Crazy Mario Bros: The Road Trip!

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- All right Luigi, I have a mission but I need you to help me with it. - A mission? Well all right, what's your mission? - All right so I wanna go on a vacation to Florida because we barely ever go on vacation, so I think Florida would be really fun. But we don't really have the money for a plane ticket so we're gonna need to drive. And since I don't drive and you don't drive we're gonna need to convince Mario to drive us down to Florida. What do you think? - I like it, I've kinda wanted to go to Florida too. Okay so here's the perfect plan, so Mario will usually agree to something in his sleep without even knowing what he's talking about. So all you need to do is get an audio recording of him agreeing with you, and when he wakes up and you ask him about it, and then he'll be like, "oh I didn't say that." Well you have the recording, so you can play it back to him and then it'll show him that he actually did agree with you, and then he'll take us to Florida. - Dude that's genius! I'm gonna go do that right now. Thanks Luigi. - Of course Junior. No way, are we actually about to go on vacation? (light music) (Mario snoring) (Junior laughs) - All right, hey Mario I have a question. - What's up, what's up Junior? - Okay so I know this is crazy to ask, and you probably wouldn't expect me to ask this, but can we go on vacation to Florida? - Okay, all right yeah, just let me sleep but. - That sounds like a yes to me. (Junior laughs) Oh my god Luigi, I got the footage. And now all we have to do is wait until the morning and he has to take us on vacation. (light music) - Where are my fingers? - Hey Mario, are you ready to take us on vacation? - What, vacation? What are you talking about? - Oh come on Mario, you promised me and Junior that you'd take us to Florida, remember? - To Florida? No I don't remember any of that, when did I ever promise you guys? - I'm talking about this Mario. - Oh okay, all right, yeah just let me sleep but. What? - Yep you said that yesterday when I asked you if we could go on a vacation to Florida. So can we go? - Yeah Mario, I mean you kinda promised us, so you have to take us to Florida, please? (Mario groaning) - Why do I always talk in my sleep? I knew that would ruin my life someday. - How is this gonna ruin your life? - Well it's (Mario groaning) okay look, I'll take you guys to Florida okay? - Wait really? - [Mario] Yeah I kinda wanted to go anyway so just get in the car. - Oh my god no way! All right Luigi, come on! - Vacation baby! (vehicle whirring) - Mario? - What's up Junior? - Well why haven't we said anything this entire time? - Because Junior, I thought I made it obvious that I wasn't really planning on going on this trip, so I'm just all confused now that's all. - I mean you did kinda make a promise to us. - Dude I wasn't even paying attention, I didn't know he said that. - Well that's why you gotta speak before you think or however the phrase goes. (Junior yawning) - I'm getting really bored guys. - Well that's how these things go Junior, you don't really have much to do. - Did you at least pack anything? - I don't know, let me check the bag. - All right. Hey Mario how much longer til we get there? - Well since we've been on the road for about an hour that means we have (Mario sighs) nine more hours of driving. (horn honking) - [Junior] Oh yeah! - What Junior, what'd you find? - My Nintendo Switch, I forgot I even packed this. - Oh cool, can I play it? - Well I mean I kinda just pulled it out for me, I wasn't really expecting you to ask that. - Well I haven't played for a few months so can I play it? Please, I'll only play for like 10 minutes. - Luigi the last time you said that you pulled an all nighter playing Arms. Arms is not even a good game either. - Hey it's good enough you know? - All right Luigi, you can play my Switch for 10 minutes, here you go. - Yes, thanks Junior. - Yeah it's whatever, just don't open Breath of the Wild okay? For some reason the game auto saved when I was in the middle of gliding at death mountain and I don't have any more food to heal myself, so just don't open it okay? I don't wanna die. - Alrighty I guess. Let me just turn this on. (Mario sighs) - Nine more hours of this. - Wait what? Junior you have Bloons Tower Defense and you didn't tell me? - Yeah why? It's just some random game. - Junior don't. - Well you know how much like monkeys right? - Oh god, there's no going back from this. - Oh well why do you like monkeys so much? - Well because I like the sound they make, you know how they sound, they always sound like. - Oh hey hey actually Luigi, before you finish that sentence, how about we go eat somewhere instead? Yeah you know just so we can avoid what you're about to say? - Food? Well I like food. Hey Junior do you want any food? - It really matters where it is. I already ate before we left so I'm good. - All right. Hey Mario where are we gonna be eating? - I'll find somewhere eventually, let's just see where we go. (Mario groans) All right Luigi, we're at Chick-fil-A, do you want anything from here? - Hmm how about some chicken? - Junior do you want anything? - No I'm good, I just want you to save money that's all. - Oh well jeez you're actually considerate. All right well I guess I'm gonna go in then. Let me just get your food Luigi. - All right. (car door closing) Hmm I wonder what he's gonna get me. (Luigi moaning) Oh this is so good, thanks Mario! - You haven't even taken a bite out of it, what are you talking about? - Hey Mario I'm bored, can we start driving again? - Yeah sure, we can get going. All right Luigi just hold onto your food okay? (Mario sighing) All right let's keep going. (vehicle whirring) (soft music) (Luigi snoring) (Junior groaning) Huh they're all tired, of course. (Junior groaning) - Mario are we there yet? - No we're still on the road, we only have two hours left, it's fine. (Junior groaning) - Okay. (Junior screaming) - Okay whatever, all right let me just. Oh shoot! (Luigi screaming) Aw dang it, that was a new record! Oh 34 minutes. - Wait, I was asleep for 34 minutes? Are we there yet? (Junior groans) - No Luigi we're not there yet, just keep sitting there. So why do I keep fall-- - You know Luigi I think if you took a look outside you'd probably actually have more fun on this road trip. I mean you see there's cars, and trees, and the same stuff we've been seeing the past eight hours, but it's still kinda cool. - Okay. (light music) I'm not pregnant and alone. - Oh what about Indiana Jones? I like that movie. - Hey guys I'm getting bored, we should put on some music. (light music playing) Oh it's my song. - Wait, what? ♪ Bagel bagel bagel bagel bagel ♪ ♪ Bagel bagel bagel ♪ ♪ Bagel bagel bagel bagel bagel bagel ♪ ♪ Ba ba ba bagel bagel ♪ ♪ Ba ba bagel ♪ ♪ Ba ba ba ba bagel ♪ ♪ Ba ba ba ba bagel ♪ ♪ Ba ba bagel ♪ This song is stupid. ♪ Here we go ♪ Oh this is more like it. (Luigi groans) What? ♪ Country roads ♪ - Oh hey, this one's actually kinda nice. (smooth music) - This isn't from your playlist right? - No this isn't from yours? - No, why would I have this on my? (Mario sighs) Junior is this from your playlist? - I'm not here right now, sorry. - Okay whatever. (upbeat music) (Mario screams) - Aw why'd you turn the music off? - Why do you think I turned it off? We were all bickering about it. All right anyways we don't have that much left so let's just keep driving. (Mario groaning) Oh my god, this bag is so heavy, what all did you guys put in this? - I don't know, I think I put my bed in there or something. - Okay anyways do you guys actually wanna do something today or do you wanna just relax? - Screw that, I've just been playing Breath of the Wild the whole time. (light music) - Dude you suck at this game. - Well hey it's not my fault, my brother took the controller, that's why I died. - Typical. I'm gonna look for something to do in the hotel room. - All right. So Mario do you wanna just chillax for today? - Yeah I don't really feel like doing anything, I'm just kinda tired that's all. I just wanna take a nap. - Oh guys look, somebody left an Icee slush in here, I wonder how long this has been here. - How is it still frozen? - I don't know, you always find the craziest things at hotels. Like one time I was staying at a hotel and I saw a roach behind the curtain, and I even found a syringe in the bathroom. - What hotel did you stay at? - The Nickelodeon hotel. - Oh that makes sense. All right I'm gonna go continue dying in Zelda. - All right, I'm gonna go look for more things to do. - Luigi I feel like instead of looking for things to do right now I think we should all just go to sleep so we can have a nice eventful day tomorrow. - Oh a TV remote! I wonder if it works with the TV? (Luigi groaning) Oh man it doesn't work with the TV. I wonder if I can order room service with this thing? - Luigi don't order room service, you had a chicken sandwich earlier. Besides, we're about to go to bed. - I'm gonna order room service. Let's see, what button would it be? I'm gonna press B for burger. (Luigi groaning) - Oh come on Luigi, we're just gonna waste their time, we don't wanna make the hotel mad. We're not even gonna eat anything. - Hello hello, room service is here. (Mario sighs) - Oh no. - First of all, I would just like to welcome all of you young gentlemen to Goomba's Island Resort. I thank you for coming here to my hotel. - Huh the guy himself is welcoming us to his own place. Well thanks for letting us stay here man, we appreciate it. - No problem, it's always nice to see new faces in here. Anyway what would you guys like for dining today? - Well actually we're all full, we all ate before we got here, so we don't want anything. - Can I have some bread? - Luigi you don't need bread, we already had a burger on the way here! - Of course I can get you some bread, let me go get that right now. - All right. (Luigi sighs) Man this is gonna be tasty. - Dude you literally ate on the way here. - Mario, the guy's gonna give us food for free, why wouldn't we take it? - Wait it's free? - [Luigi] Yeah it's free Mario, we don't have to pay any money for it. - Hmm well okay I don't care what you get then. I'm just gonna go to sleep. (employee groaning) - Here's your bag of bread sir, I hope you enjoy it. - Luigi you're not actually gonna eat all that bread are you? - Sure I will Mario it'll be a piece of cake. See you know it's only like 40 pieces of bread, it won't be that bad. (Mario sighs) - All right I'm just gonna go to sleep. And in the morning you better have eaten all that bread Luigi, I don't wanna waste anything. (Mario sighs) Let me just go to sleep. - All right, goodnight Mario! Hmm say Junior you wanna share all this bread together? - Nope that's all for you to do Luigi, I don't wanna get in trouble with Mario, so goodnight. - Well wait, Junior! Aw I have to eat all this? Well I did ask for it, so I guess I'll get into it. (bag rustling) (soft music) (Mario yawning) - Oh man I slept well last night. Hey Luigi how's it going? (Luigi groaning) - Not good, I ate too much, I ate all the bread, and I even ate the bag. It didn't taste that good. - The bag? Why did you eat the bag? - I don't know, I was too lazy to throw it out so I just ate it. My stomach's all messed up. - Woo man am I ready for a fun filled day! - What was that? - I don't know, I just got a random surge of energy. I feel like running all around the room. Hey guys we should go do something today! - Well we are in Florida, so maybe we should go to the beach. What do you guys think? - Screw that, I'm gonna go find something to do outside. (door opening) - All right. Hey Luigi, you wanna go to the beach with me? - But Mario it's raining outside, what are we supposed to do? - Yeah you're right it is raining. Well I'm sure if we drive far enough that we could probably find an area that isn't raining. So let's head to the beach. - Okay, let's go. (upbeat music) (birds chirping) - Oh my god! - Whoa this beach is beautiful, can we go right now? - Yeah, I already paid for parking, let's go. (Mario sighs) Man this is the life. - Hey Mario do you wanna watch me build a sand castle? - A sandcastle? Luigi we've never even been to the beach, how do you know how to build a sandcastle? - It's not that hard Mario, all you have to do is get some sand and then make a castle. - Okay wise guy, go do it then. - All right I will, watch me. Oh stupid Mario, thinks I can't make a sandcastle. I can make the best sandcastle of them all! Now let me make it right now, now all I need is some sand, hmm where am I gonna find sand? Oh right here. All right now let me just make my sand. (upbeat music) (upbeat music continues) And done, finished my sandcastle. (Junior groaning) - Oh my god, I've been walking for like three minutes or something. I'm gonna take a stop here. (Junior groans) (car horn honking) Wait a minute, Target? I'm at a Target? (light music) Oh well why don't I just go in and shop a little bit? I think that'd be fun. All right. All right now that I'm here I need to cool off. Let me just go in this toaster oven. I'll come outta here in a few hours. (toaster door closes) (Junior panting) All right I think I'm fine now, even though this thing doesn't even work. All right let me just go do something else. All right let's see what I can get. (Junior laughs) I guess I should get Luigi a little gift. All right let's get these for Luigi. Now that's more like it. All right I got Luigi a gift, I got myself a gift, now I just need to get Mario a gift. So let's see what Mario would. Peanut oil, what am I doing in the oil section? I'm sure Mario would enjoy peanut oil. I mean what do you really do with it you know? So let's just see, let me just. Oh. All right, no one saw that. All right now it's time to go check out. There it is, the check out. Now all I need to do is get all my items together and that's okay yeah that's still there. All right and now I need to get my, oh yeah I forgot, I don't have a wallet 'cause I don't have money. So I have all this stuff and I can't even do anything with it? I guess I'll just go fill up the shopping cart with random crap. (Junior groaning) (light music) - Hey Mario, guess what I did? (Mario sighs) - I don't know Luigi, what did you do? - You don't wanna guess? - No I don't really wanna guess. - Are you sure? - Yeah, I don't wanna guess Luigi. - Well I made my own sandcastle. (Mario sighs) - Did you really make a sandcastle Luigi? - Oh yeah Mario, I made the best sandcastle ever and I want you to come see it, and I want you to rate it on a scale of one to 10. - Okay, all right lead me to your sandcastle Luigi. - Yes, oh you won't regret it Mario, it's the best sandcastle ever. - All right Luigi, show me your sandcastle. - All right Mario, but I must warn you, you might just be a little bit amazed. And here is my sandcastle! What do you think? Don't you see it? I mean it doesn't really have an entrance, but now it has an entrance. See the entrance is right there, and yeah it's a really cool sandcastle, what do you think? - Luigi this is a hill. - A hill? No no it's not a hill. Are you trying to say that people in Florida live in hills? - No I'm saying it's literally a hill, all you did was just pile sand. This isn't a sandcastle. With a sandcastle you're supposed to take a bucket, you're supposed to fill it with sand, you put it upside down, and then you carve the little things on top to make a castle. And then you maybe make a door too, but you know I mean that's how a sandcastle works, you don't just make a hill Luigi. - I still think it's a sandcastle. - Whatever dude. Luigi you need to go in the water at some point, I mean we just got here, we should probably go in the water. - But what if I don't wanna go in the water 'cause I might get eaten by a fish! - Ah I see what's goin on here Luigi, you're scared of getting in the water! - Oh no no no I'm not scared, I'm not scared of getting in the water, it's just it's kinda deep and I don't really know where it goes and I'm afraid of the tide taking me away, but I'm not scared of the water, that's all. (Mario laughs) - Oh my god, you're actually afraid of the water Luigi. Listen if you get in the water I'll give you 20 dollars when we get home. (Luigi gasps) - 20 dollars? I can buy like six Nintendo Switches with that amount of money. Okay I'll go get in the water kinda. What do you want me to do in the water? - Well the least you can do is put your feet in the water. I mean at least it counts as getting in the water. So just put your feet in the water and see how you like it. - I guess so, but you have to come with me okay? I don't wanna go there alone. - All right no problem I like the water, let's go Luigi. - Okay Mario I'll meet you there in a minute. Oh shoot I was being too confident, I don't wanna get in the water. (Luigi sighs) But if I want that 20 dollars I have to get in the water. I have to go and I have to be brave! - All right Luigi this is the water. Now you probably already know what water is, I mean we drink it every day but. - Wait I can drink this water? Oh let me drink it right now. - No no no Luigi don't drink this water, it has all kinds of chemicals and stuff in it, but the water we drink at home is safe. - Aw dang it, I was kinda thirsty. (Luigi sighs) Okay so what what do you want me to do over here? I'm kinda scared already being over here. - Don't be scared Luigi, you're fine! Think of me as your lifeguard, you know I'm here for you if anything happens. So all I want you to do is just put your feet in the water bro, I mean look at this, look I'll go in the water myself. Yep let me just go down here and. Oh okay it actually is kinda cold, but you could still get in. - I don't know, I don't really like cold water. I mean I like drinking it but I don't like touching it. I don't know if I really wanna do this. - Remember Luigi, the 20 dollars. If you want the 20 dollars you have to dip your feet in the water. (soft music) (Luigi groans) - I'm scared of getting in the water. (Luigi crying) (Mario sighs) - He's such a wuss, what is gonna make him listen to me? Oh hey Luigi I'm Morgan Freeman. - What, god is that you? - No idiot it's me. Anyways I'm Morgan Freeman. (soft music) I played that one guy in "The Lego Movie" or something. Anyways, I'm here to say that if you get in the water then I don't know, I'll give you 20 dollars as well, you'll have 40 dollars in total. (Luigi gasps) - Wait, 40 dollars? So like 12 or 14 Nintendo Switches? I can buy so many Nintendo Switches with that. Okay, I guess I'll take your advice. (Luigi groaning) Okay I just gotta wait for the water. (Luigi screaming) I have got to get outta here! - Luigi, where are you going? - That water tried to suffocate me, I'm not coming back here again! - Luigi, come back! Man he's such a baby, but I mean he did dip his feet in the water so I guess he still gets his 20 bucks. Well did you at least have fun? - I mean yeah, it was kind of fun, but it was also kind of scary. - Yeah that's usually what happens when you do something for the first time. It's always a new experience. Anyways Luigi let's go home. That was a fun beach trip. - Yeah I will admit it was a pretty fun beach trip. (Luigi sighs) - All right, I've got pretty much every useless item I could find, and now I'm gonna continue shopping. Wait what the heck is that? What the heck? It's a GoPro. What is it doing sitting out? They usually have these behind glass. Well since its outta glass I guess it wouldn't hurt to. (Junior panting) All right I got the GoPro for myself! I have to get home before anyone else. They can't see that I have this. (Mario sighs) - Man the beach was tiring, oh man what a long day. Well at least I can kick back and. Junior, what are you doing here so early? I mean the way you darted out the door earlier made me think you were gonna be gone all day. - Nah I wasn't gonna be gone all day, I just went and did something really really cool. - Oh yeah, we did something really cool too, me and Mario went to the beach and I even made a sandcastle. - No you didn't Luigi, you just made a hill outta sand and called it a castle. - Well it kinda looked like a castle. - I'd give it like a four outta 10. Anyways what do you guys think we should do tomorrow since I mean I don't wanna stay here for too long, so we should probably just stay here for a few days so we can get our moneys worth. So what should we do? (Junior gasps) - Mario, what's the one reason that people come to Orlando Florida? (Mario gasps) - To wanna kill themselves because of the inconsistent weather? - What, no. People come to Orlando Florida because of Disney World, we should go to Disney World tomorrow. - Oh yeah Disney World. Hey Mario we should go there, that would be awesome. - Well if you guys want Disney World I'll go try to get the tickets. - Yes, oh I can't wait to see the big rat. - What? - All right guys, I'm calling the Orlando theme park manager so let's see what they say. Oh hello? Let's see, okay so I want to purchase tickets for. - Oh am I supposed to say something? - For Disney World. - For Disney World. You know Disney World the theme park? Yeah I want tickets there. - Oh and get some food too. - No Luigi we're not getting food from Disney, it's gonna cost like 40 dollars. Okay so how much are the tickets? Wait what? Disney's sold out? - Aw really? I forgot it always sells out during the summer, aw dang it. - Aw we can't go to Disney. Well what's the next best thing we can get? - Wait guys hold on, the guy's telling me something. He's saying Universal Studios is the next best thing so we can go there. - Okay that sounds fun. - Ask him about the fast pass, I don't really wanna wait in lines. - Okay Luigi, how much is your guy's fast pass or whatever it's called? 300 dollars? Okay no no no no no, all right just book me tickets for Universal for today and three tickets. All right, I'll see ya later. (Mario sighs) All right no way am I paying 300 dollars for express so we might not be able to ride any rides, we might not actually be able to do anything because it's kinda raining. But we'll just try and make the best of it ya know? - Yeah, all that matters is that we have fun and we stick together. - Screw that, we should all separate so we can all do what we want. - Yeah Junior's right, we should probably all separate so we can all do our own thing. All right guys, let's go to Universal. (light music) Whoa so what do you guys wanna do? - I don't really know, we didn't really plan this out correctly. - Hmm I think we should go ride the globe. - Junior you're not helpful. - What it's an actual idea! (Mario sighs) - Let's just go find a ride or something. - Okay, I wonder what they have here. - Oh god, even if it's raining this ride is pretty cool, but we're starting to go high in the air though. (music playing) - Hmm I wonder what's in the "Spongebob" store. Let me check it out. (people talking indistinctly) Hmm I think I know what I can do with this. That was worth it. - Man what a majestic animal. (Mario shouting) - Okay okay we're actually starting to go really high this time. - One, two, three, four, five. (dramatic music) - Why is it raining so much? - I don't even know where I am. - [Announcer] Congratulations you have-- - All right now the ride is over. All right I gotta go find everybody else because I don't know where they are but it's raining really badly. (Mario sighs) Man that ride was rainy but it was still a fun time. Hey Junior what are you doing? - Oh hey Mario, just counting what I got at the gift shop. - Why did you get four Patrick's? - Actually I got six Patrick's, get it right. - Why? - Because you can never have enough Patrick's, I mean you never know when they're gonna come in handy. (Mario sighs) - Whatever, I've heard weirder things from you. - Hey Mario, look at this donut that I found, I just found it on the ground over there. Do you see it? - Yeah I see it. What were you planning on doing with it? - Obviously I was gonna eat it, duh. - But it looks all melted, how are you gonna eat this? - Well if you just ignore the fact that it's melted then you can eat it just fine. - So you want me to basically ignore the most prominent feature about it being that it's melted? How am I supposed to ignore this? - I mean if you just close your eyes and think about something else then maybe it'd work-- - Hey wait a minute, what are you guys doing? - What do you mean, we're just sitting here, we're just chilling. - Yeah you're chilling with a stolen donut! I know who that belongs to! - Hey we didn't steal this donut, we found it on the ground! And if it was on the ground that means that somebody didn't want it, so it's free for us to claim. - Oh you just wait til I let the security know about this. Hey wait a minute. - What? - Hey you kinda look like those guys back at home. What are you doing in Florida? - Oh you know, we're just here on a vacation that I wasn't really planning on going on. What about you? - Oh well I'm just here visiting some family. Hey you wanna come over for a pool party? - Okay. (upbeat music) - Man this pool party's going awesome, oh thanks mister police officer for the party. - No problem guys, stay as long as you want, my wife won't mind because she's not here anymore. (sad music) (Junior groaning) - Man it's hard to control this thing. Hey Mario, how's the trampoline? - It's pretty fun Junior! It's super windy outside though so I don't know how good that is. Woo! - All right, now it's time for the moment of truth. Can Luigi make the half court shot? We're about to find out. (Luigi groaning) All right here we go. (Luigi screaming) (Mario groaning) - Wait, that was actually kinda cool. - I don't know how to get out. (Luigi groaning) - Oh man what the heck? - Hey Luigi. - You, you're the one who hit me in the face with a basketball weren't you? - Well kinda, look I didn't really mean to do that. - Why don't we have a basketball game instead? - A basketball game huh? - Yeah yeah let's see if you can shoot a half court shot. - Well okay, I'll attempt it, I'll give it a shot. - All right Mario if you get you this half court shot then you are going to prove to me that you are really. (basketball thumping) I'm moving to Cuba. - Is nobody gonna get me out, hello? Wait a minute. Finally my big break! - Junior? - You're telling me you heard that and not anything else? (purple dinosaur sighs) - Man this tastes like literal garbage. - Police officer man, I have a question. So when you were in training for becoming a police officer, did you get tased? - Yep, got tased real good. - Oh well how did you not die? - Dude a taser doesn't kill ya man. - Oh sorry, I thought tasers killed you or something. Hey what have you got there by the way? - Oh this? Man you can have this, it tastes like garbage. And by the way, it's kinda starting to look like it's gonna rain so you guys might wanna get outta here. - Okay, how to get the others. Hey Mario it's time to. - Luigi, don't ask how I got in this position 'cause I don't really know either. - Alrighty then. All right now where's Junior? (Luigi gasps) Oh there he is. What is he doing? Hey Junior, what are you doing? - Oh hey Luigi, say what's it like being deaf? - What? (Junior sighs) - Nevermind. Anyways Luigi you wanna see me take a deep dive all the way over there? - No that seems really dangerous. - Junior, what the heck? - Oh now I know what it's like to be a magic cart. (Luigi panting) - Oh god! Junior I'll find a way to get you outta there. (Luigi panting) Oh god what am I supposed to use? Is there like a pool noodle around here? What the heck is that? (Luigi sighing) All right Junior, I don't really know what this thing is but just grab onto its tail. - Why? - Just grab onto its tail Junior. - All right. (Junior sighing) What the? - All right Junior, you're safe and sound. - Well aw man I really wanted to continue swimming! - Junior you don't even know how to swim. - Oh yeah, aw man. - Anyways Junior we should probably go, it's getting kinda dark and stormy. - Luigi I'm not afraid of no storm! Come and get me water gods. (thunder rumbling) (Luigi sighing) - Let's just get outta here. (light music) - IKEA, this is where you wanted to go? - Hey man, think about it, we've never been to an IKEA before. Come on, we gotta live up the experience before we go home. - Alrighty then, Luigi are you ready? - Yeah I've never really been to this type of store, but jeez it's huge. We're probably gonna get lost in here. - Yep we sure will, that's kinda the point. - What? - Nothing, let's just go inside. - I thought this was a furniture store, but why are there plants here? - Hey Mario look at this one, it looks like me, you see 'cause it's like green and stuff. It looks like me right? - Sure, yeah yeah it looks like you I. What the heck? (Junior moaning) Junior? Junior what are you doing eating that plant? - Shut up pops, don't shrimp. I'm just eating grub or something. - Junior stop eating plants, you're gonna get sick. Let's just go to a different section that doesn't' have plants. (people talking indistinctly) Wait, they have food here? I have to go see some of this. Whoa, I mean I could eat right now but I'm not that hungry so I guess I'll just safe some. What the heck, who are those people? - All right Jeffy you think we got enough food? - I don't know, I kinda want some more chocolate cake. - Oh well if you go back up there can you get three more slices? Oh but take off your helmet, you're pencil, and your shirt, 'cause we don't want anybody recognizing you. - All right, will do daddy. - Are you guys stealing food? - I'm not stealing food, who's stealing food? He's a criminal, he's wanted. - Wait. Me? What no I'm not, you stole food too! - I didn't do nothing dad, you better run. - Wait, is that security? - Well is that your dad? - No he's not my dad, I know who he is, he just sticks around with me. - Is he a criminal? - Oh yeah he's wanted in every single state in America. - Well we gotta go find him then. - All right let's go. - All right Junior, since we're at IKEA we have to find something to get because I mean we traveled all the way over here, we might as well get something. So what are you thinking? - Well I already found something for you, I found you a new house. Do you like it? - Dude you suck. - Luigi! Oh come on man! I was just joking, I was just Josh-ing you, deez nuts all that stuff. Aw man, I really thought I got him with that one. (Junior sighs) I really do gotta find Luigi a gift though. (Junior laughs) That would be funny. (Luigi groaning) - Stupid Junior, trying to make fun of me. I'm not a baby! (Luigi groaning) What should I do? Oh a kitchen. I do kinda need to wash my hands, they're looking kinda musty. And for some reason I got some blue spots on my nose so I could use a wash. Let's just. (sink thumping) What the heck? It doesn't work! - Bro are you serious? - Well Junior! (Luigi groaning) I never get a break here! (man with red shirt panting) - I think I've lost him. Wow these cushions look even better than the last ones. And I don't see a price tag anywhere so they must be having a sale or something. - Hey is this your kid? - Why'd you bring him back? - Dad why'd you leave me? - Well because I was running from the police. - So you're running from the police, you stole that food, and you're trying to steal these cushions? Oh yeah you're going to extra jail. - Look whatever Jeffy, look can you just help me get one of these cushions? I gotta take this back to the car. - I'm not helping you dad, you're bad. (light music) (people talking indistinctly) - Jeffy come on quick, we gotta grab one of these cushions, just get one. - Whoa! (man with red shirt panting) - How does he think that's a clever disguise? Wait, where'd that kid go? (tense music) - Hey buddy, you stealing cushions or what? - No, I've been here the whole time, that was that other guy. - No I definitely saw you steal that cushion. Also you're stealing food, you can't be doing that. - Okay how does everyone know that I stole food from the hotel? - Hotel? No I'm talking about the food court. But I guess you stole food from the hotel too. - Oh shoot. - That's a double offense. (Mario panting) Hey get back here! - Oh man, I wonder if they have "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" on this thing. - Does this thing play Nickelback or something? (Luigi sighs) Nevermind I guess I'll just get outta here. - Luigi? - Who are you? Why do you look like that? Why are your eyes so separated, and why are you so skinny and flimsy? - It's me Morty, why are you making fun of me? - Because, why do you look the way you do? - I don't know, I'm always at IKEA on Thursday at 12:39 PM. - Okay. - Well have you seen Mario? I hear he's looking for a new couch. - Yeah I know where he is, follow me. - Okay. - Oh man I gotta hide again. Look at all these cushions, so many cushions. Forget about building a couch, I could build a whole fort. - So do you know where Mario could've gone? I gotta find him before he goes home. - I don't know, he should be like somewhere around here, let's just keep searching. - Okay. (Mario panting) (dramatic music) - Ow, my leg. - Mario just stop, I saw you do it with my own eyes, you can't get away this time. - But I didn't even do anything, that wasn't me! - Sure you did, I saw you steal the food, you told me about the hotel food, I don't know you stole the cushions. - Oh come on, that wasn't me, you can clearly watch the ca. - I. - Two Mario's what? Which one of you did it? - He did it, he did it, not me! - Well come on, it was clearly him, I mean we don't even look alike. - I don't know, this is so difficult I. - Officer, it was the big one. - Oh shut up Jeffy! I mean wow he called you big, that's not nice. - No he was clearly talking about you, look at how mini I am. - Oh wow I think I know who did it now, come here big guy. Yeah you're going away for a long time. - Yeah go with him, go with him. - Long time. - Go with him. All right I gotta go meet up with everyone else. Luigi, Junior, we gotta go meet somewhere or I don't know where we're going. - All right Mario, I don't know who the heck these crazy people are that we keep meeting but we have to get outta here. - Yeah I agree, I've kinda gotten tired anyway, I mean it's a huge store so we've kind of went around the whole place. - I mean shouldn't we get something though? I mean look at this carpet, you know I mean we could get a carpet or something. - Junior why would we need a carpet? We already have enough carpets, our whole house is made of carpet. - Yeah Junior that's kind of a worthless purchase. - If you say so. - All right guys come on, we gotta leave. - So Luigi have you found Mario yet? - Yes, he was literally right there, I don't know how you missed him. - Can we go home now? I'm scared. - Okay I guess. - All right guys I'm coming, just give me a minute. - Where do you think you're going buddy? - I'm trying to leave the store to go with my friends. - No you gotta come with me. - No my dad said I'm not allowed to talk to strangers. - I don't care, you gotta come with me now. - Okay. - Come on. - Okay I'll go with you. - What is this? - It's a phone I think. - Yeah I know it's a phone, but what's on the phone? - I don't know, it's not my phone. - Watch this. (metal clinking) You wanna explain yourself? (tense music) - Dang it, this rain is awful. Hey Luigi, can you check the back pack to make sure we didn't forget anything? - Okay Mario, all right let me just check this. All right let me just open this, (Luigi groans) let's see what we have in the bag. What the heck? Is that a GoPro? Why is there a GoPro in the bag? We didn't buy this. - Wait, an actual GoPro? Yeah there's a full GoPro in here huh I don't know. - Huh that's really weird. Hey now that I think about it, where's Junior? - Junior, oh yeah I forgot, he wasn't with us when we got in the car. I don't know, he'll probably find his way home. (upbeat music) - Have fun in prison Junior. - No I don't wanna go to prison, I don't deserve to go to pri. (officer groaning) - What, you sad 'cause Junior's going away? Boo hoo right? Well fine, I guess I can let him out if you subscribe to CMB and Cable 10. Just do it.
Channel: CrazyMarioBros
Views: 4,203,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cmb, crazy, mario, bros, crazy mario bros, crazymariobros, mario plush videos, mario bros, nintendo, super mario, super mario bros, plush, movie, plush movie, sml movie, sml, the road trip, vacation, summer vacation, road trip, roadtrip, the roadtrip, mario's road trip, mario road trip, kable10 the road trip, kable10 road trip, kable10, collab, luigi, bowser jr, bowser, jr, mario and luigi, bowser junior, mario plush, cmb road trip, cmb the road trip, jeffy road trip, jeffy's road trip
Id: tqdwa4599Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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