Procedural Mud Material (Blender Tutorial)

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in this blender tutorial we're going to be creating this procedural mud material in blender and this mud material is kind of split up into two types of materials we have this more dirt mud but then we also have these little puddles of mud as well now if you'd like to help support me and this youtube channel and purchase the procedural material then you can get that over on my gumroad and my patreon and also if you'd like to purchase more of my procedural materials then i've created blender procedural material packs they're packs of 10 realistic procedural materials and you can also learn how to create all of my procedural materials from my procedural material playlist on youtube all the links will be in the description and also real quick before we start i want to thank this video's sponsor sketchfab sketchfab is a 3d model site where you can buy sell and even upload your own 3d models and preview them in your browser throughout the month of november 2021 sketchfab is holding a 3d challenge and the theme of the challenge is a collision between nature and civilization they've also got some insane prizes for the challenge winners if you'd like to learn more about the challenge you can find the link in the video description alright now before we get started i just wanted to show you the setup that i have in blender so right here in the 3d view i just pressed shift a and i just went right down here to an icosphere and then right behind me if you click on those add icosphere settings i turn these subdivisions up to 5 and that way it's pretty subdivided and then i also shaded this object smooth so it's just a nice smooth sphere then i also pressed shift a and i just added in some planes here and this plane i just scaled way up and then this plane i added a subsurf modifier on it so that it's circular and then i just gave both of these an emission material and that way they give some nice bright lighting on our procedural mud and then also to help me get very realistic lighting right over here on the world i added in this abandoned hopper terminal 0 1 1k hdr and this is from so the link will be in the description if you'd like to use the same hdri that i'm using just to get some very realistic lighting now in this tutorial i am going to be using the displacement in the node editor so if you'd like to do this then you will need to be using the cycles render engine now if you do want to do this tutorial in ev then you certainly can but you won't be able to use the displacements in the node editor because in eevee that isn't supported it won't actually displace the mesh i will be doing this in cycles though so i'm just going to switch this over to cycles and let me just show you how to set up the displacement so first of all of course you need to be in the cycles render engine and then also i'm going to be using the adaptive subdivision so to use the adaptive subdivision you need to make sure this is set to experimental on the feature set and then what you need to do is just add a new material so i'm just going to delete this and we'll add a new material and i can just call this procedural mud all right so now that we've created the procedural mud material i'm going to go right down here to the material properties i'm going to scroll down and then right down here under settings under the surface the displacement is set to bump only we want to set it to displacement and bump and that way it'll actually use the displacement and then also i do want to use the adaptive subdivision so right over here on the modifier properties just click on this object what you can do is just click on add modifier and you can add the subdivision surface modifier and then right here you need to click on the adaptive subdivision and this way it's going to add more detail where you can see the object but then when the object is farther away it'll add less detail and then just one last thing before we start i will be using the node wrangler add-on so if you don't have that enabled just click on edit and then open up the preferences and then in the user preferences you can just click over on the add-ons and up here in the search you can start to type in node and then just check mark this node wrangler add-on and i'll show you how to use the add-on in the tutorial alright so to get started i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to search for a noise texture and i'll just drop the noise texture right down here and then using the feature from the node wrangler i can select the noise texture and i can press ctrl t and that's going to add the texture coordinate and mapping now i don't want the mapping so i'll just select it and press x to delete it and then i want to take the object and plug that into the vector of the noise texture and also using the other feature from the node wrangler i can hold down the control and shift key and then click on nodes and that will preview the different nodes so i'm going to ctrl shift and click on the noise texture now i'm going to turn the scale up to 13 and then i'll turn the detail all the way up to 16 so it has a lot more detail and then i do want a little bit of roughness so i'll turn the roughness up to 0.6 so i can now take the factor and plug the factor up to the base color and then let's control shift and click on the principal bsdf so that doesn't really look like mud right now so i want to press shift a and i want to search for a color ramp node and let's drop the color amp node right in here and then we can change the different colors in between to make it look like mud so i will click on the white tab and i'm going to make this a brown color a muddy color something like that but i do want it to be a bit darker not super bright and if you'd like to use the exact same color that i'm using you can click over on the hex value and you can type in 504035 and then let's click on the black tab and this one i'm also going to have a brown color but it's going to be even darker and again to use the same exact color that i'm using you can click over on the hex and you can type in 36291c all right so it's looking a little bit more like mud but what i want to do is take this factor here on the noise texture and plug that into the roughness so i can play around with the amount of roughness and then i want to press shift a and i want to search for another color ramp and i'll just drop the color amp right in here and that way we can change the colors and it'll make it more shiny or more rough and then i just want to click on the white tab and i want to make this a bit more of a darker color and as i turn this brightness value down you can see the mud is now looking more wet and more shiny so i don't want it to be super shiny not like a mirror that's like too shiny but just a little bit darker something like that is pretty good so i like how that is and then i also want to take this factor here from the noise texture and i want to plug it into the normal to give it some bump now we need to convert this to normal data because this is factor so this is just black and white data and then this is normal data so to convert it to normal data i need to press shift a and i'm going to search for a bump node let's just drop the bump node right in here so i want the factor to be going into the height on the bump and then i want the bump to be going into the normal now i am going to be using the displacements to kind of displace the mesh and make it all bumpy so i actually don't need a very high strength value so on the strength here on the bump i'm just going to change it to like a 0.1 so it's not very strong alright and that is it for the dirt part of the material so now i also want to create the muddy puddles so to create the muddy puddles material i'm going to click on this principle bsdf and i'm going to press shifty to duplicate it and just drop it right up here and then i'm also going to take this noise texture and press shifty to duplicate it and also drop this up here and then i'll drag the texture coordinate up and i want to plug the object into the vector of this as well so on this top noise texture right here i'm going to turn the roughness up to a point seven and then i'm also going to turn the distortion up to a value of 1. so if i now control shift and click on it you can see that there's all those little swirls in there and that will help to make it look more like watery mud so let's now take the factor and i'm going to plug the factor into the base color and then i can control shift and click on this to preview it now again i need to change the colors because right now this is just black and white so i'm going to take this color ramp down here and i'll press shifty to duplicate it and i'm just going to drop it right up here and then i do want the mud puddles to be a bit of a lighter brown so on this tab right here i'm just going to make it a bit brighter and if you want to use the same color that i'm using you can click over on the hex and you can type in 7f 6955 and then also water is very reflective so right over here on the roughness value i'm going to turn this way down to a .05 and that way it is very shiny and reflective now i also want to take the factor on the noise texture and i want to put that into the normal and then we need to convert this again to normal data so i'll press shift a and i'm going to add another bump node and let's just drop the bump node right here and then again we need to take the factor and put that into the height the value on the bump so now this is way too strong so i want to make it much less strong so i'm going to turn the strength right here down to a .03 and that'll just give the mud puddles a little bit of bump and that is it for the muddy puddles so now we just need to blend them both together and then we can also do the displacements so to blend these two materials together i'll press shift a and i'm going to search for a mix shader let's just drop the mix shader right here so i want to take the principle of the top one and put that into the top shader and then this one down here i want to put that into the bottom shader so now we're just evenly blending between them so i want to create a mask to just tell it where it's going to be the mud puddles and where it's going to be the dirt so to do this i'm going to click on this noise texture and i'll press shifty to duplicate it and kind of drop it in the middle and then i can take the object and plug that into the vector and then let's control shift and click on it to preview it so i want to turn the scale to three and then the roughness i'll turn this back to a point five now i'll press shift a and i'm going to search for a color ramp node and i'll drop the color ramp node right down here and so what i want to do is i want to drag these both together and this way it's going to be more contrasty so we're basically creating a mask to tell it where the puddles are going to be so i'm just going to drag these two tabs together something like that so i can now take the color and i can put that into the factor on the mix shader and i can now control shift and click on the mix shader to preview it and i think i actually want there to be a little bit less petals so i will drag these tabs over just a little bit um so there's a little bit less of those puddles all alright so that is looking really good so we just need to do the displacements now so to do the displacement i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to search for the displacement node and i'll just drop the displacement node right down here on the very bottom and then i need to take the displacement and put that into the displacement on the material output so now let's take this first noise texture from the dirt and i'm going to take the factor and plug that into the height on the displacement so it's going into the height but we need to take the mid level and we need to turn that to zero and then it's also way too strong right now so i'm going to turn the scale way down to a point zero four so it's much less strong so that is looking pretty good you can see it's kind of bumping out all around but i don't want the mud puddles to be bumping out so to do this i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to search for a mix rgb and let's just drop the mix rgb right here before the displacement and then i want to make sure the noise texture is going into color one so now what we want to do is we want to mask out where the puddles are so we already have a mask for our puddles and that is this color ramp right up here so i can take the color and i can drag this all the way down and put it into the factor down here on the mix and then color two i wanna make that fully black alright so it's definitely doing something but you can see that where the petals are that's actually bumping out and where the dirt is that's not bumping out it's kind of smooth so i actually need to invert this so i'm just going to press shift a and i'm going to search for a invert node because we need to invert the white values and the black values so right here where the factor is i'm just going to drop the invert right here and now you can see that where the puddles are like right up here it's kind of smooth but then where the more dirt mud is it's bumping out and that is it that is the procedural mud material so i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and i hope it was helpful and thank you so much for watching and again if you'd like to help support me and this youtube channel and purchase my procedural materials then you can check that out on my gumroad and patreon the links will be in the description and if you like using procedural materials in your artwork then definitely consider checking out my blender procedural material packs or if you'd like to learn how to create all of them yourself then you can check out my procedural material tutorial playlist on youtube so thank you for watching i hope this was helpful and i hope to see you in a future video
Channel: Ryan King Art
Views: 3,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan King Art, Blender Tutorial, Blender, Ryan King, Tutorial, mud, dirt, shader, mud material, procedural material, procedural, material
Id: 2xkD5OASXnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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