Create Diagrams and Flow Charts in Seconds with ChatGPT Plugin | Step-by-Step Tutorial

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welcome back to web Cafe AI where we do daily artificial intelligence videos for your personal and business life in today's video we're going to be checking out Whimsical diagrams and seeing how we can leverage that with chat gbt as always to have plugins enabled make sure you have hat gbt Plus account and then you can enable in the settings in the beta features from here though we're just going to ask what are the capabilities of this plugin and then essentially we're going to go ahead and structure this tutorial very simple questions then going to very Advanced questions to get a full breath to see the capabilities of what this could do so as you see here we got two main capabilities the ability to make flow charts and mind maps let's go ahead and start a simple question here and ask you to create a basic flowchart that shows the process of making a cup of tea as we know when it's accessing the API we'll see that green little box meaning it's working let's go to see what it comes up with all right so as you see here we got our flowchart this is how it presents it looks like with a purple Hue and then we got a nice little flow chart on how to make tea and it looks like we can view and edit this flowchart with their back end so we click that and we can essentially we can add different sticky notes here okay that's pretty cool and we can go ahead and edit it and kind of work with it from here I really like their back end it's very clean and the UI is very nice all right let's go ahead and check out their other capability for this plugin which is the ability to make mind maps so we're gonna go ahead and use the Ability here and say can you create a my map that outlines the main components of a personal computer as you see here we got our mind map here starts with a personal computer and then jumps into all the different components here I will say it is a very good UI I mean the fact that this looks very good on chair gpt's front end and then jumping into their back end it looks good as well and we're able to edit it it seems like one of the more powerful flowchart tools and mind map tools that we've seen on the chair DBT store so let's go ahead and up the anti here we're going to ask a more complex question we're going to say can you create a flowchart that details the software development life cycle and cleaning stages like planning design development testing and deployment let's see what it comes up with so here is our flowchart for a software development lifecycle pretty simple stuff here pretty cool now here's a super cool question if you run an e-commerce store or you're familiar with business when it happens online we can go ahead and build out the flowchart for when an individual joins an eCommerce site and essentially goes down the journey uh till purchase all right and here we go we got lands on homepage browse products search for a specific product filter a product this is pretty cool stuff here as you know every single one of these stages there is less percent of traffic uh going towards that stage for example you know adding to car viewing car you know keep going down the funnel here you'll slowly reach the end point which is order confirmation this is pretty cool stuff here uh to really visualize a journey on the e-commerce store all right let's ask an advanced question here we're going to say can you create a mind map that explores the intricate relationships between different biological systems within the human body and see what it comes up with all right and here we go we got an entire mind map for the human body systems here with you know every single system identified here is maybe a good studying tool as well really cool stuff here as you know we'll be able to click this go to the backend and add stuff or edit it and kind of proceed from there so let's go ahead and ask another question here more specific to technical support system for a company including various levels of support escalation paths and resolution paths this could be pretty cool stuff here when showcasing maybe an effective way to handle customer inquiries when it comes to this kind of path all right and here we go so we get the start customer contact support Level One support escalate to level two level two support SK to level three level three support escalate to specialist escalate to management management review final resolution and then every single one there is a possibility that the resolution would incur and it kind of goes from there I mean this is pretty cool here it really shows you the capabilities that this can get very complex this isn't just simple flow charts or mind maps if you feel like you learned something make sure to like the video it's completely free and helps us hear webcam AI if you want to learn more about jbt and plugins and how to leverage it for your personal or business life check out the playlist at the end of this video as we're diving into all the plugins found on jidbt store and seeing how we can use every single one make sure to subscribe for daily artificial content but for now I'll see you in the next video thanks for tuning in and yes surprise I'm an AI Avatar make sure to explore more here at web Cafe where we demystify AI for your personal and business life until next time
Channel: Corbin Brown
Views: 30,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education, ai automation agency, AAA, AIAA, ai for business, ai service, zapier tutorials
Id: aDsIByVL-3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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