Creating a Map & Download Open Street Map Data OSM using the QuickOSM plugin in QGIS

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hi folks welcome to this video in this tutorial we are going to go over another useful plugin in qgis software called quick osm plugin quick osm plugin allows you to work quickly with osm data in qgis thanks to overpass API during the video we show you how to download and install quick osm plug-in and download osm data to get started open your qgis software and create a new project from the browser section of the software look for the XYZ tiles option and from its submenu double click on the open street map you can also import other layers go to an area it depends on your interest it could be a random area or your case study area in fact we want to download the osm data for the area of Interest so it's up to you wherever you'd like to choose after choosing the area it's time to download the plugin so we should go to the plugin section of the software which is among the upper tabs and select the manage and install plugins option under its submenu search for Quick osm Command in the search [Music] field find the aimed plugin and click on that as it's written the quick osm plugin download osm data thanks to the overpass API you can also open local osm or PBF files a special parser on top of ogr is used to let you see all osm keys available click on the install plug-in option to complete the installation the plug-in data will be downloaded and will be installed after installation a new icon is created and the successfully installed message appears click on quick osm icon in the open window you can perform the desired operation in the first part you can choose the type of the feature you want all the features have been located here and you have to choose one of them after selection the name of the feature is written in the key field in the value section there are all the subcategories of that feature and you can select all of these subcategories or values or choose one of them select canvas extent and click on run query the desired layers were downloaded and displayed in the software here the river layer is drawn with a thin line we can increase the width of this layer to display it better the changes on the layer can be done from the symbology section you can change both the color combination and the thickness of the layers for a better display we select another layer again in quick osm here we set a filter on apartments to display only Apartments as you can see all the apartments were shown we choose again for house likewise for roads here are all the values that we can delete anyone we don't need you can choose any layer you [Music] [Music] need you can also make queries in this section in the osm file section you can choose the types of files to be downloaded in the output or not for example you can click on the points option so that these layers are not downloaded several layers of osm were downloaded to arrange these layers you can choose the right color combination for each layer after the symbology part we choose the right color you can select the right color for each layer based on the topic
Channel: RS & GIS
Views: 617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creating a Map & Download Open Street Map Data, Download Open Street Map Data, Download Open Street Map, QuickOSM, QuickOSM plugin, QGIS, Creating a Map & Download Open Street Map, OSM, download osm data, download osm in qgis, download osm data in qgis, download osm data gis, download osm data arcgis, Extracting Data from OpenStreetMap, QuickOSM Plugin In QGIS, Downloading OpenStreetMap data, GIS, qgis tutorial map, qgis tutorial - plugin development, qgis tutorial for beginners
Id: hjn6fPdZ4wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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