How to make perfect CREAM PUFFS _ Bánh SU KEM (Choux à la Crème)
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Channel: Chep Chep Kitchen
Views: 917,960
Rating: 4.8019166 out of 5
Keywords: Cream puffs, profiteroles, choux a la creme, choux paste recipe, cream puff recipe, cream filling, recipe for cream puffs, choux a la crème recipe, French pastry, French choux pastry, pastry cream, banh su kem, cach lam banh su kem, cong thuc vo banh su kem, cong thuc banh su kem, cong thuc nhan banh su kem, cach lam nhan kem trung, cong thuc su kem, cong thuc banh choux, cong thuc choux kem, how to make cream puffs, how to make choux paste, how to make choux a la creme
Id: 9C9qYf6COaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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