Create Realistic Wet Glass Effect in Photoshop!

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hi there this is umesh from fixing perfect and today i'm going to share with you how to create a realistic glass effect or a window effect in photoshop using not one not two but three textures isn't that interesting also we can learn some super cool masking techniques and blending techniques as well so without any further ado let's get started [Music] back in the magical world of photoshop and if you want to go ahead and download this photo or any other textures check the link in the description and also keep in mind before we begin a very important disclammatory notice i don't know if that's a word i made that up if it isn't well here is the thing i recommend you i beg you i request you not to memorize the steps just understand the concepts as you go because photoshop is not about memorizing the steps let's say we are creating this glass effect so what do you think we should do first when you look at the image well we need to add a texture of glass over it so we added the texture what do you think should we do next what is a miss here maybe there's very less separation between the glass and the subject so maybe a little bit of depth of field effect or a focus blur will kind of help here a little bit let's add that then what is missing maybe the colors are not matching and then we start matching the colors so that's how we go we don't go step one step two step three that doesn't make any sense we have to make sense and go with the flow so always keep that in mind and with that notice let's get to it back in the magical world of photoshop and the first thing i feel we need to do here is to bring in the glass so i'm going to go to my finder or explorer whatever you want to call it and here i have a photo have a look at this window scene i really feel that we can use it so let's just drag it and drop it into photoshop over the canvas don't make another document of it just drop it right over there now let's make it a little bigger okay just a little bigger now what do reflections do when we talk about reflections on a glass what do they do they reflect light right and what is light it's a bright thing right and what is the blend mode which makes things brighter screen so change the blend mode from normal to screen now it's beginning to look interesting now we need to adjust the position because we don't want all the light over her face you want it to be a little aside so that her eyes get a chance to peek through the hearts of the audience anyway so let's increase the size so i'm gonna go and make it a little more larger so about this and make it bring it a little bit to the side i'm so sorry if you can hear the crow in the background it's disturbing now there's so much light we wanted to take it away from the dark areas of the current layer so double click on the right hand side of the left this opens up the layer styles dialog box now we want to take this effect away from the dark areas not of the layer which is under it but from the current layer from its own layer and for this in the blend if section you're going to take this slider of this layer this current layer from left to right see it takes away the dark areas from that so hold the alt key the option key click on the slider to break it apart this helps us make the transition smoother and i'm gonna make it all the way smooth take both the halves to the extremes and have a look at it it begins to look more realistic but we want a little more light in here right so there's two things we can do we can either increase the light by simply duplicating this layer and making it available in certain areas so that the eyes don't get cover up or the second option and the final one that we're gonna choose is dark in the surrounding areas that will make the light stand out even more we don't want to make it absolutely bright right we want it to have some depth so press ctrl or command j make a copy now what is the blend mode which darkens stuff multiply right so change the blend mode from screen to multiply right there now it kind of looks awkward because the blender doesn't match with it so double click on the right hand side of the layer and we'll do just the opposite we want the bright areas to go away this time hold the alt k the option key click on the slider on the right break it apart and take it to the extreme see the depth we are adding just look at the water it's looking so darn realistic but we also don't want it in all of the areas right so click on the mask button right there okay now take the gradient tool white to black is fine and let's draw a gradient now it does the opposite because the reverse is checked on so let's check it off and we're gonna do something like this now that looks wonderful how do you feel about that it's interesting isn't it also let's add it a little bit in the corner because this area just kind of looks a little unrealistic so we're going to take a big brush okay make sure it's a soft round brush by the way if you cannot see the brush strokes right there just make sure you click on in here check on brush strokes to see the brush strokes with white as the foreground color so i'm just going to dab here and see what happens nothing because the flow is at 10 let's increase the flow and try that again and it's doing something crazy you know why it's doing crazy because the blend mode here is color dodge let's change it back to normal and let's try that again now it's getting a little better but still i don't kind of like it so i'm going to decrease the flow anyway to about 20 and just go around it something like this one more time a couple more times now it kind of looks all right there you have it look at it here's the before here's the after we definitely have come a long way now i would highly recommend that if you're not on a diet go ahead and take a snack break and get back to it if you are on a diet well enjoy life come on anyway so once you get back you will realize that there is no difference between the glass and the subject there is no separating factor in this case i feel that a shallower depth of field will make that difference come alive so let's zoom in first of all and select this subject layer or the background layer let's make a copy by pressing ctrl or command j we always want to have a backup and then convert this into a smart object by going to filter and then convert for smart filters so that we can change the blur later now let's name this blurred let's go to filter blur gallery and then iris blur it really allows us to add blur in such a way that it grows from a certain area of your choice so in this case let's say this is the oval right there or an ellipse whatever you want to call it as you increase the blur you will notice that everything inside the oval is sharp and outside the oval is blurred very interesting so i'm gonna decrease it all the way to zero first of all let's zoom out and adjust the oval according to the face i'm gonna make it a little larger than the face something like this it really suits it up and bring it a little bit to the top this looks interesting let's make it even bigger okay now let's adjust the points accordingly we need to bring it closer to the eyes and so that the blur just gradually grows in in the dimension of the face so hold the alt key at the option key and click on one of these points to bring them closer individually if you don't hold the alt key the option key all of them will move together so hold the alt key on the option key bring them closer so i'm going to bring it closer to the eyes and maybe something like this let's rotate it even more to match that with that of the face and you can also bring it a little bit to the center as well bring this one down as well and now let's add blur so i'm going to go with about 130 ish adds a brilliant blur now to add more mood and drama to it you can even bring this point even closer to make the lips a little blurred and make it look even more interesting right there you can bring these even closer as well just to make the blur look a little more interesting and there you have a very interesting blur right there now still there are some areas which are still very much tack sharp and that doesn't look very realistic have a look at the eyes these areas these are very tech sharp to add an overall blur on top of that let's check field blur and once you click on field blur let's add a little bit of blur not too much 15 might look realistic but we don't want to lose the face so in this case let's add four or five so we're gonna go with four and hit okay right there this is a brilliant blur really separates the subject from that off the glass now i would recommend again go ahead and take a break come back and see what is missing now i wouldn't suggest having a snack every time you go because you will end up gaining a lot of weight like i did in lockdown anyway let's zoom in i feel that there needs to be a little more light in the eyes so what about a little bit of kicker light so just above the blurred layer right there let's create a curves adjustment layer our pixel perfect signature style adjustment so click on the adjustment icon and then choose the curves now we're going to take it all the way up so click on the middle to create a point and take it all the way up just like dj khaled and now select the mask right there press ctrl or command i and take the brush i think it was a different song all the way up it was i think it was dj khaled i'm not really sure but just correct me in the comments anyway so let's make the brush a little larger i think it's too large so let's make it a little smaller make sure it's a soft round brush and all you got to do is again dab in here opposite to the direction of light so if the light is falling right here as you can see the light is right there so just dab on the opposite direction similarly do the same on the other eye just dab with white make sure the flow and opacity both are at 100 when you do that there you go interesting one similarly let's do with the other one okay now you can take it away from the excessive area so paint with black on the areas where it was not supposed to be great similarly let's do it here as well paint with black in areas where it was not supposed to be great now also if you want you can decrease the flow to about 20 or 30 percent and then just paint in the highlight area as well just for a little added boost right there see that now this doesn't look very realistic we still need to add a little bit of blender to take it away from the already dark areas so double click on the right hand side of the limb we definitely want to take it away from the dark areas of the underlying layer because this layer has nothing we want to take it away from the dark areas of the subject right and where is the subject layer under it so we want to take it away from the underlying layer slider using the slider on the left because left side represents the dark areas so take the slider on the left and take it to the right hold the alt option key click on it to break it apart okay hit ok once you're satisfied if it looks too much to you can always decrease the opacity so for now i'm going to keep it at about 60 how do you feel about that that looks realistic and the advantage of adjustment layers and working non-destructively you already know we can always increase the values later or also adjust the curves if you wish to alrighty my friends now it's time for us to match color and the light so in this case if you have a look at the reflection outside the glass if i just show that to you so if i turn this into a normal blend mode you'll be able to see and if i clear everything you'll be able to see the original image have a look at it it's so greenish it has a lot of mood and drama to it you want to add that same thing to the face because it's the same light falling on the face so let's go back to how it was i did it just for demonstration to match the color first of all we need to make a copy of this window scene right there press ctrl or command j or you can bring it again but that doesn't really matter first of all let's place it at the very top let's just discover everything the way it was so let's change the blend mode to normal or just you can clear out everything or there's just one click to do it all to make it normal and that is just right click on it and then choose clear layer style it clears out everything it makes the blend mode normal it clears out the blendiff everything now we need to blur it all so let's go to filter blur and then gaussian blur so much so that it only has color information it still has a little bit of detail so we will increase it all the way high how does 723 look interesting as well we'll go even higher let's go thousand pixels blur so that only the color information and a little bit of light and shadow information stays just a little gradient here and we are going to just name it coloring okay and we will move this just above our subject so just above the blur and the curves that we added right there just right here and we will change the blend mode from normal to guess what you want to color it so choose the blend mode color now this looks kind of too much so let's change the blend mode to sorry opacity to 40 percent also can you guess what the light is falling on it's very simple guess it all right have a look at the light around you and have a look at yourself in the mirror or at a photo where does the light actually fall on definitely in the highlights not in the shadows because shadows are areas where the light don't fall on it is as simple as that so this coloring we will only see in the highlight areas right not in the shadow areas so why not take this coloring away from the shadow areas right so double click on the right inside of the lamp take it away from shadow areas by taking the slider off underlying layer from left to right again we'll hold the alt k the option key break up the slider and take it away that way have a look the shadows have now retained the color and it's looking even more realistic also we want a little bit reds of the lips to come through as well so we'll go to the red channel do the same so in the blend if drop down let's go to the red channel and take it away from the dark ribs as well there you go a little bit more skin color kind of shows through it it looks more realistic and beautiful all right now what next we definitely need to match the lighting we match the color it's time for the lighting so click on the adjustment layer icon and then again guess what curves now let's try to make it a little bit darker point in the middle let's drag it down just like this it's beginning to look more and more dramatic my friends but still uh the highlights wouldn't be so bright right so let's bring down the highlights as well so we're going to bring it down just like this create a soft effect right over there and it's creating a brilliant effect there now i feel that this area is getting just too dark so we're gonna go back again to the mask of the window scene copy right there take the brush and take black again and flow with ten percent we're just going to zoom out and start painting that area to bring back more light over there now it looks kind of more feasible and realistic and we can go with it now it is time for us to introduce the second texture if you look at the glass it's just so smooth too smooth to be real it has to have some wear and tear to it right so for that i was thinking of adding some frozen glass texture or thinking of adding some grunge texture in there but really if you search for frozen glass or things like that you wouldn't find the kind of texture you're looking for so i wouldn't recommend always whenever you're looking for stock photos don't always search what exactly you are looking for just think about the element so in this element i was looking for wear and tear right so for that i thought maybe we should look for grunge textures now by searching grunge textures i didn't find anything exciting and then i thought why not search about a worn out table top or an old table top that would get the job done so the point i'm trying to make here is not always search exactly what you're looking for if you can get it fine if you don't get it think about the elements that you're looking for in this case i was looking for grunge and i found it in the craziest of places so if i go to my finder or explorer you will find this table top right there in no way somebody could ever imagine that we could use it on a glass window right but we can actually use it look at the grunge we can modify it to be able to just make it usable it's a beer table for god's sakes so let's just drag it and drop it over the canvas right over there and we're going to drop it at the very top and just rotate it to our liking let's make it bigger i'm going to place it right there let's make it bigger and we don't want any of the beard thing to be visible we don't want any of the colors we just want the texture from here so what do we do first of all let's rasterize the layer right click on it and then choose rasterize layer and let's desaturate it by pressing ctrl shift u to desaturate now keep in mind whenever there's a scratch in a window it is brighter right so what is the blend mode we're going to use not multiply screen so let's change the blend mode from normal to screen just like this but it's kind of too much i know so let's decrease the opacity to about 15 or 16 something like that would work so let's go with 16 and have a look at the realism right here my friend it just begins to look so much more fantastic with all of the scratches on the glass and no way you could tell that we took it from a bar table anyway we want a little bit more at the bottom so we're going to make a copy of this by pressing ctrl or command j and just a little highlight from the bottom we're going to increase the opacity here a little bit let's go a little higher to about 60ish so that we can see what's happening and press ctrl or command t we can actually make it a little smaller here and bring it down even if these are visible doesn't matter because we only will add here at the bottom look at what looks good in the bottom this area would work hit enter or written definitely we're going to create a mask so click on the mask button right there and again with the gradient right there with white to black let's add a gradient here something like this really adds a lot of drama here just look at it interesting isn't it totally in love with this now it's time for us to add our third texture why do you think we're gonna add it well let's suppose there is cold outside do you know what happens inside just water condenses so we need to add something on those lines on the inside as well so i have a texture right there wet glass overlay let's just drag it and drop it into photoshop so over the canvas we're just gonna drop it now we want it just above the subject so let's first of all adjust it accordingly now that you have it make sure you add it just below the window scene we need to take off the color away and make more adjustments so right click on it to make things simpler we're gonna just rasterize this layer and then press ctrl shift u to take away all the colors definitely change the blend mode to screen now as you can see this is too bright so we need to just adjust it accordingly so create a curves adjustment layer again and whatever you do inside the curves will affect the entire image we don't want that we only want to touch the wet class overlay right there so how do we just limit it to wet glass overlay well just click on this button this will create a clipping mask let's try taking this slider to the right so that the dark areas become darker like this okay to increase the contrast we can give it a little extra curve like this right there now that looks more like it interesting okay now of course this is too much so let's decrease the opacity to about 40 percent okay this looks um quite interesting but then again there are some things we need to do we need to wipe it off from the face we'll get to that later but for now this is what it is let's make a group of both of these so select the wet class overlay hold the controller command select the curves adjustment layer press ctrl or command g and we can just name it wet class inside okay now how about we blur the subject as well according to this texture because whenever there is condensed water inside it just blurs the scene a little bit according to where the water is why don't we blur those areas wouldn't that be interesting so let's do that meanwhile let's turn off this group let's open the group and we want just this overlay again for our purposes so we're going to make a copy of that and take it outside first of all let's take it outside okay and then again clip in the curves because it got detached anyway so we're going to bring it all the way to the top this is just for reference my friends right click on it and then choose clear layer style everything will be cleared blend mode will be normal opacity will be 100 we already talked about it now we only want to make a selection of this foggy frosted areas like this and blur exactly those areas over the subject so for that let's turn it off for the moment and come down right here and we're going to make one more copy of the background layer okay and let's name this extra blur again go to filter and then convert for smart filters hit okay now let's add a simple gaussian blur over it by going to filter blur and then gaussian blur let's go with about 85 we don't want 1000 85 or 90 would look good on this one 85 okay it would be blurred like this if this were absolutely frosted this looks all right hit okay now we only want it in certain areas so again to make a selection let's turn this on first of all and then let's go to select and then color range now those frosted areas are a little bit darker so from the drop down of select let's choose shadows and slowly and gradually we will increase the fuzziness to make sure that all of those areas are selected you can decrease the range and then start increasing the fuzziness fuzziness controls the transition between the areas that are selected and the areas that are not and then you can work on the range a little bit hit okay once you have the selection in place now you can turn this off or delete it it doesn't really matter you can just keep it it's up to you now come down and in the extra blur layer just click on the mask button now have a look at it how more realistic it has become so let me show you without it you won't be able to see can you look at it now of course this is too much so we'll decrease the opacity just keep a little bit of these look at the glass texture right there all right so for this one we're going to keep it at about 60 percent to just have that dust some frosted glass effect right there it really adds a little tiny effect but makes a lot of difference in the complete picture by the way to turn on every layer right there you right click on one of these choose show and hide all layers turn this on and we don't really need the wet glass overlay copy so let's delete it now we still need to wipe this effect off from the face there's just too much texture over there so to wipe off the wetness what do you think we should do wipe it off and how do you think we can wipe it off who hit the mask so here wet glass inside if we turn it off and turn it on we know this is the layer so select this group right there create a mask now you can use any other brushes you like so i'm going to go to my brush you can use a hot round brush or you can use some other kinds of brushes here as well so in the wet media brushes section you can also paint with real oils which is a cool one too so let's try the real oils right there and let's make it a little bigger and you can start painting with black right there just paint over it'll be a little slow because it's a heavy brush right there it has a lot of properties in here but look at how we are wiping it it's taking a little while but look at how we are wiping it pretty interesting isn't it the one that i'm gonna use here is uh one that i recently downloaded from envato elements some watercolor brushes i'm going to link that up in the description so i have it right over here if i can show this to you 106 watercolor brushes these are pretty darn cool i just want to see the tip so we're going to click on the gear icon right there and just check off brush strokes so that we can see just the tip in here pretty cool pretty amazing brushes we can use them i would highly recommend these premium brushes and the advantage of envato elements is is that you get millions of assets not just these brushes but thousands and thousands of other brushes plug-ins presets and all of that by the way if you don't want to pay that's fine too you can also get some incredible brushes from brush as well for free or if you want to manually do it with the brush of your choice you are most welcome to that would be actually the best so anyway let's select one of these brushes and just dab once let's get this job done right there let's go with this one it has a lot to it isn't it so this is a very interesting shape with a lot going on but black as the color make sure everything is at its highest value make sure we have selected a regular brush not a mixer brush and then we pick one of these brushes make sure that the flow and opacity are at 100 you're going to make the brush as big as it will go and then try to paint right there and see what happens so paint with black just dab once and have a look at it looks pretty darn interesting isn't it but we need to make it a little more opaque so maybe we need to just paint in a couple of times so i'm going to do it with the mouse so that i don't accidentally move my pen so this is all right let's move it a little down the position looks all right click once click twice what about third time fourth time all right this was fine this was fine now take a look at it isn't that fantastic now we can make it even more exciting first of all it's very dark so let's make it a little brighter so just above the window scene copy right there we're going to create a curves adjustment layer so many curves right we just love curves now let's make it brighter first of all we see that this area has nothing so we can definitely take advantage of that we can bring it right there to make it all so bright and also just add a little bit of curve to add a little more brightness to it add so much drama don't worry about clipping art is not about worrying about which area has details or which area doesn't have details let's end it off with a beautiful color grade and the easiest way to do that is by using a color lookup table so click on the adjustment icon then choose color lookup you can just try what you like three stiff strip four strip bleach bypass but i really ended up liking crisp warm and take a look if this is not mysteriously beautiful i don't know what is it really makes it beautiful now we don't have to go that extreme let's go with 50 percent opacity if you want a little more you can because i am in love with absolute 100 as well but i feel that the bright areas are just getting too bright so we can always come back to the curves down here and just correct it let's start it from the beginning this seems to be about right take a look so that's how to add an absolutely realistic glass effect or a window effect in photoshop one thing to keep in mind please i beg you please do not memorize the steps because if you try to do that there are so many things we did if you try to remember the steps it'll be crazy it'll take so much time and it'll just confuse you don't do that please just understand the concepts and once you understand the concepts just go with the flow you feel like adding a glass let's bring in a glass then you look at it and then see what's amiss here then you add that particular effect then with the flow you feel that there needs to be certain color grading done you do that color grading just go with your flow doesn't have to be in this order doesn't have to have the same steps i did this so that you can understand the concepts of how certain things are being done and achieved that's it and from there you are the artist just take it forward make it go just make sure as you're creating it the more non-destructive you make it the better because after a break when you come back you'll see certain things and you'll want to make changes so try to make it non-destructive try to take breaks and even now if i try to take a break and come back to it i will have some changes to make to this one as well so go with the flow understand the concepts and keep creating i hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you don't miss any other future tips tricks or tutorials i would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep pixelm perfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for watching i'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you you already know it keep creating [Music] you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 195,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: piximperfect
Id: Y9yPGjtd8fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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