Create PDF Documents from Google Forms Submissions

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document studio is an add-on that helps you merge data from Google sheets and Google Forms if you're new to document studio I suggest watching the getting started guide you can find it in to that in the show notes and if you haven't done so already please go to documents to do dot pro and install the add-on so in this example I'll show you how to merge data from Google Forms with document studio so let's assume you run a company and you have benders and you require vendors to sign some sort of an agreement so we will create a form where they accept that agreement and once they accept it a copy of the agreement is sent to their email address so first let's create a Google Form [Music] we don't need to add the date and time fields here because that is already captured when somebody submits a Google Form I'll make the agreement a checkbox field and I have only one option there except so they will not be able to submit the form unless they hit accept [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] next we'll choose the response destination now this is important because the this forum has to be linked to a Google spreadsheet for the documents to do add-on to work so our forum is now ready we create a document template and that will be merged so I go to Google Docs and create a new template [Music] [Music] I'll just pick one of the ready-made templates now this this has some dummy data so I'll enter the couple of variable fields here [Music] this is just like any other Google document so you can change fonts you can apply colors or use any other visual formatting to make your document more appealing so the document is now ready and all we need to do is link this document template to a google form via document studio so for that we will open our responses Google spreadsheet and go to the adults menu and choose document studio from the drop down here we will select the document that we have just created as a template [Music] now it shows all the variable freeze that had found inside the template if later you decide to change the template or if you add or remove any variables remember to hit the refresh button so that the new changes come into effect next we specify the file name and this again includes variable fields that are surrounded by double curly braces we'll choose PDF for the export format next we go to the google forms merge section and here we will design the email now this is the email that will go out whenever somebody submits a form so when you click the email template button the nice WYSIWYG editor opens up where you can design your email in rich text you can include variable fields in the message body you can even include your images like your logos inside the body [Music] for the recipient's field you can choose the email address field from the drop-down you can also put static email addresses if you have multiple email addresses you can just separate them by a comma similarly in the email subject field you can again use variables so our email template is now ready and added safe to apply the changes next we go to the Google Drive section then here I'll click the folder where I wish to save all the merged documents I can also create subfolders so for instance here a new folder would be created for every vendor and all documents for that vendor would go into their own folder so your Google Drive is less cluttered in that case I can choose to share files as soon as they are generated with other people in my organization or with external users next we go to the save settings and here I'll choose merge on form submit what this essentially means is whenever a new form submission is received this process will run and a new document would be generated so let's save the settings and then do a test run so I'll open my google form and submit a test entry [Music] so the form is complete I hit submit and then I switch to the responses spreadsheet and they you see a new row has been added you'll also find that a couple of extra columns are there and they indicate the status of the merge so whether the document has been generated or not and whether the email has gone out or not so there you see the link of the file that was just generated so the document looked exactly like a template except that the merge which have been replaced with the actual values and if I switch to my email program and go to the sent items you see that the email has gone out to the vendor also where the document as an attachment so this was a very simple example but in the next tutorial I'll show you something more advanced how to build a complete ordering system using Google Forms Google sheets and document studio thanks [Music]
Channel: Amit Agarwal
Views: 209,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: labnol, screencast
Id: 0ec0zWN_Z8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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