Create a Realistic Gaming Chair - Blender Tutorial

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in this tutorial series we will be creating this nice realistic gaming chair from scratch in the first part which is this tutorial we will focus on modeling our gaming chair from scratch by following an easy step-by-step guide next we will learn unwrapping and texture painting and finally we will learn to rig our gaming chair and this is the final result that you're going to be able to achieve by the end of this tutorial series all right so the first thing that i should do is to bring the blueprint so i'm going to just click here and i'd like to delete everything so i'm going to press a x and delete all the objects that we got in our scene and let's go back into this these blueprints i'm going to simply drag and drop the first one the front blueprints you're going to find these in the resources i'm going to press in and i'd like to reset the location as well as the rotation so i'm gonna just select all these locations press zero to have it right at the center and same thing here for the rotation let's just select all these items zero and press enter so what i'll actually do right now is to press 1 to jump or to hover over the front view which is here i'm going to try rx and i'd like to spin it by 90 degree and just type 90 and press enter so now we got it on the front also i'd like to set or to put the wheels on this line so i'm gonna just do this so gz and take it all the way to the top also i'd like to reduce a little bit the opacity of our image structure so we can jump here into the image object as a properties and i'll click here on this opacity i'm going to check it and reduce it to something like point 75 all right so now we can see through that image which is awesome i'm going to just move it down just a tad so that the wheels can match with the x-axis alright so now it's time to bring the second blueprint i'm gonna just exit that mode and i'd like to bring the second blueprint which is this one i'm gonna repeat the same steps first i'm gonna reset the location as well as the rotation so rx let me spin it by 90 degree and also rz i'd like to spin it by 90 degree again same thing here for this object as a properties i'd like to set the opacity to 0.75 excellent so i'm going to just go to the side i can press 3 and i'd like to move it up until it matches the wheel is gonna match with the green axis which is the y axis a little bit up and basically that's it's excellent just move this one backward this one to the side like this all right so let's go ahead and start the process of modeling our chair so i'm gonna press one to go to the side here and i'd like to start with the mesh so it's gonna be just a plane so shift a let's go to mesh plane so the rear we got our plane so basically all i need is just one vertex to start modeling our chair so here on the edit mode i'm going to be selecting make sure that we are on the vertex mode i'm going to be selecting only one vertex and i'm going to press ctrl i to reverse the selection so that we can select every other one and press x and dissolve or delete vertices so now all we have is just one vertex all right so so i'm going to press one to go to the side and on this mode i'm going to be selecting my vertex and i'm going to take it all the way to the top here gonna start from this position but also i want you to make sure that your chair is right at the center it's a little bit off here so i'm gonna just try gx try to move it sideways to make it centered something like this so now it's pretty much good it's right at the center of our grid all right so let's select our vertex and i'm gonna start from here i'm gonna press e to extrude and i'd like to continue this path like this so i'm gonna just stick so make sure to use just fewer vertices so just continue this turn all the way to the bottom all right so we got the exterior edge of our chair done so what we need to do right now is to add the mirror modifier so that you can mirror this mesh on the other axis which is the x-axis so to do that i'm going to be jumping here into this modifiers and i'd like to add the mirror the mirror modifier so make sure that it's on the x because here this is the x axis we are mirroring on x so if you are on the y for example you can choose the y axis so i'm going to just go here with the x axis i'm going to press 1 and i'd like to show you a problem that you might face so if we select for example this one vertex and if you try to move it it's going to go beyond the center so actually we don't want that we want to stop right at the middle which is here so to do that we need to check this clip in i'm going to just check it and basically if we drag that vertex it's going to stop exactly at the middle so i'm going to need to do the same thing for the bottom so i think yeah this one over here i'm going to just take it a little bit forward sideways to the left side until it connects it matches with the other one all right so now it's time to jump on the side view so i'm gonna press three to jump on the side view and i'd like to start to weaken it so as you can see the side view is not perfect so i'd like to do is to simply bring it down so gz i'm gonna try to bring it down like this all right so now let's do is to select our wi-frame object this this mesh that we just created and just go to the side by pressing three and on the edit mode i like to move it forward so basically to follow this curve that we got here this nice curve so to do that perfectly i'm gonna be enabling the proportion editor so this tool allows us to move vertices while having effect over the nearby vertices so this happens inside the range you can control this given range by scrolling your mouse up or down alright so now i'd like to start adding details on the inside of our chart so i'm gonna press one to get back to the front so as you can see we have a perfect match here on the corners of our chair so under this mode i'm gonna be for example selecting one vertex shift d i'm gonna place it for example here and i'm gonna try to extrude extrude for example this and after that i'm gonna extrude all the way to the bottom here so make sure to add one vertex for each uh edge that we got here so extrude again here another extrude and there's no need to make it's perfect not that extrude i believe we have in another extrude over here finally we can add the last one i'm going to just connect to this bottom vertex so you can press select them both and press f to fill so here on the inside i like to start creating this nice shape so for example you can select one vertex and i'd like to press e to extrude it and i'm going to take it all the way here and i would like to add another extrude to extrude and connect it like this so that you can have that smooth end so i'd like to do the same thing to all these edges so let's repeat the same steps also for this top window i'd like to start modeling it so i'm gonna just for example start from here gonna press e to extrude and continue all the way to the end like this all right so basically there we go so we got right now the skeleton of our chair so what i'd like to do right now is to add more details to this object so right now you can see that it's a low quality mesh so here on the modifiers i'm going to be adding the subdivision surface now you can see it has more details i can just pump up the level view port or two so now as you can see we have some very nice looking shape that looks awesome so this is gonna be making a great start for our chair so the next step is to jump on the side i'm gonna press three to jump on the side and we need to and here i like to do is align these vertices with the back side of our chair something like this all right so now let's do is to start filling these gaps that we got here so on the edges mode i'm going to select two edges press f to fill and also here select these two press after fill alright so i'm gonna be just doing the same thing to all these faces that we got here so simply repeat the same steps you can press one to go to the side to make it easy press f and continue doing this all the way to the top for example here on the top it's a little bit tricky i'm going to just hide the subdivision modifier so that you can better see these edge lines so for example i'm going to just let me just remove dissolve this vertex this one we can move it to the center so we need to use fewer uh vertices so that you can have better geometry all right so let me just take this one up like this this one down awesome can bring back some division to check that out okay so i'm gonna insert double edge loops right here select four vertices press f to fill and continue this way all right we got these you can insert another edge loop right here okay press f and basically got it we filled that gap so same thing here on this side i like i want you to do this so for example let me select these four vertices press f to fill and basically just continue like this you're gonna be selecting every four vertices and pressing f to fill that space so you can also add additional edge loops in case you need them so that you can make the connection much more easier and smooth so same thing here for the top you can just select every four vertices and press f to fill them also make sure to fix the gap that we got in our share it might get messed up along the way so just fix it all right so our next move is going to be to extrude this object give it some depth so i'm going to select everything on the edge mode so press e and extrude backward like this something like that you can give it less depth all right after that i'm going to just bring back the subdivision take a look at this looks awesome i might want to bring it backwards just a bit all right so now what we need to do is to start working on the smallest detail so i'm going to press one to go to the front here on the edit mode i'd like first to define this edge that we got you can see that here in the reference so let me just bring it closer a little bit you can see this edge here it's more defined so we need to do the same thing on our mesh so ctrl r and i'd like to insert an edge loop like this so right and as you can see it's more defined the next thing to do is to define this shapes these shapes we got here so with this one selected let's press one go to the side here i'm gonna press z switch to the wireframe so that you can see which points to select make sure that you are on the edge selection mode and let's select for example these three edges i'd like to just hide the subdivision gotta make sure to select everything first and after that i want you to do the bevels ctrl b to bevel these sections like this and after that the next move it's gonna be to insert multiple edge loops over here so ctrl r that's the first one ctrl r here so continue continue all the way to the top like this all right so the last move it's going to be to select all these edges so i'm going to press shift and alt to make sure that everything is selected here so the last thing to do is to move these inside so i'm going to grab the y axis and try to move them inside like this all right so let's bring back our subdivision modifier to see that change as you can see it looks pretty much good i really like the final results all right so for other details i'd like to bump a little bit this side here so under this mode i'm going to be inserting a new edge loop for example here and i'd like to grab only for example start that's the first one control the last one and try to move it outside like this here i'm gonna just bring it back backward probably a little bit down and basically that's it so it looks bumpy and we got some nice details going on here all right so let's create this object it's gonna surround this hole that we got in our chair so on this mode i'd like to jump onto face mode here and i'm gonna press all to select the entire row of faces and type shift d to duplicate this bar so i'm going to press b and separate selection after that with that object selected what i'd actually do is this i'm going to be adding uh for example let's add the solidify modifier to give our object some depth like this and after that i'd like to give it the bevel so let's add a new modifier it's going to be the bevel all right so let's work on is better to make it fits our object our chair all right so for the last detail that i'd like to add is this strip that we got around our chair it looks really good it gives our chairs some nice details that makes them looks good so on the edit mode i'm going to be inserting a new edge loop here on the middle so control r like this and what i'd actually do for example i'm going to try to select these try to bring them back a little bit probably a little bit down so we need to have dutch corner a little bit sharp okay something like that so on the edge mode i'm gonna press alt to select this entire row shift d right click just cancel that and press b separate selection so now we got that edge line like this let me just grab it all right there we go so i'd like to apply the mirror modifier and the subdivision and what i like to do is to convert this object into a curve so you can understand why i'm doing that in just a second so i'm gonna go here to object converge into a curve here in the curve properties or the object data properties i'm gonna scroll down to the geometry tab you can click on it and i want you to change this depth value so let's set it for example to 0.01 all right excellent it looks awesome all right so our next move is going to be to start developing the base or the bottom of our chair so i'd like to do is to jump on the side let me show you so we need to create this section here this part so what i'd actually do is to create a new plane so shift a mesh plane i'm gonna just on edit mode try to take it up for example here and let's divide it into two parts ctrl r like this and i'm gonna just delete the second part x delete and what i'd like to do is to combine it with our chairs which we can so that this mesh or these planes can inherit all the modifiers that we got the subdivision modifier and the mirror modifier so select the plane first shift select the chair and try ctrl j so now it's going to be combined into two one parts after that i'd like to separate it so on edit select this unit this plane and press b separate selection all right so let's get to work i'd like first to develop the edges of our plane i'm gonna just take it backward here and i'm gonna do this so easy to go up so we need to create this kind of uh exterior edge like this i'm gonna take it up also here i'm gonna be selecting those bring them back right here all right i'm going to press 3 to go to the side so i need to have it well aligned i'm going to just take it to the bottom for example here and let me just switch the wireframe try to bring it forward alright so here i'm going to be inserting an edge loop so ctrl r let's bring it right here i'm going to take the top like that so we need to match the same line that we got in our blueprints there we go nice i'm gonna just check it from the outside looks awesome so here i'd like to move it backward you can insert another edge loop here just like these two move them back like this for those you can move them forward all right so we need to avoid any kind of clipping clipping problems all right after that i'd like to extrude this object so under this mode select everything press e and extrude them like this i'm going to take it to the bottom a little bit right click and shade smooth alright so let's work here on the chair base so i'm going to duplicate just one face to start with extrude it up and keep adding edge loops to define the corners of that chair base for the front here i'd like to add another edge loop to lift that front up and it's going to look nice here on the side we can add this nice stitch sculpt because it's going to be helping us later on when we're going to be doing the texture painting so for these share handles we're going to be relying on the side blueprints we're going to just press 3 to jump on the side so we're going to start by one vertex and keep extruding it along with that handle blueprint edge and just keep pressing e to do all that extruding and also make sure to add the subdivision modifier to have that higher quality curve line next we need to extrude this edge inward and start filling the face these faces by by selecting every four vertices and pressing f the f key to fill that empty space next we will extrude the inner edge and fill it to create this nice insets all right so now let's do is to start working on the pillows i'd like to add two kind of pillows one on the top and one on the bottom so i'm gonna just start with a simple cube and what i should do is to just stream it a little bit after that i'd like to add the subdivision modifier but also here i'd like to use the mirror modifier so that we can only work on one side you can add that and keep adding edge loops to your pillows until you got that initial shape that nice looking shape so just continue the video and you're gonna see that and basically that says we got our share model so our next step is gonna be to start texturing so i'm gonna see you in the next coming tutorial take care
Channel: Reality Fakers
Views: 31,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BkwV5I4uR3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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