Custom Drawing Template - Autodesk Inventor Drawing Tutorial | Autodesk Inventor 2021 IN DEPTH

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hey everybody it's alex with engineering applied in this video i'll be showing you how to create a custom drawing template in autodesk inventor if you want more easy to understand and practical content like this made by an experienced engineer like myself make sure you like this video subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications so you don't miss out on any helpful content like this in the future if you're looking for a specific function check the description for timestamps and if you don't find what you're looking for in this video make sure you check out the other videos in my autodesk inventor series playlist because i know you'll find exactly what you need there let's get started okay everybody so here we are in our drawing file and like i said in the intro we're going to be covering how to create a custom drawing template so we're going from the basic ansi template in this particular case so if i was to go up to new here and i get this pop-up here i'm currently using the ansi.dwg file format um i usually prefer to use the dwg because it communicates both with autodesk inventor and autocad okay so um i would suggest if you don't have a preference between either the dwg or the idw go with the dwg it is compatible with autocad so now let's go ahead and take a look at the template so this is the basic template and this is the way it starts out we want to go from this to creating a custom template like this so um i have my custom company title block here and my table of revisions and of course you can add or take away things depending on your particular case but like i said we want to be able to create this template so that when we launch a new drawing we don't have to redo the title block or anything this automatically pops up like this so first off we need to go ahead and understand what autodesk inventor is looking for when we launch a new drawing file so let's go ahead and take a step out to the home screen here and if i were to click this drawing button here so new drawing it's going to launch a document based off of this file here called standard.dw or if you're using a idw file it's going to use this particular file here and so all we're doing is we're taking this standard.dwg copying it saving it as a different name and then making our changes accordingly then when we're ready to launch a new drawing we'll double click on our custom formatted file so in my case it's ea default for engineeringapplydefault.dwg now we can also overwrite the standard.dwg with the new format to allow it to launch straight from this button here and i'll show you how to do that towards the end of the video i typically recommend not doing that personally i like to keep all of the original files as they were in case i need to go back and revert to the original setup so um it's just depends on your preference and we can take a look at that later so the first thing we want to do is we want to open up our file explorer and windows and i went ahead and already navigated to where we needed to be so you want to go to this pc your local disk so this is the hard drive in which your operating system is saved on then you'll go to users public public documents autodesk inventor 2021 templates and then your en us folder within this folder this is where you get all of your basic templates okay so let's go ahead and save the standard.dwg file as something else so what i'll do is i will right click on that file go to copy and then i'll paste it in the same folder and it's going to just give it a hyphen copy at the end just to let me know that this is a copied version of that original file let's go ahead and rename that to something else so we'll just call it custom template okay so now that we've got that renamed we need to go back into inventor and close it out and reopen it so that we can see it populated in that folder so let's go ahead and do that now okay so we're now back in autodesk inventor and if i go over to this advanced tab here you'll notice i have my custom template.dwg file in this location now this is incredibly important and i want you to pay close attention we don't want to launch this file at least at this stage from here okay we want to either launch it from the file explorer window that we had open so we can launch it from here or we can use open navigate to this file in this location and launch it from there let me show you what happens when i launch it from here first so i'll go ahead and double click on this and it'll just take a second to load okay notice the name here at the top it says custom template dot dwg we are now editing the source template file okay now let's go back to the home page we'll close this out we won't save that at this time now let's launch it from here and see what happens so i'll double click on that okay and here at the top it says drawing one so it's indexing this as if i just launched a new drawing file a basic drawing file this is really important if you make any changes here it's as if you're taking the base template and you haven't made any changes to the actual template itself so again either launch it from your file explorer window within windows or you can go up to open and navigate to that same file location that we got to with file explorer earlier and double click on customtemplate.dwg so if you launch it from here or from file explorer you'll get your source template and you'll know that because the name at the top matches your source template name and that folder now let's go ahead and make some changes to this template so that we can see how those changes are saved for later use the first thing i want to do in this particular case is i want to resize this sheet so i'll right click on sheet 1 go down to edit sheet and then i will change the size here to c okay we also can change some other attributes about the page such as the title block location and the orientation of the page itself so now i'll click ok now let's go ahead and make some changes to our title block one thing i'd like to note is that in this particular video i will not be going into depth on how to create a custom title block i do however have a specific video on that subject and i encourage you to check it out because there's a lot of great information in there moving along here we'll go up to the title block folder we'll expand that and as you can see here we have two basic title blocks available to us so the first thing we want to do is we want to open up the sheet here okay we want to right click on this particular title block and let's go ahead and delete it off the sheet so we get a nice clean space here now depending on your preference whether you like to go with a larger title block or a more condensed one you can start with either one of these as a baseline if you like to do so so what i'll go ahead and do is i'll use the large variant i'm going to right click on this i'm going to copy it okay and then i'm going to paste it into this title blocks folder and then let's rename this to something else so what i'll do is i'll left-click in this field and let's just call it custom title block you can call it whatever you'd like but this is what i'm calling it for this video so now what we want to do is right click on custom title block we'll go to insert now we'll right click on custom title block again within this folder here and we want to go to edit okay so now it opens up the editing field for our title block so let's go ahead and just change a couple things here so let's say for example i want to remove this approved section i can do that i'll just delete that and let's trim out a couple lines so i can make a space for a little message down here something along the lines of remove all burrs and break sharp edges for example and then i can go up here to the top and let's go ahead and insert the company logo so we'll go to image we'll draw a little space in here for this image to be dropped into and i'll just pick one of these logos here all right now we can enter some text here with my company name for example so i'll just do engineering applied we'll hit ok of course you can size it accordingly so let's just do 240 on that size all right and so you get the basic idea so now that we've finished changing our title block let's go ahead and go to finish sketch and we'll click yes to save those edits to our custom title block so now that we've clicked yes you can see all of our changes have been saved so the space that we cleared out here in the bottom is captured and we also have our company logo and company name now let's go ahead and make some changes to our default border so what we want to do is we want to expand sheet 1 here so we open that up and we right click on default border go to delete okay now go up to your borders folder right click on default border click on insert drawing border and now we get a dialog box with a bunch of options for the styling of our border itself i'd like to point out that in this video i won't be covering the specifics of border creation however i do have a video on that specific subject so i encourage you to go watch that if you want to learn more about that particular topic so let's say for example i want to double the amount of horizontal zones here so let's go ahead and enter a number eight into this box so before we had four individual zones along the bottom and the top now we want eight i'll leave everything else the same because i want it to have the standard text style text layer and so on and so forth so i'll click ok and now as you can see here we've doubled the number of horizontal zones on the page while maintaining the four vertical zones so you can do all sorts of stuff with the border itself now that the formatting is done on our drawing template what we want to do is we want to go up to the top and click save and like i previously stated we want to make sure that this file name at the top matches the file name of our template that we want to use so everything looks good here i've saved the template i'll go ahead and save again just in case and let's go ahead and exit out of this file so we can see what happens when we launch a new drawing file i'll go ahead and click close here in the top right hand corner now if we go into this advanced folder and double click on custom template i want you to notice what happens so it's going to open this file now at the top it says drawing five so this is a basic new drawing file okay so we're not currently editing the base template like we were before and i want you to pay attention to this down here look we have our company logo the company name and that space we cleared out here at the bottom now before i go ahead and wrap up this video i want to discuss how we can use this drawing button here on the home screen within the basics section here in the top left hand corner to launch a new drawing file using our new custom template so currently when we click on this what it's going to do is it's going to open up that old standard template we don't want that so what we can do is we can go up to close and let's go back into our file explorer within windows and make a couple changes there so that we can make this happen the first thing we need to do is go ahead and open that file explorer window that we were using earlier and we need to overwrite the standard.dwg file with our customtemplate.dwg so what i would recommend doing here is creating a folder um it can be in here or it can be elsewhere so i'm just going to jump up a level and i'm going to create a new folder called history so um we'll go ahead and do that i'm just going to call it history all right let's go back into our enus folder let's go ahead and cut and paste this into that new history folder okay so we're going to preserve the original template let's go back to en us okay so now what we can do is we can rename this custom template.dwg file as standard.dwg okay so we're just going to call this standard.dwg just like the original file was called and let's go ahead and close out of inventor and reopen inventor so that we can utilize this with that drawing button so i'll just go ahead and open up inventor it'll take a second to load here all right and as you can see here we still have our advanced section here that we can go through and crawl through but let's go ahead and click drawing here in the basic section now remember before it used the wrong template but now it uses the proper template so we have a size c sheet with our new title block and our new border format that's all for this segment of the autodesk inventor drawing creation module where i showed you how to create a custom drawing template i really hope that you found this tutorial to be helpful and that you put what you've learned into practice so you can continue developing your skills as you work your way through these lessons also before you watch the next video in the series make sure you subscribe to my channel and turn on notifications to stay up to date on future content that will help you create the future you want for yourself and of course don't hesitate to leave a comment or reach out via my website contact page and let me know if there's anything else you'd like to learn about or see on this channel i really appreciate you choosing to stop by and learn with me and i'll see you again soon [Music] you
Channel: Engineering Applied
Views: 3,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autodesk inventor 2021 tutorial, autodesk inventor tutorial for beginners, inventor tutorial 2021, inventor professional 2021 tutorial, inventor 2021, autodesk inventor 2021, inventor 2021 tutorial, autodesk inventor, autodesk inventor tutorial, inventor, autocad 2021, how to create custom drawing template in autodesk inventor 2021, custom drawing template autodesk inventor 2021, custom drawing template inventor, custom drawing sheet inventor
Id: V2gjpgJQNKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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