Create PRINTABLES in Canva that will ACTUALLY Sell on Etsy (Validate, Create & Upload!)

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so since my newest printable on etsy has already made some sales and a bunch of people are putting it in their carts i wanted to share the step-by-step process on how to create and upload a new printable to your shop and guarantee that it sells hi i'm sandra and i help you build fun and creative side hustles to make some extra income online so be sure to subscribe and hit that bell for more content just like this nothing is more annoying than putting in so much work into creating a digital product like a printable uploading it and realizing that no one is buying it so i'm breaking this video down into three steps that you need to take to ensure that your next printable will sell over and over again the first step we're going over is to validate your product so this is before you create any product you're going to make sure that it's actually on demand and therefore guarantees that it's going to sell next up we're going to create the product we're going to use canva to create our printable and our product images because your product images are one of the most important factors to ensuring that you make sales online and then step three we're going to optimize your listing so this is where we're going to upload the product with keywords and beautiful images to make sure that you rank high in etsy's search engine and then a lot of people are also asking about an alternative platform to etsy or just a second platform that you could sell your printables on and i recommend koji this is a free lincoln bio platform for selling digital products like printables and you don't need a website or an ecommerce platform so you can use the link down below to sign up for free today and you can watch this video next i will link it down below i walk you through step by step how to sell printables on koji for free so let's go ahead and start with step number one which is to validate your product first there are two ways that i like to validate my printables before i start creating them first is keyword research and the second is competitor research so i have a whole video on keyword research i will link that down below for you so you can watch that basically you want to use a keyword search tool to come up with products that are high on demand and low competition ideally so currently in my shop i'm actually slowly pivoting my niche to self-care printables and products for mindfulness and wellness so one of the products i found in the keyword search tool that i use which is marmalade i found out that products like self-care planners and mindfulness gifts are very high on demand and lower competition than many other types of printables now if you don't have a keyword search tool that you are using i have a 14 day free trial link to use marmalade in the description box below and again i walk you through how to use it in the video that i'm going to link for you down below so once you have an idea of what types of printables you want to create based on your keyword research you can go ahead and start looking at some quote-unquote competitors so this is what i usually do i'll go on to etsy and i will type in a keyword phrase that i'm thinking of for basically what people would search if they want to find my printables so i typed in self-care planner as an example and i would just go through and try to find shops that have many sales they're doing really well having a lot of bestsellers a lot of reviews and i would take a look at multiple like at least between 5 and 10 different types of products so here's a couple of examples that i found i found like a self-care checklist from another shop owner this shop has over 141 000 sales which is amazing and this is gold information the fact that it's a best seller and when you scroll down you want to take a look at the reviews for the shop but you really want to focus on reviews for this item this has 70 reviews that's a lot of reviews and of course not everyone that purchases a product will leave a review so that's already telling me that a lot of people are liking this product and purchasing it now another little trick that i like to do is i'll go down from reviews for this item and i'll go sort by newest because i also want to make sure that this product is still relevant that people are purchasing this currently and reviewing it so i can see that there's quite a few reviews from july 2022 so that's really recent um so that's really really good already now other uh pieces of information that i want to gather from here is basically the price so i'm not looking at the sale price i'm just looking at the regular price which is just under five dollars this one also offers four different planner sheets and in three different sizes so you'll find that out by just going into the description and kind of taking a look at what this um shop offers and then you also want to take a look at their images to get some inspiration on how you want to create your images the other example i found is this one here so i think this one is offering three different sheets and again in three different sizes this one is actually uh just under ten dollars so i would probably offer about four or five sheets so a little bit more than these and charge anywhere between five and ten dollars for mine and i would also offer uh multiple sizes because it seems like from the reviews they like the fact that they're able to uh print out multiple sizes and this is also another best seller so this is really good information for me to gather and basically this already confirms that this is a great product for me to start creating and adding into my own shop because it does fit my niche now we're ready to create the product so i'm going to create my printable planner in canva and i'm pretty much using mostly free features so you can use canvas free version but if you do want access to any of their pro features i have a 30 day free trial link in the description box below so on the home page i'm going to go to create a design and i'm going to click on custom size so uh first i'm going to start with a us letter size for my printable planner because i noticed that was one of the main sizes that a lot of the other shop owners were offering so that's eight and a half by eleven i'm gonna go to inches right here and go um eight and a half by eleven and then create a design the first thing i want to do is set my margins um you don't have to do this but i just like to keep my design within specified margins so i'm going to go to file show margins um the other way to just kind of figure out what size you're using you can go to file and then show rulers and guides so let's say if you want larger margins than this you can actually just click on the ruler on the left hand side here and just kind of drag it and it will show you um if you want let's say like a one inch margin and then kind of work within those lines and then you can also do that from the top here as well so a little canva trick all right let's get to designing so i'm gonna go to text and i'm gonna go to add a heading and for this uh sheet i'm gonna call it self-care checklist i'm going to change it to a font that i've already uploaded into canva so that's uh starlight right over here so i'm going to change that um size a little bit larger and then if i want to thicken it i'm going to go to effects and i'll go to splice okay that looks good now i'm just going to add a subheading and put in weak and then let's change this to more of a bold font and let's make that a little bit smaller because that is massive now i'm just going to let's add a line in here um let's go to elements and then under lines and shapes we're going to click on line um and i promise you won't have to watch me create all the planner sheets or an entire planner sheet i just wanted to share a few canva features with you before i show you the finished product so i'm going to um just change the line weight to one and then i'm going to copy and paste this because i'm going to make um it's like a self-care like task checklist so let's go task and then i want them to be able to basically track their progress from monday to sunday so let's do that right now okay so if i want to make sure there's equal spacing between monday to sunday i could just um select all of the letters and then go to the three dots at the top go to position and then tidy up it's one of my favorite features um it really cleans it up so then i'm gonna go to the lines and shapes because i'm going to add in like a pink background behind all of this so you'll see okay so now i'm just going to go up to color and then let's change it to a soft pink that looks good okay now the last thing i want to do is i'm going to copy and paste this line and i kind of want to make it like a dotted line so i'm going to go up here and then i'll choose that one there and then i want to add in check boxes um under monday to sunday so i can go into elements and just type in check box so this is a pro feature right here you'll see a little crown that's how you know it's a pro feature but there are free versions that you can use if you don't want to use the pro features so i'm just going to go ahead and use this one get a bit smaller and then i'm just going to go to zoom in to actually um clean this all up but you get the point so i'm going to change the color there and then i can just copy and paste all the check boxes here and then of course i will use the tidy up feature to just make sure that all of it has equal spacing okay so obviously this looks like a bit of a mess but i'm gonna go ahead and finish this sheet and then i will show you the finished product okay i'm back so i've created all of my printable sheets now this is the self-care checklist all completed and i just added a thoughts and feelings at the bottom here now keep in mind before i even created this i did a lot of work to validate that people will actually want this product that was through keyword research but also taking a look at not only what competitors are offering but when i look at reviews i'm looking at what people are liking and what people are not liking because some people will get you know one two or three star reviews and they'll express what they wish uh the printables had or something like that so i've gone ahead and added in a couple of things that i think would really boost my my product or my listing so i've actually created two versions of the self-care checklist as you can see here and i've also added a sheet as like a daily self-care planner and i've added in a few sections that i felt was actually lacking in some of the listings and i've had quite a few like daily planners and happiness planners that i've used so i kind of incorporated a few items into here for my own self-care planner and then i have a self-care goals so a monthly goals sheet for the customer and then finally um i put together a self-care ideas sheet so in total i'm offering five sheets within this listing the next thing i would do is i would go up to the top right here go to download and then i'm going to select uh pdf print this is best for printing so that it's high quality when the customer receives this pdf and prints it out for themselves so i'm going to make sure that all of these are selected and i'm going to hit download so once i do that it's going to automatically download a pdf file with all five sheets and i've named it self-care checklist us letter size now remember how other shop owners were offering multiple sizes well i'm going to offer mine in three different sizes as well so it's really easy to do this if you have a canva pro but i'll also tell you what you need to do if you want to just use the free version so if you're selling uh whether it's printable wall art or printable checklist you could just go to a resize on the top left this is if you have pro and then you can resize it to whatever you want so if i want to change it to like an a4 size or a5 size i can do that so i believe a4 size is 210 by 297 millimeters so i would just change that to 210 by 297 i'll have to look that up to make sure um but i believe it is so i would go to copy and resize and then it will open up a whole new art board that has automatically resized it for me now if you don't have canva pro and you're just using the free version that's totally fine instead of going to resize just go back to the home page and go to create a design again go to custom size choose um a different size that you also want to offer go to create a new design and then just copy and paste everything from your artboards from the other file into this new file now we're going to create our product images so first thing you want to do is download your uh printables in jpeg files and you'll see why so i would just go to share and then go to uh download to jpeg okay and then um if you're downloading all of them you could just uh keep it at all pages or if you only want to download one or two of them at a time you could actually just unselect them and then just kind of select which pages you want and then just click download so once you've done that head over to the home page of canva again go to create a design and then let's go to custom size now etsy wants images that are a minimum of 2000 pixels wide in the shortest length so we're going to create a 2500 by 2000 pixel image and then just go to create new design so go into uploads and this is where you're going to want to upload your jpeg files of your printables so you would just click on upload files right here and then just go ahead and put them into your images or you can literally just drag it from a folder into here so i've already done that here now i'm just going to use this one so i'm just gonna hit it and then it just kind of shows up on my artboard and then i'm gonna use this one as well okay so before i create my image i actually want like a nice marble background so i'm gonna go to elements and i'm going to type marble background now i could just go through these and see which one i like best kind of like this one again this is a pro feature but there are a lot of marble backgrounds that's not pro so you can use any of those if you're just using the free version so i'm just going to drag this and then right click and then send it to the back okay so um with this selected i'm going to click on edit image and then scroll down go to shadows and click on glow okay so that just looks like a planner that's on i don't know a marble floor or whatever so i'm just going to click on apply so that looks good i'm going to do the exact same thing to the other one so let's click on glow and hit apply so that looks good okay and then i'm just going to put a title on this image so i'm just going to call it self-care planner so go to text okay so let's just add some more text down here and just let the customer know that this is a five pack printable bundle so the last thing i always do is make sure that they know this is a digital download so i'm gonna go to add a heading and i'm just going to type in digital download that looks great so i'm going to create my other images and then i'll go over them with you okay so i created a second image that says five different sheets included you'll see how clear i want to be in all of my images because not all shoppers go into your description to read everything so you want to be super clear in your product images so i've brought in all of my other printables added in the glow and then again i put digital download at the bottom right there and then i've also put uh three sizes included for every sheet and i clearly state that they're getting a us letter size a4 and an a5 um and then i put a little fun image here because i want them uh to see how they can actually fill out their checklist and their planners so i just kind of put in track your progress and then this little arrow comes from canva just go into elements and then if you type in arrow you'll find a lot of different arrows that you can use here and then this text i actually just added it in and i just tried to find like a font that kind of looked like handwriting and then also the check mark comes from uh canva elements so then this one i put in what you receive and again i tell them that this is a digital download and they're not receiving a physical product you'd be surprised in the beginning i used to receive a lot of messages asking where their physical product is so i make sure that doesn't happen again so again i clearly state what they're getting here and then at the very end this is actually one of my favorite images i was very much inspired by a few other shop owners that clearly show that they can use this in different ways so i put in how to use the sheets and i show them they can use it either digitally or um physically so they could just print it out and write it by hand but i did go a step further and i put in that they can actually just download adobe acrobat reader for free and fill it out digitally so if you're wondering where i got this ipad image and the pen again canva elements beautiful thing just go into the search bar type in ipad or pen you'll find these images and similar ones that you might like even better once i'm done i'm going to go to share and then go to download and then i'm just going to go to jpeg and download all of these images because you will see me upload them into my etsy listing by the way if you're getting value from this video so far please hit that like button and let me know in the comments if you have any questions so far okay we're ready for step three which is to optimize so we're going to upload the printable onto etsy first i've already gone ahead to my shop manager and added a listing so we're gonna go over it so i've added in my six images feel free to add more etsy always recommends filling them up i don't usually i'll usually do maybe like six or seven and then i chose this one as my thumbnail and then if i scroll down i've put in my title already so be sure to at least try to fill up most of your title space because again etsy is a search engine and your keywords cannot be an afterthought it needs to be something that you really really put a lot of work into what i also recommend is using long tail keywords so something more specific that really describes your product and you're also reducing the competition this way and giving you a better chance at ranking so my example here is i put in self-care planner checklist for mental health and wellness so that's a long tail keyword phrase and then another one daily well-being mindfulness gift and then the rest that i've put in are also long tail keyword phrases very descriptive so i've also just gone ahead and um filled out all of these other sections so i'm just going to scroll down right over here just make sure you're hitting digital if you're selling a digital product so i have a whole video on how to fill out your etsy listing description you can watch that uh down below or click on it right after this video so um i walk you through step by step how to do that but just make sure you're also including some keywords in your description because it will also help you rank in google search if you do that so i usually start my description with reasons why they need to buy my printable and then i lay out exactly what they're getting right here um literally just step by step or just kind of point by point what they're getting how to use it so i'm basically reiterating a lot of the points i put in the images but in the description again clarity is key in your listing in order to actually make the sale because if you confuse them you will lose them so just make sure you're being very very clear and then also fill out all 13 of your tags with relevant keywords as well so at the very end here uh you can see that i've already uploaded my three pdf files so i've labeled it self care checklist a4 size and then the a5 size and us letter size so i'm done this was really good for me because i haven't uploaded on in my shop for a little while so this really helps me uh stay active in my shop so i'm just gonna go ahead and publish and then it's going to be up in my shop now there's one more thing that i'm going to add into my etsy listing it's a bonus tip this will ensure that your product makes sales and i'm going to share that with you at the very end i'm now going to show you how to upload your printables that you've just created into koji i absolutely love this platform i've been using it for quite a while now and i just opened up a printable shop there and again it's totally free to sign up so make sure to use the link down below to sign up koji is like linktree it allows you to have multiple links in your social media bio so you know how instagram only allows you to have one link in your bio well this allows you to have multiple so again it's like link tree but way more customizable and monetizable with all their free available apps for digital product sellers like you and me once you've signed up go ahead and browse through all of the apps that they have that you can monetize with but go straight to digital files storefront this is my favorite one because this one allows you to sell printables canva templates guides pdf files ebooks you can go through this whole list it's actually crazy and then what you want to do is you want to go to add and then um this will allow you to actually add this as a link into your kogi profile so just to show you really quickly this is actually what my koji profile looks like like i mentioned it's a bunch of links within my instagram profile so you can go ahead to my instagram and check it out and see what it looks like but again it's you're able to customize it and monetize it with all of their free apps so this is the printable shop that i've actually already created and like i mentioned i've been pivoting my niche to more of like printables for manifestation mindfulness and self-care so i've already uploaded uh six printables you can watch this video like i mentioned in the beginning where i walk you through step by step how i created this printable shop but now if i want to add in my new printable planner i would just go to manage at the top left here and go to add digital file so this is where i'm going to add in some of the images that i've already created so you can just use the images you created for etsy and put them in here so i'm going to go to add images and i'm just going to go ahead and upload my six images into this listing and then i'm just going to put a name for it so i called it self-care planner checklist and i've also put in a description and once again i'm giving people a reason to purchase this right so then um for this one you do need a zipped file so what i recommend is just um put your files into a folder and then just compress it so create a zipped folder so i'm going to go to add a zip file i'm just going to click on it and add my zip folder into there and i'm just going to charge six dollars for this one because a lot of the apps in koji the transaction fee is actually less um than what etsy is so i'm just gonna put in six dollars in there for now and then i'm just gonna click save and now it's added into my printable shop in koji so it's right there and i'm loving the thumbnail so if i want to edit anything i would just click on the three dots and hit edit once you've uploaded some printables into your koji account share your profile link in the comments below so we can check it out thank you so much koji for sponsoring this section of the video now if you made it this far then here is the bonus tip i promised you for your etsy listing upload a video etsy is literally screaming in our face and letting us know that buyers are loving listing videos we know that shoppers are more likely to purchase an item if the listing includes a video cha-ching so we got to do that now of course you can kind of like print your printables and then actually record yourself using your printable so i could you know print out my self-care um checklist and i could you know record myself using it but i can't be bothered so here's what we're going to do we're going to go into canva and that file that i used already to create all of my printables so here are all the printables that i've already created for this listing so it's five sheets i'm going to just create a video out of it so the way to do that is when i click on each artboard you can actually choose how long you want each one to show up for so by default i think it's actually five seconds but i've already changed mine because i just think five seconds per sheet is too long so i just changed it to two seconds each you can do one second you'll see what this looks like in the end but yeah so if you click on every single artboard you'll see the time up there just click on it you can change the time so then i'm going to go to share and this time under file type i'm going to click on mp4 video and then i'm going to download that i'm going to show you what that looks like so this is literally what it looks like it's 10 seconds long so if i just hit play it just looks like someone is just going through all of the different printables so it's going to upload as a video and it's going to give me a better chance at ranking and getting sales so i'm going to go ahead and upload that so let's go to add a video and there's my video to be honest i don't know if the video itself actually helps you rank better in etsy but i do know that the listings that i have right now that actually have a video are making way more sales than all of my other listings that don't have a video so i think that customers are just really resonating with listings that have it and just kind of gives you a better chance at making sales and they're super quick and easy to create in canva if you are working on your etsy printable shop make sure to grab my free checklist in the description box below i also have an etsy digital product seller workbook that will help you get started on the right track so i'll also link that down below for you make sure to sign up for koji for free using the link in the description box and once you've uploaded some digital products be sure to share your profile link in the comments so we can check it out give this video a like if it was helpful and head over to this video next if you want to see the step-by-step tutorial on how to create your printable shop using koji and i'll see you there
Channel: Sandra Di
Views: 557,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: printable planner Etsy tutorial, printable planner inserts, how to create printables to sell on etsy, how to create printables to sell online, how to create printables in Canva, Canva printables tutorial, digital products to sell on Etsy, how to make money selling printables on Etsy, selling digital prints on Etsy, Etsy digital download business, sizing printables for Etsy, best link in bio for digital products, koji platform, link in bio instagram, sandra di
Id: J_cfUHT_tEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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