Have Multiple Forms feed information to a Single Sheet

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In today's video, I'm going to show you how you can have multiple forms, all feed 'information' into a single sheet. Welcome to another 'Flipped Classroom Tutorial' Right, first of, let's create our sheet. So right click in your Google Drive and create a Google Sheet. Now we are going to call this sheet 'Contact Information', so let's go ahead and say; Contact information. Now this could be anything, this could be a record of student feedback, this could be feedback from various workshops. And what we want is to have lots of different Forms, all feed into this Sheet. And, it's going to automatically create new sheets within this document. So we are going to have sheets 1, sheets 2, sheet 3, etc. But more about that later. We have our contact information sheet, so go ahead and close this. We are now going to create 2 different forms. So, go ahead and create your first form. This will be our Contact Information form for Workshop 1, so let's say 'Workshop One'. "What is your Name?" And I'm going to select that this is going to be a 'short answer'. And just for the sake of this information, we are going to keep these forms fairly short. So we are going to say; "How did you rate the workshop?" and, this is going to be a linear scale to 5. 1 being being: Terrible and 5 being: the best! Now we are going to make this a required question. And we are going to do the same with the name. Now let's say that this is my form for workshop one, so make sure that you title it 'Workshop one feedback'. And we are done! This is our first Form. Let's go back into our drive and let's create a second Form, so we can simply 'Copy' this. Let's 'Copy' workshop one feedback. "Make a Copy" And let's say that we have a second workshop the following month, but we still want all the information in the same Sheet. We are going to rename this, so instead of saying "Copy of workshop one", we are going to call this "Workshop two feedback" Go ahead and open it! This is our Workshop two! "What is your name and how did you rate the workshop?" Brilliant! We now have our Two separate forms and all the information has to come into THIS single Sheet. So go back to your form, click on responses, we are accepting responses. And instead of creating a spreadsheet, we already have one, so we're going to click on the 3 dots. We are going to now select 'a response destination'. Now the destination we are selecting is an 'existing spreadsheet'. Go ahead and click on select. And we have our most recently created contact information spreadsheet right here, so select that. It is now linked! Do the same for Workshop two. So we're going to 'responses', 'three dots', 'select a destination'. 'an existing spreadsheet', select and here it is! Let's go ahead and select this. Linking it, and, a link has been created! We now have form 1, form 2, feeding into a single spreadsheet. Now let's see what this looks like to people receiving our forms. I'm going to 'get this link' and I'm going to send it to myself. So let's go ahead and Copy this url. Let's open a second user. Lets say Workshop 1 was brilliant and workshop 2 wasn't. What is your name? Mister A. How did you rate the workshop? Let's rate it a 5 and submit. Let's pretend that we have more than one person submitting. We also have Miss A, she said that it was ok, a number 3. Submit. We now have two responses from workshop 1. Let's go to workshop 2, now this one was Terrible! So let's say Man 1, and he says "It was terrible!". And say that we have Man 2, and he says it is 'terrible' as well. And there is a child, and the child says that is was , well not that bad but still, NOT good! So workshop 2 we have 3 responses. These have now all been recorded, so let's go ahead and close this. And let's see what we have! Open our sheet. As you can see, within our Google Sheets we now have a forms responses 1 and form responses 2. All the information has been recorded and we can simply rename these by 'right-clicking' 'rename'. "Feedback Workshop 1" and then we do the same with the other sheet. We right click and rename "Feedback Workshop 2" And, that is how you have 'Multiple Forms all feeding information into a SINGLE Google Sheet'. I hope this was helpful! If you liked it, don't forget to share, give it a thumbs up and I will see you in the next one! Thank you for watching!
Channel: Flipped Classroom Tutorials
Views: 209,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tips, tricks, tutorial, hint, learn, help, HowTo, Teaching, Tech, Gafe, Google, ICT, Google Forms, Google Sheets, Spreadsheet, Have Multiple Forms feed information to a Single Sheet, Data, Workshops, Feedback, Grading
Id: AvspvRszM7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2016
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