How To Vectorize a PNG Logo with Inkscape

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if the only copies you have for your logo are rasterized formats like PNG and jpg then you won't be able to reap the benefits of having a vector SVG file like infinite scaling and being able to edit your logo in the future in that case you'll need to generate a vector copy of your logo using vector design software and that's what I'll be demonstrating in this video this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in this tutorial I'll be demonstrating two different ways in which you can take a logo in PNG format and trace a vector SVG copy of it but before we get started if you'd like to learn more about how Inkscape works be sure to check out my Inkscape masterclass it's a collection of over 60 videos where I go over every tool and feature in Inkscape and I explain what it is and demonstrate how it works I'll have a link in the description of the video if you want to check that out so getting started as you can see I have Inkscape opened up here on my screen and the first thing I want to do is just set up the documents that we are all working with a similar layout I want to come up here to where it says enable snapping and turn that off and then I want to come up here to where it says view make sure we have custom selected and then come over here to where it says view go to zoom view zoom and zoom in at 1 to 1 so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to import my PNG logo into Inkscape and the way that I'm going to do that is by opening the folder where it's located and in clicking and dragging the file onto the canvas now you won't be able to see me doing this because I have the folder opened up on my other monitor but I am clicking and dragging the file onto the canvas they are in Inkscape now we're gonna hit this little menu that pops up I'm going to choose embed I'm going to choose default import resolution and then I'm going to choose none I'll click OK and there you can see that is the Inkscape logo that I will be using for this demonstration now let me just zoom in on this just to show you that this is indeed a raster format this is not a vector design so let me zoom back out here what I want to do now is I want to change the size of my page border so that it fits the size of the logo here so to do that I'm going to select the logo as you can see here and go to file properties and I want to expand this menu that says resize page to content and then down here where it says resize page to drawing or selection go ahead and click that and it's going to change the page boundaries to where the logo is so let me go ahead and close out of that so like I said at the beginning of the video there's two different ways where we can go about tracing a vector copy of this design one is an easier way where it's kind of like an auto trace function using the trace bitmap feature and if your design is so complicated that that won't work you'll have to manually trace it so I'm gonna show you both on you show you the auto trace feature first I want to select the logo just make sure you have the logo selected here you'll notice you have it selected when you see these arrows enabled and I want to come up here to where it says path and I want to go to trace bitmap and under this menu we have these two different options single scan and multiple scans for this design it's just black and white so I'm going to leave it as single scan if your design has colors you might want to click on multiple scans and then you can choose the number of colors in the scan right there but this design is just black and white so I'm gonna leave it a single scan I'm going to leave these defaults just as they are and I'm going to click update and it's gonna show you a preview of what's going to be traced in the preview window here now for these default settings this worked pretty well that's exactly what I'm looking to do right there if yours didn't come out as well you may have to adjust these settings a little bit and play with them a little bit may even want to change the the type of a trace that you do here but this worked well for me so I was going to click OK and it's going to generate a vector copy right on top of that so let me close out of that menu I'm gonna take this if I move this out of the way you can see now this is the vector copy this is the original this is the vector and I'll zoom in on that just to show you that is indeed a vector copy you can grab the nodes tool and you can edit those nodes individually like you would with any other vector object so what you can do is now you can color that in you can do whatever you want with that one thing you may notice is that the filled in area right here the filled in area where is white is now negative space its transparency in there if you're okay with that then you're good to go if you'd like to fill that in with the color or fill it in white as I did here you can use the bucket fill tool for that so let me make this black the way it was before let me grab the bucket fill tool and I'm gonna click on that that empty space right there to fill it in now it filled it in with the color black I'm just gonna change this to red to annouce so I can see the difference here and if you notice it's sticking out of the edges a little bit so I'm going to change that by going to path dynamic offset and I'm going to take this little note up here and just pull that out so that it believes out into the design like that now let me finalize that by going to path object to path let me go back to the Select tool and I want to lower this to the bottom I'm gonna click this button that says lower selection to the bottom and now it's lowered beneath the design there and I can make that white and as you can see that is no longer transparent that is now filled with white and down here you could do the same thing because this is negative space as well so that's the auto trace that's the automated way of tracing a vector copy of your logo if that doesn't work because that feature won't always work for more elaborate designs if your design is it maybe it's like not a high enough resolution that that feature can work you'll have to manually trace a copy of that using the Bezier a pen so let me show you how to do that now the first thing I want to do over here is open up the filling stroke menu with this button over here the keyboard shortcut would be ctrl shift F on to take the original logo right here and I want to bring me opacity down in half so I can see what I'm doing as a trace over it and I want to grab the Bezier pen which is over here or you could press B on the keyboard and depending on the type of design you have this design has a lot of curves and bends and contours and stuff for this sort of design I want to use the b-spline setting of the tool I'm gonna click b-splines what this does is it basically forces you to draw curved lines it's kind of like training wheels for the pen tool if you've never used the pen tool before this is a great option to use because it forces you to draw curved lines that will be able that'll make it easier for you to trace this design right here so let me get rid of that I'm gonna go ahead and start tracing around this design right here and to move the page around basic functions I'm just pressing down the mouse wheel I'm moving the mouse and to zoom in and out I'm holding ctrl and rolling up and down the mouse wheel so I'm just going to go around and points going around the design over here to trace to trace a shape going around the logo and if at any point you need to create a sharp corner because this tool setting will not allow you to create corners by default what you can do is just hold shift and then click and then it'll allow you to create a corner as you can see there but I'll be demonstrating that in a minute when I go over this area right here so let me undo that I'm gonna go and trace over this logo really quickly I'm just gonna do a very quick and rudimentary tracing of this because I'm not actually trying to make a copy of this logo I'm just doing this for a demonstration okay so once you're finished tracing around your object here you can just click on the original node right there to close the path and if you zoom out you can see let me grab the Select tool move this you can see we've traced a shape over that shape right there so let me put that back what I want to do now is trace this other shape right here so let me go back to the Bessie a penny let me zoom in I'm going to start tracing around to this and this is where I'd like to demonstrate the the corner feature so I'm gonna bring this over here like this and again right here we have a sharp corner so I'm gonna hold shift and click and there you go now you have a sharp corner same thing up here we have another corner area hold shift click in fact for the rest of these points I'm gonna be holding shift the whole time to create sharp corners like that until we get right there and now I collect all of shift and get back to tracing around this design like this now like I said before this b-spline setting in this tool it's pretty much like training wheels for the pen tool there's easier there's easier ways to do this if you're more advanced with using this software but this tutorial is not for advanced users this tutorial is for newcomers to Inkscape who just need to create a vector tracing of a logo that they have in PNG format so let me go ahead and finish tracing this back to the starting point like that looking pretty good now I'm gonna go ahead and trace this part down here as well okay so as you can see I have finished up I've went and created these shapes as well and the shape and that shape as well so I don't know what to do now is we have the shape we have the designs wrong we just have to color it in now so let me grab the Select tool let me click on the original logo at the back there at the bottom and bring the opacity of that all the way back up now I'm just gonna move this out of the way for now if you want to color your design in with the same color as your original design head what you can do is you could just click on the shape grab the dropper tool which is over here and then grab a selection of that color now this is just black and white so I mean I could just click the black and white colors down here but I'm doing this assuming that your logo that you're trying to check trace is in color so I'm going to show you how to do this as if this were in color let me go back to the select tool click on this shape I want to make that white as well if you notice you can't see the white there because it's a white background it's it's blending in against it but it is indeed filled with white let me go back to the dropper fill that in with white and I want to get rid of that those black outlines as well to get rid of the black outline just hold shift and click on the red X down here now let me go back to the Select tool let me take this shape I wanna get rid of that black outline as well I'm gonna hold shift click on the X and then finally I'm gonna make the larger shape over here I'm gonna make that black hold shift click on the X click this shape do the same thing just fill it in with its intended colors you can use the dropper tool like I did previously or you can just fill it in manually with these colors down here like I'm doing there's also other ways you can fill you can choose based on RGB HSL if you have like an HTML like a hex code for your for your design you'd like to fill it with you can put it right there followed by FF so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to convert this to a path I'm going to select over everything click and drag over everything and go to path object to path and that's gonna change that from be spline shapes to actual true vector paths now we can take the original logo and get rid of that and as you can see we've finished we have traced our vector logo so all we have to do now is save a vector file effective copy of it so to do that I'll go to file save as and I'm going to save it as a dot SVG file or in Inkscape SVG file or if you'd like to export it as a PNG like let's say you want to enlarge it let's say the whole point of vectorizing your logo is that you could enlarge it like that and then export a copy of it what you can do is go to file export PNG image and then from here you can choose export as you can click on that choose your name and location right there and then click export to export it and I think that should do it for this tutorial so that is how you can go about creating a vector copy of your rasterized PNG logos with Inkscape if you have any questions leave a comment below and as always thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 491,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inkscape, inkscape tutorial, inkscape vectorize png, vectorize png logo, inkscape png to svg, logos by nick, logosbynick, nick saporito
Id: 10m_2bPXa1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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