15 More Upgrades & Mods for my Ender 3 Pro - Part 3

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[Music] hey guys so after the part one video i got hundreds of suggestions and ideas for more fun upgrades i can add to my ender three thank you all so much for those comments and even though i can't get to all of them i decided to choose the ones that were most commonly suggested some improved the printer's ease of use and some actually improved the performance and even capabilities of this printer so some of these you can print yourself but most of them this time you'll have to buy and this time i'm actually going to start from the stuff i like the most and work my way to the stuff i like the least alright let's make this quick a lot of you guys got pretty nervous about this power supply unit muffler i don't think there's anything to worry about but you know what this didn't really make things that much quieter anyway so let's just try something else with the machine turned off and unplugged you can open up the power supply unit but i wouldn't touch anything on the inside double check the voltage on these fans if they're 12 volts you can basically replace them with any noctufan these are just way quieter compared to the stock ones [Music] next is the micro swiss all metal hot end these are a little pricey but they prevent you from ever needing to replace your ptfe tube and they can also handle higher temperatures allowing you to print with nylon and even polycarbonate it's also super easy to replace the stock hot end with these so i highly recommend it [Music] the one upgrade that so many of you guys suggested was of course direct drive and since i liked the all metal hot end from micro swiss so much i decided to try their direct drive conversion kit [Music] it comes with this gorgeous aluminum cartridge plate that replaces the stock units plate basically one to one wait let me explain the concept of direct drive is basically instead of pushing the plastic from the extruder all the way back here through this long tube to the hot end where it then gets melted direct drive takes all this stuff and puts it right on the tool head so the extruder and the tool head moves together as one unit now another thing a lot of you guys suggested was of course improving the cooling duct the stock unit just cools your prints from only one side and it's also very loud and the fans aren't very strong so i basically just took this whole thing off then i decided to use the set santa ducts it's got a very minimal design that makes it easy to remix and it also prints very easily in one piece i printed mine in petg so that it's a bit more heat resistant but that meant there was a lot of stringing because my pg settings suck my design was a remix of a remix it's a lot more compact and it works with this bl touch holder i designed that keeps it at the same height it used to be while the slots on the fan duct allow it to be height adjustable so what you just saw and the trick i showed you guys in the last video with the air duster so i thought these things are fine now since they no longer include any cfcs which is really bad for the ozone layer but it turns out there's still a lot of gases in these things that are bad for the environment so john johnson suggested a better way while your glass bed is still warm you can actually put a couple drops of water along the edges of your print and then capillary forces will actually slowly lifted up i've tried this before actually and it's pretty effective it's not as fast and it doesn't look as cool but it's probably better for the longevity of your glass bed and it's definitely better for earth so let's do that okay back to the cooling ducts next i replaced the hot end cooling fan with another nocto fan unfortunately these hot end fans run on 24 volts and noctua fans only come in 12 volts now the printer's main board actually has a lot of room inside the enclosure so i just added a buck converter in there in line of the fan's wires and then using that i converted the printers 24 volts down to 12. [Music] now for the part cooling fan i'm just using 24 volt blower fans i'm attaching these to the original wires with a housing and crimping set these would make replacing these fans in the future a lot easier or if i ever want to i don't know connect a laser engraver or something but that's for another video now with the blower fans installed there is now strong cooling for my prints from both sides okay so the direct drive kit comes with this piece at the back that still guides your filament from the side into the direct drive this actually means you're losing quite a lot of z-axis height for printing so i decided to turn my filament spool around and run the filament directly into the direct drive so i no longer need the bowden tube or the old filament guide and then i designed this small piece to help with the cable management i did michael from teaching tech's torture tests for cooling and overhangs and the results are quite impressive now there are both pros and cons to a direct drive setup like this for me the main reasons i'm using this is to improve my retraction settings and print with flexible filaments and i'm not just talking about flexible tpus i'm talking about the super flexible tpus like ninjaflex look at this stuff that's crazy this is definitely one of the more challenging filaments to print with but i was able to do it almost flawlessly with this [Music] setup so even without the bowden tube i'm technically still losing around five centimeters of printing height just due to the direct drive motor so i decided to try this thing [Music] these come with all the needed holes pre-drilled and they extend the frame z-axis by 10 [Music] centimeters [Music] so after adding in a few more cable chains this thing was done sadly with my setup i wasn't able to get all the way to the top i was about two centimeters short but i was able to reclaim the five centimeters taken up by the direct drive and a tiny bit more was this worth 40 dollars though i'll let you decide so i discovered these things called endoscopes when i was watching tested the other day and they're basically these cameras that people shove into their walls to check for leaks or mold or whatever they're very cheap 20 usb ones you can plug to your computer or octopi but for me i actually ended up using a much more expensive 80 one for its 12 megapixel camera this one works with a wi-fi transmitter so you can control it from a phone app [Music] [Music] [Music] now huge disclaimer with this one because it's definitely still a work in progress after using this endoscope for a while i found that this model actually heats up a lot being so close to the heated bed it got even hotter and then the air from the part cooling fan got on it which makes it fog up so sadly i wasn't able to get any recordings out of this thing longer than three to five minutes which really sucks i recently found this tutorial video from chili coke though who actually took a part an endoscope and permanently mounted it to their tool head which had way better results so i might try something like that in the future but for now this kind of works not only is this a great upgrade to monitor your prints or get cool footage but up close like this you can actually troubleshoot your print settings like retractions layer heights and all that you can easily see where blobs or other print issues might be coming from [Music] the stiffer yellow springs from the first video was a nice improvement but a lot of you guys said the silicone spacers are even better so i decided to try those there's no huge difference but the bed is definitely even more rigid now i learned the hard way that these clips can actually lose their flexibility over time this resulted in major layer shifts on this very important print i was making so i switched to proper bed clips that you guys suggested they're easy to remove and put on and i realized later on that you really only need two since they're super strong so just as how your hot ends heater block needs a silicone sock the heated bed can actually use a similar thing these are installation pads they come with an adhesive side for easy [Music] installation [Music] these warm up the bed faster and they also trap the heat inside like a blanket helping you save money on your electric bills i highly recommend this one for people who print often or use a high bed temperature as your printer ages it's important to make sure that the belts are kept fairly tight these add-ons make it a lot easier to adjust the belt tensions when you need [Music] to [Music] one sound i really can't stand is the sound of filament running low [Music] so the reason i love having all the tools for my ender 3 mounted on the printer itself is because i often use this printer in a few different places sometimes the dinner table the floor just all over my apartment so it's nice to have those tools with it all the time to make using it at different places a lot easier [Music] and now it's a lot easier to move around [Music] lastly just to complete the whole look so will there be a part four well as much as i love making these videos isn't it a bit gratuitous now to keep adding things to this one ender theory but to answer the question yes there will be a part four well kind of because there was one last thing that just came in the mail recently completely late that i wasn't able to include in this video so i'll probably make another video put some updates in there maybe a q a in there as well so if you guys have more questions and other suggestions please let me know i'll also be doing an individual video about the laser cutter as well i have some projects planned around that so expect that soon now huge shout out to paul peterson i don't have like a patreon or anything set up for you guys to be able to support my channel and what i do but paul founded the tip option on my thingiverse profile and just started sending me donations you are so cool man i didn't even know that option was there that's awesome also thanks to the facebook group i love to 3d print for giving me advice on some of these upgrades what the heck and of course huge thanks to cameron luck for making all the sick music used in my videos alright that's everything thanks for watching guys [Music] you
Channel: Scott Yu-Jan
Views: 586,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ender 3 Pro, ender 3, 3D printing, upgrades, creality, Mods, mod, fix, upgrade, hotend, bltouch, skr mini e3, bigtreetech, SKR mini E3 V1.2
Id: 4jk6kZIwsQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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