Create SPEED in Photoshop!

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hi there this isn't me from vixen perfect and today I'm gonna share with you how to add speed to your photos in Photoshop you see when you capturing a fast object your camera moves with that of the object right and therefore the object doesn't blur the background does and that's what we're gonna do in this video also there are some movements that happen with the object inside the object within the object we need to consider that too so without any further ado let's get started and download this for and follow along check the links in the description now have a look at this photo there's not much space to it the object is too large we need some space right we need to give him some space so let's expand this photo press C for the crop tool alright and we can choose the original ratio original ratio of the image from the top right here let's make it larger hold the Alt key or the option key then when you make it larger it will be made larger from the center so we're gonna make it about this big what do you think it looks alright hit enter or return once you're satisfied now the question is how are we going to fill these gaps very simple you already might have guessed it content-aware alright so first of all let's go ahead and select them by simply choosing this to the magic one two and click once there we go all of it is now selected but if we just zoom in when you use the content aware fill there might be a little gap it might give you a little thin gap we need to avoid that to avoid that we need the selection to dig in a little bit so to make that happen let's go to select and then modify expand we can expand by three or four pixels that's fine let's go for four as you can see the selection is digging in a little bit alright you can go to edit and then content-aware fill click on that if you want to keep it non-destructive you can do it do it that way you can output to new layer but I don't want to make it so complicated so I'm gonna just choose current layer and it does a pretty good job right also we didn't want the subject to be a part of this so we could have just mastered out in this case it already is doing a fantastic job automatically and it's gonna be blurred so it doesn't matter about all of these imperfections here and there so it's fine hit okay it looks okay and there you go press ctrl or command D to deselect now we are ready to add some motion to a photo first of all press ctrl or command J twice one is for the motion blurred background and the second one is for the subject so we need to separate the subject right so let's name the first one subject the one at the top and the second one at the bottom let's name this blurred or motion blur background all right looks pretty cool now one of the most essential things to keep in mind while blurring the background or doing anything to the background adding motion blur whatever you want first we need to extract the subject right so that no matter what we do to the background the subject doesn't get affected so let's select the subject layer we can keep both of these layers turned off if you want to now you can go ahead and use any of your favorite selection methods to make a selection of the subject this is not a selection class so I've already taught how to select subjects in lots of videos and most of them are linked up in the description if you are interested I've already made a selection for this so I'm just gonna simply load that so I'm going to go to select load selection and selection let's load it alright you can use any of your favorite selection methods to do this you can use the quick selection tool you can use select subject the automatic one and then refine it later whatever you want for this one I had used the pen tool if you want to learn how to make a selection using the pen tool there's a complete guide on how to do that definitely watch it it's an old video but very useful so once you have the selection in place you can press this button called the mask button press that now it will create a mask of it alright now you can convert this into a smart object because you're gonna be adding some blur to this one as well so right click on it and then choose convert to smart object alright now this is a smart object now let's turn on both of these you can turn this off turn off the subject for a moment now in the background where we gonna add some motion blur if we directly add blur there's gonna be a problem and what is gonna be the problem ghosting so let me show this to you then you'll understand I'm just gonna add a very simple blur here not the advanced one that I'm gonna show you later so even if we go to filter blur and then even if we choose motion blur and let's choose the right angle all right this looks pretty okay look at the ghosting it's creating let me decrease the value all right now it does look like it's in motion however look at the ghosting around the subject why this is happening let's turn off the subject for a moment have a look the subject is getting blurred too and it's creating that ghosting effect around the edges we want to avoid that so to avoid that what do we need to do first of all let's go back make sure the subject layer is turned off and in the motion blur background layer we just need to remove the subject and how do we do that we just did it content aware fill alright so first of all we need to make a selection of the subject we already have the selection once you have masked out the subject right here you can create a selection from a layer hold the ctrl or command click on the thumbnail of the subject layer to make a selection of it now we need to have a little bit of gap because we don't want to have this line around the edge once we fill in once we use the content aware fill so to have that extra gap we need to expand the selection right let's go to select modify and then expand let's choose somewhere between 2530 what do you think 30 is good look at the gap it's adding alright adequate nice gap just make sure no place any of the object is poking out of the selection we don't want that to happen all right so once you have made sure that happens you can simply use content aware fill by going to image sorry edit content aware fill now it's gonna show you a preview if there are certain areas which you don't want to be a part of the filling you can just erase it on the left hand side right here by the way again I have a complete video on the brand-new content aware fill dialog box you can check it out right here once you're satisfied this is pretty okay hit OK and it's replaced press ctrl or command D to deselect now keep in mind if you don't have the brand-new content aware fill don't worry don't sweat it you can still apply content aware fill let me show you how so let's say you're using an older version of Photoshop which does not have the brand new content aware fill in that case you would simply go to edit and then fill and inside a fill inside of the contents drop down just choose content aware and hit okay and it's not very advanced as the brand-new one but it does a pretty good job but it gets your work done there you go it's good too but I like the brand new one so let me apply that again edit content aware fill I like the defaults let's go ahead and hit OK and it does a pretty good job and it's a bit faster to press ctrl or command D to deselect let's turn on the subject and now let's add blur but before we add any blur we want to be able to have the ability to change the valleys of the blur later right and for that what do we do we convert the layer into a smart object so with the motion blur background layer selected let's go to filter convert for Smart Filters hit OK this converts the layer into a smart object now let's go to filter blur gallery now we're not gonna add that simple motion blur you can add something complex plug gallery inside that let's go for path blur this is a brilliant blur there are lots of variations you can do if you don't want to add a simple straight blur for different projects not for this project you can also add a curved blur something like this you can add as many points as you want so there are lots of exciting things you can do let's not get carried away let's get back to what we were doing so let me delete this delete this point all right so we wanted to add a blur starting from here and going there so we can just make sure that the line is straight all right pretty good now we can increase the speed speed just is what it says the higher the speed the higher the speed will be of this gentleman I don't know if you can hear the crows in the background but I'm sorry about it all right so this is OK so I'm gonna keep the speed somewhere at this let's let me make him go at a very high speed now you might be thinking that's too high that's actually not because we need to work with taper now taper is a setting that helps you fade in the edges of the blur does that make sense no let's take a look at this area or let's take a look at these blurred areas right these stretched areas if you increase the taper see what happens see how the edges fade in naturally right look how the edge is fading without the taper this looks unnatural totally unnatural abruptly ending but with taper the edges fade in pretty nicely it's taking a little while to preview it but you get the point so I think I'm gonna add some little speed not too high of a speed once you're satisfied with the speed amount you can just hit okay now if you want to learn how endpoint speed works I have another video check this out it has path blur explained in way more detail than this video hit okay now that does look pretty good doesn't it now you know it looks strange have a look at this if you zoom into the shadow how strange does it look it looks like the scooter or whatever he is driving is just not on the ground right if you look at the original photo look at this there are some dark shadows under the wheels in addition to the original shadow we are missing that we lost it due to the blur let's turn everything back on all right now we need to add that shadow on top again so on top of the motion blur background let's create a brand new layer and you don't have to do anything complex just take a brush and then sample the shadow color hold the Alt key or the option key click to sample the shadow color and make sure the opacity and flow both are at 100 and take a soft round brush and just dab all you gotta do dab dabbing is the secret of life dab it right there and press ctrl or command D okay now we need to flatten the dab hold the shift key and then just flatten it like this if you're using an older version of Photoshop you wouldn't have to go the shift key transformation shortcuts have been changed lately and it has been a whole lot of confusion but anyway just make it flat this seems to be about right make it a little longer all right now if you place it there how does it look it looks kind of okay not exciting change the blend mode from normal to multiply multiply as a blend mode which darkens now let's move it there with the help of the arrow keys just take it slowly and gradually in there and there you go it looks so much better than before now let's copy the same shadow for the front wheel so hold the Alt key or the option key click and drag and drop it on the front view now we need to make sure that the front wheel is touching the ground not above the ground and for that just move it at the top much better so there you go my friend but it still does look a little strange right how do we fix it maybe I don't know or maybe I do first of all let's merge both of these lists so select the first one hold the ctrl or command select the second one press ctrl or command E and we can name this real shadows now did you notice a strange thing happen once we merged both of them what happened the blend mode got away have a look the blend mode is now normal if you need to change it back to multiply so that's what happens when you merge different layers anyway we also want a little bit of the darkness on the wheel as well so let's make a copy of this press ctrl or command J place it at the very top on top of the subject hold the Alt key or the option key click on the line between these two lists now it's limited to the vo and have a look this area is a little dark giving it a little realistic look all right now you can decrease the opacity if you want to I think it's too high so we gonna just adjust it accordingly and also the wheels are too sharp so we need to work with the masks a little bit so select the subject click on the mask button now take the brush with a soft round brush and I should have given some time to the selection but I didn't anyway so make sure that the mask is kind of soft here as well maybe we want to move the wheel shadow a little towards the top now it looks like it's touching the ground it looks pretty good have a look pretty good doesn't it so without the wheel shadows it does look strange but with the real shadows it looks excellent now wheel shadows let's name the top one as on wheels okay pretty cool now if you look closely there are a lot of things moving besides the background if you zoom in have a look at the leg the legs been pushing the scooter right and it has a movement so we need to add some blur to it as well the wheel spins rotating right so we need to add some blur to it as well so first of all let's add some to the wheels so select the subject layer and then let's go to filter blur gallery and then spin blur because we need to watch spin the wheels right so let's just bring it right here zoom in now as you can see it's lagging a little bit let's turn off the preview for a moment right so that it's fast we can adjust it right now and then once we're positioned once we have positioned it well we can just turn the preview on let's make the circle a little smaller by using this point right there so let's drag it in zoom in adjust it properly now look at these four points in the inside one two three four the blur happens inside these four points so if you bring these four points like this and then let's turn on the preview you will notice that the blur happens inside those points and outside those points it goes from blurred area to zero blur area along the edge so if you want to bring these points to the very edge and then apply the blur yes we do need a lot of blur this seems to be about right so let's turn off the preview because it gets laggy so we know what the values are let's replicate it for the front wheel so we're gonna create one more point right here and then similarly make it smaller you can also stretch it if you want to a little bit here and there and the valley we chose was about 168 to 177 something like that and now if you turn on the preview let's check if both of them look right so let's check the preview now here's what I accidentally did I accidentally moved the center on the Left wheel so it looks strange let's move the center to the center hold the Alt key or the option key click and drag to move the center so let's move it to the center just make sure the right one is on the center as well so to move the center all you have to do is to hold the Alt key or the option key click and drag to move the center now let's turn on the preview let's see what kind of a result it's creating it should be pretty good alright now there might be some disruptions here and there but it's a pretty good result we can actually work with that so this one let's decrease the value a little bit I think it's kind of too much 130 seems to be okay let's set the same thing for the right one sorry the front vo 130 that's pretty fine now that we have added the spindler we also need to add some blur to the leg as well but for that we don't need to add spindler the leg is moving in a direction it's moving along what aa bad so what do we need to add paddler you can turn off the preview for a moment because kind of just lags up everything let's turn on the paddler and then we know the leg is moving from there to there in that direction so something like this and it's also moving along a curve right we know it's moving along this curve so now you can just increase the speed a little bit now let's turn on the preview so that you can see what's happening and also turn off Spindler for a moment so that it just doesn't delay things a value of 9 seems good to me we don't want to move it too much all right let's turn on the Spindler as well and just hit OK let it process it I know it's gonna take a little while now what are the major advantages of working with Smart Objects beside it being non-destructive is that it comes with a mask a smart filter mask so if you open this up have a look we added from the blur gallery a lot of blurs but it comes with this mask so that we can only apply it in areas we want right so select this mask press ctrl or command I right now blur is applied nowhere right so we can take the brush with a soft around brush white as the foreground color of course we can just bring it to this area wheels to this area will refine that later and also to the legs just a part of it something like this see now the blur is looking a little more natural all right you might also want to add a little bit on the clothes so for that you can decrease the flow to about 10% and slowly and gradually paint here just to add a little bit of blur let's say this part of the cloud moved a little bit too fast so we can add that here it looks pretty nice doesn't it gives it a pretty good effect now keep in mind this leg the head they are all still so we cannot add too much flour to it so now let's who work with the views because they look strange we need to of course erase the blur from certain areas so dick black is the foreground color increase the flow and just paint back certain areas which are still now I did a pretty fast job now you can zoom in and just take your time and do it slowly and gradually now I know this red here is blurred to is a part of the blur but that's okay nobody's gonna notice that much but if you want to go ahead and remove that you can remove it by using content-aware fill and then apply the Spindler make it complicated if you want to take your time but this doesn't require that much of a dedication this is a pretty simple image this looks pretty okay have a look once you zoom on this still area is still still good isn't it let's do it with this one now by the way this looks alright but there is something missing you know what it is once he zoom in the blur looks okay but if you have a closer look there is some noise in here but there is no noise in the blurred area because the noise is blurred right so we need to add some noise on top of it even in the background it's all blurred but varies the noise there is noise in the subject but not there in the background so we need to add that as well let's start with the noise of the blurred areas off this subject and there are ways to do it inside of blur gallery as well so if you double-click on blur gallery and in here you will have those options so let's zoom in first of all let's turn off paddler just makes things a lot slower let's just zoom into one of the wheels that would be adequate let's click on noise right there and just increase the amount of noise see it's adding some noise to it now control the amount how much you want to match with the existing ones so about this one is fine you can control the size of the noise so how big you want the noise to be how small you want the noise to be this size is perfect you can control the roughness you can add color to the noise if you want to and if you want to take the noise away from the highlights you can control that as well yeah this looks pretty fine once you're satisfied with the noise just hit OK there you go now look how well it is matching look at the back how well it is matching but I think we forgot something we forgot to turn on the paddler so let's go back to the blur gallery just inside the blur tools make sure paddler is checked and hit OK look at this it looks so much better it even added noise in the path blur areas which is perfect now we need to work on the background as well so we need to get back to the motion blur background let's open that up and double click on the blur gallery to open that zoom in notice the noise on the subject we just need to match that with that of the background so we will click on the noise right there and then just increase the amount this much is fine to me let's check the different areas so let's scroll up and check with the head area yeah it matches pretty well if we change the roughness a little bit it does match up pretty well so let's increase it just a tad bit and here okay once you're satisfied with the amount and this is pretty good so there you go it does look pretty good now there's a problem that I see right now have a look at the edge of the subject it's just do sharp right the masking needs to be a little soft however we already converted it into a smart object remember how can we get back to the original mask of the subject so it's pretty simple if you double click on the subject it'll open up another document with the subject mask all you gotta do here is to blur it so you can use the blur tool and just start blurring the mask make sure the mask is selected not the subject and start blurring it or you can also use the smudge - first of all let's create a black background so that you can see what's happening alright put it at the back and then you can select the mask right there and you can use the smudge tool and just push it in a little bit it also adds a little bit of blur to it okay now after you've pushed in just a little bit you can use the blur tool and just start painting on it pushing it is important because if you directly blur a little bit of the background might show up all right this looks pretty good now let's delete the black background or just simply turn it off press ctrl or command s to save it now it's gonna take a little while you know why because all of the filters is gonna be applied again because the smart object is being updated so it will update it will apply all the filters the blur filters that we applied before so yeah it's gonna take a little while you see that's the price we pay when we work non-destructively but it's worth it because we were able to go back and adjust the mask if he wanted to so let's get back to our document and there we go it's much better now all right it looks pretty good it's already your image is absolutely ready now on top of it you can put as many elements as you want you can put some straight speedy lines if you want you can add some text you can do some color grading so let's do a little bit of color grading on top of it simple color grading so first of all let's make the brights brighter so click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose curves no pixel perfect tutorial is complete without curves you already knew that didn't you so take this slider on the right hand side to the left slowly and gradually and we need to make sure that we are not losing any details to do that hold the Alt key or the option key and then take the slider as soon as you begin to see the artifacts that shows that we are losing details in those areas so at about that we can stop now let's apply Chris warm to it click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose color lookup Chris form has always been my favorite click on the drop-down menu and then choose crisp warm it's making the shadows very dark let's only apply it in the highlights so double click on the right hand side of the layer and take it away from the shadow areas by taking the slider of the underlying layer from left to right it hasn't even been loaded yet all right so take it from left to right hold the Alt key or the option key click on the slider break it apart make it softer this looks nice here okay and there you go just a little bit of color grading makes a hell lot of difference if you want to go ahead and do even more color grading you can do so one of the panels that I love for calibrating and I use personally is the infinite color panel so if you're interested you can check out the panel at big start live slash ICP let me just quickly show that to you go to window extensions and after you install the panel it will be right there infinite color and only care to is to just choose the intensity of calculating if you want just light minimal calculating choose light medium intense intense for intense calibrating and just simply click on create that's all you gotta do you like this calibrating no click on create again by the way we already made a video about this a year ago if you want to check it out you can also check it out right here and check out the plugin at big start live slash ICP both of those links are in the description so we're gonna just click on create again and stop at the ones we like so let's say you like this and but it's kind of too much so select the infinite color group and decrease the opacity and have it a little bit probably at about 25 percent or even 20 and let's rename this to 1 so that it won't change again let's open the panel again and click on create so that's how you stack different collaborating layers and this time you want to go with medium and there's a lot of exciting settings here that you can change to alter any aspect of the color grading and we have already talked about it in previous videos about infinite color panel all right I absolutely love this so let's stop at that select the group again and just apply a little bit of it about 35% all right let's name this too so there you go your speeding image is ready and by the way we talked about some lines you can go ahead and add so you can create a layer on top of the subject take the brush and with a hard round pressure size brush you can just paint some lines in white so with white is the foreground color you can just paint some speedy lines if you wanted to sorry about that when you click and draw the line if you hold the shift key it will create a straight line right something like this and at the bottom of the subject as well if you create one more layer and then you add some lines here whoops it kind of joins the dot when you just don't release the shift key so don't forget to release it so you can do something like this it's also exciting you can keep it turned off turned on whatever you wish it's your image so that's how I add some speed to your photos in Photoshop I hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us and I can also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you might friend don't miss any other feature tips tricks or tutorials let's do a quick little recap first of all all you gotta do is to extract the subject whenever you make any changes in the background extract the subject then take away the subject from the background by using content aware film and then just apply a path ler to it and also you can apply some blur to the wheels poplar to the legs if they're moving and on top of that you can work on the shadows and later you can work with color grading to enhance the effect even more that was the basic gist of it thank you so much for watching and I would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep its imperfect free for everybody forever thanks again for watching I'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep lead you [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 135,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion blur photoshop, add speed photoshop, car speed effect, speed blur, path blur, blur gallery, spin blur, compositing, masking, create shadows in photoshop, realistic motion blur, photoshop, tutorial, adobe, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: vUyf77flNoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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