Creality Ender 5 Pro First Print

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well for part two we're gonna take this beautifully built ender five pro we're gonna actually do a test print but it's gonna take a couple steps so hey folks welcome back to geeksmart and today we're uh continuing on our ender five pro quest um so like i said the first video this is obviously the very first 3d printer i've ever dealt with at all and first one i built and now first one i'm going to actually set up so uh take it with the grain this is uh you're just going to basically be on my journey of learning how to actually get this thing um set up and going now we have i haven't even plugged in yet i have all the cables plugged in power cords ready to go in we're going to turn it on we're going to level the bed we're going to do a 3d test 3d print now in the box they did give this little usb stick with uh basically this is a it's a reader there's a micro sd card in here there's a micro sd card up here in the front we're going to go ahead and read off that bad boy and see what kind of test print we can do with it and we're going to use the stock filament that came with it so this is just white pla filament yeah so i have all the tools still out ready to go um and even a couple of one of the accessories i recently purchased so we got this built yesterday today let's see if we can't get something written on it so let's get started so first things first i'm actually going to go ahead and plug it in since i have my cord right here i don't think i have it turned on yet i just had but uh it is now plugged in so we have the power switch over here to the left everything should be connected properly i haven't fed the the filament or anything in yet but that's all right we're gonna go ahead and kick it on and see what happens here and there comes the screen i'm going to take the plastic off the screen so maybe hopefully it's easier for you to see i'm going to get a little bit closer there but there we are it is up and running what i'm going to do is i'm going to actually click on this go down to prepare and i want to go auto home and see what happens hey there we go stuff is happening so basically she went back to the far corner and now the bed's raising up on its own which obviously we're going to have to have it up towards the top anyway to do our leveling of the bed and i'm gonna have to get a piece of paper so i'm gonna let that come up i'm gonna go grab some paper okay so what we're gonna do is now is let leveling the bed and that's gonna actually go uh into the menu we're gonna go down to prepare we're going to go ahead and hit disable stoppers to saber stoppers at x y axis and i guess we should be set to level to bed so hopefully we can show this decently but you just need a piece of paper um this is obviously something from my daughter's new channel but this piece of paper is going to be put in between the nozzle and bed and then these big knobs underneath here essentially if you screw them one direction or the other it'll the bed will basically go up or down with that spring that's loaded um right now the spring is fully loaded so what i want to do is take a little bit of tension on the string so basically like you're loosening the nut if you're thinking about like this would be loosening that this would be tightening it and you can feel when that's fully tight that's how it's shipped so we gotta get it so it's just scraping the paper so there we go she's just touching the paper and i'm gonna go ahead and bring it over to here and do the same thing here just load the spring you can hear it right you can hear it's just touching the paper right so i'm gonna do that for the other two corners real quick and i'll be right back okay so i'm gonna go ahead and hit get prepare to home get back to auto home so it should lower the bed go back to home and then raise the bed back up so we should be good so now we're going to go back into prepare and we're going to do preheat for pla that way it starts heating up and then we can actually load the filament while it's preheating at least do kind of two things at once that's my thought at least preheat pla so now it's doing its thing let's get the filament out and get it ready so so i did find a mess up um i don't know if it was on my part or whatever something i missed or whatever but if you're if you are working to do this and you prepare and you go to preheat and you actually hit preheat and the whole thing resets restarts on you it's because the power supply set to the incorrect voltage so these come with to be able to use in uh in north american market but also other markets europe and everything like that this is set to 230 volt i need it to set for 115 volt because i'm in the united states so that's back here so first off uh make sure you turn off the power that's in the switch up front make sure that it's fully off and then use your screwdriver and there's a switch and under there let's see if we can show you you can see how it actually says 230 currently i've got to basically take that and slide it over and now it's set to 115. now we should be good to go okay so now we should be good go here go to prepare and we hit preheat for pla preheat for pillow bla hey now it's actually doing something okay well now that it's actually pre-heating now we put the uh the filament in okay so i have the filament still sealed actually in the package and uh we'll go ahead and slice her open [Applause] [Music] silica gel okay so uh all right there she is putting on the spool like a silver uh i am going to cut off this section that's kind of bent up because that's something that i really need to go through and actually you're supposed to i think slices that like at an angle anyway like a 45 and we're gonna feed that in through the extruder so while it's preheating i actually hit the change i went to the menu and hit change filament and then it went backwards and unloaded which obviously i didn't have anything in there now it says insert filament and hit the button to uh to continue i'm going to click on it and now it's loading it in automatically so i'm an idiot i learned something real quick and that is if you need to load your filament um there's a better way than using the power because i of course i couldn't figure out because the instructions didn't have it but i looked into it that's what this armor here is this little tension arm actually releases the tension over here and uh yeah so you put the filament in you push up on this and once she makes it in and that's you there it goes you just keep feeding it until it actually comes out it starts coming out the nozzle yep now we got stuff coming out okay so maybe i should take this off and do it by hand here so we actually have some filament coming out the nozzle now it should be good there we should be ready to print let's take a peek at what's on the drive all right so i'm gonna take the actual drive itself and insert it into here okay so i found actually it wouldn't register so i power cycled the the printer um and now it's reading the tf card so i went back back and made sure that it was preheated for pla but now print from tf card let's see so i'm gonna do i guess we're gonna do dog extruder is heating so i chose dog i guess we're going to see what happens so it just said heating is done nozzle's heated up and we're gonna just let it do its thing we did everything i think we needed to do i'm assuming that it's just gonna do itself it's thing now all right so we'll watch a little bit of it and then uh then we'll fast forward until after she's all done i'm not going to do a time lapse on this one because this is just my first print but once we get into more then i'll probably do more now i will say this i didn't clean the bed i didn't put alcohol i didn't put glue on it this is me trying things out this is me testing to see what's going on [Applause] i will say this that thing's quiet [Applause] so she seems to be working just fine we'll uh we're gonna fast forward and come back to this one so a small progress update it's been going um you know to be honest i didn't really pay attention to what time i started at but it's probably been going for about a half an hour and you can see that it's it's definitely building up and looks everything looks good there's a little string off to the side there you can i don't know if you can see it there but aside from that everything else looks fantastic so far [Applause] so yeah we're just going to let it keep going and uh yeah we'll go from there update two we're about an hour and a half or so into the print not quite an hour and a half but about an hour and a half and it's a pretty obvious dog you can see the tail and everything so it's looking really really good i gotta give it that from obviously from an onset from the side it's looking fantastic so i'm impressed already can't wait to see the end result so it's looking really really good um but we're kind of ways to do it almost two and a half hours now and just notice that it does actually tell us time and percentage so we're 80 81 done 2 hours 26 minutes in so obviously it takes time and of course that's been expected but it is just past midnight so i'm going to be in bed but i'll have to check on this in the morning and that'll be that okay so it finished overnight i'm gonna go ahead and actually turn off the printer the main reason they came down this morning and she came up real easy and there it is so i wonder how easy this is the peel off not bad oh a little section there a little bit more than others but no reality that is a clean print so the print has finished and i'm extremely impressed by it now of course this is my very first take at using this machine and i am i'm taken aback by how easy it actually is it's way easier to use this than i had really anticipated now of course i'm using files that they gave me on the micro sd card so i don't i didn't provide my own file but the quality of the print is better than i had actually anticipated so that's good and of course not knowing if my bed leveling technique worked as good or whatever and everything seemed to work perfect so for those of you that are looking at getting into 3d printing is just a small hobby or something kind of like i'm doing try it it's you know it's not that expensive there are even smaller printers that are less expensive than this um yeah so um i wasn't sent this i bought this myself and i also bought a few different uh filaments so i got a thing of pet g i bought a another role pla a different company edge and uh abs all the same company the hatchbox company which is very price efficient i guess on amazon um i wanted to try various filaments with this and really check to see how well each filament runs on its native nozzle set and everything without me modifying this i also purchased the glass bed upgrade to upgrade the bed to the glass bed but i'm going to wait and actually installing that because i want to see how well this standard mat works for a little while before i move to the upgraded glass bed i do probably eventually want to move to a full metal nozzle to to print higher temperature filaments but that's in the future that's not today uh i spent enough money as it is but that said this is something that uh i'm really looking forward to using more and uh i'm really looking forward to showing my daughters how to use it and how to create 3d models we're going to learn together so yeah if you have any questions about the machine or the process that i went through or you know if i did something wrong that you saw that could be done better comment below because i am not an expert on this at all this is a new thing so um thank you for watching here to the end i'm wearing my 2020 t-shirt because right now it's new year's eve our tonight is and it's time to start a new year and get rid of the year that is behind us so that said guys thank you for watching and we'll catch you back here on another future video setup tutorial i guess uh in this case yeah i'm better than expected that's the good thing so creality maker solid machine at least so far as i can tell thanks for watching we'll see you soon you
Channel: GeekSmart
Views: 133,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, how-to, how, to, geeksmart, techgooch, creality, 3d print, 3d printer, first 3d print, 3d print dog, 3d print dog 2, ender, ender 5, ender 5 pro, creality ender 5, creality ender 5 pro, best 3d printer, great 3d printer, first 3d printer, ender 5 setup, ender 5 pro setup
Id: wQ0IBE5fwCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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