Procedural Asphalt Material (Blender Tutorial)

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in this tutorial i will show you how to create this procedural asphalt material in blender if you'd like to purchase this procedural material then you can do that over on my gumroad store and my patreon page i'll have the links in the description and that's also a great way to help support me and this channel you can also check out my blender procedural material packs if you'd like to purchase more of my materials and after this tutorial if you'd like to learn how to create more procedural materials then you can check out my blender procedural material tutorial playlist where i show you how to create all of my procedural materials so real quick i'm just going to show you how i set up the 3d scene so i pressed shift a and i added an ico sphere and then when i added the icosphere i subdivided it so that it's very nice and smooth and then i also added a camera and i pointed the camera right at the icosphere now for the lighting i added in these two objects right here so these are just some objects pointed at the sphere but then i gave them some emission materials so i gave this plane right here an emission material with a strength of five just to give kind of a rim light on the back side of the sphere and then i also added this object right here with an emission and a strength of 100 just to give some nice bright lighting on the ico sphere and then also to get some nice realistic lighting and reflections over here on the world i added in this machine shop zero two 1k hdri so this is a free hdri from links in the description if you'd like to download this so you can add a new world and then you can click on the yellow dot next to the color and then you can click on environment texture and just open up the hdri this is going to give some nice realistic lighting and reflections on the object and then i will also be using the node wrangler add-on in this tutorial so if you don't have that enabled just click on edit and go to the preferences and then over there in the add-ons tab you can just search for the node wrangler and just check mark the node wrangler add-on all right so i'm going to select the sphere right here and i'm going to click on new and i can just rename this to asphalt so to start off i'm going to press shift a i'm going to go to the search and i'm going to search for a voronoi texture let's just drop the voronoi texture right here and then to preview the voronoi texture i can control shift and then select different nodes and that's using the feature from the node wrangler add-on and it's going to preview the texture or the different nodes on the object and then with the voronoi texture selected i can also press ctrl t and that is going to add the texture coordinate mapping that's using another feature from the node wrangler but then this mapping node right here i don't really need this so i can select the mapping node and press x to delete it and then i want to use the object coordinates from the texture coordinate so let's take the object and i'm going to put that into the vector and i'm using the object coordinate so that it will place the texture on the object more evenly so now let's change some settings on the voronoi so i'm going to click on the f1 and i'm going to instead change this to smooth f1 and then make sure if i open this up make sure the smoothness value is set to 1. and then i'm also going to click on the bottom drop down right here and i'm going to change this to the minkowski and then right here on this exponent i'm going to turn this all the way up to the max which is 32. so now you can see the texture that we're getting now this doesn't look very natural and it doesn't really look much like asphalt or concrete and so i want to put another texture in here to distort this texture so i'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and i'm going to search for a noise texture and i'm going to drop the noise texture right here between the texture coordinate and the voronoi so now the noise texture is going to distort the placement of the voronoi now on the noise texture here i'm going to turn the scale to like an 18 and then i'm also going to turn the detail all the way up to the max which is 15. and then i do want to add a little bit more roughness so i'm going to turn the roughness up to like a 0.6 so now it's distorting it a lot and that texture does look pretty cool but it's distorting it too much so what i'm going to do is press shift a i'm going to go to the search and i'm going to search for the mix rgb node and i'm going to put this node after the noise texture so i now want to take the object from this texture coordinate and i'm going to put that into color one of the mix and then this noise texture here the color from the noise texture is going to go into color 2. so i can now drag the factor value and you can see if i turn it all the way up to 1 it's fully using the noise texture but then if i turn the factor all the way to 0 it's just using the object coordinates now you can see when i drag this it's kind of moving the texture around so to make it so it's not moving the texture around i can click on this mix here on the mix rgb and i can change this to linear light so now if i drag the factor value around you can see that texture isn't really moving but it is transitioning between the noise texture and the object so i'm going to turn the factor down to just like a 0.1 and that way it's mostly just using the object but it's using a little bit of the noise texture so now if i zoom in there you can see there's just a little bit of noise here and there if i turn it all the way down to zero you can see it's just using the voronoi but if i turn the factor to 0.1 now there's just a little bit of noise here and there and then i do want to turn the scale up on this voronoi texture so let's turn the scale up to like a 10. so that is much better so now we have a really cool texture here and we're going to use this as the base color of the asphalt now this is just white and black and so i want to make it dark colors i want to make it dark gray colors so to do this i'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and i'm going to search for the color ramp node let's click on the color ramp and i'm just going to drop it right in here after the voronoi texture and then the distance value from the voronoi can go into the factor and just make sure you control shift and select the color ramp so i can now change these colors in here in the color ramp and that's going to change the colors of the base color of this texture so just click on this black tab and i want this color to not be fully black i just want to make it a very dark gray so i'm going to turn it up a little bit and i do want to make this color just very very slightly brown so i'm going to bring it over slightly to the yellow and orange and if you'd like to use the exact same color that i'm using you can go to the hex value and you can punch in a hex value of 1a1817 that's the exact color that i'll be using and then i'm going to click on this color right here this white color and i'm just going to make this kind of a lighter gray but it still will be pretty dark and the exact color that i'm going to be using over here on the hex is going to be 4d 4d 4d all right so that's the color that i'm going to be using so i can now just take the color and let's put that into the base color of the principled and then i can control shift and select the principle to preview that and already that is starting to look a little bit like asphalt or concrete now i do want to keep my nodes very well organized so i'm going to press b for the box select i'm just going to box select all these nodes and then i'm going to press ctrl j and that is going to join the selected nodes into a frame and i can just select the frame and then i can press f2 to rename the frame and i'm just going to rename it to color totally optional you don't need to add the frames but i do want to organize my nodes very well so i now want to create a cracks texture and then we're going to be adding the cracks texture into the asphalt so to start off i'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and i'm going to again search for a voronoi texture and let's drop it there and then i can ctrl shift and select the voronoi to preview it so to make the cracks i'm going to click on the f1 right here and i'm going to instead change this to distance to edge and now you can see we have some cracks now i want to distort it to make it more random because right now they're pretty straight so let's first take the object from the texture coordinates we're going to put that into the vector so it's using the object coordinates but then to distort it i'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and i'm going to search for a noise texture and we're going to stick the noise texture right here before the voronoi and then i want the color to be going into the vector of the voronoi and then on the scale here on the noise texture let's just turn this to like a 2.5 and then i also do want it to be very detailed so let's turn the detail all the way to the max which is 15. so now you can see the cracks are much more random and have a lot more noise in detail let's box select these nodes and i'm going to bring them down a bit so i don't want there to be tons of cracks all over i just want there to be some cracks here and there so i'm going to be adding another texture and then we can use that as a mask just to make some parts here and there have the cracks so i'm going to click on this noise texture and i'm going to press shifty to duplicate it and i'm going to stick it right above this noise texture and then i want to take the object and let's put that into the vector and then also i want to add some reroutes here because i'm going to be using the texture coordinate for a few different textures so to add a reroute i can hold down the shift key and then i can right click and drag and i'm going to drag a line around those two wires and let go and that is going to add a reroute and i can just drag the reroute into the frame and then also right here i'm going to hold down the shift key right click and drag and let go and that's going to add another reroute and i can just bring this one down there so then i can control shift and select this voronoi texture to preview it now i want to make this more contrasty because we're going to be using a mask to make some parts of the voronoi texture disappear so i'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and i'm going to search for a color ramp and i'm going to stick this color amp right here so that we can preview it so i'm going to just take the black tab and i'm going to drag this way over kind of into the center so now most parts are black but we just have some bits here which are white so i now want to mix this color amp in with the voronoi texture which is the cracks so i'm going to select the color ramp hold down the shift key and select the voronoi texture i can now press ctrl 0 and that is using a feature of the node wrangler and that is going to add this mix rgb and it's going to plug both of them up now this color ramp i actually want to put it into the factor and then what i want to do is take the voronoi and i'm going to put that into color 1. so then color 2 here i can click on color 2 and i'm going to make this fully white so now you can see the cracks are still there here and there but they're not in as many places because if i control shift and select the color ramp you can see wherever there is white areas that is where there's going to be less of those cracks although you can see this noise is pretty big and so i want to make the noise smaller so on the noise scale right here i'm going to turn this to like a 4.5 and now you can see that there are more areas where there's noise so i think a 4.5 looks pretty good alright so i now want to join these all together into a frame so i'm going to press b for the box select just box select these nodes and then i can press ctrl j and that is going to join them together in a frame so i can just select the frame and then i can press f2 to rename it and i'm going to rename this to cracks all right now there is a third group of textures that i want to make and that is going to be some little damaged areas in the asphalt so to start off i'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and again i'm going to search for another voronoi texture and i'm going to stick it here and then i can take the object and we're going to put that into the vector and then i can ctrl shift and select the voronoi texture to preview it so for this one i'm also going to click on the f1 and i'm going to change this to distance to edge as well and then i'm going to click on the 3d and i'm going to instead change this to 4d and i do like how that looks better so this texture right here is going to be the little rocks and pebbles which are underneath the first layer of asphalt or concrete so i'm going to take the scale right here and i'm going to turn this to a really big value of like 110 so 110 and now if i zoom in there you can see these are going to look like little bits of rocks or pebbles and little chunks of concrete as well now if i zoom in close you can see they are still pretty smooth and sharp on the edges so i want to distort it a little bit so i'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and i'm going to search again for a noise texture and let's stick the noise texture right here between the texture coordinate and the voronoi and that's going to distort the voronoi but again i don't want it to be distorting a lot so let's press shift a i'm going to go to the search and i'm going to search for a mix rgb let's click on the mix rgb and i can put it right in here between these two textures and then i want to add a reroute here so again hold down the shift key right click and drag and then let go once you've dragged over that wire and that's going to add a reroute so i'm now going to pull out a wire from this reroute and i'm going to put it into color one of the mix and then i'm actually going to take the factor from the noise texture and i'm going to put that into color 2. and then let's just do some noise texture settings so on the scale here i'm going to turn this up to like a 20 and that way it has a lot more scale and then i will also turn the detail all the way up to the max which is 15 so it has lots of noise and then i do want to add a bit more roughness and detail so let's turn this roughness value up to like a 0.6 so there's even more roughness now if i drag the factor value you can see that again it's moving the texture around a lot so i'm going to click on this mix right here and i'm going to instead change this to linear light and that way if i drag the factor you can see it's not moving it around as much now this is like way too distorted and so i want to make this effect very very subtle because i mostly just want it to be this voronoi texture but i just want the noise texture to distort it just a little bit so on the factor right here i'm going to turn this to a value of .02 so just .02 but now if i zoom in there you can see there's definitely some noise and so that's just going to distort it and make it look more natural now i don't want the rocks and pebbles to be all over the place i just want these little rocks and pebbles to be in some places where the asphalt is damaged so i need to create another texture so i'm going to take this noise texture and i'm going to press ctrl shift d so control shift d is going to duplicate the node but keep the wire plugged up and then i can control shift and select the noise texture to preview it so i just want to make a mask for where the damaged parts are so i'm going to turn the scale way down just to like a 3.5 so it's much smaller and then i'm going to take the roughness and i'm just going to turn this down to like a 0.5 and that way it's just back to its default roughness all right now this is very very subtle so i want to make it more contrasty so i'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and i'm going to search for a color ramp and i'm just going to stick the color ramp right here after the noise texture so i can now click on both of these colors and i can start to drag them together here on the color ramp and that's going to make them more contrasty so i'm going to bring the black tab out to about here and then i can also bring the white tab even closer so now where those black parts are that is where the damaged parts are going to be so if you want to have a lot more damage then you can drag these out like this and have much more damage or if you want there to just be a little bit of damage you could drag this over so there's just a few spots here and there i'm going to drag this over to about there and to about there so this voronoi texture that is the pebbles and the little rock chunks but then the color ramp is where they're going to show up so i want to mix them together so i'm going to select the voronoi hold down the shift key select the color amp and then i can press ctrl 0 control 0 is going to add the mix rgb but i just want to add the light values so i'm going to click on the mix here and i'm going to go down and just change this to lighten and then the voronoi texture is going to go into color 1 and then this color ramp is going to go into color two and then i can turn the factor up to one so now if i zoom up close you can see that those little rock chunks and pebbles are only showing up in the black areas of this color ramp so they're just going to be in some spots here and there all right so i can now join these together into a frame so i'm going to press b for the box select just box select the nodes and then i can press ctrl j to join them together into a frame and then if you select the frame you can press f2 and i'm just going to rename this to damage all right so if i zoom out here you can see we have the color and then we also have the cracks and then we also have the damage so i want to join them all together so i'm going to box select these nodes and just kind of bring them farther away so that we have more room so i'm first going to join the color and the cracks so i'm going to select the color ramp hold down the shift key and select the mix here on the cracks and then i can press ctrl 0 again and that is going to join them together with the mix rgb i can click on the arrow to open up the mix rgb and just bring it over and then make sure you control shift and select the mix rgb to preview it so i just want to add the dark values so i'm going to click on the mix and i'm going to change that to darken and then the color ramp from the color is going to go into color 1 and then this mix here from the cracks is going to go into color 2. so because we are just adding the dark values i can turn the factor all the way up to 1 and now you can see that there are lots of cracks here and there and then i should have mentioned this earlier but if you don't want to have as many cracks you can go right here to the color ramp on the cracks and you can drag the black tab farther away from the white tab and you can see there's going to be more cracks or there's going to be less cracks so you can kind of drag that around and play with the amount of cracks that you want so we've joined these two together with this mix rgb but i now want to join the damage together as well so i'm going to click on the darken and i can press shifty to duplicate it and let's stick it right here so we're going to stick it after the first one so i can now take the lighten and i'm going to plug that into color 2 and then this darken is going to go into color 1 and i can control shift and select it to preview it now if i zoom in here you can see the little pebble showing up but where that area is damaged i just want it to be super dark because where it's damaged i want that to be just like a darker color to kind of look like little bits of cement and rocks and pebbles so what i'm going to do is add a node in here to make it darker before it goes into the darken so i'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and i can search for a color ramp we're going to click on the color ramp and i'm going to drop it right in here between the light and from the damage and this darken so just drop it in here so i can now take the black tab and i can drag it out and you can see that is making it much darker and i'm going to drag the black tab all the way out to kind of about here so now you can see there's these big areas where it is darker so there's an area there and like a big area there so now what i can do is i can take this darken right here which is adding them all together and i can just make sure the color is going into the base color of the principle and i can control shift and select the principle shader and we can see what that's looking like now this is very very smooth and so it doesn't look realistic so i want to add some values into the normal here to give it some bump so the first thing that i want to do is give a little bit of noise all over the material so i'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and i'm going to search for another noise texture and i'm going to bring this noise texture way down here and just kind of put it down here next to the damage and then i want to go over here to the object coordinates and i'm going to pull out a wire and i'm going to push this over and kind of go down here and i'm going to put it up to the vector of this noise texture and then you can see this is overlapping the wire is overlapping so i can hold down the shift key and right click and drag and then let go and that's going to add the reroute and i can just kind of bring the rear out over here so it goes down and then over to the side and then i can control shift and select the noise texture to preview it so i want this noise texture to be pretty big and have lots of detail so i'm going to turn the scale here all the way up to like a 60 and you can see this is going to add lots of little bumps on the concrete and then i do want to turn the detail all the way up to the max which is 15 but then i want the bumps to not have quite as much roughness because when you add a bunch of roughness it kind of just makes it look a bit grainy so i'm going to turn the roughness down to just like a .4 so there's a little bit less roughness all right so i can now take the factor from this noise texture and i'm going to pull out a wire and plug that into the normal right here on the principled shader i can also bring the principal shader down and then i can also ctrl shift and select the principled shader to preview it let's also bring the material output down now if i zoom out here you can see there's some weird shading issues and that is because this is black and white data you can see it's a gray dot but this is normal data you can see it's a purple dot so we need a node in here to convert the black and white data into normal data that the principle can use so to do this i'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and i'm going to search for a bump node and we just want to stick the bump node right in here between the noise texture and the normal and then to convert it to normal data we want to put the factor into the height valley of the bump so now you can see that our asphalt has lots of bump all around now that is actually way too bumpy so on the strength value i can just turn this down to like a 0.1 and now you can see it's much less strong but now if i zoom in there you can see there's just a bunch of little detail all over the surface now if i zoom out here and control shift and select this voronoi texture i want to add this texture into the bump as well so right back down here on the bottom i'm going to select this bump node and i'm going to press shift d to duplicate and i'm going to stick it right in here after this first bump and then because this has already been converted to normal data the normal can just go through the normal but i now have this extra height value that i can add data into so i'm going to go way up here and i'm going to go to this voronoi texture and i'm going to pull out a wire from the distance and then i'm going to bring my mouse down and kind of push it down and i'm going to put it into the height value of this second bump that we've added and then i can control shift and select the principled shader to preview that and then i want this one to be a little bit more strong so i'm going to turn the strength value to like 8.2 and that's going to add another layer of detail and you can see there's lots of detail there in the surface now i also want to make the cracks look like they are going into the material as well because i want to make them look like they're cracked in so let's click on this bump node and i'm going to press shifty to duplicate it and we're going to stick another one right here so again this bump node has already converted to normal data so the normal can just go into the normal of the next bump but again we have another height value right here so what i'm going to do is take the cracks here i'm going to take the mix from the cracks and i'm going to plug the color into the height value of this bump now i also want to ctrl shift and select the bump to preview it and then zoom in and it's not very strong so let's turn the strength value up to like 8.3 now real quick just to preview this bump i'm going to select this bump here in the middle and press the m key that is going to mute the node and then i can also click on the first bump and press the m key and that is going to mute the node as well so you can see that this crack texture is giving tons of detail all over the place but i instead just want it to make it look like it's going in where the cracks are and so right in here between the mix and the bump i'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and i'm going to search for a color ramp node and then i'm going to stick the color ramp right in here between the mix and the bump so just stick it right there so i can now click on the white tab and i'm going to drag the white tab over and as i bring it over you can see it's flattening more and more of that bump and so if i continue to bring it over now you can see that the cracks are the only place which is showing so most of this bump isn't going to affect the texture but it's only going to affect it where those bumps are so just take this white tab and drag it over and that is going to make the cracks smaller so that is what i want now there's just some cracks here and there i do want to bring it back though a little bit just so those cracks are a little bit bigger so i can now click on this bump and i can press m to unmute it and then click on this bump and press m to unmute it and now that's looking much better you can see there's just some cracks here and there and it's not affecting the entire thing so i can now control shift and select the principled bsdf to preview that now there is one more layer of bump that i want to add because if you zoom in here to these little dark areas that's where the damage is but you can see the damage is very smooth it just looks like these little dark areas or these little dark patches so what i want to do is just box select these two nodes and i'm just going to bring them over so there's a little bit more space and then i'm going to click on this button here and again i'm going to press shift d to duplicate and let's just drop it here so again the normal can go through the normal because it's already converted to normal data so we can now plug a value into the height so what i'm going to do is take the lighten from the damage and i'm going to pull out a wire from the color and i'm going to stick this into the height value of this bump node right here and then you can see it's not very strong if i kind of zoom in here and wait for this to load up you can see that it is doing something but it is very subtle so let's turn the strength up to like 8.4 so that is stronger and that is looking much better so now if you look right there where those little damaged parts are you can see it's going back in and then also in the camera view i can just press ctrl b and drag a box around there and that way it's going to add a boundary so that it'll render faster and if i zoom in there now you can see there's all those little cracks and pebbles and also like right here on the side on the damaged area it looks like it's going back in so this really gives the effect of some chunks of the asphalt surface being broken off like maybe this is like a damaged street and so there are some chunks which are kind of broken away and then you can see like some little rocks and pebbles and concrete underneath so i'm going to zoom back out here and press ctrl b drag a box around the entire camera to preview the entire thing now there is one more thing that i want to do i want to change the amount of roughness so i'm going to go right up here to this voronoi texture from the color i'm going to pull out a wire from the distance and i'm going to drag this all the way down and i'm going to stick it into the roughness valley of the principle now that is way too shiny and it looks kind of wet or kind of metallic and so i want to change the amount of roughness because asphalt and concrete is pretty rough so i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to go to the search and i'm going to search for a color ramp node and let's stick the color amp node right in here in the wire before it goes into the roughness so if i make the colors more white they are going to be more rough but if they are darker then they are going to be more shiny so i can click on the black tab here and then click on the color you can see as i start to turn this up if i turn it up very white you can see now it's very very rough i don't want it to be super rough though but i do want it to be pretty rough so i'm just going to drag this down to kind of a gray color and the hex value that i'm going to be using for this gray color is going to be a b a b a b and then this white tab over here on the other side i'm just going to keep this fully white so there we have it so there's the procedural asphalt material so i'll just give this a final render so thank you so much for watching this tutorial i hope you enjoyed it and i hope you found it helpful and if you'd like to help support me and purchase this procedural material then you can do that over on my gumroad store and patreon page i'll have the links in the description you can also check out my blender procedural material packs to purchase more of my materials and if you'd like to learn how to create all of my procedural materials then you can check out my blender procedural material tutorial playlist on youtube all of the links are in the description but i hope you found this helpful and thank you for watching
Channel: Ryan King Art
Views: 17,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan King Art, Blender Tutorial, Blender, Ryan King, Tutorial, concrete, road, street, asphalt, asphalt concrete, damaged concrete, sement, procedural, material, shader, procedural asphalt, Procedural Asphalt Material, procedural concrete material
Id: Eofg9SBcdBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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