Create a Slashed Letters 3D Logo on Canva - Quick Tutorial🔥

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join me as we create this slashed text logo  using our beloved canva we're going to jump   in on photo p and convert it into a 3d from  your canva home page create a brand new blank   logo canvas in order to start your design once  you're done you're going to then add text you want   to press t to add text or you could use the text  on the left hand side then you're gonna change   your text to archive or black and then you're  going to use your text that you would like to   create so we can use rm as an example then you're  gonna increase the size of your logo to maybe 170   can make it a little bit bigger if you want  and once that's done you're going to go to your   elements and you're going to search for  line so you can type line and then you can   search for a graphic line that is going to slash  through your text so i found this line that i used   and then you make it big and you twist it to  an angle and then you move it over to your text   ever so slightly so that it slashes  through the r and the m at the corner   i'm gonna flip it i'm gonna flip it vertically and  then i'm gonna move it so that it slashes three like that once you've created your slashed line  through your text you're then going to add this   rectangle so you can press r for rectangle or just  click once to have that we're gonna change color   so that we see what we're doing and then you can  size it and make it nice and big and then you're   gonna tilt it to the side so that it runs through  that line of hours so you're going to move it   ever so gently so that it goes through the line  that you are trying to design you can make it   fill up the rest of the page and then you're going  to copy this either by copy or ctrl c or command   c if you're using mx and then you're going  to control v or command v if you're using   a make and then you're going to move the  second copy to the bottom of the page   and then you're gonna click on it and move it  ever so gently so that it is exactly on the   line like that so that we don't see anything  then we know that they are aligned like that perfect once you've done that first  part you're going to duplicate this page   so that you have an exact same page on the  following page then you're going to click on   the top rectangle delete that and then click  on the bottom rectangle change color to white and you have your top slash go to the second page  click on the bottom of your rectangle delete that   click on the top rectangle change color to white  then you have your slash for page one and page two   now you would like to convert this into  a image then you're going to go file   and you're going to download the pages if you have  the transparent background and you're using pro   download it as a transparent and then you download  your page one and you do exactly the same for page   two once you've downloaded that you're gonna click  and add a brand new page then you're going to   drag your logo that you've just downloaded as  an image the page one and then you're going to   crop it and once you've cropped it then you will  move it to the top and then size it make it 400 and you drag the second page as well so what you  can do then is you go to edit and you remove the   background and you apply then the background is  removed then we crop it then we size it to 400   so that it's exact size as the top section now i  have my two designs now i need to change color to   any color that i would like to have these images  be so you're gonna click on the the image and then   you're gonna go to duotone and i'm gonna change it  to whichever color that i would like to have this   be now i'm going to combine them nicely aligned  and you bring the two images together like that so that it's slashed next  you're going to add a rectangle   so that and we want to pick the color that  it looks exactly like our duotone color that   we added lastly you're going to add your text  and you're going to make that color red as well group it and your logo the 2d  logo is done you can group it   and then make it a little bit big if you want  then it moves all of the layers at the same time   and you're done with your 2d logo you would then  go file or shay and click on download download   it as a transparent background and we want page  number three we're gonna go and download that   once your logo is downloaded  you're gonna go to photo p   and on photo p we're gonna use the templates that  are already there but you can upload your own   you're welcome to look at any of the videos  that i've created to help you use your own psd   mockups i am going to use this gorgeous  psd markup created by the graphics family   you just click on the mock-up itself and  then you click on the link   it would then load the mock-up for you once the  mock-up is loaded you're gonna go to where it   says your logo here you double click and then  the text is still displaying you just click   on the i to hide the text you click and you drag  the 2d logo we just created and then you size it   to whatever size you like so that particular  mock-up makes the logo smaller that's why i've   made it a little bit bigger so that when we  are converting it and it is on the actual   um mockup it looks bigger than it is you then  you're going to go file save as smart object   and it will convert to smart objects then you  click once where it says logo mockup and then you   slashed gorgeous looking 3d logo is created  when you are happy and you would like to   download the 3d logo and  share it with your customer   you're going to go file export is i'm going to  use png there's other options that are available   you click on png and then you can name your  logo over there and then you click on save   a new 3d logo is created slashed looking amazing  different kind of a vibe when it comes to logo i   hope you enjoyed this tutorial please click on the  like button so that youtube can share it with lots   of people you can watch the next logo video that  talks about shapes that you could use on canva to   create amazing looking logos thank you for your  time i do appreciate it i will see you next time
Channel: Learn with Zar
Views: 64,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva tutorial, canva logo, how to make a logo, create a logo, logo maker, how to make a logo online, logo design, create a logo in minutes, logo tutorial, how to design a logo, how to use canva, 3d logo, canva logo design tutorial, canva for beginners, 3d logo design, canva tutorial for beginners, easy canva tutorial, Create a 3D logo with letters slashed on Canva, 3d logo with letters slashed on canva
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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