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So today, let's prepare the most requested bread recipe that I'm 101% sure that is going to make many of you happy. This is my Special Ensaymada. So take note, okay? There is really 'Special' Because this is very soft, it stays soft and very affordable as well. So let's start with the bread. Many of you already really know how to make this one. So first, this is water, into the bowl. Yeast, I'm using instant dry yeast. Sugar. And then in here, I will explain a bit. So as you can observe, let's consume all the yeast. You can observe that I'm using here a mixture of egg yolks. I have here 6 pcs of egg yolks and I have 2 whole eggs. Just to be honest, the Ensaymada, when you make that, it is just like you're making any ordinary bread, right? You already make Pandesal, Monay, Donuts. What makes this different is the formula. This is an ultimate rich... it's fantastic since it even has ultimate, right? The dough is really rich because we are using pure egg yolks. The reason why I just put 2 whole eggs is for the bread to be fluffy and it's soft when you handle the dough, right? Because of course, eggs is liquid. It contributes to the liquid content of your dough. So egg yolks, that is really the secret, right? Of putting a lot of egg yolks. And then this is bread flour. So for this recipe, it's really better if what you're gonna use is bread flour. If you are living in Western countries, you are from Europe, the bread flour is also known as the hard flour. If you really don't have bread flour, you can use all-purpose but you can notice that it will raise better if you are going to use bread flour. So I'm going to put my bread flour, this is 5 1/4 cups. So this recipe is really tried and tested. So you don't need to change the measurement that: "Oh! It's a bit gooey, it is just too hard." As long as your measurement is very correct and then of course, the salt. You put the salt. Just really a bit salt. So I'm going to mix this into my mixer, so let's put it this side for a bit, so there. I'm going to mix it here. Of course, you may also knead that one. When you're using mixer, you mix it for around 12 minutes. If you are kneading it manually, you knead it for around 15 minutes because remember that our body pressure isn't as consistent as the machine, right? When we get tired, we also knead it a bit less powerful. So when you mix it a bit like this, you can notice that your dough seems to bind together already. Right? It's time for you to put the butter. So another secret aside from the egg yolks is using really good butter. So if you have the extra budget, go for the premium brands of butter because this is really gonna give the flavor to your Ensaymada. So you just pour it there when you mix your dough like that already, you just put in the butter. Okay, and then you just continue on kneading it. You will notice that this dough is a bit sticky. It's really a bit sticky, that's very normal, okay? Do not attempt on keeping on putting flour because your bread will also get hard. So I want to show you just in case you don't have mixer and then you're just going to knead it manually. I want to show it to you because I know you will say on the comment section that: "The dough seems to be so sticky that it's like I can't knead it." So you just get it like that. I'll show you, okay? The technique that I do. So this is your dough. You will notice that it seems to be really so sticky. That's very normal. When it's sticking on your hands, what you want to do is you get a bit of butter, you put butter on your hands and then you just knead. So this is normal that it sticks a bit on the table. You just get your scraper. Just like that, okay? So if it sticks on the hands, you put a bit butter again. So you just make Zumba, right? Actually, this is easier to knead manually compare to other breads because it's softer. It go along with you, there it is, right? You won't be stressed. If it go along properly, less stress in life. So it's just like your Ensaymada dough. So there. Well of course, I will continue this on mixer. I just show it to you how do you knead it manually, okay? When it sticks, you put butter into your hands again. "Butter is a bit expensive." Then oil will already do. Okay. And then we continue kneading it here in the mixer for 10 more minutes. So it's been 10 to 12 minutes. Turn off the mixer. And then you can see it, right? Your dough is already very smooth and elastic. You mean elastic, so there it is. It seems like it will fight off already, right? It won't just easily tear apart. So you get your scraper and then you just get all the dough here in the mixing bowl and then you just smoothen it, you just form it into a smooth ball. Just like that, you just pull it like that. See? Until you form it into a smooth bowl just like this and then you pull. When you see these blemishes, those white spots that you see. Right? It means that you mix the dough properly because you see those spots, those are actually the gluten, right? So when there is gluten already, it means that is the connection of the proteins. It means that you have really mix you dough properly so its finished product will have a perfect or very good structure. Right? And then, you put it in a bowl that has a bit of oil or you can also use butter or margarine. You are putting the oil so that while your dough is rising, right? It becomes slippery, it doesn't become stressed. Okay, that's it. And then of course, you have to cover it with plastic wrap so it won't dry. So I'm getting a plastic wrap and then you rest this for around 30 minutes to an hour. When I'm making Ensaymada, I don't hurry up it's rising. If it's 1 hour, I really let it rest for 1 hour because fermentation or resting the dough is very very important if you are making special breads like Ensaymada because its flavors and texture really improved there. So it's just like love, right? Love takes time. That's also how you make special breads. If its special, you will really take your time for it. So let's go back on this after 1 hour. So while we're waiting for the dough to rise, it is 1 hour again. Let's prepare the icing, the butter cream. Very important because Ensaymada, it's the bread, the icing, and then a lot of cheese. Of course, depending on your creativity, you can put different flavors or variations that is going to make you happy, right? But today, let's prepare the classic. I'm going to combine into my mixing bowl, I have here good butter, I'm using salted butter. This is salted butter and then this is my secret with my Ensaymada icing, I put a bit of cream cheese, right? You can observe that on this recipe, The cream cheese will act as the stabilizer and binder. It's not like the ordinary that if it's only butter and sugar, when it's heated a bit, it liquifies, right? This cream cheese will hold those ingredients. So you just put a bit but again, if you feel the recipes' price go up or it may spoil quickly because there is cream cheese then you can remove that. It's a personal preference. For its icing becomes more smooth too and of course to sweeten it, I'm using Peotraco Premium Confectioner's Sugar, right? Very smooth so there is really no lumps. You won't feel any lumps using this sugar and then you just beat it until light and creamy or fluffy. Of course, you can prepare this ahead of time. You just put it on refrigerator, covered, okay? In an air-tight container or clean wrap and then when you're ready to use it, just bring it to room temperature and then you just spread it on top of your Ensaymada. Just beat it, medium speed until it becomes a bit fluffy. If you want to make Mocha Ensaymada, so someone told me this one, okay? It sounds more grandeur than Mocha, but Mocha still sounds grandeur though but let's make it more grandeur, you can call it Cappuccino Ensaymada. There it is, right? If you want to turn it into Cappuccino Ensaymada, you just put a bit of instant coffee powder to this. There it is, right? And your Ensaymada will be instant grandeur, you can call it Cappuccino Ensaymada with Almonds. You just put a bit of toasted almonds on the top. There it is, right? So those variations. Because of course, if your Ensaymada are selling already, your regular customers will eventually look for new flavors so that's the time that you introduce your new flavors. Simple, familiar, yet grandeur. Alright, this looks smooth, light, and fluffy to me. Of course, you can taste that one. So you can't wait for your Ensaymada, you taste it. If you find it sweet, make your sugar 1/2 cup from 3/4 cup. There it is, right? If you want it not really sweet, make it 1/4 cup, it's all on you and then you just transfer it into a container. See how nice and smooth. So after 1 hour, so I really rest it for 1 hour. If you exceeds a bit, no problem. So you can see the dough, right? As you can see, it doubles, it tripled. This is a really good indication that it has really rest, right? You can see it. So it becomes stable and it's smell is like an Ensaymada already. So the next step, you want to punch it down. Remove the excess air and then you divide it. The size of the Ensaymada that I will be making is 60 grams, right? 60 grams. So you get 60. So 60. It doesn't need to be really perfect though. For example you have cut and then you get 59, don't be stressed anymore. Don't be stressed, that's okay already. That 1 gram is not really obvious anymore. So continue dividing this. You need to have a plastic if you divide it, you cover it with a plastic. If you don't like plastic, you use cheesecloth because especially you're on an air conditioner, open air, or there's an open electric fan, the dough may be dry, that's big NO NO because if it dries, it will have a hard time to rise. So I'm going to continue dividing this. So after dividing it, 60 gram piece. So what you'll do next, of course, you just round. See. Because the dough is very soft, you can just quickly round it. You won't be stressed, promise! You will not really be stressed with this Ensaymada recipe. Remember first in, first out. You round first what you did weight first, okay? That gives the dough time to rest for a bit. So you just round it, make sure you round it nicely. Don't worry because in the start, you really need to practice a bit but as it lasts, you can perfect that. Alright, so last one. Finished. Alright, you still cover it with plastic. So I have here my Ensaymada molds. I know that you will ask so this is 4.5 inch in diameter. So we measure the outside, right? So we've greased this with margarine. You can use butter, shortening, any of those three mentioned. You just brush a bit for the Ensaymada not to stick and then you just put it there, on the middle part. So I don't style my Ensaymada anymore because I don't want to be stressed. I like it plain, circle like this. As you put that, this is very important, don't forget. You have to press it. Right? Not that strong but not that light. It's like you deflate it for a bit. You are doing this technique to make sure that there's no big air bubbles trap inside your bread and also, for the rising of the bread to be even. Okay, so you put it there. You can also use this for Asado rolls. Dinner rolls. Any roll that you wanna do, that is flexible. Press. Cheese roll. Ube Roll. Whatever kind of roll. So there. And then you will let it rise in a warm place. So I will remove that here because there's air conditioner so that I am fresh while I'm being recorded. So I will remove it here because if there's an air conditioner, it will take long time to rise. It's better that it is just room temperature. Not that hot also. How do you know if it's too hot? If you yourself feel it's hot, if you feel uncomfortable on the... For example, I will put it beside the oven so that it will rise quicker. So you stand besides the oven first. So for example, so here's oven, you stand besides it first. If you can't stand there for more than 5 minutes so is your Ensaymada. The yeast might die. Just on the right heat, you know that? The heat that is comfortable, you put it there, right? And make sure to cover it with plastic, don't choke the Ensaymada. So when you cover it, just light, so there it is, right? Just very light, just put it on top so that if it starts to rise, it will not be stressed. Right? Don't be: "Oh my!" Don't be too overprotective, just light only. You need to trust the Ensaymada, it will rise naturally. So there, so it's just light because if you put it tightly, how would it be if it starts to rise? It may get stressed, it will go down. Okay. So we will leave it for around 2 to 3 hours. When the climate is warm then 2 hours, it will double already. If it's cold like now, it's usually rainy, around 2 1/2 to 3 hours. So let's go back on it if its size doubled already. So now, after around 2 1/2 hours, you can see that its size has doubled already, right? When it's like this already, you ready your oven for I will set this up already. You don't want it to wait it for too long because it may get sour. If the bread rise too much, it become sour. So I will set this up at a preheated 300° F oven, it can also be 325° F. If 350° F, it will brown for a bit. If you want it a bit mestiza, just 300° F only. For around 15-16 minutes. Okay, so let's set it up. It will be bigger. Alright, let's set the timer, 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, let's remove it already. You see it's nicely golden brown. This one is literally a bit mestiza. Alright, so you don't need any special tools or equipments on cooling that. What you can do is this, I'm going to show you. So you can get a spoon because it it hot. You just raise it up a bit. Oh my wait! let's just have this rubber. So there, you just raise it like that so that the bread would be able to breath, right? You can also use your bare hands if you are brave. My hands is still a bit used on the hotness. You just raise it up like that because it's beneath needs to breath a bit so that it won't form steam. For when it forms steam, that's where the bread becomes spoiled quickly. Don't remove it then you put it on the cooling rack because it will also dry quickly. While you're cooking steak, while you're cooking meat, you want the moisture of the bread just to rotate within the bread. That it will not get out, okay? So just like that and then you just let it cool down if it becomes cool. That's the time you put it on a cooling rack or a clean pan. It takes around 10 to 15 minutes before you let it cool completely. So let's just go back on it. So the Ensaymada has cooled down completely. Make sure that before you put the icing is that your Ensaymada has cooled already. Right? So here, it's really cool already. I'm putting the icing, that's just really enough. What you can do first if you are not really good on estimating, you put it 1 scoop all before you spread it using your angled spatula. This is what I've been explaining to you, okay? Because we are using bread flour, you can see your bread coming back. Okay, you see that. It bounces back. It doesn't just deflate. Because one of the problems of Ensaymada is when you put a lot of toppings on top, you traveled it, you box it up, you will see the bread getting distorted, it deflates. So that's why I mentioned to you earlier the importance of using bread flour for this recipe. So again, you can use all-purpose in the absence of bread flour but for best results, use bread flour. So really here, okay? I really revealed all of the secrets of Ensaymada so you just practice it and if you want to put a variation or flavor, that's all on you on how you will put it. So I'm just consuming all the icing because it will be wasted and then of course, I'm going to teach you how to properly pack it. For the traditional, we are using this. This is called the 'Cello Sheet', you can buy this from the baking supplies store. You put the Ensaymada on the center of the Cello sheet and then you just grate some cheese. It's better if you grate cheese when you put it on the plastic already. I'm just using processed cheese, that's just all on you. You go for any cheese that is going to make you happy and then you just fold it like this. See? You meet both of the tip. You shake it first as the cheese enters. You meet both the tip, you fold it like that. And then the edges. I don't know what's this folding called as long as like that. You just fold it like that. One more time. If you want to make a bit grandeur Ensaymada, this is Parmesan cheese. How you do it is you just put it circularly. So it's now covered with Parmesan. Put it on the middle and then same thing. You fold it like that. You have another option, you may put it on this. Let's say that you wanted it mix. You will put Parmesan. It's actually 'pärməˌzän', so that's how you say Parmesan cheese. So there. Two are Parmigiano. Okay. And then your two is just the ordinary cheese. Processed cheese. Okay, there. And then before you close it, you take a look at it closely because especially that now, it's rainy, those flying particles are widespread. Okay. So there you have your very amazing Ensaymada. So whether you want the Parmesan, me, I want the Parmesan. So let's taste it. You see, it's very easy to do. You will be shocked and it's really really special. When eating Ensaymada, you open it like that as per them. Oh my! So any way that you like it. So let's look at its inside. You see how soft it is. Super soft. Okay, it's super soft. See? I felt like I need more cheese so you may just dip it there, right? You can also do two cheese, three cheese, four cheese, five cheese. You put all of the cheese. Let's show to them how soft it's inside is. It's really pillowy soft and I share this to you because I'm sure that this recipe will make you extra happy. You will earn from this recipe and I don't want you to be frustrated that you will make a recipe, it won't rise, it's hard, or any secrets you still need to do. This is a very honest Ensaymada recipe and be happy. I'm going to see you real soon :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 2,016,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef, chef rv, recipes, mukbang, food, food recipes, celebrity chef, pinoy, pinoy vlog
Id: sL2gbvvGeuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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