Create your own drawing title block template | Autodesk Inventor

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welcome George II of ikat tips we're doing drawn templates today I've done very little on drones on the channel so far I think I'm like a grand total of two videos on drawing so far that's because they're boring as balls but they're essential there they are it would be great if you could just hand a model over to somebody and say I make this but know these people these people they need drones so when you do drawings so I'm going to try and stay on point I want to try and stay on point when I'm talking about templates right your title block and whatnot inside inventor it's going to be easy to sort of deviate off and start looking at other things like line styles and textiles and stuff and dimension styles but avoid all that they score this could end up being a half a day's worth of a video and nobody wants that so we're going to stick with how to create templates what am I talking about when it comes to templates right we use an embedded 2016 right and pretty much nothing's changed in like five or six years so it doesn't matter what version of any you using might be a little subtle differences here in there but generally this is going to be pretty much the same for the last five or six years and moving forward as well can't see them changing much but the templates that we're talking about are the icons you see when you click new right these ones here these are templates there are starting points for new parts and assemblies and drones and all they are right all these are are just empty models empty IPT empty I am empty drones with nothing in them yet they're saved and will folder and then inventor uses them as a starting point for a new model the idea being that you could if you wanted to open up the template standard IPT you could open that up explicitly and then save in some light materials and appearances and you know textures and stuff same for drones you could open the drawings of explicitly and then change the textiles and dimension styles and whatever and then when you start a new drawing all those things that you've preset in the template will be in your new drawings moving forward it's not the best way of working it's not the best way of doing it but you can do that if you wanted to please also note the process that I'm going to show you here is not what you would do in a draw an office write this is just assuming you are a student or you just work in by yourself at home you would do it completely different process if you work it in a drawing office so this is not intended for that but you could I guess kind of understand some bits and apply that the drawing officers the physical act of creating the title block that I'm going to show you is sort of generic book the location of them and stuff is different for drawing officers but hopefully hopefully you'll be able to realize that when you see what I'm about to do all right so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to take the templates that invent it gives you by default and we're going to move them somewhere or to copy them somewhere else so you're not messing about with the default ones that inventor gives you out the box just in case you screw them up so we need to find these ones here these default templates and copy them and how do you find them right well let's set it well that's the folder path fair book I'll there we'll go over to projects and assuming you've not dict about with anything you should just see default project and then if you've got your project settings you've got folder options down here and then there's templates equals default and this is the setting that tells a tales in vendor when I'm working on this project here I want you to look at this folder to get the templates from so the idea being you can have multiple different projects if you want looking at multiple different templates folders so you could have different templates per client per project per product whatever that's the idea you don't have to you can just stick with a default one but what we're going to do is we're going to go to the default folder source II users public documents Autodesk Inventor 2016 templates and that folder is yeah right so there's the templates folder we go into that there's the templates that like I said that all your invented just looks at this folder and then lists the files that it sees in here in the file new dialog box that's how it works and the units were use a numbing glitches you can tell by my silly accent I'm English so I'm using the the proper units millimeters but that doesn't matter it doesn't matter for the purposes of what we're doing here doesn't matter what units you using but we're going to go back one folder and then I'm going to take this template folder and then we're going to copy that to the clipboard all right back to an vendor and I'm going to create a new project so I'm assuming I'm going to do some work which I don't do often but we're going to do some work so we're going to create a new project new single user project and then let's just say this is going to be a low TFI template video project something like that I don't know but it's going to create the project at this folder puff here in My Documents folder and then we're going to click finish yes okay and then let's go over to that folder alright so here it is this is my documents in vendor there's that folder going to there there's my template video project and then I'm going to paste the templates folder into there so I've now got a local copy of the templates folder in my project area so I can now dick about with the contents of this and not worry about it cocking of the default ceman vendor so if we're safe were safe the next thing you've got to do is go back over to projects and then go to folder options and then tell this project to look at that new template folder rather than the default one that's pretty simple you just right click on that go to edit click browse and then browse to downloads documents inventor template video project templates ok and what it'll do once it's once you click outside of this browse path it or change it to a relative puff so I'll say dot backslash templates not just tells inventor that the templates folder is underneath your project you know the highest project directory so it's a relative path click Save and then click done and then that's it now when you click new that path there is now see users new documents bla and that's just verification that we're now using a different tablet folder even though the templates are actually at this point the same right so we've got when you copy of the templates the next thing we need to do is look at the drawing template itself so this is the little there's a little bit to explain here you have to bear with me but it needs to be done so we've got two different drawing templates right we're going to end we're ignoring the models for this video because like I said this is a drawing templates video there's two different drawing templates standard DWG and standard IDW now anybody that started using inventor in the last couple of years might not be aware what the differences are between the two so I'll explain that there is no difference it's absolutely no difference at all but the weather is subtle differences but IDW is you can probably guess it's the same format as IPT and I am that's short for invent IPT is invented part IEM is inventor assembly IDW derp is invented drawing IDW up until around five or six years ago possibly slightly longer I don't know when they exactly did it IDW was at one point the only drawing type you could create an inventor then like I said about five six seven years ago autodesk decided hang on hang on stop it hold a second we're the kings of AutoCAD and we've we own the DWG format wouldn't it make sense wouldn't it make some sense if inventor could create DWG drawings and then you can share your drawings with AutoCAD users and open up these inventor drawings and autocad viewers yes it would be wouldn't it that's what it did so they then introduced the DWG format into inventor in create invent a DWG s so you might be thinking well right find why keep the IDW format well there is no reason other than there's probably about other I'm not gonna guess numbers I have no idea of numbers I'll just be purely speculating but there are a lot of companies out there who have used inventor for 10 plus years and they've got a huge back catalog of IDW that they've created before you could create the DWG drawing so or desk thankfully they've got the the knows about them to say well let's not remove that option from them you don't want to have a mixed cut log of drawings so anybody that's previously been creating IDW drawing format they can still do that they can still keep create 90 double use if they want to so we've now got two we've got IDW and DWG so forgetting all that moving forward you're a new user which one should you use go for the DWG functionally there's absolutely no difference between the two you don't get any more or less options functionality between one or the other right when it comes to physically creating a drawing there's no difference at all other than if you do create and invent a DWG you can open that up in other applications like AutoCAD and like AutoCAD viewers right you can't do that without ewi DWS just native to inventor you can't open up an IDW in autocad or any other AutoCAD viewers other than that there's pretty much soluble difference in the past you do that because they're different file formats you do get some unique bugs to one format or the other like for example the DWG file saving it as another format exporting into a PDF you might get bugs in that whereas you wouldn't get that in the IDW but from a functional point of view you get there's this that wouldn't let that stop you using a DDG format so for the purposes of this video we're going to stick with the DWG file format right right so what happens when you create a new drawing right when you go new you select the DWG former and then you click create inventor then spawns a new drawing from that template and it says here you go here's your drawing get crackin son and you're like right alright this drawn border is bobbins it's awful it really is actually really as bad as functional it does the job but it's very basic and very minimalistic so what we're going to do is create our own and to do that I guess I suppose I need to explain what the contents of this are so let's shut this down and what we're going to do is open up the template itself so we're going to click open and then we're going to browse to our templates folder and then if you've decided right because we're using a separate templates folder if you've decided to go with the DWG format and you're not going to use IDW just delete the IDW template yeah just delete the IDW template and then when you click new won't listen anymore so we're going to go back to the templates folder open templates go to the standard Deidre G if you want if you want to be really careful you can keep that one and then create a copy and then call this like I don't um you know my TV my title block something like that if you want to or you could just edit the start because it's safe to edit that one because this is a copy of the original we've still got the original folder back in the default location so it's safe to edit this one but either way what can open up this template explicitly click open and we can get cracking right the next thing I need to explain is the structure of the title block right because if you've come from an order cut background there's a little bit of confusion here there's a little bit of confusion because in order cut if you if you were to say to somebody edit the title block or edit the border they would think and rightly so that you're referring to this entire thing on the sheet right the outline the grid the bit down at the bottom right that is the title block that is the border it's all one entity that's not the case an inventor with an inventor this outer border here there's out a rectangular goes around the sheet of the paper that is a completely separate entity to this bit here so with an inventor this out of ring is called one star ring as a rectangle the outer rectangle is called the border and then this bit here is the title block so the border and the title block are actually two completely separate entities and they are created and managed separately and you see that in your browser on the left hand side so on the browser we've got sheet 1 which is what we're looking at here that has got two instances underneath it we've got default border and we've got ISO and that just confirms that there the default border is the outer rectangle and then this here is your title block which is this bit here if you had a right-click on ISO and then delete it you'll see your delete in the title block if you don't right click on the border and delete that you've deleted the border okay don't panic well haven't lost there right that that's just it's just removed from the current sheet we've still got it saved in the drawing so the next thing we need to look at is the drawing resources so what you've got here on the browser on the left hand side is the drawing resources folder now this is like a container where you create your title blocks in your borders and you store them as a resource to use them in the future so we can expand drawn resources we're going to ignore blocks sketch symbols and sheet formats today right sheet formats is kind of related but I'm going to create a separate video on sheet formats because it will just make this one far too long but we've got borders and title blocks now this is where you can create your own borders and your own title box and store them in here for future use so when we expand borders and title box there's the default border and there's ISO anything about it did we just delete them did we just delete them no we remove them from the current sheet but they're still stored in the resources folder to be used in the future the idea being you can create a bank like a collection of borders and a collection of title blocks and then whenever in the future you create a new sheet you can pick and choose which border in which title block you use on your future sheets so that's the idea so the title block for example if you wanted if you would have want to place a new title block on your sheet you would go into the drawing resources area you expand title blocks and you say write I want to use this one here you right-click on it and then you insert it and I'll place it under the sheet same for the border right click on the border insert the drawn border click OK and it puts it back on you can see it's now added these two resources to the sheet and then you can just come back to here and delete and then delete so that's the idea that's how it works that's how the resources work and that's how it places them onto your sheet right the next thing we're going to look at is how to create our own right we're going to start with the border right click on the border folder and then define a new border you can define a new zone border if you want to a zone border if we just right click on this insert border and click OK a zone border is a border with these grids on there they're not essential right some drawing officers want them some clients want them some people don't care either way but the idea behind the zone is that when you're talking to somebody over the phone or you know over email you can pinpoint a zone on the drawing so you can say right there's a problem with Zone B for for example so you go where I West B there's B move along I'll s4 so the drawing problem is somewhere in this region here so that's the idea behind the zone border and then you've got these arrows here at the top left right and bottom those are just fold lines it's for when the drawings been printed and you can fold it just it's marking the exact center point of the sheet of paper so they're not essential we're going to right click on that and delete that off again right so we're going to create our own right-click on borders and then you're going to define a new zone border and what it does is it takes you into the sketch environment you've got to draw your own go to totally run I know we're going to keep it simple in this you can make this as complicated or as simple as you want to it's entirely up to you now you can also paste stuff in from AutoCAD as well because Orkut is is is interlinked somehow in some ways to inventor it's made by the same people fun there's obviously I'm seeing thankfully a lot of hard work I'm sure has gone into it but you can't copy and paste entities between AutoCAD and inventor but we're not going to do that we're just gonna keep this simple so the drawing board is just going to be the outer rectangle so we're going to keep that simple click rectangle and then let's just draw a square or a rectangle like that right click and ok alrighty then the next thing we need to think about is the paper size right what we're looking at here is an a3 sheet of paper by default that's this the sheet of paper again but what if what if I decide I want to have an a1 bit of paper is my rectangle gonna stay the same size do I need to create a different border for like a 3 a 1 a 0 do I need to have like four or five different borders and title box no no you don't know if you want to be an absolute genius you've only be a bro you can link your border to the paper size and it's not as difficult as you might think in the sketch that were working on invent it gives you these little points here at the four corners of the sheet what you can do is you can constrain your border to the points on the paper and all you do after you've drawn your rectangle is click dimension from here to here and then just say this is essentially your margin so you can say oh I wish man we're gonna have a five mil margin and then you it's a bit bit tedious but it's just a one-off thing and click another dimension here link that back to there and then we can go them from here to here and link that back to there and then finally from here to here and then link that back to there okay so now our border is now linked to the corners of the paper at a five mil margin click ok so if you think we'll actually 5 mils maybe a little bit too small you can edit that and then you can say well let's make it 7 mil and because all the dimensions are linked together it'll update them all and you just saved yourself a little bit of time now another thing you can do if you want to at this point because this is the border you can save and create other entities around the outside right in fight you can create whatever you want in here but this is meant to be just the border so you're not meant to draw the title block in this resource this is just purely the outer border but you can't put like bits of text up here if you want to that's what these do they love like you know superseded or do not scale written up here at the top yeah you know do not scale something like that click okay and what I would do because you border potentially is going to scale up and down depending on the sheet size I would constrain this bit of text to that corner as well so just you know put a dimension on here and say that's always going to be you know nine mil from there and your two minutes and like that so it's not going to move and then finish the sketch once you've done that it's going to say right well you've create a border son you create a border well done well done give it a name so we'll call this my border you don't have to put a sheet size in it because it's going to dynamically scale based on the sheet size don't have to put a 3 or a 1 in here so we'll just say this is going to be called my border click Save where's it gone hands where's good well it's just it saved any resources it hasn't been used yet to test it we've got sheet 1 active right click on my border it should be in the resources area and then click insert and there it is looking awesome there it is to test its dynamic scaling you can right click on your sheet right just expand it you can see there's my border there just for clarification right-click on the sheet edit sheet and then you can change the size to a 1 for example click OK ah that isn't that juicy it's not lovely there you go do not scale there's the sheet still got 7 mil margins just take a look at your margins if you think it looks about right then you can leave it if you want to edit the margins you can go back if you want to edit the border you don't edit it in the sheet you can but it's not best you just got your resources just do it from one place edit my border and then you can say right well maybe 7 mil was a bit too big let's change that down to 6 finish sketch yes and then it'll update that border on any sheets that it's been used in looking gorgeous so I'm good right we're gonna go back to the sheet and we're going to delete my border from sheet 1 and that's now saved in the borders resources right you can't delete the default border by the way that has to stay there but you can if you want you if you do up your body you can't delete that off if you want to recreate it again but we're just going to leave it there right the next thing when you create is the title block right this is where it gets a little bit it's not tricky but it's fiddly its fiddly what I'm going to do now is show you a title block from a real company just so you know kind of what a proper title block should look like so this company has changed the background of their sheet to blue obviously it doesn't print blue obviously it's just for visual purposes and the way they've done that is in tools and document settings and sheet is you change that sheet color and the guy who created this template Ede thinked he think tis that it's not even where he thought that it was just a better contrast blue on yellow than sort of white on black I don't know did it years ago it sort of stuck but obviously doesn't print blue but this is what a proper title block should look like so we've got down on the bottle it all references to company obviously because you know take your protection and all that sort of stuff but this is what it's got in like date who designed it checked and approved a few notes the company name down here sheet one of one drawing revision and birth size then like a revision block here where you can add in like revision lines so all of this here is the title block and then this outer ring here is the border this yellow line here is not the border that's the edge of the sheet that there is the border so what we need to create next is this region here now as you can see there's a lot of sketch entities in there and I'm not going to create this many in this video this is just showing you what you would need to create to get a title box so it takes some time to do but obviously it's just a one-off thing you spend your time doing it once and then that should be it you then use that title block hundreds thousands of times in the future after you've done it once so it's worth the time investing to create it properly in the first instance let's shut this title block down and back to our sheet right so this is my title block when it create it so we're going to go to the title block drawn resources right click on title blocks and then define a new title block and then it does what it did with the border it takes you in the sketch environment where you can create your own title block and it's like right oh my god where to start do I need to start it down at the bottom right do I need raw it like in place no no you don't have to do any that and there's this quite a lot of intelligence built into this you can just start by drawing your title block floating in the middle of the paper right trust me on that it will work so we're going to create a rectangle and we're going to create the title box a that's going to be the outer boundary of the title block you can then place dimensions on it to make it the right size this is going to be trial and error to start with because you're not going to be entirely sure how big you on the title block you're not going to be sure on how much text he going to have in it you're not going to be sure on where the text is going to be so you're going to be fiddling with this quite a lot so what I would say is don't over constrain it I don't go nuts with the constraints because you'll just cause yourself problems later on if you do need to tweak a little column or like a little cell you want to move it slightly if you've got constrains all over the place you're going to cause yourself a few problems but it's everything's fixable but it's just you know one of those things so we can create dimensions on this we can say well it's going to be you know 370 mil long it's going to be a 70 ml high that's maybe a bit too small let's make that 80 and then you can start putting divider lines in and text lines in you know the right well this is going to be you know we're going to have one column here we'll have another one here like that and then we're going to have this coming across here and then another one going across there and then you just start building it up by that text is pretty simple you just put a bit of text in like this and then if this is going to be I don't know say for example the date right you have a date header and then the size there's no real rules for the size obviously working two millimeters here but generally all the drawing offices that I've worked in like in the title block most headers and values tend to be two point five mil and text that needs to be emphasized things like part numbers and descriptions tend to be three point five mil so we can highlight that I can say well I'm going to make this two point five mil and then that's going to be the header the next thing I want to do is the actual date value so you would just ctrl-c ctrl-v just paste that move it down you want this to be neat and tidy so you can again use your constraints and say well you know make this horror to that and double click the date and then delete that out right so for things like dates you can link system properties and I properties in your title box as well this is where you start will be an absolute genius so you can drop this option down here and say write properties of drawing date well which which one created date which date is it creation dates there you go add-in and okay yeah you can do that that'll do and then expand this out this here this little green these green grips these are the it's like text box it's the extent of the text so you can just drag that out so that the text never goes further than the the cell that you're working in so obviously if that's done there if this if you would type in information in here the text is now free to sort of expand out into this green box you don't want that you can also right-click on the text and enable the text box and I'll show you the physical extents of the text but this doesn't print you don't see this outside of the sketch environment so it's safe to do that and then you would click finish a sketch once you've finished your time I'm going to come back into this I'm just showing you how to test it click finish sketch and then you give your title block your name so we're going to call this my title block click Save and it'll vanish from the sheet saved into the resources folder so once you've got your title block finished the first thing you would normally do is insert your border and then insert your title block now watch what happens it will automatically snap the book the title block to the bottom right hand corner of the border it's just clever like that it's got built-in intelligence to look at the extents and put it in the right place look at the date this unfortunate this template was created in 2002 so that's the date that it's going to put in there I'm not entirely sure if it's going to use the right day when we spawn a new template from this template and you drawn from this template but we'll look at that one we'll get to it we're going to change the property that our references if we need to so it's not really the end of the world but you can see the cells too big for this for this date entry so we can move these up in the template title block template fiddle with it get at the right size but yeah that's that's the title block created if you want to change the location some companies might want the border the tail block down at the bottom left you can go to the sheet editor sheet you've got this orientation option here you can click the bottom left in a law Tumulty snap the title block at the bottom left so it really is quite intelligent like that and then we can just edit out and put a buck to the right place which is over there on the right hand side right let's just delete these off delete and then delete and then let's go back to my title Bach and edit that again right so clearly the the cells were too big so you can just use you know drag and drop to move them up or you can put dimensions and then you know if you want to probably firm in a but this is where it starts to get a bit weird when you start putting in dimensions because it's not it's not like a proper full constrained sketch so when you do place dimensions and then you edit the values things around the thing that your dimension will start and move and things will start to get disjointed but you'll you'll figure that out when you start working with it right another thing you can do is something called a prompted entry now these prompt entries are really popular with the title blocks so what we can do is go to a text put a textbox in here for example and drop this down and then put prompted entry in enter prompt for field right then this is where you can put in something that you want to be prompted to enter when you create the drawing so we can say I don't know checked check by okay and then copy and paste and then we can put this over here this is a really messy title block but you know whatever approved by but these are prompt entries right what a prompted entry will do finish sketch save that when you insert your title block you'll get a prompt it's prompting you to enter text into those areas so the prompted entry that we typed check by approve by that appears as the property field the value is whatever you type in so check by NC approved by mmm whatever click OK and then you'll see NC and mmm in the prompted entry area most title blocks in the real world are full of prompted entries that's how people are prompted to enter stuff into the title block so that's that's a good place to start for creating your entire block prompted entries it's good thing good thing any prompted entries that you've created will appear underneath your title block on your sheet is a field text it doesn't really make much sense field text book right click on that if you select edit field text that allow you allows you to then change the project entries so you can you know put in a different value and that will update the prompted entry so that's that that's a prompt entry right the final thing which is worth going over is the link into model properties right this is again where you start to go that extra level when you start to be a bro go that one step further and do it properly I know I don't want to add it I don't and let it insert that right let's go back to my title block and edit it right the link in it to the model properties is something you would do for things like the description of the drawing and the part number of the drawings to some degree the revision of the drawing so we're going to create a new bit of text and write-ins put that up here and on this drop down you've got the option to select properties - model if you select that you can then drop down and select eye properties from your model hang on a minute though we don't have a model here no we're predicting the models that we're going to use in the future so you can say right whenever this drawing is used whenever this title block is created and I place a view of the model on this drawing I want the title block to read from that model it's part number then you click this little X that drops it in there click OK so whenever this title block is used in a drawing view is placed this field here will read the part number of that model and that's really useful again titustown the title box a full of these in fact I tell you what let's go back to this other title block here this is the real world title block and what I'll do is go to the drawing resources folder title box this was set up a long time ago this is wrong this shouldn't be the case but it just is let's delete that off delete that off right a three title block edit right this is full of prompted entries and links to model properties so there's the description properties the model description shown here part number we've just done that we've done the exact same thing on our title block and this is it used to affect in the real world part number this is actually a five mil size so it's sort of emphasized quite a lot properties of the model part number we've got things like revision number properties of the model our properties of the drawing revision but that's company dependent those company dependent properties of the model or properties of the drawn revision number and anything else in here scale yeah mass you can show the physical properties of the model there's the standard properties of the model but you've also got physical properties of the model mass so a list the actual mass of the model in the draw and so you can go nuts with this right I'd love to go over every single one of them but I'm not gonna go nuts with it just test it play around with all the different options that you've got let's go back to my title block okay so there's the part number couple of prompt entries and probably is a drawing date final thing I should probably show you how to do is insert an image into the title block because you're going to want your company logo in there somewhere so whilst you edit in your title block select insert image drag a box where you want the image to be select your company logo really important this bit really important untick this never link your images in your title block I'm not going to explain why but you're Beyond for free by type you have a really bad time if you link them if just if you lose the image your title blocks just or fall it bits in that image is easy to lose so if you UNTAC link what it does is then but it embeds the image in it the drawn so you want to make sure your image is pretty small you don't wanna have like a massive bitmap right just have a small PNG or a small JPEG and then untick the link box click open and there's your image insert into the title box you just move that around and grab the grips and what's going on here come on there we go so you can drag that around make that as big or as small as you want it to be and yeah it's pretty much it let's click finish sketch do I want to save the edits yes and then what you would then want to do is save this don't forget we're not creating a drawing here we're still creating the title block template so this is you don't create any views in here we're just pre creating stuff to use in the future so we're going to shut this down I shut this one down and we're back to box standard right so how do we use our template when you click new and there's my tbh my title block double click that and it's now spawning a new drawing from our title block notice it's up here we've got drawn to and in our drawing resources folder and the borders there's my border an entire box there's my title book and we can now say well I want to create a new border and I want to create a new title block insert as you're prompted entries check by me approved by you okay and there's our image size a horrible looking title block but obviously I'm not going to create a nice neat and tidy title block in a tutorial it would take far too long right so just to test the part number what we want to do is create a base view of course I don't have a bloody door let's create a new part new IP T I need a bit of joinery suppose preparation is key my friends preparation is key and let's do this and then I save that into here part 1 that'll do course of course part 1 will need a meaningful part number that would help so let's put a partner in here of a B 1 2 3 4 5 - user 1 so that's our part number click OK save that and then we need to create yes the date has worked so the creation date that we used before has recognized the date the new draw was created 6th of January 2016 that's all good that's all good base view browse that pick workspace part 1 and then ok and then there's our part number linked because we linked properties of the model part number alright that's it that's how you do it that's how you create your own title block your own border and then link model properties prompted entries and the like it's a bad no I know it's a bit of a dry topic it's a bit boring so long-winded is probably quite a few things that I've missed as well but I'll think in the future I should I should mention that but I mean where do you stop it is quite an intricate topic create new entire block you can go really far with it you can do some really clever things with it or you can keep it really basic which is what we've done here and what I would recommend that you do as well if let's just open up our title block again if you've only really got one border and one title block in your title block in your template just pre place them on sheet 1 so my border insert my title block insert pre place them on sheet 1 save your title page save template and then whenever you create a new title block from that template you're still going to get prompted for your prompted entries you're me and you click OK and it's just going to create the drawn all the time always it's going to create that with your border I need to have a block pre placed on sheet1 saves you doing it each time and you really really do that when you've got one one option right let's got a sheet edit the sheet changed at a three just to make sure it's going to automatically adjust yes it is right so this is where you need this a guest fiddle a bit that's an a3 sheet clearly this one was far too big so we would need to just make sure that we lower the size of the title block for an a3 sheet and yeah that's when when you looked at that other title block when you saw at a1 is 0 a 3 a 4 different title box that's because the person who created those templates wasn't happy with the way this the title block sized itself up based on different sheets but it's up to you so if you know that you know the structure of it you can then play around with that to your heart's content so I'm going to leave it there I'm glad with that I think that should be enough to get you going on creating your own title book if you like that video was helpful please like subscribe share it around share the love and I'll see you next time total pip
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 174,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, 3D, Inventor, tips, training, guide, modelling, part, assembly, best practice, Solidworks, AutoCAD, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, drawing, title block, border, template
Id: a8BOXQenA9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 0sec (2220 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2016
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