A Simple Hack to insert Gradient into ANY Text (and ANY font!) in Canva

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apparently you guys are ready to learn how to insert gradient into text with canva and i'm not talking about letter frames i'm talking about a gradient into any text using any font so should we do this what is up everyone ronnie here welcome back to the channel super happy to be here with you today like every week really we create two new videos every week so one from me one from diana so make sure you subscribe to the channel so you never miss the good stuff now today's episode is going to be about inserting a gradient into your text any text any custom font any font you might want to use in canva not just a letter frame so yeah last week i posted this post on the community tab of our youtube channel asking you a very simple question can we do this adding a gradient into text with canva a lot of you thought it was not possible to do this with canva i thought it was not possible to do this with canva even like a week ago but then i stumbled across a video on one of my good friend's fellow youtubers youtube channel robson bolivar so robson is a canva expert just like diana and i and he creates canva tutorial in portuguese brazilian for the brazilian market so robson actually has this awesome tutorial where he explains this trick on how to get a gradient into any kind of text so i thought that would be cool to bring to our audience to you guys right because maybe you don't speak portuguese i don't speak portuguese but i thought let's do it so today we are going to jump into canva to create exactly that one thing you need to know though is that for this tutorial you will need the background remover okay so you need to have a canva pro account in order to follow along this specific tutorial if you don't have a pro account i will leave a link in the description for you to have access to our affiliate link which will give you 45 days of free trial for canva pro the link will be in the description for you so that you can follow along this is the final result and this is also the final result we'll learn how to do this with both like fonts that are kind of bold and bigger and other ones that are hand written fonts so let's jump into canva and get started alright so we are going to start this project from the canva homepage and i'm going to create a one by one aspect ratio document kind of like the instagram post but i think i'm going to use a larger canvas not just raw with the 1080 by 1080 pixel i think i want something larger so the resolution of my final text with the gradient will be higher so i'm going to double the 1080 by 1080 and i'm going to have a 2160 by 2160. so for that i'm going to just use the custom size button right here and type in 2160 by 2160 pixels and create the new design okay so there will be a couple of steps to this tutorial the first one is to create your text okay so you will create a text box a normal text box so i'm going to use my t key on my keyboard i'm going to make this text box bigger and type in here pretty much anything so i'm going to use the same sentence i used on the community post which was design your life design your life okay and then from here you can choose pretty much your your font okay so there is a font that i would like to use a font that i use for my personal brand and that we use on the youtube channel montserrat semibold okay and i'm gonna bowl that even more maybe i'm going to reduce the spacing between the letters design your life and i'm gonna make that bigger so that it touches the save zone right here okay so you have this text it looks good now this is step one step number two will be to create your gradient or to find a gradient that you like so you have two options here you can go with a custom gradient meaning a gradient that you will customize in order to find these custom gradients head over your elements tab right here and type in gradients okay gradient but instead of photos you will go and search on the graphics tab okay so you have three types of gradients the first one is a gradient that fades to transparency you don't want this one the second one is a squared gradient okay so if you click on this one you'll see it has two different colors that you can adjust okay i can change the colors for every one of these color buttons so i'll keep this one here and then the third option that you have is this one which is the same thing but it has three colors and so you have a little bit more customization options you can add another color so my idea was to kind of go with something that resembles the canva color i really like this gradient right here in the top navigation bar or what we have in the canva logo so if i search for canva under elements i can find their gradient logo so i can find this one and you can see basically what canva does here in their logo is what we're trying to achieve with this tutorial so if i really want to reproduce something like this like this kind of color scheme i could simply get inspired by their color choices here the three colors that they use in this element right here which lets you customize the colors as well so what i could do because this is a three color gradient and this element has three colors i could use the copy style button copy it from here and paste it here and there we go now we have this gradient right here with the canva colors and if i flip this around like so you can see now kind of like a similar color scheme on both sides okay so i could work with this i could work with the two color gradient as well it's really up to you okay so for now let's work with the three color ones okay so i'm gonna delete these i'm gonna delete this one as well now you have this okay this element this gradient it's a square you can just stretch it okay so i'm gonna put it here in the corner and make it full screen okay if you want the gradient to be a little bit a little bit more subtle for example here i can see that it's kind of hard the lighter blue color like the contrast between these i mean it could be more diffused so there is a way to make this softer you double click on it and you will zoom in okay and then you can move it to your taste so it's a little bit softer and you can do this as much as you want until you have the desired effect you see like you can you can move that part but you can only do that if you zoom in so let me zoom out on my canvas and make this even bigger and now i have more space i would say more options for my gradient i'm going to leave it like so so what i'm going to do is to grab my text here ctrl or command c to copy it and then i'm going to command v this on this page right here and i'm going to change the text color to white okay so let's go for white all right now the next step once we have our text box we made it white is to add some transparency to this text box okay so i'm going to use with my text box selected the transparency button right here and i'm going to make this uh 42 okay so 42 so you can see that we can see the gradient a little bit like through my text through my white text which is now 42 transparent okay this looks good now all i have to do is to export this thing okay so i have my gradient i have my text box all right so just go to your share button go to downloads and make sure you export page 2 only okay so png done so i'm using the png format you could boost the size of this png to its maximum if you want i think the higher the dimensions here the highest the resolution will be i'm fine with 2160 by 2160 which is already quite a high resolution don't use transparent background you want that background right now so just make sure you are only exporting page two okay now canva will download this there we go it's right here so now i can grab this design drop it here in my uploads i'm going to create a new page okay page 3 right here and i'm going to import my gradient my design so i can scale it down a little bit so i keep only my text right here and i can make this bigger if i want to though i can resize after now this is where you are going to be needing canva pro because you need to run the background remover on this image okay so you select your image and you go edit image background remover okay so this works most of the time okay so it is possible that at this stage it will not work it might be that canva will not pick up your background or it might be like in this case you will still have a little bit of cleaning up to do okay i prefer to show you exactly how it's happening to me and pray the gods this is gonna work let's see [Music] it's not working because sometimes it works fine i could have decided to show you only the times it works fine but i'm pretty confident that you might run into the same issue so i prefer to show you the entire thing so you know what to do from here so right here we do have a little bit of cleaning up to do around the e and s letters so how do you clean that up with the brushes okay so without clicking outside without clicking on apply you will want to uh use the erase button right here to get rid of the extra little things right here like the background that we can still see in the background of this text okay so uh i'm gonna click on erase and this is what i see so first i'm gonna want to zoom in and then move this oops it snapped you see if this happens to you no worries just click on edit image run the background remover again and then you will have access to these brushes again so no big deal i just want to show you the different bugs that might happen to you while doing this so click on the eraser brush and then zoom in can you see it snapped again so no worries what i'm seeing is that the background remover is starting to work so this will actually make my life easier so let's run it again maybe if i run it a hundred times it will uh completely delete the background that is kind of left over here so it seems to have a problem when i zoom in you see it's it erased it a little bit more so i guess now it's gonna be much easier actually for me to do this so let's click on erase let's use the smallest brush possible you see but i still need to zoom in because this is way too big so let's make it 500 let me see if i can without this snapping access this almost where is my yeah it's here okay perfect now i can delete the leftover uh background being very gentle and precise and you see because i did run the background remover a couple of times it actually helped me detach these letters and now it's quite easy for me to do a clean job here with the the eraser tool okay so i'm just making sure i'm not touching my letters and simply deleting the leftover background right here the blue background okay and when you get closer to the letter i suggest you go gentler because you don't want to touch that letter okay so here it is a little bit and you can go click by click so if i release you see i can click by click okay so i think i'm done here i think i did a pretty good job at cleaning this up so i'm going to apply the changes by clicking on done first and then clicking on apply and now i can zoom out back to my original size and you see this looks pretty clean to me you can zoom in a bit to see this part uh it's a little bit jagged but i believe if i run the background remover again on this thing it will help so that's always an option you can always run it one last time and apply it and there we go so this is what we have so far i can resize this again and the result will vary slightly between the different types of fonts that you are using uh and the different types of backgrounds that you are using but from here at this scale i would say this did a pretty decent job i could have cleaned the s a little bit better but the last step because there is one last step to continue improving on this gradient is to edit the image okay so i click on edit image and i'm gonna go to my adjust buttons right here my adjust settings okay so i'm gonna reduce the brightness slightly i'm gonna boost the contrast you see now it comes to life this gradient comes back to life add some saturation and maybe a little bit of vibrance as well adding some vibrance and maybe getting rid of some of the highlights and now you can see this gradient really coming to life and this is how you achieve this effect now this was a little bit messy i agree but i wanted to keep all the problems you might run into okay so there are actually three potential problems you might run into but i mean you guys want gradient into text which is not a feature canva offers so we have to use hacks and sometimes when you use a hack there is problems and instead of showing you the perfect version after trying 55 times i prefer to show you live what types of problems you might run into the first problem might be that your background remover doesn't pick up the background that is probably because there's not enough contrast between your background and your image okay the second type of problem is what we had right there is that you will still have a little bit of background that you will have to erase using the eraser tool and then the third type of problem i ran into was when i was trying to use the eraser tool for erasing that extra background sometimes when you zoom in it snaps and then i have to run the background remover again okay so these are the three potential problems you might run into now let me show you how to achieve something similar but this time with a handwritten font so i'm going to use the same text design in your life like this sentence so i'm going to create a new page paste that and i'm going to change the font for a handwritten font that i like it's called beach resort beach resorts there we go okay design your life in beach resort i'm gonna make that big like so and this time i'm gonna search for a gradient which is a photo okay i'm not going to create my own gradient i'm going to go for photos and find something here that looks good okay so what do we have to i would go for something a bit darker this time so i actually uh have a chance of this working so let's try this one this should work fine so i have my photo right here i'm just gonna right click on it set images background and same thing using that making it white giving this 40 42 transparency okay and then position it where you want it okay you can also decide what part of the gradient you wish to have in your text so i guess somewhere here would be nice okay so i'm gonna leave it here i'm gonna export this page for okay clicking on the share button export i don't want all pages i want page four done and download let's go for this one see how it works okay it's right here let's upload this again and you see when like i'm doing it at the full speed it's really not that long to create this kind of graphics okay so scaling this up and then running the background remover let's see quite curious here yeah you see this one worked perfectly maybe there's a little bit right here that i could erase so let's see let's zoom in you see this right here if you want to get rid of it you could do that like so yeah this is good i'm gonna click on done and apply now i'm gonna zoom back out by using the fit apply and there we go we have our text with gradient now the last step don't forget the last step our friend right here on the community tab figured out all the steps but he missed the last step which is actually very important if you want this gradient to come to life okay edit image one last time adjust button and then like decrease the brightness increase the contrast actually here we could bring some light into this design uh increase the saturation saturation is super important for gradients look at how lively this has become already and then some vibrance maybe and then a little bit less shadows and there you go you have your beautiful gradient in your hand written font okay so i'm glad that this last one went without a problem i had almost nothing to correct so this is how you do it guys i hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you did leave us a like let us know what you want to learn next on our channel i'm always happy to create the tutorials that you want the things that you want to learn so yeah let us know subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet done so i'm gonna leave another video right here for you to learn something else in canva something completely different this time so try it out and also there will be a link to our 45 days free trial for canva pro because you will need canva pro for this technique i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 121,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva tutorial 2022, canva tips 2022, best free gradient tool, best free gradients, create color gradient, free color gradient, free gradient tool, free gradients, how to create color gradient, make color gradient, text effects canva, gradient text effect, gradient in canva, how to canva, text gradient canva, canva text gradient, text gradient in canva, text gradient effect canva, letter gradient canva, canva letter gradient, canva text effects, text effect in canva
Id: _-r0Vjq-vWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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