Animating SuperSource transitions with the ATEM Mini Extreme using the macro buttons

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by the end of this video you will know how you can turn your mini extreme into a powerhouse by having animations on your supersource that's right that's what we're going to talk about in today's tech condo now in order to do that i'm actually gonna also use this product right here the extreme iso and as you can see it's not connected to any computer at all so that's to make sure that you understand that you don't have to have a computer to make this work are you ready let's get started okay so actually i wanted to really to turn on the this atm mini before this video however once i power it up and the hdmi comes into play something happens with that makes my video this video right here um freeze so that's the reason why i'm not doing that at the moment and yes this is live recorded so everything that you see is really raw okay so before i start to talk about what what i can do with animation i first want to explain to you what you can expect if it comes to um the um super source first and foremost supersource is only available on the atom mini extreme and a10 mini extreme iso unfortunately not on the a10 mini or 80 810 mini pro or pro iso that is not possible at all um but that doesn't mean that you cannot do a lot there because you of course can still do a little bit of what i'm going to show you in a minute but here you'll do a little bit more and then what you are accustomed to on the a10 mini pro but let's talk about what supersource actually is supersource like i said is a picture-in-picture on steroids and what i mean by that is not that you only have one picture in picture you can actually have not only four inputs but six input inputs in total and that's divided into three layers the first layer let me show you is the background this can be a um a media player background just a still it can also be a video a camera input for example a moving backdrop that is possible on top of that you can also add not one but four different camera inputs that's right so you now already have five inputs at the same time and to top it all off you can actually also add for example borders to make it even more nice and that is what we call the foreground so the background the camera inputs or boxes as a direct part and the foreground all together create the super source so that is what you will see in a minute that i think it's important that you know that that is what you're going to see because there is a lot to see so earlier today i actually recorded this video right here and actually you can see i have three videos moving in the same time actually i can have actually four of that but i only have three cameras so that's the reason why so here i added the background and i also will flip to other predefined features so like for example this one is a predefined one this is a predefined one and last but not least this is also a pre-defined super source that will be available to you and next to that you can also change the sizes etc etc but i don't want to show you that here i also want i want to show that to you in the product itself now before you say why petra why aren't you doing this live well this is why right here this is what it looked like earlier this morning and i cannot really work this way i actually really need to focus so i don't want to have everything on my desk at that time but that's the only reason there's no other reason for that and again you did see that i can actually oh you didn't see that right so you now saw how it looks like on um on the the computer but how does i become a computer on the video but how does it look like in real life so this right here is actually the the live picture that comes from the atm mini i'm going to go to the first one right here so this is me via data mini by a lot of converters so it might not be perfect but it it does what it needs to do but now what i'm going to do is that i'm actually going to make sure that i have the preset loaded and i'm going to show you what i mean by that in a minute and then i will be going to super source and that i can do right here the super source is right here and if i click then say cut then the super source will be available and this is what it looks like right here so here you have direct from the ata mini my custom picture and picture super source this is right up out of the the box in the sense that you had to switch it on there's no computer but this is what it looks like and it can do quite a lot of things so this blinking that is not the way that it looks like for me but this is just because of the the frequency of the camera but if i would press this button the first button on the macros these are micro buttons then this is basically my standard this is the way that i initialize the super source because we have yes we have four standard options but i would like to have my own option right here so that is the first one the second one is right here this is number two if i click on that look at that boom full screen well full screen with a little nice border right there and this will allow me to for example have a presentation going and you you can see the slide and you can really focus on the slide but once i'm done i can actually press f3 and then i'm coming back so that is really cool so that is the way that i come back and if i press four then i am personally you know here the full the the full uh video and if i press five again this is what it looks like that was number five right there so here you can see what you kept what you can actually achieve let's do it one more time so go into this one two three four and five now unfortunately you cannot go to two because that doesn't look great but you can really make it very cool for your for yourself as well so that is is a way to to do that now how did i do that well i did that of course by creating macros within the software itself and i am going to show you how it looks like but before i do i actually need to put on this qr code right here let me check if it's a good one yes this is the qr code this is where you can download the example file that i use for those five macro buttons so let's go ahead and show you how i did it into the software first so here you have the software and on the right hand side you see super source if i click on that you see that i can actually go into the backdrop by clicking the second tab then selecting and not black but the media player one boom that would allow the gradient backdrop that you've seen before and here you have the four different solutions that you already saw previously next to that you can also see that below there you have a few boxes so box one two three and four and here you can actually add the camera here you can select the x position the y position and of course also the size and all of those are actually the ones that you can actually also do via well macros and if you don't know how what a micro is micro is really powerful for the a10 mini and this is basically what it looks like right here so you go into the to do the oh let me go back to the start of it like like so so i like i said this is live guys so um here we go so first we go to uh the micro button right there and here you see the five that i've created for you so this is the one that is initializing and the setup this is the second one that we will zoom in to camera two and move camera one out of frame and this one will revert back to the previous position uh so that's all it does this one will make my camera camera one bigger and this one will again revert back to the previous one and basically that is all i did so that's no rocket science but it does come with a lot of code and this is the code that it creates right here and i have to admit that i generated a few of them because it's not fully done by by hand just to let you know but it actually is really something that is really nicely doable if you know what i mean so if you download the link that you've gotten before and then you will be able to do it all by yourself and also please do subscribe to the channel because that is very helpful for me and also don't forget to hit the bell icon so that you get notified for future videos that was it for today and i really hope to see what you are coming up with bye-bye thanks so much bye-bye
Channel: Tech Condo
Views: 14,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animating SuperSource transitions on your ATEM Mini Extreme, blackmagic design atem mini extreme iso, atem mini extreme, atem mini extreme iso, supersource atem mini, super source transitions, supersource animation, ATEM Mini Macros
Id: Od6zyAd8EAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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