Creality Ender 5 Plus more Leveling/ Shim size /Grease for rods/ getting adhesions

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all right what's up guys so i'm going to make another video today a little more detail than the last one have the camera angle right with some of the things i made with the printer so far the mandalorian helmet sort of omens it's my favorite print so far it's uh dragon i use with rainbow silk filament i think it's really cool it uh fully moves around i put a wire in it dragon eyes um i love this mug i made that i put my cans in this is one cool thing i recommend going on thing versus printing use zero infill on this another thing i did is i cut off the head of this t-rex and i'm working on the paint right now i'm gonna make uh one ten times bigger than this and put it on the wall i think that's gonna be really really cool so let's get into this printing thing um one thing i'm gonna say is these rods get really squeaky and you're going to want to go out to the store and you're going to get yourself some multi-purpose grease and you're going to lube those things up recommend getting q-tip and lubing the rod up moving the build plate all the way down and then just home in the printer and i'll move it all the way back up and it'll push in some of that lube up but you'll be good to go after then i also make sure these screws are tightened mine were loose i also tightened up the screws in the wheel since then my z point has changed i also got a all metal extruder that plastic one just broke on me was really bad the filament sensor always was telling me that i had no filament when i did half filament so i just bypassed it put a piece of paper in there and i don't worry about anymore i know when i have enough filament and i will keep looking at it when i need to so what we're going to do is like what we did in the last video assuming that we're going to start from scratch so have your printer off go ahead and grab a caliper if you have one hopefully you have one if you just uh built your printer um it's good to get one you're gonna measure the top to the bottom on each side and then you'll use the rods just turn this up and down to adjust the height and make sure you have the same height on each side after then go ahead and turn on the printer one of the reasons i want you to have it off because when you go into leveling i'll turn all your numbers back to zero so you can just start from scratch so i like to do everything off the sd card because you can mess with the settings as you're printing i find that highly useful so what i recommend you do right now is we're going to go into print and start one of your prints go to adjust and turn that number back to zero on your z point whenever you go into leveling that's where it's saving at that's your z point so we're gonna go ahead and go back after that's turned down to zero hit stop and we're going to settings and then you're going to home in on your printer your numbers are going to look different than mine because you just set everything back to zero i've already leveled out my printer and set my z point so one thing i recommend ordering off amazon is some shims i got some really long ones i know there was some confusion on the size so here's the size of the shims 0.04 that's the shim i'm using so after you honed in on the printer you're going to go ahead and go back you're going to go into temperature and you're going to turn this up to 50. so i was already up to 50 before so after this heats up to 50 degrees they're gonna go in here hit settings and you're gonna go level out your print after you have your z point changed if you ever want to check it this is the way you check so if you have your z point already set you can put a piece of paper under there or a shim when it does this just don't let it touch the epl touch when you do this you're going to have a gap because you just zeroed everything out see how it just touched there so this moves freely what you don't want it to do is this you want to want it to feel some tension like it's rubbing against the nose under there and against the build plate but you don't want it to get stuck you know you don't want it to move it around now on my printer i believe the middle part is a little higher than the rest i don't know why that's so but that's what i think so what you're going to do from this point and you have that gap you're going to do what i have right here you're going to move it so you have your shim or your piece of paper rubbing against the nozzle the nozzle on the bed with this gap right here where it's rubbing against the shim and you feel this tension like i'm talking about so to do that i'm going to move these arrows up and down accordingly until you're where you need to be just like i am after you are to your correct spot you're going to hit the z home it doesn't say save but that's your save point when you do that that's going to save your home on your printer now what i sometimes like to do if you just you know set everything up um from scratch like we've been talking about you know you just all these rods and stuff so everything's gonna be out of place you know so one of the things i like to do is before i do anything now this is optional is to turn auto level on and measure before i measure anything sometimes i like to do that and i'll go ahead and give you your measurements now you don't have to do it that way but if you're still having a lot of trouble uh maybe go back in and try it that way after make sure auto leveling is off you're gonna go in and you're gonna do an aux level [Music] now when you do an ox level there's going to be a gap until you hit one of the numbers see big gap so here you have one two three four and five i don't worry about one don't stress on one because once you have two three four and five level how is one not going to be centered up to your nozzle because you're measuring the corners makes sense right at least to me um so what you're gonna do is go ahead hit number two [Music] now you're gonna move that under your nozzle and then you're going to turn the knobs until you're what we talked about the beginning of the video where you're getting some movement under here you can feel the tension but it's not so much so that you can't pull this out and it's bending this up okay you don't want it to bend out but you want to feel like if you're trying to pull it out it's going to give you some a little bit of a tug but you don't want it so where like i said the paper or the sham you're using is just binding and bending up you know like i can't do that going like this so you don't want that to happen so go ahead and do all four sides three [Music] four and do that twice after you've done that twice and you're good with your measurements go ahead and go back turn auto leveling on and measure do that twice you know don't focus on these numbers too much i've seen some weird stuff with them so i'm going to tell you some weird stuff you know like in my last video we talked about the z point being at 2.48 since then it's changed between 2.99 and 3.09 i did something really weird i manually went in and i set my z point on the file back to 2.48 i went back into leveling and then when i was in leveling i didn't change anything i left my z point like it was and i had a big gap and then i just turned all the knobs until i fix that gap then i did an aux level with my manual z point at 2.48 and then i measured everything and then when after i measured everything i had a a gap i had to reset my z point and when i set my z point again it was at the right place like it moved up to 3.99 and all my numbers were pretty well matched up and leveled out my plate pretty good i don't know why it did that some weird thing i just wanted to talk about it so you can go in and manually set your z point and then turn all your knobs to adjust so after you've after you've measured everything twice make sure you turn auto leveling off you go back in and you print so now you'll see how your z point was at zero you'll have a number on there and that would be your z point now from here if you're getting like a little bit of a gap or it's too far away you can always change this you know move it a little closer or further away you know sometimes as it's printing if i'm getting no adhesion at all i like to move it as close as i can inch by inch until i see it get some adhesion to see kind of what's going on so we're gonna let this thing heat up and see that we're getting some adhesion right now i'm trying to do this um star wars bust i'm probably going to come back on later and do a live video today before five o'clock that way it helps some of you guys out and then we can get some questions out of the way so i'm just doing a pla so i'm just going to do 205 and 50. you don't need a lot of heat um one thing i want to talk about is after i wash this thing with soap and water i got no adhesion anymore so i ended up um going online and some people suggested hairspray that really helped so i got me some of this i found in my bathroom i heated up the build plate to 50 degrees i cleaned it off with some rubbing alcohol you know if you're getting no easing at all just try rubbing alcohol first before the hairspray just clean it off and you should be good to go you know you always get a little bit of residue from prints so you got to make sure this this plate is cleaned off so you know heat it up to 50 clean off the plate with a paper towel or some lint-free cloth um after it's heated up and cleaned off if you're still getting adhesion heat it up you know 50 degrees spray it with some hairspray don't go crazy you know like spray a line down you know just line line line all the way to the end and don't wipe it down or anything and then once it's got all sticky from the heat go ahead and print so this thing should just hone back in pretty soon yeah left a little piece right here because it's like way too close [Music] so it should just make one line right here if ever makes the line down the middle of the side which is a weird thing you're you're way too far away if you have auto leveling on and you go through auto level during this process and it goes to print you're gonna get that line because it's going to move the print too far away and that has something to do with the g-codes i believe there's like a g28 or g29 code so if you look into those on google um you can figure that out but i just turn it off i don't need auto leveling after you're done all these processes like i haven't leveled this thing in a while just let it print so here you can see we're getting it printing we're getting adhesion sticking the plate nicely so hopefully this helps all you guys um some of the new stuff i figured out i'm gonna leave a comment i can probably go back online later today i'll do like a live video from my webcam my webcam's not as good as my cell phone so that's why i'm mostly doing stuff off my cell phone because they'll give you better picture quality and make the videos better so hopefully this helps you guys and helps you with some of the questions you had from my last video and so please leave a comment if you have any questions uh i like to answer questions all the time i'm sure you've seen that in my past stuff i will make another video when this is close to done and like i said uh if you guys want to go back alive around like four o'clock or so for yeah i think three or four o'clock today saturday um okay all right man you guys have a good day
Channel: FlufyPancakes
Views: 2,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creality, ender 5 plus, 3d [rinting, 3d printin, leveling 3d printer, shims for 3d printing, shims, 3d, star wars 3d printing
Id: gkW_hmcDLdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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