's positive in the Middle where all the houses are they're all dying of air pollution probably from all the fires do I not have like a fire service I mean I do they're just really really bad at their job apparently like there's there's one there why didn't you wait what no the firehouse burnt down I thought the firehouse was invincible to Flame I thought that's how they worked and those laughing at me like that that was actually a thing in the first game so that's probably why everything burnt down because my firehouse burnt down still we do have 29,000 people living here so that's like that's quite a lot of poo I mean look we've got like we've got tall buildings at the front wait why why do they have electricity what happened to the electricity I thought we're buying from the outside world wait what's happened down what's happened oh no he has a motorbike oh he's falling off the road are you literally just stuck there where's your face all right a police car has been dispatched but it's stuck in it's stuck in traffic yeah there's a traffic jam oh caused by a caravan who would have thought it anyway don't really understand why why we don't have enough electricity can we only bring in a certain amount of electric I thought it was like infinite we can only import 74 megaw oh I did not know that all right let's get a let's get a nuclear power plant on the goat all right shove that there lovely all right so we have a nuclear power plant so hopefully over there no why aren't you receiving enough electricity what's going on wait what does that mean what does that mean electricity bottleneck oh what I didn't know that was a thing now so do we need to bypass that oh look there's another one down here oh man okay there's too much electricity coming through one little place okay now everyone has electricity yay which means our incineration plant is back up and running which should fit fix all the rubbish problems down there oh I can upgrade this as well yeah let's let's upgrade it all right sorted I think next up the actual tsunami how far did we get if we head inside oh this isn't looking good oh it's pretty much dry how did 28,000 people not po that much it's just spting out it needs to be pouring out 2,000 years later all right so sadly despite my best efforts I Can't Get Enough poo in there and I can't get tsunamis to hit on land look how big this city is by the way however since doing another video I have come up with a way that I can make a tsunami so what I'm going to do I'm going to pause the game we're going to grab the landscape until we're going to Wang the brush size as high as they will go and then we're going to shift ter rain down cuz look if you do that on land this was an island you can see there's no water there if I did it in water you just get you just get more water so my plan is we just cut out all of this this is just to make the sea a little bit bigger like more volume of water all right then up here we make sure this is all land and probably just fill in this island all right so then when we press play we get a few a few little ripples so some of these buildings are now getting their feet wet but I think they're fine right and then we're going to dig down in here we're going to do a big trench across there tell you what actually I might buy a few more tiles behind let's buy those fill them with land then we should just be able to cut out does it does it remember this SE that and I might have to do this a bit more engine nearing L right there we go that is working perfectly sorry right but yeah that is completely trenched out now what is going on what is that why are you stopping the land Mo what's a con it's a building looks like a pile of poo delete okay so that is the ground down to the bottom right you can probably see where this is going but basically I build my city down here instead and then I get rid of this wall and then we should have tsunami right so I think what I need to do I need to delete everything I've got basically oh that's going to take a while actually can I re look at these big buildings no I can't relocate them okay delete everything sorry everyone you should have paid more taxes all right but if I delete all of these roads then all the buildings will disappear but then the demand should go back up so I should be able to move this fairly simply down to the bottom of my trench so I think that's all the roads gone so all those buildings oh boy they they should disappear now trouble is has affected the city back there that's fine I think once we once we get moved down we should be fine so just got to try and get this down right okay so there's the new city by the way check out the engineering that's gone on here look at those retaining walls they insane yeah just checking we've got water down there yep we've got electricity yes all good so hopefully these houses should start disappearing let's just speed up time Yep they're all Vanishing Into Thin Air it's like there were never never even a real thing now my hope is as they do that we start getting demand we've got high density demand which is usually one of the hardest ones to come by let's shove a load of those in and then just going to start building like all the other buildings that I had right okay everything is zoned I think I've met all the demands and stuff so we just got to wait for people to come now looking on this road that is happening people are flying to come have a look at the new Village cuz I mean from down here it does actually look pretty nice the trouble is they have no idea what they're letting themselves in for cuz remember behind this wall is a whole lot of water right well a tornado has has joined me cheers for that I'm a I'm not done building my city yet but I feel like I should probably at least test it so we hit pause we then get rid of this sea wall we're then left with a literal sea wall and then we press play and we see yes I think we actually have a tsunami so intrigued to see what's going to happen to these buildings B wait what did happen nothing really nothing happened surely they're going to collapse I mean look at the size of this tsunami there like a big old worldour on it now man that is a lot of water look at these buildings yeah the final few dry buildings are there but the water is just coming so I've just turned up the speed I'm wondering whether these buildings will actually collapse or not I mean I can I can see cranes people are building underwater Oh that building went down oh they're all going down oh they are all collapsing okay that's cool sort of right the big one's gone down now I wonder if the big tower one over here will like that is a lot of water coming in oh there it goes there it goes so there we have it it at least is Possible Oh the big one's gone down it is possible to make a tsunami in this game which is good news oh hey you go we're underwater we are underwater and every building is destroyed I think the game's Graphics are destroy the cars are still driving around like ignoring the flashy Graphics like cars are still driving underwater what is going on yeah if I come out of photo mode I can't actually look underwater but I can click on these it does say destroyed by flooding which I guess is accurate right well anyway that is good to knowe and I think we'll definitely be using this in the future but for now I'll say peace love and empty poop pits bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 407,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, rce, real civil engineer city skylines 2, real civil engineer, city skyline 2, cities skyline 2, city skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 reaction, cs2, cities: skylies 2
Id: IDyjygMwkzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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