Create a Word Search Puzzle Book using ChatGPT, Canva, and Generator (Step by Step Tutorial)

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hey guys welcome to the channel today I'm going to show you step by step how you can create a word search puzzle that you can upload and sell on Amazon KDP at the end of the video I will share with you what I wish I would have known before I started my self-publishing journey stay tuned let's begin you need five things to create your word search puzzle and make this happen and upload it onto the Amazon KDP platform number one you'll need your computer's Notepad number two Microsoft Word number three chat GPT number four canva and number five you need an instant puzzle generator with these five things you can create your puzzle book and upload it onto Amazon KDP let's get started with step number one follow me right now we are on chat GPT and one of the first things that we need to do to make our lives easier while we produce this word search is finding out what word we're going to use for the sake of this example I'm going to create a book that's for fifth graders and we need high frequency words I will create a puzzle book that's 50 pages and for each page I need six words so we need a total of 300 words now as you can see here on chat GPT I am going to type in a prompt which I already have it ready I'm just going to paste it in and this is what I'm typing in provide me with 300 high frequency fifth grade words okay great so now we have a list of 300 high frequency words suitable for fifth grade students what's the first thing that we're going to do with these 300 words well we have to copy them onto the word a Microsoft Word document so I'm going to click here to the right hand side on the clipboard icon I'm going to open up my Microsoft Word and I'm going to paste it in here I'm going to to delete any all the content I don't need okay going to go all the way up let me delete this we're going to remove the numer the the the numbers cuz all the all the words are numbered and if we're we're going to transfer them onto the notepad they don't have to be numbered I'm going to show you why okay so bear with me let me go ahead and go through this remove the numbers and and let's continue okay beautiful all the words are not numbered perfect now we're going to copy okay we're going to copy this and we're going to paste it onto our notepad Okay okay perfect copy and paste let's go to the notepad and let me expand this okay we're going to paste it oh you know what let me minimize it okay so now these words the reason why I'm using the notepad is because when I upload this document onto the instant puzzle generator the instant puzzle generator is requesting a txt file not a not a a word file or a a PDF file it has to be a txt file so the notepad that's exactly what it's going to give me before I upload this document onto the instant puzzle generator which is the gener the the the the program that's going to generate for us the puzzles I have to do two things here I have to give each page remember each page is going to have six words correct okay so we're going to do title and it's a brief description for the title in the description it could really be anything if you are working on a word search puzzle and it's like uh it it has to do with positivity or Bible verses the the title could be God's grace or God's love and then the description could be a Bible verse but in this case for the sake of this example what I'm going to do is I'm just the title is going to be hi frequency words and the description is going going to be puzzle number one so I'm going to number each puzzle now uh each page now remember that each page will have six words so we're going to count it out 1 2 3 4 five six that means that here 1 two 3 we're going to just add a couple spaces we're going to copy and paste the title description we're going to paste it but we're going to change the number to puzzle number two we're going to continue to do this over and over again okay until I have a total of 50 pages I'm going to fast forward through this entire part because it's going to take at least 10 minutes so let me fast [Music] forward ladies and gentlemen I just finished this and now I saved it and can upload it onto the instant puzzle generator where it will turn this information into actual puzzle pages so let's go this is the instant puzzle generator that I use and it is amazing as you can see here to the right hand side you just literally upload upload a document it generates the puzzles for you you can save it as a PDF doc or a PNG file and you could just put it together in a matter of minutes seconds it's remarkable I'm going to go ahead and sign in okay here you have it and where it says instant puzzle generator I have access to this one because this is the one that I purchased and now I'm going to go to ipg word search access now I'm going to click on create a puzzle okay I have to uh give it a title the title is going to be fifth grade word search Okay click on create then I click on view and here this is where I upload the file okay and as you see here it says CSV and txt files only so that's why we had to do it on our notepad let me see going to quickly fifth grade puzzle and guys watch this I just uploaded it and it's already generating all the the puzzles exactly do you see that it says high frequency words puzzle number five six 7even and so on and so forth super cool when I found out about this whole instant puzzle generator I was in disbelief I was like wait a second how is this even possible which it makes it so cool because it makes publishing that much more simple so anywh who let me go ahead and save this file we go over to the right hand side where it has the down arrow and I'm going to save this file not as a PNG because I don't want a zip file I want to save it as a PDF okay it's going to be 8.5 by 11 that's very important for us to know because that's exactly what we need to input when we customize our template on canva okay we're going to go ahead and download it now we are on canva okay and here on canva let me move myself this way we're going to go to create a design when we're here we're we're going to go down to customize size we're going to click on where it says PX like the pixels we're going to drop down and click on inches on the width we're going to put 8.5 the height we're going to put 11 we're going to create that design and now we have to come up with a book cover if we're going to put this on Amazon KDP we have to come up with a book cover and I'm going to show you what's the best cover that is simple and is something that you can do in the matter of minutes okay we're going to go ahead and go on Amazon because if you don't know what you want your word word search puzzle to look like the the best place to go to is Amazon word search books for kids we're going to click on that and search for it and see what we find okay as you can see I already see a pattern we have the words word search for kids ages 10 to 12 8 to 10 6 to 8 so we have to put the ages in there and if you can see this there there's like a picture an image of on this one this orange one there's an image of the word search like a word search right and then they has a bunch of icons all around it we can do this okay so let me go back to the design okay and here we're going to choose any color I'm going to choose for the background I'm going to just just choose a simple color I'm going to choose this one okay or this one perfect we got to add some words so let me click on text and word search all right I am changing the font to leaks Spartan and I want to capitalize everything Perfect all right perfect now I'm going to add an effect to this and by effect you'll see what I mean I'm going to use the background Word sech Perfect or we can do this one but I'm going to change it to Yellow perfect okay there you go and now I'm going to I'm going to go to elements to left hand side and I'm going to type in Word Search okay word search I already see a couple of pictures that I know I can use okay okay I like this one we can use this one perfect I can use this one but on the title I want to go ahead and make sure that people know that it's for fifth grade fifth graders and it's high frequency words high frequency words okay let's see hi let me high frequency words perfect let me add an effect with a background perfect let me change that font to I like this one perfect okay let me make maybe I can put it here and then in the bottom I can add something like four fifth grade kids okay let me change the font on that to the Bobby Jones I kind of like that one but in this one we're going to do a little something a little different let me go to elements and we're going to add a banner of some sort let me see okay let me see here on their Graphics guys see are a couple banners that I think will work okay I like this one going expand it a little bit make it a little big okay I like this one it looks very like for kids I think I like that let me drop this down okay that's what we're doing for now now I want to go ahead and add some icons like we saw on the the other images but before that let me see if I can edit this photo of the word search that we have here and add a shadow to it under edit photo we have effects let me click on Shadow let me add a little Shadow to it expand it a little bit and now we're going to add icons all around okay let me move this all right let me go back and we are going to go to elements and I'm going to add maybe School icons school let me put school Under Graphics see all let's see what I can find okay I see a notebook I like the notebook maybe this can go here uh this is perfect maybe I can put this over here an apple that works an apple uh let's see I can put this here and then I a backpack that looks good and remember you can make it your own it doesn't have to look like this I mean there are so many different ways to create a word search puzzle and make it look extremely unique and fun but I just want to go ahead and give you an example of what this could look like okay okay I think that looks good and then a little pencil we can add a pencil to this ah okay okay yeah let me add it over here and then maybe we can add a globe I like the globe let's do the globe a little bit smaller and let's shift it a little bit okay good and then maybe I'm scrolling down scrolling down we did a school bus maybe up some science stuff and I can change those colors around but for now we'll just keep it leave it as this okay guys we just created and designed a book cover for your word search puzzle so perfect now we're going to do the back cover we're just going to click on add a page and what are we going to add as far as words on the back of the book cover we're going to go to chat GPT okay we're going to type in the f following provide a brief back blur for a word search puzzle that is about high frequency words for fifth graders we're going to click on that and see what chat GPT comes up with chat GPT came up with the following join the fun with this exciting word search puzzle especially designed for fifth graders dive into a captivating world of learning as you search for high frequency words that are essential for your academic success sharpen your vocabulary skills while uncovering words related to okay so we don't have to write all of this but I am going to use the first two sentences I'm going to copy going to copy this I'm going to go back to the design that we have and I'm going to add it here all right you can barely see it so I'm going to change the font and the size let me use the Bobby Jones okay okay let me add it here and now this is what we're going to going to do next now that we have some text here and by the way when you use chat GPT I would recommend that you move these words around change it and make it your own it has to be your own words I just use chat GPT to get an idea of what I can do but I would never use word for word and what I've done so far in this video is just an example of what you can do but I would definitely highly highly recommend that you change these words and do not use word for word what uh chpt is giving you make it your own give it a unique spin um okay so let me continue now we need to upload our our PDF document onto here onto canva the PDF document that we have for the word search okay so now I'm going to go ahead and add some images to the back of this cover it looks really plain we need to add some images and let people know what they can expect inside this book I uploaded onto canva the word search document and I saved it as fifth grade puzzle manuscript and look at it here so we're here we have it it's ready this is the interior of your word search puzzle book it's done and then I'm going to download this I'm going to upload those images okay here on canva okay perfect now we have both of them I'm going to go back to the book cover uh let's see let's see wonderful wonderful all right let me go to uploads and voila we have the pages here let me click on one of them I'm going to minimize them and maybe make this bigger okay I'm going to min minimize it and then grab the other one minimize it as well make sure they're like the same size perfect now I'm just going to tilt this bring it up tilt this one bring it down and I'm going to give it a little Shadow going to go to click on the picture click on edit photo at the top and then scroll down click on shadows and click on the first one where it says glow and I'm going to click on the next page I'm going to give it a glow as well okay so I'm going to leave it here and then I feel like something else is missing so what I'm going to do is I'm going to add some extra text okay and I'm going to put let the fun begin beautiful let me put it here at the bottom change the font okay let the font begin I don't a effect all the way down scroll click on background have that and then I'm going to change this one too that way he has a little bit of color okay now guys we just created the front and back cover of this word search puzzle that's it we are officially ready to upload the book cover and the word search manuscript the interior pages on Amazon KDP and we did this in less than an hour now that were done I want to share with you what I wish I would have known before I started publishing books on Amazon KDP there are a lot of videos online that tell you that when you publish word search puzzles you're going to make tons of money although that is true because word search puzzles are on high demand there's a lot of competition and I don't like it when a lot of people advertise you know this whole like get get rich fast make money fast and the reality is that I've been publishing since 201 I think 17 or 18 and although I have made money and I make passive income every month it's not that simple and it's not that easy the one piece of advice that I give you that I wish someone would have given me you know a couple years back is that it is so important to build a brand don't just start like don't just start popping out books because they're going to sell and you're hoping that they sell no instead build a brand you can build a brand around poetry books and guess what they're going to sell well and whether it's poetry or whether it's a children's book and you have multiple you have a series then if your first book was amazing they're going to buy the second the third or the fourth so it's a no-brainer also I wish someone would have told me that just because you buy all this like fancy programs it doesn't guarantee you to make money like it really doesn't what what makes you the money is your strategy and your mindset going into book publishing if you plan to publish a book and you're trying to develop a brand you want to develop relationships with your customers it's just it's not transactional we shouldn't view book publishing as just mere transactions instead we should view it as an opportunity to reach people and share with them the knowledge that we have and just be genuine about what we are sharing with others and make sure that it's valuable you can give a lot of things for free inside books which is something that I do I give away free prompts I give away free additional printables it doesn't take much and it's so valuable because I want people to read the writing prompts that I have not because they're helpful for me no because they've helped me and they're going to be helpful for someone else it's transformational when you step away from the video and you are planning to create books think in in terms of Brands but also think in terms of transformation what what what how can you help people with your books what transformation can you provide them with remember people are not transactions people they have feelings they have emotions they have lives and if we can transform one area of their life it's powerful and it's impactful and it also you you have to ask ask yourself what kind of influence do you want to have in someone's life and when it comes to let's say word search puzzle books there are many ways that you can impact someone with a word search puzzle book such as create one with Bible verses create one that's similar to a devotional there's so many things that you can do that can be valuable so much junk out there on you know on YouTube and Just online telling you yeah publish this publish that publish these kinds of books and it's like no publish publish books that are meaningful whatever you do make sure it's meaningful and purposeful those are my two scents for today if you like this video give me a thumbs up put your comments down below let me know what your thoughts are on this video and if you want me to continue to produce content on book publishing leave your comments down below and tell me what you're interested in that way I can continue to produce these types of videos stay tuned I will see you on the next video
Channel: The Homeschooling Mindset
Views: 5,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homeschooling, homeschool curriculum, make money from home as a homeschool mom, homeschool mom income, make money as a homeschool mom, make money as a stay at home mom, book publishing on amazon, kdp publishing, kdp low content books, kdp puzzle books, kdp publishing step by step, tutorial for beginners, homeschool mom motivation
Id: IYZm-a9ZCds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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