Simple Animation Tutorial - After Effects

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what up design champions this is what we'll be making in today's tutorial so if you want to make this follow along aliens brah oh and the hope and the determination let's get started what video will hopefully show you basics of animating so you'll start with a image in Illustrator and then we'll take it to After Effects that will be our workflow so for me I have this image that I've just created in Illustrator so if you don't know how to create an image like this in Illustrator go find some illustrator tutorials and make something cool so let's say assume that you've made something like this plan it with a flag that'll be pretty baller now everything I want to animate in After Effects has to be on its own layer so if I want all of these stars to kind of spin or show independently they need to all be on different layers and that's what all these layers are this layer is the background so I'm going to actually name it be gggggg right ok done and then the flag is named flag good because and the pull-pull planet called planet apricot and then the text okay good so I want the text the flag the pole and the every part of the planet I want to do the same thing ok so once everything you want to animate is on a different layer then you go file save I've already saved this as whereas it was planet Janet animation asset cannon okay so that's saved as a desktop now what you want to do is go to after-effects perfect and then after bicycle new composition and then we'll name this planet jet man Jacob rollin animation again okay perfect fine sounds great whoo-hoo is jet man Jacobs I have no idea and then duration I'm going to make it about eight seconds eight seconds is fine on this page the only thing you need to be more worried about is the eyes and the time basically everything else is fine that's okay so now we have a box the reason why I'm using 1080 by 1080 is so you can post it to the gram the gram sizzle and you can put it on your Instagram which takes square dimensions which I think actually Instagram prefer 640 by 640 so it might not even take 1080 by 1080 I don't know but I think it will so what we're going to do now is we're going to find our illustrator file so this file right here planet Janet animation cannon is the one we want we're going to pull it into this left area box here now they'll give us some options so if we wanted to we go footage and we could like choose which layer we wanted to bring in if we only wanted one layer but we actually want the whole file so we'll go composition now hit holkar's perfect now I'll show you how cool adobe is because if i open this folder when i just brought in see how it has the illustrator image that's super cool now has all the illustrator files so pull it in to the bottom left here we could say oh grant we can say anything and this because it put our background layer up top so we'll just click and drag that to the bottom so nice we can see everything except our flag zoom in ctrl + is above our pull so we're going to move our flag just a little bit down behind the pole and this one is pull and then dress anything else wrong no no I think that's it that's good alright first off what I would like to do is probably separate so all of these layers are just stars look about I all the stars are gone so what I'm going to do is press the little color box and make them folks yeah also pronounced fuchsia what folks yeah a little bit more edgy alright and then I'm going to move everything else everything but the stars actually the background we want to keep it in place so we'll move everything but the stars in the background a little bit further right so you can't see them so this thing in our right area is like our plays room and using so if we press spacebar we can have it play so it'll start and then all of our stars appear here and all of our planet stuff appears here oh that's the problem we can't see the text the text we have to put above the flag if something like this happens it means that you're inside this little text area so just hit X up there and move that above flag now I get to everything we need to so what's very important to begin with is to move the anchor point of each star so this first star is this one over the right here so we need to move our anchor point so that we can have it like expand in the middle of the shape this is important to move the anchor point at certain times so we're going to press Y and then click and move it on top of the shape so we'll do the second star which is this one in the bottom left we'll press Y and then we'll click and drag the anchor point onto this star and now we'll go quickly quickl can zoom out a little bit so I can see which stars bottom left why I move it on top good why did I make so many stars I don't know I don't know because I wanted to light up the night sky like you're okay now wait why move this over there ah good job doing really well thank you you're suing encouraging tonight normally you're terrible okay no move keep moving the anger points on top of the stars until we have all the stars where we need them to be as you're playing video games for a long time helps not that I'm very good at this but if you really super good at video games if you're really good at that part okay so now all of the anchor points are exactly on top of the shapes or they need to be that's great let's get started on our first actual animating step which will be animating this star zoom in some in control + to zoom in right here so we're just like all the other stars you can just click and drag them to the right so that the star is the only thing we can see all right first off what I want is to have the star go zoom very descriptive sound effects but what I mean by that is to go from not seeing it at all and it will just appear so to do that we're going to work with the first characteristic which is Gale so we're going to make it go from zero size to full size so scale sake is f so make sure you're on this layer of that star right there and then press s and then you'll see it's a scale right there perfect Wow great job okay now at this point in our play line here where this bar so this bar represents this star right now we want when it first appears we don't want to see it at all so we want the scale to be at zero so right when we put that to zero we can't see it now to make sure that it's at zero at that point what we do is we hit this little clap doohickey and then when we want it to appear both sides move our little play line to where we want it to show full size and then we hit 100 enter then the program automatically makes another keyframe right there so now we have two spots so at our first diamond it's at zero at our second diamond is that 100% so then everything in between is all the layers all the steps to make 100% look at that boom it goes big perfect okay cool so let's make it take a little bit longer we can move this second one further so it takes longer to get to full scale now actually I want to be faster so it goes to full scale now since it's just going from small to large like this that's kind of a boring animation it's a little bit amateur to so and since we are not amateurs we are full-on professionals we're going to select both of these keyframes and now we're going to hit this button graph edit or also scary what is this now we're getting into a graph man now it's actually super simple because this this dot here represents this one and this dot here represents this one so it's really just another way to see the same thing super easy so what we want to do is change the angle of this line that will change how simple this animation is because you see this straight line that absolutely represents how straight our animation is how dull our animation is so it just goes from small to big that's it and that's and it's just a regular speed so we'll select this one and we want to have a handle so we can change it so we're going to press convert selecting keyframe to auto busy air so it's this little round line with one dot now gave us a little handle thing if you've used illustrator which if you're watching this hopefully hopefully you have and then we'll select that one and we'll hit the exact same button convert to auto bezier now we have two things we can play around with so watch this right I'm going to hit this button that says fit graphs to view so that just makes it gives us a little bit easier review to see and then put it up more so this will hopefully at this point it will go to one hundred and ten percent size so if that if it's making sense then the star will actually start here tiny it'll go bigger than it's supposed to be and then it'll come back down to regular size so let's let's watch that for a second okay so it gets big and then it comes down again well just like that let's do it even more dramatically so it goes like this yep chunk so that's nice right now we can change kind of the speed of things with this one so we'll go like this showing showing all right nice it's pretty fun actually to make it dramatic like that and if you want to zoom out on this you can use this little mountain range big mountain small mountain mountain range okay cool so to go in and out of the graph editor just grab editor go out hit graph editor again so that's cool now our star is fully animated with scale and it adds a more professional appearance because it gets big and it snaps back all right now the best thing about After Effects is that we can apply this same effect to all the other stars so we can save tons of time so we're going to do is we're going to select both of these points we're going to hit ctrl C pink until they're selected cuz they're blue press ctrl C and then we're going to select all the other star layers we know there are star layers because we made them fukusa fook fook yeah fuchsia all right now we want to use the same characteristic for all the other stars so zoom out on our thing here go to where they all start see when I say go to I mean move your this little thing I think it's called a playhead I don't know we'll just call it the blue line and then we'll move it to the beginning of all these right and then we have all been selected so if we press s once they'll show us the scale for every the scale characteristic for every one of those layers and now the magic comes in we can just press because we copied these two before now just select all these and then hit control V and it literally pasted it on all the layers so now watch all the stars so all of the stars are the same characteristic they all expand and get smaller as well so but because we don't want one star to come in and then all the other stars to show up at the same time that's super boring all we have to do now is just stagnate them a little bit around ba-ba-ba-ba just move them around randomly it's fine no biggie biggie I love it when they call me big glob okay so look now the stars come in at different times showing jong-hong Rovers on Jones runs from show and do you think the star is coming too fast just move stuff like this just move move the right point so that it takes longer for the animation to complete like this so now watch the stars right takes a little bit longer super pool all right now our planet just janky right the plan just appears out of nowhere that's lame so what we're going to do is ah I want to do one more thing to our stars actually I want to have now is after the stars appear I want them to start spinning you know like like wheels or something like my car like I like it like a star car or a big levers bar car okay so we're going to go with the first star actually let's select all of them and since we don't want to see the scale characteristic anymore just press you you will close it down now we're just going to start with this with our favorite stars that's not the star we're going before yes it is that's going on the right we're going to have is when it gets to about here we're going to have it start spinning to the right so our second characteristic we're going to work with the first one was scale and s was the button for that the next one is we wanted to spin another word for spinning is rotation rotation so the characteristic for that is R so you make sure that you have that shape selected and you press bar now we have rotation baller so right here where our playhead is blue line we don't want anything to spin so let's have no spin there and then we actually want the Stars to spin for the entirety of the animation so we'll go on let's zoom out a little bit so we get to the end a little faster so we'll go all the way basically let's not go all the way in maybe about here and then we're going to have maybe like four rotations all right so now watch watch this one star it comes up and see how it spins so it starts spinning actually while it's still getting big if we want it to start later and we'll put that start one a little bit later so it gets big and then it starts right let's that go all the way and then start spinning like actually I like it to start spinning sooner so they'll go like this right SCOR shown now the star is spinning pretty nicely but a beautiful early alright so now we can take the same principle we use last time we'll copy and paste these two things press control-c and then we'll select all the other star layers and we will go what we do we'll press R because we want to see all their rotation characteristics so what we'll do is we'll come over here and then we'll just hit control V and then that puts it literally on every single star so dope and then what we're going to do is we're going to move it so that it's more consistent with where these ones are so presents the bars to the left we'll move all those to the left this bars to the right remove all these to the right this one's actually okay this one it's far is to the right this one starts a little bit to the left wrestling to the right yada yada yada and so forth until we have this thing going on soon all right so you see this one star that's freaking out right here I'll show you what the problem is with that one if we can find about which one that is let's um close down all these so press u twice that time to close them all down and then let's go searching for that star man it should name these a little bit better ah so it's u so this is the problem child right here so we're going to go to like wherever we think it should be and then we're going to move that why so we're going to move this hopefully on top of it so now it should go see now it stays and it stays where it should be because we didn't have the Y properly on top of it to begin with that's what messed it up all right cool now the stars are spinning now let's work on the next step so we have all the stars how we want them to be now we're going to start with the planet so I'm going to move the pole to the right because we're going with the pole yet and we don't want the flag yet and I'm actually going to move the planet now that's the text so this is the planet we don't want the text either so the planet we're going to actually have this same characteristics in terms of scale so we're going to have it but first let's move the Y to the middle of the planet we can I just eyeballed it just eyeballs it looks great looks fine so we'll move the Y to the middle of the planet and then we'll bring up the scale characteristic because here we don't want to see it we want to have it as 0 then we want to have a keyframe there so that we can say at that point it's at 0 present then about here we'll say at this point we want it to be 100% enter now watch it goes from nothing to fullness just like my career now still at nothing anyways I will go like that and now since appearing that way is a little bit amateurish but let's move the flag and all that stuff over to the right we are going to customize it again with the graph editor grab editor is my favorite thing in After Effects if we select both of these and go convert to audio by auto Bezier we can see these little things let's uh let's make let's give it basically the same thing so it gets a little bit bigger than it should and pops back down children yung-chun perfect let's do them out see how that's going so the planet appears good now maybe about plans beers pull pops up so we're going to have the pole where's the pole here we are you're you're the girl and for this pole now we're going to put the Y in the middle of the planet so hope we want the planets Y point and the poles Y point to be basically as close together as we can possibly get them and it's totally fines are a little bit off as long as they're like pretty close so this you can tell they're a little bit off but that's more than close enough perfect so for this why the pole what we're going to work on is the third characteristic so far we've talked about scale which is s rotation which is R now the third characteristic is positioned so we're going to have this pole actually we're going to move it a little bit - no we're going to leave it there that's fine so we're going to have the pole be behind the planet and then it's going to pop up out of the planet so we want at this point in our animation to get the position characteristic we'll press P so make sure you're on that layer and then press P and it shows up so at this point we want the position to be behind the planets right and now I actually move why we're going to be in the middle of the middle of the planet okay that's fine and then we're going to hit this one okay and then we're going to have it pop up pretty fast actually so we right about here we want it to be here all right and then let's apply the same thing so we'll go in here to our graph and this time if we hit Auto Bezier nothing happens we can't see any of the of the handlebars paint so what we're going to do is we're gonna select them and at this time we're going to hit separate dimensions Wow - a new dimension where everything is tastier all right now we're just going to have our graphical a little bit then down this time so watch what they pulled us mm so it gets a little bit taller than it should and snaps back very quickly let's make it a little bit slower if we can so goes like this junk room there you go right the pole comes out so let's go back to our animation go between the mountains and let's see how that goes so the planet shows up the pole pops out planet shows up pull tops out at this point all right actually actually we want to be alright it's fine whatever alright now we need the flag to appear right so what we're going to do is where's our flag flag is here grab we're going to move the flag over to where we want it to appear yeah okay fine alright so we want the flag to kind of appear to the left so it's going to start on the right no swing to the left the problem is but this flag it's not going to fit behind this pole right it can't hide behind a pole that's crazy so we need to create something also we're going to move the Y of this flag to the middle of our planet and try to make it just basically the same as this one Wow super close okay alright good so we are going to have this flag we're going to do something a little bit tricky make sure that none of the layers are selected good and then hit this rectangle tool make a black square and design would be black just make a square around where you want the flag to appear so that's why we put it here so if the flag is outside the black box can't see it and when the flag comes into the black box we'll be able to see the flag all right now anytime you make a new shape and after effects it's going to show up from the very beginning the animation and obviously that's not what we want so we're going to go to where we want the flag to show up which is here and we're going to select the shape we just made and we're going to cut it to the left because we don't want to show up there so we'll go alt or option if you're a Mac user look and then go alt left bracket that's where it begins pop so it goes pop right if you want to kill something you go all right bracket and that's what ends it do that okay so right here is where we want the flag to start so we're going to make it now so their flag shows up inside this black box and we can't see the black box to do this we want to move the black box on top just the layer above what we want to see so if we want to see the flag we want to have the black box be the layer above it perfect so that's what we have we want to see the flag where the black box right above it now we're going to select the the flag layer what we want to see and then go to the middle here track mat if you can't see that and hit this little thing here if yours looks like this then hit this and go boom and now you can see all that now go you want to change that from none to alpha matte shape layer one and it says shape layer one because that's the layer above it it was any other layer above it it would say alpha matte okay shape layer one so you can see it changed the little logos and on the left here so what that means is now this flag any times inside that black box you can see it whenever it's out you can't see it yes perfect which is exactly what we want because we want right when the flag appears we want the position so press P the position we want to have to the right so that you can't see it now we'll hit this so that at that key point it starts there then probably about here we're going to have it be where we want it to be so like right there right so now watch this it comes in right now we're going to move the text a little bit later shown where it slow this down move that to the right all right now like any animation we are truly professional heroes so we're going to select both of these and then go to our graph and we're going to get a little bit jiggy with it Will Smith would be super proud alright now we're going to go and move our handles something like this which is the exact same style we've been using the entire time which is to have it go a little bit further than should and snap back I trust me there are other things you can do which will do one of them you'll see but I'm really I'm really enamored with this kind of idea boom boom I that seems fine so now we have the Planeteers the pull pops out and the flag let's see how fast that goes to the Stars planet pull pops up hug them out a little bit and watch it all again to make sure timing is kind of interesting so I think there's too much time between when we see the planet and when the pole pops out so I'm going to move people a little bit closer to there so can I go hmm that's pretty cool and then we're actually going to move the flag popping out closer to over you're going to be a little bit further away that's pretty cool all right so the now I want the text so we're going to do the exact same thing what we're actually going to move the Y to the middle of the planet hopefully all our highs can be very close to each other so that we don't have to make it complicated the end all right our flag pops out now we want our text to show up a little bit better because right now just on bangs from nothing to something all right so what we're going to do is we're going to use this Zak same technique for the text make sure nothing's shown hit the rectangle tool make a box around the area that you want to see all right but but it's showing up for the entire entirety of the animation so we're going to click on it move our blue line to where we want it to start and go alt left bracket bar vegs right perfect so now it appears here okay so if you remember from last time we want this shape layer we want the black box to be one layer up of what we want to see so we want to see the text so we have the black box above it we select the text and we go track mat alpha Matt shaped layer 2 and shape layer 2 is this new black box that we just made so now if we select our text you move around can't see it can't see it can't see it can see it right perfect so what we want is now at this point we don't want to see the aliens bra so we're going to move it up and see what's let's open the position characteristic by pressing key so here we don't want to see it so we're going to put it up there and then we're going to hit position button and then about over here we're going to move it down again so we'll have it be there so now we have cool to cool things and now let's play with customizing how it comes in and let's change it up this time so at this time it kind of maybe starts out fast and then goes to a slower point so it'll be something like like this maybe or do that so it'll be kind of slower sir let's go here and give us some more room for it to peer yeah so see how it kind of slows down here now it just comes in rather perfectly doesn't show me but I want to have it all start after the flag is entirely finished so look like this yeah aliens bruh all right let's see how that whole thing works alien bro mm-hmm that's kind of funny aliens bruh all right now let's see where all their Y's are so we're actually going to move to Y here which hopefully will be close to that line good good good good now this why we also want to move to the middle of the planet because I'll tell you why in a second here what we want now is we're going to have the planet the pole the flag we're going to all rotate once around so it's going to zoom around and finish so we're going to do is we're going to select the planet layer wait what is this that's the planet then what is it that's the pole ok so we'll select the pole watch the planet select the box for the text select the text then select the box for the flag and select the flag cool and then when do we want to start rotating maybe about here so they are awesome none of them have a rotation characteristic now so here we're going to start the rotation so we're going to press a thing at zero and then about here we're going to have it do a full rotation so we're just going to move this around so do you see our pole it's freaking out right our pole is freaking out because it's why is it the wrong place so here it's going to do a full rotation cool so it looks pretty good except for we need to figure out what we can do about our pole so in order to fix the pole problem this is what I'm going to do see our pole Here I am going to make a duplicate of it so I'm actually going to get rid of that rotation thing pop-up and after the pull appears I'm going to end it all right bracket then we're going to copy and paste so now we actually have two poles two of the same poles with the exact same characteristics so what we want fresh poll so we're going to get rid of the old polls characteristics so we'll press P because that's what it had before now let's see as all these keyframes we'll just delete all these delete delete delete delete delete all right so now you actually can't see this I'll make a separation so you can see this is the old poll no poll now the new poll see that now we're going to move the new poll next to the old poll so that there's a seamless transition nobody can tell but there's actually two polls we've just created all right now this one now we can move that you Y to the middle of the planet nothing repeat nothing is gonna stop us that's right are you everything the invaders in that's kind of a cool show like that I should get a dog all right cool so now now now now now now we're going to have the new poll extend all the way to be it run all the way to in it what's the fun well that's the buck alright so on our new poll layer we're just going to copy the rotation that we did for everything else so just look at any of them press R so we're going to steal the rotation from the text that we just made and we're going to select these ctrl C and now we're going to go to our new poll it can and then go to rotation and hit control V so now we'll have them be perfectly aligned now everything goes well which I believe it should and the poll will go with it this time see that shoe now the poll goes with it perfecto but the problem is I mean it's not a problem I just hope you understand that because the poll its position was changing and so the Y changed so why was here when it needed to rotate so it was rotating around a different point than the planet and the flag was which created problems so all we did was we ended the old poll and we created a new poll an exact same place but we is the why back to where it needed to be so now everything rotated well so because our rotation is super amateur and we are seasoned professionals we have to select this every everything that we span everything that we spun around the planet the pole the shape for the text and the text and the shape for the flag and the flag there we go let's hit R so we can see all them now we're just going to select all of it all the point and we'll go back to my favorite thing in the world the craft and the auto busy air will work this time Auto busy air and now we can have will make it go kind of slow and then we're going to do that we're going to do my favorite thing so it's going to a little bit further than it should and step back let's see what let's see what that does oh snap is a little bit too feisty let's hit this fill all graphs to view so we can see it just a little bit better all right let's start from here and go soon that's pretty good shown all right the only problem is then we have tons of time left in our animation so let's just make it take a little bit longer you boom alright let's go so all the stars show up math shows up and it spins around and it says aliens bra very loon bra okay that's it so once you've done all those steps you're going to want to hit file export a export to render queue and then this time I get a little bit more serious with your naming when it matters so we'll go plan it animation but don't do that don't do that final render whatever sure then desktop will save and then we'll hit render and then it will go through the whole animation and it's going super fast aliens breath now remember you know don't write aliens Brown yours right right you know the level of your life or the name of your business or maybe your college or your soccer team yeah whatever you want that'd be super dope also change the colors you know whatever you want if you do do this make sure to tag me tag me on the grams bro so let's actually let's watch this what did we just make this one yeah tag me on the grams bra just go at them Mayfield alright let's watch the final condition so press play Oh stars came out oh cool all right I'll play again well probably if I want to spend more time I would change up a lot of the speed on things so like I would have it all top-up a little bit faster so it flows better like this so I have a go zoom and then as a flag I'd have less time between the flag and when the text appears and then also when it starts spinning I'd make that all faster alright anyways that was it for this animation tutorial if you liked it and learn something about it I'll learn something about animation then make sure to leave a like and if you like the channel then subscribe like a true boss because we're all professionals around here yeah maybe in committee we'll get there one day okay catch you later no wait what am I saying yes see you later alligator stay awesome possum kinda it kind of edits things and then you can go back in here if you think the bottom is too dark just go back in and
Channel: Zimri Mayfield
Views: 1,316,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simple animation, animation tutorial, after effects, after effects tutorial, flat animation tutorial, how to animate, how to animate in after effects, make simple animation, animate in after effects, after effects key frame, illustrator to after effects, illustrator animation, adobe illustrator, after effects cc, basic animation, basic animation tutorial, simple, animation, beginner animation, adobe after effects, easy animation, flat animation, flat design animation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 53sec (2393 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2017
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