GIS Clip Analysis using ArcGIS Desktop

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hello and welcome let me show you how to create features using selection or using clip and I'm using ESRI ArcGIS 9.2 first thing you're going to do is add a couple of layers to your map this is arcmap and i'm going to add the state's shapefile and also the roads shapefile click on add and it's going to add this map of Mexico and also the road network now if you want to label the features what you can do is do a right-click on the state's layer and click on label features that is going to label all the states and let's zoom in and if you want to make a separate cheer file for the state of Durango what we can do is click on the select features icon and click on Durango it's going to highlight your angle by drawing this light blue colored outline and select your angle so we're going to save it as a separate shapefile for that what you need to do is right-click on the state's layer and go to data and here we're going to click on export data and what we are going to do is change the name of the shape file and we're going to call it your Rango state and click OK and we are going to keep the coordinate system the same as the laser source coordinate system okay click OK and it's asking if you want to add the exported data to the map as a layer yes we want to do that notice that this purple colored layer is the Durango state shapefile and if I hide the state's layer by unchecking this box you're going to see that we have created a separate Chia file for Duran go state and let's go ahead and label this click on label features and what we want to do now is clip the road network so that it shows only the roads that are in durango state to do that click on this arc toolbox icon that looks like a red toolbox if you click on it it's going to bring up this arc toolbox window here click on the plus sign to expand the analysis toolbar and now click on this plus sign for the extract to expand that toolbar and double click on the clip option it's going to bring up this window what you're going to do is select the input features and you can browse and open the input features or if the input features are already in your layer palette you can find them by clicking on this drop down and what we want is we want to wrangle state as the input feature and we want to clip I'm sorry it's the other way around we want the roads as the input features and we want to use Durango State the outline of Durango states to clip the roads and it's giving it a default name so I'll just go with that default name and XY tolerance is optional so I'm not going to add any value to that box and I'm just going to click OK and here you're going to see that it completed the operation and we're going to close this notice that we see a new layer in our layer palette called roads underscore clip 1 and that's the new layer we created by clipping the road network and if I hide the roads by unchecking this box you're going to notice that now we have the Durango state outline and this road network is clipped from the road network of the country of Mexico and we only show the major roads in Durango and that's how you're going to do a clip operation thanks for watching you
Channel: vtorial
Views: 189,732
Rating: 4.7955012 out of 5
Keywords: GIS, ArcGIS, ESRI, ArcGIS9
Id: Dp7vDUkf9PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2008
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