HOW TO PLAY VERINA! Simple Explanation! Wuthering Waves

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hello everyone this is how to play Vina Vina is one of the strongest five star character in the game right now she can heal or she can buff your whole team with her kid when you get Vina first make sure you level up her at 50 level because at 50 level you can unlock her first passive which is pretty important Vina needs a lot of energy recharge so make sure you have enough energy region on her as Vina's weapons if you have this one use it if you don't have use one of these instead for Vina you want to use this set because she scales with attack make sure your cost one echos have attack main stat for her energy region requirements use energy region main stat three cost Echo if you have bunch of energy region substats you can use also attack Main St three cost Echo for your cost four Echo you want to use this guy but with attack main stat right now I don't have full set for her that's why I'm showing different Echo but make sure you use this set for her skills after you reach 50 level with her make sure you unlock this skill this skill is pretty important for her because whatever she does she increase all of our party members attacks this is your outro skill outro skill is one of the most important part of her kit when you switch out from her she's going to give 15% damage buff for all of your party and heal the next character you don't have to rush and level up all of these when you get her but make sure you get this passive as soon as possible after you have enough resources for her make sure you level up this and this before the other ones okay let me show you in real fight now how to play her okay you want to start the battle with Vina because she's going to buff your main carryer right so you want to use your resonance ability first then hold your basic attack button and keep keep spamming the attack until this gaug is filled right after this gauge is filled or close to be filled you use your resonance the ation your ultimate ability then switch out that's it and re and repeat you just going to use your main carries and keep attacking let's say you finish with your main carry right you use your resonance skill again hold your basic attack feel this gaug again keep keep attacking until feel this gaug and if you have enough energy recharge you will have your uh ultimate also so you just your ultimate again and switch out that's it super easy that's it for me guys subscribe if you like and bye-bye happy day
Channel: Osric Vale Prod.
Views: 1,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: verine, varina, verına, support, calchar, stuck
Id: j6ctTa7JOM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 42sec (162 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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