Create real grooved threads on bolts, screws, holes & nuts | Autodesk Inventor

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greetings and welcome to the next video of my invented Tips & Tricks playlist my tutorial session this one is brought to you by me and added those geniuses over at cool orange who put the cool in orange they have an application called Fred Marley and I'd like to say thank you to those guys for the permission of allowing me to do this the thread modeler is a free download from the Autodesk exchange apps store and if you wondering what the hell up the orders or does have an app store yeah they do there's loads of cool stuff on there it's not iTunes so it's fit it's a far fetch from iTunes if I'm honest but if you hit the tools hub in Inventor called the exchange app manager and hit this hyperlink here that send you on over to the App Store punching thread modeler download it for free yeah that's right it's free and three out of five stars come off it's not pleasing some people it's amazing and it's free how can something this could be so free it just is it's science it's voodoo let's not mention anything and hope they don't clock on to the fact that they've forgot to charge it for all right and download it install it it's next next next it's a simple Installer repo and vendor and then we're ready to rock and roll okay what does it do well if you haven't guessed already it's it's called thread modeler come on I'm sure you haven't got this far in life without being able to work out what the thread model is going to do but if you are that if you are sat there thinking well hang on about I okay I know it's gonna model threads but but cloud I think you're fine when I place a bolt I already have a thread why do I need a thread Martin are you so dumb well sorry to ruin your dreams you know and sorry this is like devastating news to you but that's not really a threat I'm sure most of you guys know this it's just a picture of a threat it's a bitmap wrapped around a tube for all intensive purposes which to be honest for most people is fine for a lot of companies you don't need to physically show a coiled grooved thread on a hole or on a bolt but if you do if you just want to be that baller who's goes the extra mile for customers says look here's your model here's your bolts this is what it looks like I've even in you know if that customer can see the grooves on the nuts and bolts but extra attention to detail could win you a contract it could get you the next contract it's going that extra mile so it can just be it's arguably just a gimmick but it does have a productive purpose as well which I'm going to show at the end of this so how does it work right what I'm going to show you how it works how you use it and I'm going to also show you some caveats to it cuz there's a few things you need to be careful of nothing's perfect and we'll cover all we'll go through it together so what I've got is an assembly with a stainless steel plate in it which I've just made up the plates got a hole in it first caveat with a thread model is you can't work with it in assembly session what we have to do is take the plate open it into its own window and work on it here what we also can't do is create a hole feature and place a thread using the hole feature and then turn that into a model thread we have to create a simple hole give it a size then ask per normal normal workflows just go to the 3d model tab click thread pick the whole face and then pick your thread type which I'm going to use nice and logic profile which happens to be size six okay we've now got it we've now got a hole with a picture of a thrill in it there's our fisher-price picture of a Fred Fred what am i sixteen a thread how do we turn this into a real thread right well once you've got the application installed go across with the tools tab on in vendor and then you'll see the thread modeler if you don't see it it's probably because you're still in the assembly you need to open that part up into its own window select thread modeler and it's honestly this couldn't be any easier pick the thread in the browser you can't pick it in the window you've got to pick it in the browser make sure you're happy enough with the pitch offset and then click OK and then whoosh the sorcery is mind-blowing but look at that isn't that just absolutely phenomenal there we have a fully modeled thread and it would honestly it would take you out pal so good you all but it could take you hours the model like yourself and this isn't just a made-up thread this is actually modeled to textbook standards based on the type of thread that you specified in the thread command this is you know industry standard stuff as well it's not just a gimmick all right then we've got that done so we're going to save our plate what next what next I hear you ask well I will show you what I'm going to do now is place a bolt from the content center we're going to go for it you can pick any one of these it will put a thread on any one of these but I'm going to go for a socket head cap screw okay first thing to note with bolts or anything from the content Center by default by definition at content center part is a library part and what can't you do with the library part you can't edit them how are you going to put a thread or model a thread on a part you can't edit you could do a bit of jiggery-pokery give yourself rights to edit the library folders you can do all that but just in the interests of simplicity what I'm going to do is place this bolt I'm going to right-click and change its size and I'm going to choose the option to place it as custom when I do that it's going to ask me to save the file somewhere of my choosing wherever I please I'm going to place it in my work place there we go alright so there's my bolt with my laughable picture of a thread that this call yourself a thread haha what we do next well same process as before we're going to select the bolt we're going to right-click on it we're going to open it up into its own window and we're going to go to tools thread modeler and this is another caveat of the thread modeler if you are using it with content center files if you try and place it or try model a thread on a Content Center file it's going to say this it can't do it because there's eye mates now pretty much every continent sent a file will come equipped with eye mates I made a preset constraints that tally up with holes and washers and nuts and stuff well we don't really need those right now so I'm going to delete those and then thick thread model let's pick the thread on the bolt happiness for the pitch click ok oh my god like that that is just delicious that is so good and like I said it's industry standard textbook threads so you're safe you are safe as houses all right the next and the final the final caveat it's not all negative it's they just get these out the way just so you know you know you know in the interests of fairness and balance modeling a thread like this in your part file does have a significant impact on the file size currently my bolt is 187 kilobytes in size which is which is a reasonable file size when we hit save it's now stored the coil data inside the part file which is now jumped to over one megabyte in size so it's a good nine or ten sigh 9 or 10 fold increase in part size that's not a problem in most cases in 9 out of 10 cases that's not a problem however if you were a kind of guy who was working in a drawing office and you design huge vehicles which is going to have 10,000 bolts in there you're probably not going to want to do this because it's going to increase your dataset size dramatically if you just designed small stuff little machines you know whatever tiny little widgets conveyor belts that sort of thing it ain't gonna matter it's not going to make the slightest bit difference but if you do want to be that kind of guy that says here you're going to present your dataset to your customer look at this it's even got modeled threads on it that extra bit of detail can take it you know can it go the extra mile oh I then what next we'll hope to be honest that's it I mean that's with model threads but I'm going to just show you a bit of sorcery we're going to go through a bit of Voodoo right now so I'm going to constrain the bolt into the hole and I'm going to show you something else that you can do with this which is really quite cool and it also brings in something else with an inventor which not a lot of people use so I'm gonna just create a constraint between the centerline of the bolt and the bowl itself all right so that's now let's now constrain down the axis it's free to move up and down am I going to constrain it on the plate like this I hear you ask well you probably didn't but probably definitely wouldn't know where I'm going with this no I'm not what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a assembly cross-section by going to the View tab I'm going to go to the half section view and I'm going to select a work plane which go to the middle of my plate and that's just so I can get a cross-section to the middle of over them all right so as I move this up and down you can see I mean look at that look look at how snug the thread in the grooves are that is just amazing how accurate that is but what I'm going to do is I'm going to utilize a new kind of constraint inside an vendor it's called the transitional constraint and this is going to allow us to represent the real life accurate movement of the bold threading itself inside worth threading its I'm not old brakes but you know turning inside the hole how do we do this well we're going to go into the assemble tab we're going to click constraint and we're going to go to the transitional variety of constraint our first selection is going to be an upper face on the thread of the bolt this one here and our second face is going to be an internal face of the thread on the whole look at that let's end the section view by dropping this down in end section view and watch this in all its magnificence it doesn't work brilliantly because it's just it's just a click and drag but as they click as I move it you can see the ball is actually turning inside and moving up and down that is absolutely phenomenal Oh No but we can go further than that that's why you've come here because you want to be a baller you want to be the best what I'm now going to do is create another constraint and I'm going to create an angular constraint between the midplane of the bolt itself so that one there and I don't know nibbling going through the the plate itself okay zero degrees now we're going to rename this and watch we're going to call it it turn right all right what next well if I right click on this constraint and then click drive expand the box change this value to ten this just speeds it up a bit we're going to start the drive at 0 degrees and we're going to end it at say 3,000 degrees I hope you're sitting down for this because this is gonna rock your world oh look at that Wow I mean that is just absolutely phenomenal get that red thing on my face get out my face red thing what I've got a workplane switch I don't even care I'm impressed with it the red thing turns so that's driving a constraint that's driving the angular constraint which is in turn working with the transitional constraint which is mimicking the real-life action of a bolt turning inside a hole using real-life textbook threads do you need this no is it freaking awesome yes and I don't care if you say no it is and that's okay well that's it I think that's enough for now but the thread modeler utility from the guys over at cool orange again thank you very much to those guys for giving me permission to do this video and I hope you guys get some news out of it if you do please put some comments down hope you found this useful tell you mates tell you dad tell you brother his son you people you work with say hey look this is really cool thing at models threads and they'll probably go out or give up but like press like in the video if it was useful press dislike if you thought yeah not only first like say write a comment if you're feeling a little bit more complex than that subscribe the channel for new videos I always got new stuff coming up in the pipeline and yeah thank you very much guys and until next time toodle-pip
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 99,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Inventor, Cool Orange, coolOrange, thread, bolt, screw, nut, washer, model, thread modeler, thread modeller, groove, fastener, 3D, part, assembly, AutoCAD, design, engineering, app, custom, hole, command, content center
Id: ZxiN_M5zwO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 29 2015
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