ATEM USB Output Control | V9.5

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what up folks AJ the CEO here and guess what Blackmagic has finally did a update with version 9.5 with the ATM software that gives a functionality that I have been begging for and thankfully we finally got it and I think this is going to open up the doors for a lot of people when who still have the at Mini Pro and they want to have the multi view but then they can't have the um full screen output so let me just take you over to the desktop and let me show you what I am talking about so we have the version here if we go to about you can see we're on version 9.5 now what is the feature that they have added now and now let me actually go here to the settings and do it backwards first so normally in the little gear and under the settings if you go to Source you can name all of your stuff which you see I have done and I actually need to update that but anyway you could also go to output and typically I've never out um name Chang the names of this but we have a new entry webcam output AJ what's the big deal well the big deal is now the USB is addressable so normally under outputs you would only have and I'm on the a to mini extreme ISO you normally would have out HDMI output one and two which I've named program and preview which you can see here on my settings this the multiv view and the program is here but now you have web out out and you can set what actually goes to the USB out so say you want to connect this to your computer for um just using let your computer be the multiv view and let the HDMI be the program out so for example let me just move this over here and I'm just going to open up the windows camera app and let's change this to the black magic one all right so there's the black magic one that's going on into Infinity now if I come over here this is the USB output because it's said to do the um program out the same thing that you're seeing but if I come over here and change the output for the webcam output to the multiv view see now now that is what's going to the program and that's pretty cool you know so I got to be careful to make sure I am recording the HDMI output so that's where it goes now the HM ISO has two USB outs so like right now you can't see it what I'm looking at right now is showing me the multiv view on my screen so actually let me see if I can cut my camera over so you can actually see that so right here you can't see it but let me drag this window over here so normally when I do my setup this is the multiv view that I just set up um coming from USB out but if you look at this other monitor here this is normally how I see everything this is also the USB that's coming from my v-mix system so if I go back here and change the output of web back to program as you can see that screen has changed and that one has changed so just be mindful of that that if you do use the USB and it's going to OBS that's all you're going to see so let's go ahead and cut back over to my desktop here and let's go ahead and close the camera because the USB still can only see one program at a time with video Let's Open up OBS and let's go ahead and Link it to the black magic here so you can see this and now if I change the output again on the software here let me drag this over here and show you so we're going to go here do output we just do multiv View and see this is what we see really cool so if you are still using the at Mini Pro and you're like I want to be able to see the multiv view and see um the the program and send that out for everybody now you have an option that you can actually do that which I am very thankful that you can do that and that solves a lot of problems but just realize just like I just showed in my example if you're using the USB for Zoom or something like that um this isn't going to work because you're going to see The multiv View especially with the at Mini Pro um when you're using USB out only one program can use video so say you want to live stream with the A1 Mini Pro and you want to use the that's going to be using the inherent program feed that's going to the ATM that's what everybody on live stream is going to see say the HDMI out is going to televisions inside the sanctuary now you can lock it to program um the computer or the the same thing that everybody will see online but the USB is now going to go to your computer running OB so just the camera app and now you can see the multiv view right there really cool option that's version 9.5 you can get that at Blackmagic docomo um so actually let me just show you instead of me just telling you because that is a lot of info so let's cut back over here real quick we're just going to go to Blackmagic dcom we're going to go over here to support select ATM live production switchers and then there is the update and that's where now as it says you can route the webcam output which really is cool and again that's for the pro the pro ISO extreme extreme ISO um SDI all of the versions except for the mini because the a to mini the first one has been discontinued but go ahead and get that folks link is down below to all of that um and let me know how you use that and I really hope this opens up the doors I got a bunch of clients that I'm going to push that update to and that will give them an option to use that as well so you you like this Ty content appreciate a like consider subscribing hit that Bell that way you get notified when we come out with other videos to help modern media Ministry thanks for watching folks this is AJ catch you on the next video later 1 2 3 [Music]
Channel: AJaytheCEO
Views: 12,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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