The EASIEST Side Hustle of 2024: Make AI STICKERS to Sell Online on Etsy Print on Demand

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one of the most profitable print on demand products that you could sell might be something you've never thought would be that profitable and that is your just average sticker that you can use on a laptop water bottle or anything like that now in 2023 this is one of my most sold products but as we've seen so many people getting so into carrying this specific water bottle around wherever they go I think that the popularity of stickers is just going to take off like crazy throughout the rest of 2020 4 now stickers might be something that you're a little bit hesitant to create if you're not an artist or you don't know how to draw your own Graphics but that is totally fine one of the best opportunities of this year is going to be utilizing AI capabilities to create really fun one-of-a-kind even personalized stickers that you can sell all throughout the year now if you don't know how to do this I'm just not going to waste any time and jump right into the tutorial where I'm going to show you not only how to pick the product that you want to sell but also create the artwork and upload that so that you can make a ton of profit in 2024 in just a few minutes per design so let's just dive right into it now I am logged into my printify account which if you don't know what printify is they are all-in-one print Under mean platform where you can sell all sorts of different print on demand products everything from apparel to home items to even mugs tumblers and stickers which I'm going to show you today so let's head over to their sticker section and I'll show you exactly what product I'm going to be showing you guys how to make printify has a lot of different single kiss cut stickers but the ones that I really like are actually these sticker sheets now any time that you can sell a sticker sheet you're going to be able to sell multiple products for a cheaper price so I really like this and I think customers like getting a few different options too for their stickers so let's just go ahead and push start designing here now we're going to need four different images for each of these quadrants to be able to print this sticker so I'm going to go over to my design Suite now I'm using K today which is who I usually create my print on demand designs with but you definitely could use any other design Suite as long as it does have some AI capabilities cuz that's what we're going to be using today so I'm just going to go over here and click on new project and one thing I do like about K is they have a lot of presets so if I scroll down here they have one that is the printify sticker sheet so if you are integrated with printify you have all of those measurements already here so you don't have to remember kind of these arbitrary sizes numbers so let's go ahead and create that all right so these stickers I'm going to be showing you guys how to create are actually going to be some really fun pet centered stickers now I've said this before in other videos but there's really nothing people are more passionate about than their pets so if they can get something that is super cute and even a little bit personalized with their dog their cat or some other pet they are really going to love that so I'm going to show you in just a couple steps how you can actually create AI artwork stickers really easily so the first thing we're going to do is go over to the left hand side down to where it says KD Ai and now we're just going to start describing what we want this sticker to look like so I think the first pet that I kind of want to do is maybe like a corgi sticker sheet and we'll have a corgi doing a few different really cute things I think that could be fun so I'm going to put something like cute corgi catching a ball I think that could be really fun and then this is where it's really important to pick the correct style so you don't want to do the image style because that's going to make like a whole full canvas kind of artwork and that doesn't work super well for stickers so we want to be doing a clip art style design so that it can be cut out in a perfect sticker now I really like these Kawai ones but also the drawing can work really well too but I'm going to go ahead and stick with that Kawai style so let's go ahead and generate an image and see what it comes up with all right so that is looking cute so far but one thing I'm going to to do is I'm going to go ahead and remove this background because it does have white around it and we want it to be a perfect sticker all right and then what we can do is we can just kind of resize that to take up a lot more of the canvas here and then if we're happy with that first sticker all we're going to go ahead and do is just go to the downloads and then all the sizes are correct right here we're going to remove the background and just download as a PNG now we can kind of think of some other things so if you want to continue with this Corgi style you can maybe say a corgi running or jumping or sleeping so let's try actually a cute corgi sleeping with eyes closed and sometimes for these AI prompts you really do have to play with it a little bit until you get something perfect a lot of times you'll get it on the first try but sometimes you need to kind of rework what you said and be maybe a little bit more specific or less specific depending on what it gives you all right so I'm going to go ahead and do the AI background remover on this all right and then one thing I noticed on this one is this yellow orange color is a little bit different than the one we just had so I'm actually going to click this image vectorizer which if you use this it's going to allow you to change the colors of the image so I'm just going to go ahead and do that and then maybe make this yellowy color a little bit more orangey so it matches that other sticker all right so I just went ahead and I changed this color here I just selected a color that was a little bit closer to the other one and then even for the ears I think I might make this a little bit more pinky I just think that is going to look even cuter and then because this one is a little bit wider I'm going to change the orientation just so we can get this sticker to be a little bit bigger all right so once we're happy with that we're just going to go ahead and download again with the same settings all right so for this next one I just did cute corgi with pink tutu I think that could be really cute if we can get it to kind of translate in the AI so let's go ahead and generate that image now this kind of Designing is perfect if you aren't very creative yourself maybe you don't know how to draw your own images it just it really takes only a few minutes and you have a completely unique one-of-a-kind design all right so that is kind of cute here but it definitely looks like a little bit of a different style of those other ones so again I'm going to go ahead and vectorize this so we can make it match a little bit better with those other ones so let's go ahead and do a vectorizer and do six colors and then I'm going to go ahead and change this color to more of a similar one to what we put before okay that looks cute and then let's make this a little more reddish here all right and I'm just going to size this to be bigger and then I'm going to go ahead and download that as a PNG and then I'm just going to say cute gorgy running and generate another image like that all right again I'm going to go ahead and remove that background and then I'm going to vectorize it so we can again make it that similar coloring so let's change this yellow here to more of an orangey that is already looking a lot better and then one thing I think I want to do is see how I kind of missed that Circle in this other eye I'm just going to look up a circle here and add that to the eye to kind of just make it match so let's make this white and then I'm just going to make this a lot smaller here all right there we go that's looking a ton better so let's just go ahead and resize this guy to take up a lot more of this okay that is looking super cute and I'm going to go ahead and download that and that is our fourth design so now we're going to head back over to printify and start adding these to our sheet all right so if you haven't ever made a printify account they're totally free they integrate really seamlessly with your Etsy Shop I'll actually link a video of how to do that here if you've never linked it with your Etsy before but I definitely recommend using them you can use the link Down Below in the description but let's just start adding all of these designs we just created all right so I added that first one and then I just want to go ahead and rotate this so that it is the orientation that we used and it can take up a lot more of this canvas otherwise it's going to be pretty small all right so once that looks good we're going to go to the top right and then we're going to go ahead and rotate this guy again so we can take up more of that canvas this all right and then once we're happy with that we're going to go to the bottom left click that here and then add another design then again we're just going to go ahead and rotate this here and resize it all right and now let's go to the bottom right add another design okay and then once again we're just going to go ahead and rotate this guy and this one is looking super cute all right and now we can go ahead and preview what this is going to look like so let's just go over here to preview right cute we can see the stickers right here in their holographic form so customers will have the option to purchase holographic you can do just transparent you can do white a lot of times I like the white one it just makes it really pop and look super vibrant here all right so that is what the stickers will look like but I really love showing the in context stickers that is a really fun one that looks super cute so I would use something like this for my mockup listing photo or you could even go to a place like placet and find a actual water bottle and make a mockup of these stickers on a water bottle that would do super well like I said right now with everyone wanting to customize and get this particular certain water bottle that has just really gone off the chart in popularity so like I said if you've never tried selling stickers in your print on demand shop this is the year to do it or if you want just a really low cost to start new side hustle making AI stickers and then selling them on a place like Etsy for water bottles laptops notebooks is just the perfect way to kind of dip your toes into the print on deman or even digital product game it's really easy to start again I will link printify down below they're free to get started and if you like using kennel I'll also have their information down below too and if you're looking for some even more exciting ideas for AI shops to start in 2024 I'm going to recommend this video next thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video
Channel: Hannah Ebeling
Views: 90,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Merch by Amazon, How to make money online free, print on demand, selling tshirts, merch by amazon 2023, print on demand for beginners, print on demand for beginners 2023, selling shirts on amazon, merch by amazon for beginners, best tools for merch by amazon, how to get accepted to merch, Merch by amazon tier 10, how to tier up fast in merch by amazon, best print on demand sites, How to start an etsy store, etsy print on demand, etsy tips, print on demand niches, t shirt niches
Id: VQL9Eo4nODw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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