Creality Ender 5 Plus Review: EVERYTHING You Need To Know!

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so I spent several months since I've done my unboxing and preview of the under five plus and when I did that review I told you I would come back and do a full review of this printer so that I gave you my final thoughts on the total package here well I've given the printer some time and I've even given the community some time to give their feedback on this printer and so in this video I'm gonna give you the full rundown of the under five plus I'm going to tell you what I found about it what the community has found about it and then I'm gonna give you my final recommendation right here on Kersey fabrications let's go so first of all let's talk about the specs of this printer obviously the big appeal of the under five plus is it's a bigger printer over the Ender five and of course the under five plus the print volume on this printer is gonna be 350 by 350 by 400 which is a lot bigger than the 220 by 220 bet on the other printer the total volume like the amount of space this printer is gonna take up is gonna be 632 by 666 by 619 millimeters for people that use the English or imperial system it's gonna be about two foot cubed if you're looking at how much space am I going to need to actually hold this printer the other big a pill of this printer due to the large bed they've gone with dual z screws here these are four millimeter lead screws which means that the four millimeter lead is going to be similar to the two millimeter lead screws that I used in the indoor v upgrade video so you're not going to have to worry about this bed falling like you did on the original indoor 5 and enter 5 Pro so people are gonna love that really because the dual Z screws is gonna keep this printer bed sturdy the whole construction around this print bed from the aluminum extrusions that actually hold the bed in place the nice large springs and screws that allow you to level the bed all of that's really sturdy and you're not gonna have to worry about the bed dipping like some people have had problems on the under 5 this is gonna be a much more stable print surface one thing and I've noticed this is that I've never had to readjust the height on these z screws so they stop where they're supposed to stop they start again when they're supposed to start I've had no skipping on them and so it just it provides a much more stable print environment so that you're not adjusting between prints the electronics in this printer are not the same as that you're going to find in the regular in their 5 or endure 5 probe the electronics are here are similar to the CR 10 it's got a dual z screw of mainboard it has a 4988 driver it's a very loud mainboard which you heard in that original preview video you're not going to want this around a living space where you're gonna have to listen to it because there's gonna be a lot of squealing we're gonna talk about how you can fix that in later videos the specs just giving you what Cree allottee specs on it it's their specking the hot end up to 260 and the bed up to 110 I can tell you from experience I don't think you're gonna have any problems getting this bed up to 110 I think the 260 on the hot end though is going to be a little hot particularly since you have a standard Bowden tube that is going all the way to that hot end is not an all-metal hot end which means if you get that that standard PTFE tube up above say 245 or so you're really gonna have some problems particularly if you have small animals in your houses or just in general you could really start breaking down that PTFE tube so again with all of these standard stock hot ends that you're going to get from Crowley printers I think you're gonna be maxing out about 245 which let's be honest that's gonna get your PLA S abs it's gonna get you even into some of the lower temp PTFE s without any problems next up let's talk about assembly the assembly of this printer as you saw in my preview it's not very difficult it is a little bit more work due to the dual Z's and the fact that you have to assemble this whole bed assembly it's a little bit more work than what you're going to see for the standard ender 5 or the under 5 pro I don't think though that you're gonna have even if you're not super mechanically inclined it comes in large pieces overall and the instruction book that you're going to find the manual that it comes with does walk you through that whole thing I had no problems falling the manual which I always do in my build videos and so there was a no problem at all getting this thing assembled just talking again about the manual the there's no real use of information in the manual it's mainly assembly there's a little stuff in it about getting started but you're probably going to rely on more videos like this one or the preview video or some more basic 3d printing videos to get you started if you're wondering about cable management overall they really do kind of leave it to you there's no real instructions on how to handle the cable management here if you watch my original video you'll see how I have things cable I think it works well overall I haven't really even though it looks like it a little bit I haven't had any problems with this dragging the bed and there is actually a mod that you will find on Thingiverse to hold up some of these cables and keep them off your print so cable routing not a huge issue most of the cables are long enough if you want to strap them to other parts of the printer just to get them out of the way I've got this cable which holds all the main wires to the hot end strapped over here it really does a good job of just staying with it so no problems with the cable routing so what do I think about the overall construction of this printer well I've had no problems with the construction of it due to the fact that there are so many pieces keeping this sturdy from the screws that are holding on the top to the screws that hold on the bottom and then you have some additional bracing thanks to these Big Z members that hold the bed there's real no construction or flex issues the only complaint that I had during the construction or looking at the materials used is that they replace the original under five corner braces with plastic ones the original under five ones they were great braces so I don't know why they decided to replace them with plastic ones I probably do know these are probably cheaper but the only thing I'd say about it is there's really no flex here still due to the number of other components holding this printer together the corner braces are more for holding the shape than they are for really necessary for really keeping the thing square so I really haven't had any problems I do wish that they were metal you could still replace them with some metal corner braces but like I said overall no real problem now let's talk about the auto leveling of this printer so the auto leveling is one of the main features that people will see this out of the box they go look it comes with a BL touch out of the box that means it's got great auto leveling I'm gonna have problems with this printer well that's where we kind of have to put all the brakes because it's not all it's cracked up to be the real issue is not the BL touch I love BL touch I've put it on other printers I've had no problems with it in the past what you're really going to have a problem with the BL touch on this particular printer is the firmware so the firmware as of this video still does not quite handle to be all touched correctly it still doesn't have a correct offset like I talked about in my original preview what that means is is it is not doing it offset from the printhead the tip of the printhead it should do it offset because that's where you're gonna be printing it's not doing that it means that there's an offset to the whole build mesh that you're going to have which is really not accurate to the print surface now in reality hopefully you're not going to actually have any problems with that I haven't had any problems with that we're only talk about being off you know what are we talking about maybe 30 40 centimeters it sounds like a lot but due to the way that these beds typically curved they have some pretty standard curves to them I don't think you're gonna have problems like I said I haven't seen problems in fact since this comes with a glass bed it's still going to be pretty flat and that's what I found I have printed on this printer with the auto leveling completely turned off with no problems in fact I had such problems with the way that they implemented Auto leveling to begin with that's actually how I printed a number of my first prints I just turned it off the glass was flat enough I had no problems so keep that in mind they still the firmware is not quite right and hopefully in a future video I'm going to show you some open source alternatives to this firmware which will allow you to use the BL touch correctly again it does have manual and auto leveling built into the touchscreen so if you want to level it first with the manual method then with Auto leveling that's what I did that's what I did in my preview video that's what I recommend and then you can determine whether the auto leveling is helpful whether it's not necessary or whether you're going to have to do month later to fix it in the menus you will find that there is an auto level switch and what that switch does is it turns off whether it auto levels every single time so it's up to you some people want the auto leveling on every single time some of it some people don't and what that does it causes the firmware to insert the auto leveling so you don't have to include it in your G code whether that's useful or not it's up to you because obviously you can put a G 29 in your start G code it would do the exact same thing so I just want to mention that's what--that's which does in the firmware so moving from the top let's go to the bottom of the printer let's talk about the electronics that come in this printer as I mentioned in the very beginning of this video this is a similar board what I believe is on the CR Tim so it has a dual Z splitter on the board it does not have separate drivers for the Z it has a 4988 drivers that I like the a 4988 drivers they're powerful but they're really noisy and at this point there are a lot better drivers on the market don't get me wrong I am glad they did these over the drv8825 I think because those are the ones that you always have to add the smoothers to because they have a known issue with creating that salmon skin and you don't have that problem with the a 4988 but you do have a lot of noise another good thing to have a dedicated mosfet for the heated bed which is really nice does this large front bed can pull a lot of juice so you don't have to worry about any damage to your mainboard the mainboard controls the the on and off signal that will go to that heated bed but it doesn't actually have to control the amount of juice flowing into it that's what the MOSFET does on the software that's actually on here obviously we're running a modified version of Marlin it's still a 1x Marlin variety and one of the big problems and big complaints I'm gonna have as a big fan of open source is that as of this video they have still not open source the firmware for this printer so we don't really know if there's any major changes that you need to worry about or anything that you know you might want to include if you try to build custom firmware also the display itself the firmware it's not open source and while technically if they built that firmware from scratch they don't have to include the source it would be really nice because there are some things that could be added to this display that would make it a lot more useful and I wish that it had some more features so if you open source that the community can then take it they can mod it they can add more features to it it's just better for everybody last but not least let's talk about the power supply so the power supply they've still stuck with the Cheng Liang I hope I'm pronouncing that right power supply and this is one we've seen in other printers from them and from other manufacturers it's a lost cost Chinese power supply I'm sure that's why they switched from it from the mean well which was a more expensive power supply it's important to note that th 3d did a video where they noted that in their printer the power supply was not properly grounded that's both a safety concern and it is a concern for some of the electronics that will not work properly without a common ground so I'll link over to their video so that you can see what they did and I'm gonna switch right here to checking out this printer to see if it had the same problem so in Tim's video he demonstrated that his power supply that he had in his endure five-plus did not have a proper ground that went from this plug here which is the ground wire from the wall through the chassis of the power supply into the chassis of the printer so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna see if this power supply and my printer has the same issue so first of all I do not have the power connector attached from the wall a safety issue go ahead and leave that disconnected you don't need it to test this because all we're doing we're gonna have the multimeter set on continuity mode that will beep when we have continuity between the two leads next up we can actually we're going to attach the black lead or the red lead it doesn't matter to the green wire the screw going to the green wire and then we can track anywhere on a uncoated part of the power supply to see if there's continuity to that ground so if I look for example inside these holes where they've been cut there shouldn't be a coating and as you hear we have no problems at all with the continuity from here to here if we want to double-check something we can also check the continuity to the chassis by using one of these uncoated screw holes and as you can hear again continuity check passes this power supply is safe because we will have contact from the chassis all the way to the ground of the house or the structure that you're in so there we go so as you can see I didn't have any of those problems mine seems grounded correctly so mine safe what can I say about that right now well I haven't heard of this being widespread I've heard of some people having it that's what made him check on it so if you're worried about safety when you pull up when you get this printer pull off the bottom do the simple check that I showed you in that little clip and you can make sure that your power supply is properly grounded a lot of people have turned to immediately replacing this power supply with a mean well right out of the box that's up to you to me personally it's grounded it's safe I haven't had any smoke coming out of this printer so until it does I'm gonna go with the the Cheng Liang that it comes with it's not giving me any problems but if I ever need to replace it you can get mean well easily from Amazon I include a link in the description so that you can find that power supply looking at the display there's one feature I really wanted to point out beyond just the standard menu that that are available to you there's a setting once you started printing called economy mode this setting is just a bad idea from what I can tell the only thing economy mode does is shut off the printbed after you stop started your print don't know why you'd want to do that because what that's gonna do is it's gonna cool down this wonderful glass pad which is gonna make your print pop off the prep bed as soon as it reaches a certain temperature again I don't know why you'd want to do that I don't know what function you have obviously if you wanted to do that you could do it in your G code just like you could with that Auto level vote so don't know why they have the economy mode I recommend turning it off as soon as you start your first print because that economy mode is gonna mess you up you're gonna be like why are my my prints coming off the bed that's probably the first thing you should check if you're having adhesion issues particularly if it's not a hearing maybe you know a couple of minutes after the print begins because it's gonna heat up to 60 everything's gonna heat well and then you know five ten minutes into it when it cuts off that bad it's gonna just pop right off and you're gonna be frustrated so keep that in mind so while we're talking about electronics let's talk about the safety of this printer when we talk about a safety of the 3d printers one of the main things we're gonna be talking about is something called thermal overrun protection and what that keeps us from doing is overheating the hot end or the printbed and having the thermal runaway because if we have thermal runaway on this printer we could cause a fire it could either be an electrical fire from the wires getting too hot or it could be possibly a fire with your material although that's less likely but it could happen we care about all these things we don't want any of it burning up so obviously I checked this printer I wanted to know are we gonna have those problems and I tested two different scenarios number one I tested what happens if it was no longer able to supply power to the bed or the hot end the other one I tested well what happens if one of your throw misters is inaccurate or comes undone so testing both of those both of those succeeded if I pulled one of the thermistors while it was supposed to be heating it immediately fails it immediately drops out and says your thermistor is wrong those settings aren't correct I'm gonna stop heating you need to shut off your printer and fix it the other one which is where I disconnect the heating element from either the hot end or the bed once I disconnect those obviously it's no longer pushing power so if it's not pushing power correctly something is wrong electrically and same thing I got the thermal runaway protection on the screen it's a different error on the screen as you can see but it passed both of those tests as far as other safety concerns it's kind of nice that this printer much like the other end of five is a full box enclosure the bed is not moving quickly you know the only thing you got moving is the top so as far as safety concerns if you have little kids around obviously things are still hot there's no enclosure you can still burn yourself if you're touching the wrong parts the only thing you could really hurt yourself on from the movement would be if your hair or something got caught in the movement but you know those are probably things you're going to have on any open-air printer like this where you don't have a full enclosure just keep that in mind keep safety first if you have little ones around pets around that kind of thing buh than that this printer overall is as safe as any with this open air setup so while we're talking about electronics let's also talk about a few of the other components so the filament sensor now some people are really against filament sensors they don't think that they work they think they're unreliable my experience with this printer is the filament sensor has been terrific having any problems with false detection or creating really any problems about the filament path I've had it actually worked for me a couple of times which I believe I showed in my previous video in fact the only thing I could say about it it creates a little drag on your filament which could be a little bit extra pressure on your extruder but again no problems here so far with that the only problem really is that due to the way that they've got it oriented on this single metal plate on the back is it really is sometimes when you run out of filament it's hard to get your old filament out now the way I've been doing it is I pull off the clip pull out the tube and then you can pull it out that way that seems to work but there's no real easy way to pull it out like underneath here after the detection is occurred so just keeping that in mind that you may have to pull it apart the other thing to keep in mind about this filament sensor or I guess it's more to do with the firmware when the foam it runs out you kind of need to be ready for that to happen otherwise it's going to cool down your hotbed and as we talked about with the economy mode that's a bad thing you don't want it to cool down your hotbed when that happens because then your prints gonna pop off it's gonna mess you up so if you are using foam and since they're beef pair know when approximately your filaments gonna run out be nearby so that you can turn everything back on and keep going without any cooldown of your hotbed now I've already spent a little time talking about the touchscreen but I wanted to make a couple more notes about it so the touchscreen I have a love-hate with touchscreen so as we saw on like my alpha lies printer that I really reviewed before that was a terrific touchscreen had a lot of features it was easy to use it made it where people that didn't even really know how to use this printer in particular could go up to it pause it no problems at all this printer provides that kind of basic functionality it provides a printer that you can go up to you pop in the stick and and start printing of course there's there's some gotchas with it though first of all the file names need to be shorter than a certain number of characters so if you put in a newly sliced key code in it doesn't show up it probably just means that the file names too long my biggest gripe as even even the most moderate power user is going to find when they start using this printer is you're not going to find any settings in your firmware the only thing you're gonna find are things to do with leveling like the the height adjustment and stuff like that some microstepping it does have that to where I can change the micro steps of my Z high after I start printing which is terrific but for example if I want to change the east steps of the extruder if I want to change the number of steps of the x and y axis that kind of thing doesn't provide that via the menus if I need to change any acceleration settings there any of those sort of defaults you may want to get access to you're going to have to use your USB connection and a pronterface or some sort of terminal application to talk directly to the firmware because that's not available on the firmware as of this video so keep that in mind while some people find the dial and everything cumbersome sometimes really nice because at least Marlon has taken the time to put all of the settings in those very basic LC sort of displays where the touch screens have to be programmed to do all of that and this print hasn't done that yet the print surface so the print services this comes with is a like I said earlier it's a beautiful glass bed mine is pretty flat it's not perfect it dips a little bit in the center but not enough to where there's even an issue printing it with just the manual laughing leveling I'm still not having any problems you're gonna find that this surface has two sides to it one it's got the smooth glass finish and it's got a more matte finish on the other side now I think they intend for you to print on the matte finish I've heard of people using that side I didn't like that finish first of all mine wasn't completely flat mine had some divots and stuff in it as well as I saw that it would be really easy to scratch and damage and that didn't appeal to me at all of ending up with a print bed with a damaged side to it so I'm a glass printer anyway I use mirrors I've shown you that in other videos that I've done and so I've used the smooth side do what I always do I wash this with hot water Don detergent paper towels either drip dry or paper towel dry when you're done to keep the lint off and then never touch it with your hands I've had zero problems with the smooth glass side of this if you need extra occasion glue sticks work fine hairspray works fine or some of the more exotic coatings that you can get for this that will all stick to glass just you know just as well and give you some extra adhesion now let's move on to some of the test prints now I included some of the nicer test prints that I was working on in my first preview video and I've done a few smaller prints since then and another larger print just to kind of find out what the consistency of the printer is so let's talk about stringing first because that is kind of an issue on this printer obviously with such a large print bed you end up with a large boat into you excuse me a long boat into you and because of that long Bowden tube you are going to get a little wiggle with this default - so when I was running various stringing tests which I have here in front of me I give you a close-up up it was difficult to get rid of all of the stringing with the default tube this ships with now I could get rid of them all for the most part 99% of them on some of my purely stringing test prints but then when it came to actually printing some things like this t-rex skull here this Terminator t-rex skull I still got stringing at various parts particularly on tips of things like on teeth and some of the mechanical parts of this it wasn't horrible these are pretty easy to clean up because they're very wispy but that's about all I could get it I'm going to show you some close-ups of this mythos or skull that I printed again all the links to these if you want to print these yourself I will give you links to where some of these are free on Thingiverse some of these are pay but I'll send you links to them and I couldn't get rid of all the stringing using this tube again this video focuses on what does it do out of the box we'll have future videos where I show you how to fix some of the things that I'm complaining about in this video but as you can see with this skull cleanup was really easy once I did all the clean-up on it it's that's a really nice print and some of the artifacts that are still on it like some of the zits that you see out here are actually slicer potentially issues and not actually issues with that stringing problem that I that I was talking about before layer consistency just as before when I showed you the print results on my Mandalorian helmet which was in my original video layer consistency is terrific on this printer I'm not having any issues with flexing or bowing or the Wills you know moving around inconsistently I'm going to show you some close-ups of these and they the consistency looks great now on any printer and I'm going to show you this on this tee where Skol there can be some banding and to work out what is the printers fault what is your slicers fault that can be very difficult so again I'm gonna give it a solid a a - maybe on layer consistency it looks just really good and I mean there are some specific areas that I can pick out where you know it's not perfect but overall layer consistency was really good on all of these prints um the only thing I really saw see I printed this terrific model that you can find on my mini Factory and this is the veiled lady and all the way up through this print all the way up to the face the print is just about flawless I mean it just the layer consistencies terrific the overhangs are great I really had no problems with this until I got pretty high up and I start seeing some weird banding on the face primarily on the face a little bit on the neck and I have a theory on this one I'm going to hash it out in a future video because I haven't had a chance to do it yet but on this print since I was printing so large I had a lot of supports on this print I use D ha now this is a big bed and you know Z hopping is moving a large bed I think that's what I'm seeing here and I can back that up a little bit with this I don't know if you can hear that but these nuts that are on my Zee screws are unfortunately not the tightest in the world there's no anti backlash on these and they're not made of a pom material that could be a little bit tighter and so there's a little bit of movement here and so I believe that what I'm seeing on this it's an easy thing to fix like I said I want to cover it in a future video it's easy to replace these with anti backlash nuts like I did on the end or five regular printer and that's really going to take care of I believe some of that bounce some of that layering consistency I'm here and obviously the other solution would be not to use the hop and that's going to require a little bit more tweaking of the printer because obviously you don't want to mess up the prints by not using Z ha but it is a large bed and maybe Z hops not the best idea but I'm glad I tested it it did a show one potential problem and you might want to avoid it so the last test prints I want to mention are these calibration cubes from my original video if you saw that video you'll remember I printed the big one in the center and the small ones on each corners to verify that across the bed I was getting accurate prints and there wasn't any sort of you know change in dimensions as you got towards the edges or towards the center anything and in that video I showed that right off the bed these were just about perfect I may have pushed my calipers a bit hard but it really doesn't change the fact that these are pretty accurate within probably a few thousandths maybe a hundredth but really really close to what you'd expect and without any extra modification to the printer usually you have to adjust the steps a little the slides were a little depending on where you like to make your changes but for this printer I didn't have to make any adjustments these turned out just great off the printer so the last section before I get to the summary is I want to sort of talk about what the community has seen in this printer I follow a lot of the boards I get messages directly from you guys which I love either as a comment sometimes as an email sometimes a direct message on various social media platforms I always accept those I do my best to handle as many of those as I can but what have I heard from people on here I will say overwhelmingly people have solved their problems that they had with this printer either through firmware updates the like I've already covered in a previous video or just from learning how to use this printer properly they've gotten through these issues now what kind of issues have people have usually kind of like I was saying earlier usually the issues that they've had have been usually around the auto leveling or around firmware issues they've had problems getting it leveling correctly getting it that initial setup done right so that they get good adhesions once they get that set up correctly everything's working right now I have seen some occasions where people have had some weird issues I don't think the issues such as I'm getting weird banding I'm getting this artifact that I can't seem to get rid of Crowley doesn't know I'm not able to help them that kind of thing is going to happen with some printers I put that out there because not all of these problems are easy to fix there could be firmware issues that affect you know one weird one-off printer for some reason there could be you know one mechanical issue that is making that printer not print well keep in mind you're gonna have that problem with all sorts of printers I'm not excusing this printer please don't take it like making an excuse for it but overall I think that people have been able to work through most of their issues at least the ones that I've talked to so if you get this printer if you have some issues like that if you are seeing things that don't make sense to you things that you don't know how to work through because either you're relatively new to 3d printing or you just haven't encountered those issues before feel free to reach out to the community from what I've heard Crowley does their very best to help out people that are having problems their support seems to only get better from the people I've talked to and I've been real happy where when I've reached out to Crowley and said hey this person's having a problem can you help them they've they've jumped right on and they've done a good job so far so reach the community reach to create I think you can get through most of the issues here obviously not speaking for everyone some people have had issues that I haven't worked through and I don't want to dismiss those but almost all printers particularly sort of the budget modder printer you know they're going to have some of those issues now we're at the end of this video where I want to kind of give you a summary of everything I've discussed so far and then give you my final verdict now I'm going to read this summary because I want to make sure I hit all the points and I don't have a teleprompter set up so I want to walk you through kind of my overall impressions of this printer the bigger print volume is excellent on this printer it's suitable for helmets bus things like that things you can't do with one of the smaller printers like the indoor three is the standard under five things like that so if that's something you want to print I very much recommend this printer I recommend it probably it may not be easier to use for some people than something like a CR 10 a CR 10s but I'm pretty confident the quality on this printer is going to be as good or better than those printers I like the glass print bed by default that's a good choice from them I like that better than than their standard sort of plastic the build tax sort of surface as I mentioned there are some potential problems with the power supply the electronics that you may run into some of the electronic problems can be solved with a firmware flash there are alternative boards for this in terms of making them quieter make it making it potentially run better the firmware is not perfect they have an open source jet that's a huge issue for me I wish that they would hurry up open source this printer there's really no reason not to I mean after all it's Marlin all of the other printers run Marlin we have source for those printers as I mentioned earlier the touchscreen leaves a lot to be desired it's one of my least favorite touchscreens I've used on a prayer mainly because it only offers beyond leveling and the leveling features it offers everything else is very basic so it'll print it'll heat it'll move but if you want to tweak anything that's not in there you're gonna have to hook it up to a computer I think I've mentioned once or twice this printer is loud out of the box don't forget that it's a a forty nine eighty eight drivers are allowed as I mentioned there are some solutions for that I'm going to cover in a later video let's see you're gonna have to upgrade the Capricorn tubing almost immediately I haven't done it yet because I really wanted to keep this review stock Capricorn TVs gonna save you or Capricorn let me mention that's not the only brand th 3d printed solid I think the a lot of the different filament one they all offer sort of a different version of that but capricorns obviously name-brand it's the one that I put on my printers up until this point you're gonna have to upgrade that almost immediately to get rid of hopefully all of your stringing I don't think you're gonna have a problem if you upgrade the tubing so I think in summary what I want to say I've put together a final verdict this is a great platform it has a large print volume huge potential for modders there are some electronics issues that you're gonna run into on this printer as I just discussed firmware this touchscreen issues I mentioned for me you know I you know as I mentioned in my preview in build video it printed great out of the box I had no quality issues I may even produce another video where I just walked through basic out of the box set up so that you guys have something to follow here's what I would do in fact I just remembered Cree allottee has already done that so if you want to follow a link I'll give you a link to Crowley's video where he been over Korea at Cree allottee has already made such a video maybe I lied one too because I think it's a relatively simple process but I do think it's a process that if you don't follow the right sequence of steps you're definitely going to have a problem because it's not gonna be done in the right order and even though it's easy you you may skip a step and that's that's gonna be a real problem for you so who would I recommend this printer to first of all modders so if you want a printer that is going to give you something terrific and functional out of the box this one works this is a good printer out of the box meaning it does print well out of the box which I mean the step one does it print well yes it does pretty well now this is a terrific platform in my opinion for modders it gives you a huge surface area it is a box printer which gives you a lot of places to mount stuff to it gives you a really large electronic enclosure for you to put all of your different pieces in that you're gonna be adding to it that's gonna be terrific it's going to be less boxes added to the side and obviously with all of this space I could even put different extruders on it I can use the boat in or I could use a direct drive on here it's a very sturdy platform as we found out with the traditional ender 5 printer so you know a lot of this there's not a lot of flexibility there's just a lot of rigidity to it which is just gonna make this an overall great platform for putting different components on it so what if this is your first printer do I still recommend this to someone that's relatively new to 3d printing well I will say yes but with a caveat that caveat is you need to be patient with this printer because as I mentioned if you do everything in the right sequence right out of the box either falling bins instructions following my preview video or if I publish another video if you follow those instructions you could have a terrific time it could work right out of the box it can start printing up I've read you know similar comments for other people like this was my first printer I've had no problems printing thanks for the recommendation but I've had other people like this is frustrating me I'm gonna just get rid of it and buy something easier so if you're new to 3d printing and this is your first printer make sure you're willing to learn make sure you're not expecting a $2,000 printer out of this because it's not it's gonna require some tweaking it's gonna require a little bit of tuning to get it just right so if you feel like hey I'm good with electronics I'm good with mechanical stuff that kind of thing and I think I'll enjoy this as a hobby particularly modding stuff get this printer it's gonna be a great platform for you so full disclosure of this review proudly provided no direct payment for this review they provided the printer other than that this opinion was completely mine I tried to be as fair as I could with this one of the reasons I've waited so long as I wanted to make sure I got community feedback as to how this printer was working for people like I said I think the overall experience has been good for this printer a lot of people are going to comment on some of the issues that have are I've already been over as well as maybe they have some personal experiences that they'd like to share again that's what the comments for feel free to use them for that purpose if you have any additional questions for me again comments you can direct message me but I do like them in the comments because that allows other people to read your questions and for me reply to them once there so let's wrap this all up I want to say thank you to everyone for watching this video thank you for being a subscriber to this video if you're not subscribing hit the subscribe button hit the bell icon so that you get notified when I come out with future videos so what is next on this channel well finally got the full review done that means modding time you're gonna get my mod videos for this video similar to what you've already seen me do for the under 5 I'm gonna start with the under 5 plus the first video out of the gate is going to be the my top 5 mods for this and I'm gonna just go and get those out of the way in one quick video because I want you to be able to hit the ground running with this printer if you get one after I posted this review so obviously you'll see a link to that at the end of this video if I've already posted you're watching this later otherwise I hope to have that out as soon as possible so that you guys can see what I am going to do first to my end or 5 plus so now that we're at the end of this video let's talk about hey new studio space yeah same space updated camera updated lights some backdrop here so I hope you like what I've done with the place and I'm gonna do my best to crank out some better looking videos and hopefully over time some more videos that's my goal here thanks to your support with the affiliate links down below that's the easy way for you because that doesn't cost you anything extra if you wanna support me on patreon or there's just a simple PayPal link in the description if you want to contribute none of that is required just thanks for watching hit a like on this video if you've made it this far because we're at the end thanks for watching I'm Chris this has been courtesy fabrications bye everybody [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kersey Fabrications
Views: 154,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creality Ender 5 Plus Review, creality ender 5 plus, Ender 5 Plus Review, creality ender 5 plus 3d printer review, creality ender 5, creality ender-5, ender 5 plus, ender-5 plus, creality ender 5 3d printer, creality ender 5 review, 5 plus, ender 5, ender 5 creality, creality 3d printer, ender 5+, 3d printer review, 3d printer
Id: -BFUf8S6-FE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 53sec (2573 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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