Animate Instagram Story in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial

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this video is sponsored by video Lancer the great thing about Instagram stories is that you can get really creative and post different kinds of content stories allow you to enhance your content with colored stickers text filters from photos to short video clips and boomerangs you can literally create all kinds of content and repurpose it all for later time it's like promoting and marketing your brand a company in real time so today I am going to show you guys how to create classic Instagram story design and animation to promote or showcase your business or company in a very interesting way I am Nikhil from doke motions and without any further ado let's get started are you familiar with these video transitions certainly you are nowadays they are the most popular transitions on YouTube video Lancer motion designer who developed them have created more than 3000 of such handy seamless transitions for After Effects as well as for Premiere Pro try them now free versions are available for all subscribers of video Lancer channel links for downloading in the description alright so you'll be our in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition I'll keep this 1080 into 1920 because we will be using the instagrams Thole size so 10 18 - 19 20 30 fps and 20 seconds should be good let's rename this to mein kampf as this is gonna be your main composition hit okay then I'm gonna create composition which will be our media placeholders where we can drag any image or videos that you want to use as a story so I call this media and it's scroll 1 and hit OK then I have some images that I got from the I provide the link down in the description they provide free free photos to use in your projects for personal as well as commercial use so you can check them out if you want to really great quality images I use them regularly in my templates and commercial work as well so very nice so much you can of course go with any image that you want then let's drag and drop that image into our main composition then select the rectangle tool and make sure Phil is set to a particular color maybe it can be a white color I'm just gonna double click on the rectangle tool so it's gonna create a shape just like that I want to go into the rectangle one rectangle transform rectangle one and skew this up by around 22 just like so and let's create a pretty simple animation so I'll move the time indicator to two seconds select layer and first of all let's hit enter and rename this layer to shape underscore or one there we go let's hit P to bring down the position properties create a keyframe go back to zero frame and drag this out holding shift just like so so now we have a pretty simple animation now let's see in the track mat of the Mediacom to alpha mat now if you don't see the strut map option you can hit f4 on the keyboard and that should make it happen so now we have this very nice and simple animation let's add a simple zoom animation to our image so I'm select the media comp hit s to bring down the scale properties create a keyframe go all the way up to 20 seconds so let's actually go to 6 seconds in 20 seconds and scale is up to around 115 percent so now we have a pretty simple zoom animation just like so now I'll select the shape layer hit ctrl D to duplicate it make sure time indicator is at two seconds and let's turn that on and I'll move this to somewhere around there also bring that below our media comp so now we have something like this very nice and simple animation maybe I can go to two seconds and drag this a bit in like so so now we have something like that let's select it hit ctrl D to duplicate it so we have shape three put this below and make sure again the time indicator is at two seconds and then holding shift I'll drag this out just like so so now we have this kind of look now at the present we have very linear keyframes so I'm going to select everything and hit U so we can see just the keyframes we don't need the keyframes of the scaling property of this media so I'm gonna hide that I'm gonna select a rest of the keyframes and hit f9 to easy ease those keyframes go into the graph editor now if your graph editor is not looking like this then make sure to right-click and select edit speed graph and then I'm gonna sell like this handle and drag it to the left by holding shift and same with this one as well a bit just like so so now we have a much interesting and smooth animation as you can see very very nice now I think this shape is a bit bigger so I just select it no I think it looks pretty good now one thing that I want to do is I want to select the shape layer that is a track mat and move it a bit to the right because I want more space in this section so I'm gonna move this one as well just like so so now we have something like that let's give some nice colors to our white layer so I select the shape layer and i'm using the FX console script from Video Copilot it is an absolutely free script so you can download it I provide the link down in the description but if you don't have the scrip you can select the layer go into fix and a preset actually go into Windows and then you can click on the effects and preset tab and you should get this effects in preset and then you can go ahead and type in gradient ramp some type in ramp but this is a you know a long process so I will highly recommend you guys to go ahead and the free FX consult script using that you can just hit space and consult ctrl + space to launch up and then you can type in the desired effect and then you can use it by just clicking on that effect or hitting enter on the keyboard so it's pretty simple to use now if you guys want I can create a complete review video or how to use video on FX console script but I think Andrew Kramer has already has a very good video on how to use that so yeah I definitely recommend you guys to go ahead and check it out so I'll move this points just at the place that I want something like that then I can add any color that I want so I'm gonna add some of my favorite colors that is a blue Anna maybe a purplish color that looks really nice and corporate feel to it then select the gradient ramp so hit ctrl C paste it on the shape layer - so ctrl V so we have the same colors this time again I need to move the handles of the gradient ramp or the points of the gradients ramp whatever you can call it just like so so now the animation is looking much more colorful and nice let's really quickly add some reflection on our image so I'm going to select the shape layer so let's select the shape layer 3 hit ctrl D I'll call this our EF for reflection put this on to the top hit u so we can see the keyframes let's bring the time indicator at two seconds and drag this holding shift just right over here then I can delete the gradient ramp go into the fill and let's set this to a nice gradient gradient fill and then I can syllabuses point and drag it to any any place that I want I'm gonna drag it just like so and if you don't have the particular color selected you can go into its properties that is contents rectangle one gradient fill and you can go in edit gradient then you can select this color make sure opacity is set to zero say this one and set the opacity to 202 white hit OK and I think it's looking pretty good I can select it actually over a fire maybe I wanted to be very very subtle just like that maybe I'll bring down the intensity to around 50% yeah very nice and subtle you can see we have this nice reflection then I can add a transform effect on this and then animate the position as well so I'll go to two seconds or maybe let's go to one second create a keyframe on the position go all the way up to 20 seconds and move it to the left just like that so we have constant movement of our reflection but I think it's a bit too slow so I'll select this and hit U so we can see the keyframes bring this closer to around 15 seconds because the story is going to be 15 seconds long so I'll keep it just 15 seconds and that is looking pretty great I'll move this bit so now I can see we have a slight movement into our reflection now it's a bit too slow so I'll increase the position of Bill just like that and yeah there we have it looking nice and simple looking great now what I can do is I can go ahead and add some text to our story so let's create a new composition called this maybe text underscore 4-1 hit OK hit ctrl key on the keyboard to change the comp settings so for the weather I'll leave it at 1080 and for the height I'll coordinate with something like 300 should be good and yeah that looks good to me hit OK and then then you can of course type in any text that you want so I'm typing just as an example at this model and by the way I'm using the next black font you can use any font that you like let's align this into the center okay let's increase the size a bit this is really nice and close and align it into the center okay pretty great let's give a little bit of nice animation to our text so I'm gonna go into text property go into animate and add a position then bring down the position just like so go into the range selector and now we can animate it using the offset so I'll set this to I guess zero create a keyframe go to two seconds and set this 200 so right now we have a pretty simple animation now let's make it look more interesting so I'll go into the advanced properties and change the shape from square to wrap up now this is gonna mess up our animation a bit so now I can go at the very beginning and bring now the offset to all the way up to minus 100 so now we have this animation but it's still not that great also I think I'll move it to around one second because two two seconds is a bit too slow so yeah that looks good for the easy low I'll increase this I may be breaking this down let's see how it looks that looks pretty cool though also had some easy hide this or maybe let's set the easy low 200 and easy high to zero yep that looks much better I think yep very very nice there we have a nice simple text animation let's add a background so hit control Y to create a new solid make comp size and hit OK bring this below and then I can go to maybe one second hit P to bring down the position properties create a keyframe go back and drag this out of the frame select keyframes hit f9 go into the graph editor and the same exact thing that we did select the point drag the handle to the left drag this one to the left as well so now we have this nice animation but now I think I'm gonna select the keyframe of this and drag it a bit so maybe 1 second 20 frames now he has something like that and you can see the text starts to come up before the solid comes into the frame so what I can do is select the solid hit ctrl D to duplicate it bring this on the top of our text and change this to of matte so now it cuts the text and now we have this very nice look pretty cool so there we have our first text ready to roll that selected and hit control V to duplicate it go into this one I'll change the text to modern business so now we have our second title ready very nice let's select it hit control D go into third one and this time what I can do is selected actually hand increased the kerning a bit also type in something like presentation hit ctrl key on the keyboard and increase the width just like so let's see nope we still want to make it really nice and big so I'll hit control key again and increase this even more maybe let's go over 2300 I think that should work yup there we go now you can see the solids is not the same size so what we can do is select the solid go into layer solid settings and make it calm size and hit new selected go into layer solid settings may come size hit new now I'll select all the layers hit you so we can see just the keyframes I'll go do one second and this is looking pretty good go at the very beginning select both the solids and drag them out holding shift just like so so now we have something like this pretty simple let's go into the main composition and drag all the three text composition on the top it is to bring down scale properties our skill is down really small maybe something like sixty and then I can place it into the position that I want I want to place it somewhere around there place this one's there that's a third one place to do it yes make this really small and nice just like so so we have this very simple animation let's actually drag the composition of our text back in time so we have something like that now we can displace them a bit so something like that should look good you can see pretty cool now to make it look even more interesting I can go into text two and change the colors a bit so I'll select solid and add a fill on that making it white and for the text I'll keep it black so now you can see we have much more interesting look very nice also on the top I'm gonna add a number right over here I'll Rd or one keep it white and make it small just like so and let's give it a simple animation so I'll go to one second select the layer hit P to bring down the position create a keyframe go back bring that out select it and hit f9 graph editor and the same exact thing then I'll drag it out just like so so now we have something like that pretty cool now let's say I want to add more images to my story so it's pretty simple to do what I'll do is I'll go to 5 second around 5 seconds select the media one and the shape 1 layer hit ctrl D to duplicate it drag this at 5 seconds then replace the media 1 with media - so I select the media 1 hit control D to create media 2 and then hold alt and drag it on the top so it's gonna replace it with media - I can go into media - and change it to any different image that I want so I'll select this image to hit s and scale that up so it fits the comp drag it just like so there we go so now we have a very simple animation so let's create a new adjustment layer really quick on the top actually called the CC I'm gonna add some glow to this make it look really nice and poppy I'll make it all the way up 200 increase the glow radius and bring down the glow intensity 2.5 there we go now you can see it looks more pop up and nice maybe even more so like 25 is good actually also I can add some sharpen to this so I'll select it and hit 20-person of sharpening so now you can see looking very nice and if I want to add more images with the same exact process select the shape the media - and the shape for hit control D drag it to let's say maybe 10 seconds create a media to hit control D - duplicated create a media 3 go into media 3 delete the image and replace it with another image you'll start down a bit going to main come and replace the media - with media 3 by holding alt and dragging and dropping it and there we have it really simple and easy to do now if you want to add some background elements what you can do is you can go into maybe the text 1 slay the text hit ctrl C paste it out in the frame just like so maybe increase the size a bit place it somewhere on there maybe and then change the blending mode to soft light select the shape that we have that is a shape 3 hit ctrl D to duplicate it pull this up change the blending mode to a format so now we have this very interesting element in the background you can see but we need to adjust the position so I'll hit you so we can see the keyframes go right over here of the shape layer actually not the text I'll go to two seconds and I'll keep this right over just like that and then let's add some really simple position animation to this so what I can do is select it and hit P to bring down a position create a keyframe go all the way up and drag it so just you know we have some nice background elements to play around with maybe I'll bring down the opacity a bit it looks very cool also you can switch it to strokes so you can just see the strokes of the text which looks really cool I think so now you can see we have our very nice-looking animation which looks very professional very useful for posted on your Instagram stories and from Instagram stories make sure to follow me on instagram at dopes dot motions I am super active on Instagram posting almost every single week some amazing content about my behind the scenes some amazing projects that I'm working on so yeah it's pretty fun Instagram profile to visit so make sure you check it out so yeah that is a wrap for today guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did then make sure to subscribe comment and like also do let me know in the comment section below about what topic that you want me to create the next tutorial on care if many people request the same topic then maybe I'll create a tutorial dedicated on that also you can give some tutorial ideas as well so yeah it's gonna be pretty fun and yeah I'll see you guys in the next video till then take care thank you so much for watching and don't forget stay raw stay creative [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 62,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instagram Story in After Effects, Animate Instagram Story, After Effects Tutorial, instagram story animation in after effects, business story animation in after effects, instagram story, after effects slide animation, design instagram stories, dope motions
Id: Nb3yIjyZzrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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