After Effects Tutorial - Animate Instagram Stories

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every day over 300 million people are using Instagram stories the video sequence that disappears 24 hours after being posted if you have ever thought about using Instagram stories for business now it's the time not only our Instagram stories fun and creative but they are a great way of growing your engagement building your brand awareness driving traffic to your website and even making some ecommerce sales so I not create a dynamic looking Instagram story animation in After Effects without using any third party plugins I am Nikhil from the emotions and without any further ado let's get started alright so here we are in After Effects so let's start new and fresh by creating a fresh new composition which is gonna be 1080 by 1920 let's call this mein kampf 60fps and 10 seconds long head okay so here we have our composition let's duplicate the composition by hitting control D on the keyboard and call this media underscore or one way you can drag in your video or footage that you want to use for this Instagram story animation so I'm gonna just double click to open that up and I'm gonna use this image that I got from where you can find some really amazing free copyright free images which you can use for your projects so I'm gonna just duplicate this it ctrl D to duplicate it and into the second one I can drag this second image that I have so hit s to bring down the scale properties and scale this down just a bit so there we go let's drag in the media one composition into the main comp and now we can start building up our main design so what I'm gonna do is let's actually hide this for now hit ctrl Y on the keyboard to create a new solid cause this PG for background and hit OK and for now I'm just gonna leave it at black I'll color that up later on so let's start building up our shapes so what we need to do is select the rectangle tool we don't need stroke someone said this to zero for the fill I can go with the white colors it doesn't really matter because we will be using this shapes as a track mat so let's start designing our shape so what I'm going to do is let's just drag and create a rectangle just like so then go into rectangle one rectangle fat one and increase the roundness so we get this really nice circulated shape and then I can go into the main transform property not in the transform rectangle one the main transform property and rotate it by 45 degrees all right so now we have something like that let's select the rectangle one it would be to get back to the main selection tool and then I can place it wherever that I want so for the shape I can unlink this and I can play around with the type of shape or design that I want to go for so I'm gonna just move it a little bit just like that maybe and maybe bring this down a bit like so then I can just hit control D to duplicate it oh maybe I'll just delete that and make sure the context is selected all shape layer is selected actually I think the content should be selected and create a new rectangle so I can now start building up my shapes that I want I'm gonna drag something like that maybe and I'm doing I'm gonna do this very randomly because it is a pretty abstract design that I'm gonna go for so there we go there we have a rectangle to then let's create one more so I'm gonna create this one nice and big and I can hit V and then move this wherever that I want and then go into the rectangle three rectangle paths one and increase the roundness and basically this is the same process that I'm gonna keep on doing so let's select the contents select the rectangle and maybe I'll create one more bigger rectangle just like so maybe and let's go into rectangle path one unlink this I think I'm gonna make it a bit smaller it would be so I can easily move this around I can also make them a bit more closer thing there's a bit too much gap in between them so something like that okay you can use the arrow keys as well just to be a bit more precise and then you can play around with the length don't keep it something like that there we go and increase the roundness so we have this nice shape as you can see let's create some more let's contents and at the rectangle tool and we will create one just a smaller one like that had we to get back to a selection tool and then place it into the position that you want and again increase the roundness select it let's create a one right here that should look good that we place it and it's basically the same exact process so there we go now what I can do is just to add a bit more interesting look what I can do is I can select maybe this one let's select any of this actually let's go with maybe this one hit control D so make sure the rectangle one is selected and hit control D so we have rectangle eight and then hold shift and drag it so I'm gonna select this eighth one again why okay so drag it and then hold shift I'm gonna place it somewhere around there then go into the rectangle Potts and then just increase or decrease the size actually just a touch and then I can just place it into the position that I want just to make a more interesting look so I wanna select maybe this one I want to select so I can go and select maybe this one not actually I'll go with maybe a sixth one hit control D to duplicate it and then just move it holding shift and then bring down the size unlink this and bring this down just like so place it in the position that you want I'm gonna keep it something like that maybe one more I'll create right here hit control D and let's make this small really small just like that okay so it's looking pretty good at the moment maybe I'll drag this up it up just like so and now we need to animate this shape so what I'm going to do is it's gonna be a bit tedious task to do but I'm going to try to make it really simple so let's go to actually one second select the rectangle go into the properties of the rectangle basically and then go into transform rectangle properties of that rectangle and create a keyframe on the position position property by clicking on the stopwatch so now I need to do this in every rectangle so I'll go to a rectangle seven transform rectangle and create a keyframe on the position close that up that's going to this one and it's basically creating pose position keyframes on every rectangle you and this is the last one so I just moved the time indicator you can see we have position keyframe on all the rectangles so now let's select the layer and hit you so we can see just the keyframes and now I can go back to 0 frame and then I can move every rectangle individually so what I'm going to do is I'm going to select this first of all drag and hold shift so it goes into the you know particular direction just like that need to be a bit more careful while doing this okay I'm right control Z as I told you I need to be a bit more careful so move this up just like that so that they come out of the frame something like this let's select this one pull them back select this one pull this you're maybe select this one pull them maybe a bit more closer this uh oppose that really fact because I want to create some randomness between them I don't want all the shapes to come into the frame just at once so something like that so now if I if you see we have this really interesting animation so we have this really nice and simple animation but right now it looks pretty lame so let's go ahead and make it look more interesting so let's select all the keyframes and hit f9 to easy those keyframes go into the graph editor and you can click on this icon and if your graph editor is not looking like this then right click and click on the Edit speed graph then I can select this point and drag the handles holding shift oh I'll do that again just like that select this point and I'm gonna drag it a bit so we have a much more nice animation as you can see it looks much more interesting and then what I can do is I'll go to around maybe three second yup three second looks good let's select all the key dis keyframes and hit control C control V and then go to for second and let's drag them out from the frame so again I'm going to do it very randomly so I can select the shapes I mean this one and I can just drag this holding shift then I can drag this one maybe move this a bit more forward in time just take your time and try to come up with a very interesting look I'll go something like that maybe this okay so let's select this keyframes hit f9 then go into the graph editor and this time I'm going to sell like this points and drag the handle to the right just like that and this one as well so now we should have this really interesting looking animation there we go that is looking pretty good let's come out of the graph editor and now we have this very nice animation so let's put the BG in the background and turn on the media composition that we had and change the trackpad of this to alpha matte so now we have something like this looks pretty cool right now if you don't see the track matte option you can just hit f4 on the keyboard and that should work let's call this mat and then it ends up around 4 seconds so let's go to 4 second select this actually let's duplicate the media again so it ctrl D to duplicate it put this behind just like the below not behind actually change is to no track mat and then I can change the blending mode of this to soft light also on the BG I'm gonna add a fill and give it a nice blue color something like cat looks very nice and let's give it a really simple opacity animation so I'll go to somewhere around maybe one second and 30 frames selected hit T to bring the opacity clear a keyframe go back to zero and set this to zero so we have a pretty simple opacity animation and then go to three seconds create a keyframe by heading on this diamond I can go to four seconds and let's set this to zero let's select all the keyframes and I'm gonna hit f9 so basically now we have this really nice and simple animation as you can see let's add a little bit of scaling animation as well so let's select both the media composition so I can make them red just so that you can see more properly and hit s to bring down the scale properties let's go back create a keyframe go to around 5 seconds and let's bring this up to 110 so we have a little bit of scaling animation as well you see pretty cool and now what I can do is let's go to 5 second like let's actually go to 4 seconds not 5 seconds select the matte layer and a 2 media composition hold alt and close square bracket to cut this up hit ctrl D to duplicate it and let's bring them on the top also I can change the colors so that you know you guys can see it more properly what I'm doing here and let's select this three layers hold shift and just drag them so that the so they snap in right here and now what I can do is let's select the media composition that is this once hold alt and drag the media to so it's gonna replace the media one with media 2 and now we have this really cool animation as you can see so this way I can add more and more images into my story now I want this to start appearing when it starts when this shapes starts getting out of the frame so I can just pull them a bit closer and there we have it now one look cool thing that I can do is select this create a keyframe on the fill color go right here and let's change the color to a nice orange color on a bright color good bit orangish there we go a little bit maybe bit darker tone yep that looks good so basically now we have this color-changing animation as well with the shapes flowing around so this looks very very cool same way you can add more and more slides using the same technique so that was a main animation now let's go ahead and add some more detail to our design so hit control shift H to hide the control layers and I'll set this to 4 so we can see it more properly let's create a new adjustment layer pretty quick and I'm gonna call this cc let's add a bit sharpen to this make it maybe 25 and also I'm gonna add a cc for this actually curves for this not cc let's pull this this just to make the colors pop out a bit you can see really cool okay and then what I can do is select the matte shapes that we have hit ctrl D to duplicate it let's put this below this media one and then I'm gonna add a drop shadow to this let's increase the distance I'm not able to see anything I wanted to put it above the media so we can see it also turn that on so there we go let's rotate it and place it into the position that we want to something like that looks good maybe bring down the opacity a bit and increase the feather so something like that looks pretty nice same with this one as well that actually I can just use the same one so I can hit control D place it right here and that should work place it above the media comp and yeah there we go we have a nice drop shadow just to create a bit more depth let's go ahead and add some text to this so select the text tool and type in future yeah of course it's lame but you can type in anything that you want you know something like check out my new video something like that I know but let's increase the size and for the font I'll go with Gotham ultra we can go with absolutely any phone that you like and keep me nice and big align it okay and let's create a very simple animation for this so I'm going to go into the text properties and in the animate I can add an opacity bring this down to zero and go to range selector and I can animate this just like so as you can see so I'll go to around two seconds maybe create a keyframe actually at zero create a keyframe on the end property go to one second and set this to hundred so if I want I can just leave it like that I'll say this to Auto actually so if I want I can just leave it like that but what I need to do is what I am gonna do is turn on the randomness so we have a much more interesting look as you can see very very cool yep that is looking pretty good and one more thing that I need to do is on the match that we are using in behind you can see we can get a bit edges like white edges in the background so you can add let's add a simple joke actually and I'll keep it at maybe point five very minimal so as you can see the difference it ctrl C and put it on this one as well alright so future is near let's add a secondary text so I can just duplicate this hit ctrl D put this on the top now for this one I'm gonna go with shrunk five and I'll provide all the links in the description to the font that I am using also the project file is absolutely free to download so you can download that as well and I'm going to type in hashtag modern it's a bit smaller I'll put it right here right it control-d put this one right here and call this creative so now you have this nice text animation so let's actually see our complete animation so far and I think it came out really nice yep that is actually looking very nice minimal but stylish of course you can see it looks very nice so now you can impress your friends by creating this amazing stories and they're gonna ask you how the hell you created that and then you can just tell them to subscribe to doke motion so they can create it as well and also if you want me to create more design on Instagram story animations so do let me know in the comment section below and I will love to create more for you guys also the last thing that I want to do is add a drop shadow to the text as well so I'll just increase the distance rotate it a bit and increase the softness it's nice you can see before and after so it stands out from the background and I think yeah that is a wrap for today guys so yeah that is a wrap for today guys also by the time you're making the stories also make sure you follow me on Instagram add three dope dog motions and yeah I'll see you guys in the next video till then take care thank you so much for watching don't forget stay raw stay Creator [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 96,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instagram Stories, Animate Instagram Stories, create instagram stories, design instagram stories, After Effects Tutorial - Animate Instagram Stories, After Effects Tutorial, dope motions, Great Instagram Stories, motion graphics after effects, how to use after effects, after effects slide animation, dynamic stories, how to use instagram, instagram, instagram videos, social media, ig stories, instagram hacks, instagram story hacks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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