Drawing styles & standards editor explained | Autodesk Inventor

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all right let's do this I got to use my lack of enthusiasm drawing 15 join 15 you say yes that's the amount of times I've done this video and we started it then I'd rather sit on a razor blade and then jump into a bath of vinegar then do this again right let's do this let's do this so we're doing styles drawn styles and standards the previous video of this one was a video on how to create your own title block which inevitably spawned the the question what about styles like you had to ask didn't you you had to ask but it's necessary I suppose we need to do this we need to do this right I'll pick myself up I'll pick myself up and all that's gonna be watching this right seriously seriously does it need to be this complicated really though really right like okay let's do it if you've no idea what I'm talking about styles and standards are it's a it's a it's a group of settings which dictate the appearance of your drawing throughout the course of the video I'm gonna probably be coming across a number of different pieces of terminology which all explain the same thing style library styles editor style and standards editor and the design data folder are all the same thing they're all one and the same and if you've never actually seen them before you need to be in a drawing to see them so just shut this down list that's let's go to John 16 there's why not you go to the manage tab on the ribbon bar then you've got a Styles editor right and then this sort console window here this is your style manager right this is the area where you would change settings which then ultimately changes the way your drawing appears different things like layer thicknesses border thickness you can change that I'll change the thickness of the layer that the board is on for example dimensions styles you can change you know arrow in precision decimal places and stuff like that it's all controlled from within this styles and standard editor seems simple enough doesn't it it does it seems even over that's when it ends that's where the simplicity comes to an abrupt stop so why is it so complicated well the reason it's so complicated is because it's because of the way you can control the global style manager right there ok let's take it that's peg it back a little bit the best way to think about these styles and standards within inventor is to make a comparison to dropbox dropbox has it's a cloud storage solution is dropbox right it's got the synchronization thing going on you'd have a you have a dropbox folder on your computer and you would create a file and you'll put it in your dropbox folder on your computer dropbox will then synchronize that file to the Dropbox service so when you open up another computer your laptop for example and you open up Dropbox it'll synchronize that file from Dropbox to your laptop so you can work on your files any way you in the world no matter what PC you're on if you change the file on your laptop it'll then sync the changes up to Dropbox then when you open up that file on another computer it'll sync the changes to that other computer so you've got this sync thing going on that's kind of how the style library works that's the simplest way I can kind of explain it and that's what we're looking at here so whenever you open up a drawing right you've got a drawing any drawing will do you go to the Styles editor what you're looking at here are the local styles in that drawing which is a direct comparison would be the local files on your PC in Dropbox so if you make a change to this style anything in here let's just just do it let's see it working right so we will go to we will go to layers and I'll go to border and I will change the border thickness to 0.004 so it's a visible change that save that and click done now you can see that the the layers changes weren't much thinner so I'm gonna save this and I'm gonna say this deidre G has a in order layer and I'll save that I'll shut the door down open it back up it's still thin I've changed that style only in this drawing right the difference between the style manager and vendor in Dropbox is that there isn't an automatic sync you might be thinking well I'm still not following I'm still not following right well let's just start a new drawing not opening up out of the drawing starting a new drawing look at the layer it's thick again that's because my style manager which is kind of rivets in direct comparison is the Dropbox service that sync hasn't occurred I change that layer thickness in that drawing but my style manager the global Styles still has the old thickness in it so I forgot to manage and styles editor and then let's go to the layers again and then border that's still saying 0.028 because I didn't upload that change from my temp from that other drawing to the style manager and that's where all of the confusion comes in with inventor's styles people change their styles they change everything in their drawings the Logan of a drawn they'll quote the Styles editor they'll change everything to how they want it to be but it only changes it in that one drawing the next time they do a drawing it's all back to the way it was and it's like I have to do it all again I have to do that every single time I started drawing what if you want to change every layer what if you want to change your dimension Styles you text Styles your fonts your text Heights you you know you you or everything you parts list tables have to do that every time I started drawing well if you don't understand how it works then yes you would but there is a way of synching it like you would do with Dropbox and that's kind of where I'm going with this okay right that's the I guess that's the simplest way I can explain it so how do we how do we manage styles while I'm coming across this I'm gonna explain this as if you were working on your own right there's a number of different ways of approaching this you could be a card manager working in an office with 30 people or you could be a guy working in your bedroom by yourself there's a you would approach it slightly differently if you are a card manager working in an office managing 30 people then you probably I guess maybe don't need a youtube video to explain how I would do it maybe you do maybe you're new to it I don't know but you will approach it in a slightly different way anyway right what I'm gonna do is shut this drawing down I'm going to delete that drawn just saw back to default my inventor session that you're looking at here right we're using invited 2016 literally I'm not even joking nothing's changed in like probably since inventor was first conceived it's that old this is such an old part of the program so it does matter which version you working on it hasn't changed but everything's default so the location of the style manager the templates everything is default and I'm working with the ansi style some catering to the american people here for because that's I guess where most people are who are watching this hi from England from London Mike from London who was in Peru God knew both because you Dan you wrote in some in words to that effect so we're gonna go to project and I'm working on my project here I this is a project that I've created it's just in that My Documents folder but all the project settings are default so if you go to your project settings down below and go to folder options you've got a design data folder and a templates folder and if yours is the same as mine which it should be because I am changed it and you probably haven't it'll say design data which is the same as the Styles library equals default right so it's when I'm working on this project inventor is referencing the style library at the default location which is see users bla bla bla bla bla invented 2016 design data that's the folder containing the global style manager so that folder there is pointing to what would otherwise be my Dropbox cloud account that's the the kind of global parent style library which is controlling all the styles and all the new drawings all the styles in all the new drawings coming from this folder here so what I'm gonna do is take a copy of this folder and put it into my project file because what I don't want to do is change the settings and all the styles that inventor installs by default because you can't undo it so it's best to just take a copy of it so we're gonna go up that folder which is have to browse to it see users public documents or a desk inventor there its design data this folder here is my Dropbox account this is the global style library this is where everything's stored whenever I make it change and I sync it up to the global one these are the files that change but you don't change these direct you never never need to ever edit these files directly you do it through and then so we're gonna take the design data folder and the templates folder just to be safe right click copy and then we're gonna work documents the project folder which is in vendor my project folder and then paste them into there right invent is not looking at those yet it's still looking at the default folder so what you do is once you've got your project ticked and selected go to the design data folder right click on that and then edit browse and then browse to documents in vendor Templer provide your project and then design data there you'll do the same for templates right click Edit browse documents invent templates okay and then save right now we're looking at our copied version of the style library and our copy template so we can do whatever we want and it won't change inventor's standard style abbey which is off somewhere else you can have as many copies of the sty library as you want and you can have different projects pointing to different style libraries it you can do that if you want to but will not go there will not go that ok let's click done and we now need to change right no let's let's take it back a step how do we do that how do we work this like Dropbox how do I change the settings in a drawing and then upload those changes so that all my other drawings use the same layers in the same styles and stuff I how do I do that right well the first thing you've got to do is go to the project's select your project and where it says use style library equals you want to right-click on that and then you want to change that to read/write that means that you can now change the style IB when that's set to read only you can't sync changes up to the style library and there's a reason for that I'll come to that in a bit but you click Save click done and then the next thing you want to do is open up your template that you start drawings from so you want to go to open you want to browse the templates folder and then open up your whatever template is that you use standard EBG standard IDW whichever one it is that you use click open and then you now start changing everything to look how you want it to look you can't actually do this and adjourn you've already created if you want to but if you do want those changes to always be from you know your template from your starting point then you need it's best to do it in the template itself so go to manage go to styles editor and then you start changing everything in here so for example the border you want your border to be slightly thinner you can go to 0.04 the title that would be this the layer that controls this region down here you can change that to 0.04 if you want to change all the other things what I can't do in this video is go over every single setting in here because that would take literally a day to do and nobody wants to sit through a video that long so we'll save that other things you can do is change like text height so go to the text Styles note text change the font I don't know Arial or something I mean I don't know I don't know what I'm nothing planned here it's just save that click done and that'll change any fonts that are using that text style to Arial but you can see the layers have changed yeah that layer has changed and let's just do another visual change let's make sure we can actually see something going on here let's go to layer is the border and let's change that color to red and let's save that don't you can see that's change that to red right again right all that's done has that's just changed those styles in this template it hasn't updated the global style manager yet so if I was to save this even though I've changed my template if I start a new drawn from this template you're gonna get a conflict and you may have seen this message quite often when you click new and then start a new drawing you're gonna get this prompt and it's gonna say there's a difference between the styles in your template to what's in the style manager that's what this means the Styles in the style manager is the border still black the board is still thick but the template is red and it's thin it's saying there's a conflict there you didn't upload you didn't sync the changes from your template in your style manager this conflict and by default inventor will always say that the style manager is the boss so when I click OK it's going to overwrite the red and the thin lines with what the style manager is saying the Styles should be because the idea is your style manager is the Umbrella boss it controls everything it's the only way you can work really you've got a single point of contact for all your Styles that's your style manager and if there's a conflict the style manager rules because your cut manager needs to be able to change and override your settings to make things standard it's no good having 30 people in an office working with 30 different sets of Styles no you need one global area where your Styles are stored and that's your style manager but see styles library that will just that we've just copied so that's the boss and that's overwritten what's in the template so how do we how do we actually fix that how do we make sure that we use these settings that have that I want to use in all my drawings in the future well what you do let's open up the template again standard either be cheap when you open that up its opening a drawing is different to start a new drawing opening it it'll always use the local copy of these styles but it still knows there's a conflict it knows that your style library has got a different version of that layer it it knows the style library is black and it's thick but because this is an existing flooring it won't go and change it the last thing you want is to open up a drawing from ten years ago and for it to suddenly completely change in appearance because the style man has just changed in the last 10 years so there's a reason why it doesn't automatically update old drawings but new drawings if the style manager will always be possible right how do I upload these changes into the sty library so this is the standard moving forward well what you do is you've got the manage tab on the ribbon bar an inventor and then you save these styles to the style library invent or then run a comparison and it's sane right well actually these things are all different and quite frequently this is where it starts to get really awkward and complicated quite frequently you'll see things in here that you'll be like I didn't I can't remember changing that I don't remember changing that I don't even it doesn't tell you what's different either it doesn't tell you that border is now red and it's a different value it just says that this style is different and what you do is you say save to the library yes tall I'm the best way to think about this is I am confident that everything that I'm looking at here should be uploaded to the style library I'm confident that this is how I want the style IB to be see say yes to or click OK it'll prompt you and it'll say Compu and done that's why we create a copy of the style library this can't be undone once you've published this into your global style library you can't undo this yes and then save your drawing and then shut it down those styles are now uploaded in the style abyss when we create a new drawing now it's red and it's thin that is now the style moving forward so if we open up a new old drawing so let's say for example let's open up models so these are the sample files I've not done anything with these let's open up a rimmed IDW so this is a drawn which just created years ago it's part of the vendor's sample files this is using the ANSI format it's black and it's thick this drawing was created ages ago but there's now a new style how do i impose the new styles into this drawing my CAD manager has changed the the fonts he's changed the colors he's changed the layer thicknesses how do I push these into this drawing well what you do is you've got the manage tab and then you update the Styles save will push changes in the style manager update goes the other way it looks at the style manager and it says what's different and it'll go well actually all of this stuff is different do you want to update everything in this drawing to suit what's in the style manager yes and click OK and there you go there's your red lines coming through and there's your thin lines coming through anything else that's been changed in the style manager will also filter through textiles parts lists tables leader heads the arrow heads everything will come through right I think that that's the basics of it that is the basics of how the style manager works it's it's it's a lot to get your head around but it does work a fundamental level it does kind of work you will open up your template make the changes go to manage and then save those changes into the style manager right the style manager itself right I can't spend too much time on this I think this videos gone on for long enough already but there is a lot of things you can change in here so for example the default standard in here this is where you start to change various different behaviors within the drawer like for example view preferences you can change where it by default puts text when you create a view above or below do you want the text to be on on a view how do you want the the projection type to be object defaults is quite an important one object default is for example when I create a diameter dimension which dimension style should invent a use and then which layer should have put that object on and you can change all this sort of stuff click the pencil button and then you can start to say well alright well when I do create a diameter dimension I want to use the default millimeters dimension style those dimension styles are here if you want to create your own dimension style you can right click on that and you can say create a new style and then you can create your own dimension style and then change all of these once you've done that you can then purge out any dimension styles that aren't in use just you don't have to but you can do you can just get rid of all the clutter that is in the style manager okay okay I think I think I've I think I've covered about as much as I need to hear what I wanted to get across in this video is the the workings the mechanics of the style manager rather than how each of the Styles work individually and hopefully I've got that across I'm just started I lose the will to live this is really dry it really is it's a boring topic but it's one of those things that once you kind of get your head around it you understand it it you fumble your way through it and it sort of makes sense once you understand the sink you can change something locally and then you need to save that in the style manager once you understand that bit it kind of makes sense from then on once you've once you've done that once you're happy that you've done your style manager and you everything's fine you've got your Styles in your standard setup go back to your projects folder click your project use style library change that back to read-only once that's set to read only you can't upload anything more to the style manager and that's really important in a big drawing office because what you don't want to happen is have 30 people able to upload their own changes if somebody doesn't like the fact that the board is red you don't want that person or just people all I want it blue and upload that in a style manager you don't want that to happen so you change that to read-only and then when they when they work on a drawing the Save button is grayed out so that's it's not an option they can't now upload anything to the style manager what they can do what they can do though is just go to the project file and change that to readwrite but that's when you have to start using your head you have to start look well okay well I'll have to put this project file in a folder and then remove everybody's rights to it other than the card manager so nobody can actually change the project file and that's it a different thing altogether that's that's good enough into a different topic but I think that's enough I think that's enough literally you're a star if you've made it through this far yeah right but hopefully it made sense I'm gonna now go on take a cold shower and probably neck about lavaca and I'm not gonna be I mean thanks thanks very much if I was useful press like subscribe and put a comment down below it was anything else you want to see - yeah
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 60,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, 3D, Inventor, tips, training, guide, modelling, part, assembly, best practice, Solidworks, AutoCAD, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, drawing, styles, standards, style library, dwg, idw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2016
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