Create Modern Instagram Story Animation - After Effects Tutorial

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hey everyone and welcome to my new tutorial in today's tutorial we are going to create this [Music] before we continue i want to mention that you can access the project files of this tutorial and every other on my patreon page this type of tutorial fits under the second tier membership and without further ado let's go here i am inside of adobe after effects first of all we're going to create a new composition i will name this instagram story animation we'll set it on 1080 by 1920 30 fps and this story is going to be 10 seconds long hit ok first thing i'm gonna do here is import pictures that i have so i will right click new folder i will name it pictures just so it's a little bit organized let's see here import for pictures that i have the second thing i'm gonna click on this window right here hit ctrl r on my keyboard to open up the ruler and i'm gonna create a couple of guides so i will zoom in just to see where the edges are you will see later why i'll make one guide here second guide here let's see if it's connecting okay it is and the third guide is going to be on this side like so we can hit ctrl r to remove this you can go view and lock guides just so you don't click on them i will fit this up to 100 again and we can hit ctrl semicolon on your keyboard to hide them or you can go to view and hide guides here by unchecking this just so they're not bothering us first thing i'm going to do is press on the rectangle tool and create a new rectangle it doesn't matter what size it is at the moment because we will go here to the contents rectangle and size we will unlink this link so what do we need we need 1080 divided by two because we need half of the screen so we get this and we will have 1920 minus 400 here now i will make sure to hit v on my keyboard to select this selection tool and i will make sure to show guides so we can snap this rectangle to them now i will make sure that the anchor point is set in the middle because we will need it later i will do that by hitting ctrl alt home on my keyboard to set it in the middle so i'll hit enter to name this left rectangle now the next thing i'm gonna do is find the fill effect i'll type in the film make sure my layer is selected double click on it so we get this fill we can animate it for our color changing rectangle now i'll make sure to hit on the stopwatch next to color so we animate the color press on my layer hit u on my keyboard to open up only this property where it's keyframed now we will position our time indicator at let's say two seconds and nine frames and i will make sure to move this keyframe there now i will hold ctrl and press the right arrow to move only one frame ahead and i will change this color to the second one which is the orange one that we have hit okay now we can hit u on our keyboard again to minimize this and we can do control d to duplicate this layer we will rename it and call it right rectangle now we need to make sure to position it on the right side you can see how it snaps make sure that snapping is enabled now that we've finished setting this up we can actually hide these guides by hitting ctrl and semicolon now what we need to do here is revert these colors so i'm going to select the right rectangle hit u on my keyboard make sure to position our time indicator on the first keyframe and change the color to the orange one that we have and now when we move on to the second keyframe we will select the white one and that is going to be our animation for flipping colors here if we play this you can see it changes like this now the next thing we're going to do is insert our first picture that we have that is let's say hamburger we're gonna put it in and make sure to place it in the middle of the left rectangle you can see how it snaps to the tinker point that we have so we know it is centered now before i do anything i'm going to pre-compose this by hitting ctrl shift c on my keyboard or right-clicking and setting it on pre-compose and i will name this picture one the reason that we're pre-composing this is for like any future changes you want to make maybe you want to add some different pictures you can just enter this pre-comp and change the picture and every animation is going to change now that we've created this we can click on the left rectangle let's say press u and then click on this layer and press p on our keyboard to open up the position property now we want to make sure when to animate this so we will probably need to move this hamburger to the right side at the time when they flip colors so i will go to the last keyframe here and i will move 10 frames left so i will hold ctrl shift on my keyboard and hit the left arrow so this is going to be our first keyframe for position now i will move 20 frames right by holding ctrl shift and pressing twice right arrow and i will move this hamburger to the center of the right rectangle just like so you see it snaps now we will position our time indicator in the middle again select both of these keyframes hit f9 on our keyboard to make them easy is we need to make them smoother so this animation looks better while these two keyframes are selected we're gonna enter the graph editor we're gonna zoom in a little bit right click here make sure the edit speed graph is selected we will select this handle and move it let's say here we need to make sure that this is on the center now we'll select the left handle and we will move it down around here because this is where the color change happens we will hide this to see how it looks like let me zoom out a little bit now it looks smooth so we can minimize this by pressing u on our keyboard and now we're going to enter some text you can go here to the text tool or you can right click new text now i'll double click this so we type now we need to edit this text a little bit so make sure it's positioned above the right rectangle i will hold down ctrl alt and press home just to center the anchor point now i will select this text make sure it's centered in my right rectangle and now we can mess around with this text let's say i want to make this a bit bigger so let's say i will put it on 90 and this on 90 as well i will make sure this one is 90 like so i could have actually just selected all of it but never mind we'll do it like this i think this looks good make sure again that it's centered like first you need to center the anchor point and then everything else in the middle maybe we can scale it down a little bit by hitting s on our keyboard we're going to open the scale property and we're going gonna make it let's say 92 percent i think this is fine 22 percent looks good we actually don't need to animate this first text at all because as we saw in the beginning it's there is no animation to it so i will position my time indicator on the color flip i will select the first layer i mean the text layer and i will hit ctrl shift d on my keyboard to split it and i will remove this upper text that we got so we can minimize this now now we need to add the second picture that's coming in we can import let's say the fruit salad we're gonna place it above the right rectangle we'll make sure to position it on the left side here now we will pre-compose this one as well so we will hit ctrl shift c on our keyboard and make name it picture two the next thing we're going to do is select the picture one layer hit you on our keyboard find our first frame actually we can scale this solid a little bit so i will hit s on my key on my keyboard here and i will make it let's say 107. i will make sure it's centered again yeah this looks fine so we will make this picture tool come at this position now i will position my time indicator here and hit opening square bracket on my keyboard that way you can make the beginning of the layer position itself on the time indicator or you can simply drag it around if you want i will make sure to copy these two keyframes and paste them here by hitting ctrl v on my keyboard i will hit you to see if they are there they are now if you look at this image it's coming together with the hamburg now we have the issue of picture number two showing above the picture number one on the left side we need to actually crop out the left rectangle completely so we will do that as it follows i will select the left rectangle and hit ctrl d to duplicate it i will rename this to m or left this is like matte left so i will position it above the picture number two i will make sure to select track matte by the way if you don't see this you can open it right here expand or collapse the transfer controls pane or you can right click somewhere there hit columns and you can find here modes i will make sure that this is alpha inverted matte left now if we look at our animation it looks like this now we need to animate our rectangles again now i want my images and my text to stay there for around two seconds so we will position our time indicator at 4 10 or 4 9 if you will and we can select these keyframes ctrl c to copy them and ctrl v to paste them i'll make sure to zoom in a little bit i will right click them keyframe assistant time reverse them and we can do the same thing for the bottom ones i will time reverse them if you want to make this look a little bit better we can come here position our time indicator on the last keyframe on picture one hold alt on our keyboard and hit closing square bracket just to make sure that this layer is ending there now we need to make sure that this bowl of fruits goes to the left we can do that by selecting these two keyframes ctrl c copying them make sure our time indicator is positioned here on the flip again and we can move by holding ctrl shift and pressing the left arrow 10 keyframes on the left side and now we can control v to paste it and now we need to select these two keyframes like so right click them keyframe assistant time reverse keyframes so we will get the animation in reverse but before proceeding we forgot to add the text on the left side which we will do now so right here when this flip happened we need to have our second text popping up so right click here new text and i will double click it so we can type i will make sure that my selection tool is selected ctrl alt home to center the anchor point put it in the middle of this rectangle now we see that our text is a little bit big here so i will select the last line of text make sure it's around 40 let's say maybe this is still small maybe 44. that looks good we'll make sure it's a little bit closer to the other text by setting this leading again i'll make sure my selection tool is selected ctrl alt home to center it and center it again in the middle now i will select this layer and position it below picture two also what i'll do next is position this text to begin on the time indicator here now also one thing that i've forgotten you actually don't need to do this but if you want your whole composition to look neat you should set labels so i'll make sure my mat is let's say yellow text is fine actually everything is fine now i'll actually position this layer below picture one and now we need to animate it so i will actually hit b on my keyboard hold shift and press d to open up position and the opacity properties now i will hold ctrl shift and hit the right arrow i will make a i'll click on the stopwatch to create two keyframes go back to the beginning and i will position y let's say around maybe 8 10 and opacity to 0. i'll select all of these keyframes f9 on my keyboard to easily use them open up the graph editor zoom in make sure the speed graph is selected select the right side and move this handle all the way to the left so that way we get this text animation now this text will end on the next flip that's what we know for sure so i will position my time indicator there on the next flip ctrl shift d to split the layer and then we can remove the upper one i will hit ctrl a on my keyboard and hit u twice just to minimize all of these keyframes to see what we're working with the next thing we need to do is add text to the right side and add image let's start with the image i will click on picture tool hit you on my keyboard to see where my next image will come it's on this keyframe i will add let's say cola or coke or whatever you want to call it i will position this above and left now we can make sure that this is centered like so also we will pre-compose this one and name it picture three now i want to scale this up a bit so i will make it let's say 114. i will select these two keyframes make sure to hit opening square bracket position the beginning of this layer on the time indicator select the layer ctrl v on my keyboard hit u to open the keyframes now what i will do is make a duplicate of the m left we can leave it on the left tool and position it above the picture three make sure that we select picture three and use track matte to alpha matte now this way the coming picture will show on the left side as we can see here now we can actually just copy this layer because that's the text we had i will position it here and make sure it's beginning on that side now the next thing we're gonna do is animate this text as well we could have copied the values of the first text and changed it a little bit but we will do this on our own as well i will hit p on my keyboard empty to open these two properties move 10 frames on the right side hit stopwatch to put the keyframes go back to the beginning put this on a 0 and make sure this is 8 10. if i remember correctly select all these keyframes f9 to easy ease them go to the graph editor zoom in a little bit make sure the added speed graph is selected and move this handle all the way to the left so that way we get the animation for the second text actually the third text now the next thing we need to do is animate another flip so we will select the right and left rectangle hit you on our keyboard to open their keyframes and we can position our time indicator here we can see it was on 4 10 so now we will go to around 6 10 and 6 9 because that's when it's beginning and we can select the first two keyframes ctrl c to copy and ctrl v to paste them and on the other one as well so we get the flip animated again now we can position our time indicator there we can end this layer right here now this is our picture three i will select these two keyframes control c them i will go to the left side 10 frames ctrl shift and the left arrow ctrl v to paste them and i will right click keyframe assistant time reverse keyframes that way we get the picture three going on the right side again this is where we need to import our last and final picture which is going to be juice position this here uh pre-composite ctrl shift c we'll make this picture four scale it up a bit let's say uh 107 as well seems all right maybe a bit more 110 yeah that's good we will make sure to hit opening square bracket here this is the arriving point of this layer of this picture i will select these two keyframes from the previous one and paste it there hit you on my keyboard just to see them now we can see that this image is going to come here we can actually position our time indicator on the last keyframe we can move this picture a little bit to the right because of the ingredients here we can see that this orange these leaves and whatever you know so it looks centered now the next thing we need to do is block out the left side like we did previously so i will i will select the um left layer ctrl d to duplicate it place it above the picture and make sure this is alpha inverted mat and we're basically finished with animating pictures now the last thing we need to do is add the text so i will position my time indicator on the flip i can actually see what time this is it's 6 10 so i will hit ctrl a to select everything hit you twice or three times on my keyboard to minimize all of this i'll make sure to zoom out and i've already made a copy here you can hit ctrl d to make a copy of the text layer i will place it below picture 4 and position it by hitting the opening square bracket on the beginning of this time indicator now i will drag this all the way to the end because this is our ending text and we basically got the full animation and the last thing we need to do is add the up arrow and the button shop now here now i'll make sure my selection tool is selected zoom in a little bit on this area i will hit ctrl r to bring back the ruler and ctrl semicolon to open up these guides or go view and show guides now the next thing i'm going to do is drag a guide up from the roller place it there make sure it stays there now i'll select the pen tool now i will create a point anywhere in this area i'll select this point and position it on this guide now while holding down shift i'm going to create another point let's say here and then i will click back on the guide as precise as possible like so we can zoom in and see if it's accurate it is now i will select the shape layer that i have make sure to disable the fill and we will enable the stroke and stroke is going to be around i think 10 looks right maybe it's a bit too much so we'll make it eight pixels maybe even less like maybe six yeah six looks good i will hit ctrl r to disable the roller control semicolon to share to hide these guides now select the selection tool again fit up to a hundred actually i'm gonna zoom in i'm not going to fit up to 100 make sure to select the shape that we have we can see our anchor point is centered already now we can align it to the center of composition and we can move it up a bit while holding down shift and there goes our carrot it's called carrot yes this thing is called carrot next thing we need to do is create a button here i will rename this layer by calling it carrot now we can create the button we will go here and select the rounded rectangle tool i'll make sure no layers are selected and i will draw one rectangle around let's say this size looks fine i will open the contents rectangle path roundness and i'll lamp this up as much as possible like so we actually don't need stroke on this guy so we will disable stroke enable fill this button yeah it can be white we'll call it button make sure it's selected ctrl alt home to make sure that the anchor point is in the middle and we can align this to the composition like so we can move it up a little bit now the next thing we need to create is the text inside of this i will control a on my keyboard to select all of it hit you three times the next thing i'm going to do is right click new text double click it i'll type in shop now make sure my selection tool is selected move it down ctrl alt home to center the anchor point and we can center it to the button that we have change the color to let's say this orange you can actually make this a bit lower let's say 40. and there's our button as well we can put this up to 100 and this is our full animation that we made and that's it for this tutorial i hope you learned something new and i'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: kat1z
Views: 316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instagram Stories, Animate Instagram Stories, create instagram stories, how to create animated instagram stories, design instagram stories, Create Modern Instagram Story Animation - After Effects Tutorial, after effects tutorial, instagram story animation, animate instagram stories in after effects, motion graphics after effects, how to use after effects, amazing instagram stories, kat1z, 4kat1z
Id: PJ1cm1EjQoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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