Crazy Mario Bros: Buried Alive!

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- [Person] Oh my gosh. Oh, man. Today has really been one day for my stomach, oh. Oh man. Best day ever. Oh man. I can't even really feel my legs. I just ate way too much. Oh, I don't know if I can eat another bite, but I have to. There's still so much food to finish. Oh my God. Okay. Wait a minute. I only have one more donut left. Oh, man. I thought I had more than that. I really ate them all that fast? Well, I guess I'll just savor this one last donut. Come here, apple cider donut. I don't know what kind of idea that is. An apple cider donut. It's a stupid combination, but come here, apple cider donut. I have to have you. (ominous music) Okay, everyone. Who's ready for this cook-off? Oh, you already know I'm ready for this cook-off, Junior. But if this is a cook-off, then where's Yoshi? Oh, come on, Mario. You already know why I'm not inviting Yoshi to this. It's an unfair advantage, he would beat all of us out. He's amazing at cooking. Look, I'm doing this cook-off so that we can finally get our cooking skills back 'cause, oh my God, you sure did lose your cooking skills. So we gotta get them back, okay? Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense. So shouldn't we invite Luigi to this too? (gasps) Oh yeah. I guess we should invite Luigi to this, since if you're gonna be improving your cooking skills, then he should too. All right, now where's that little goofball at? What in tarnation? (ominous music) What exactly happened in here? I don't know. This looks like some kind of episode of "My 600 Pound Life." Who could have done all this to our kitchen? Luigi? Luigi? Luigi? Junior, do you know if he's okay? I don't know, Mario, I just got here, but if you check if he has a pulse? Oh yeah. Good idea, Junior. I'll try that. All right, Luigi. All right, Luigi. Come back to me, Luigi. Come back to me. Luigi? Oh no, Junior. Junior, Junior, he doesn't have a pulse. We have to take him to the hospital. Oh, what? Come on. You guys had a food party without me? Oh, you guys are jerks. Well, no, no, no, Bowser, this wasn't our food party. I guess it was Luigi's, and now he's passed out unconscious, probably dead. Oh no. Come on, guys. You're just being silly amateurs. He's just in a food coma. He'll be fine. I've had so many of those before. Yeah, but if you're in a coma, then shouldn't you have a heartbeat at least? Luigi has no pulse. Come on, guys. We're taking Luigi to the hospital. We're finding out what's wrong with him. Oh, come on. Right before out cook-off too. We used up so many of our ingredients. Oh man. Personally, I still think he's in a food coma, but we're just gonna have to see what the doctor says. And Luigi's an amateur. I could eat way more than this. (ominous music) Well, guys, all the tests came back, and they're not really looking good for Luigi. We didn't get a pulse, we didn't really get any response from his body, actually. So we have no other choice than to pronounce Luigi as dead. He's really just dead. Just like that. Oh man. Come on. If only I was downstairs like an hour earlier, I could have stopped all this. (sobbing) Come on. Well, come on, Mario. It's okay. It was all of our fault. None of us were down there to save him. Dad, that's not gonna make him feel better. You're supposed to say it's nobody's fault, 'cause it wasn't our faults. Oh, well, I'm sorry to break unfortunate news to you, guys. If any, any help or emotional support, then let me know. I'll see you guys around. Sounds good, man. See ya. Oh, man. So we really lost Luigi then. So are we gonna have a funeral or something? You picked the backyard to have a funeral? Are you guys serious? Well, hey, Junior, it's the only thing we could afford. Don't you know how much a funeral cost? Yeah, but this is Luigi we're talking about. I think we can afford to go into a little bit of debt just to honor him, don't you think? Well, look, Junior, this is all we can do for now, okay? So let's just start the funeral already. (sighs) Fine. I guess we can start the funeral. So are we gonna have music or what? Oh yeah. Right. Lemme just go take care of that. Okay, let's see. (Ji Pyeong Kwon's "Sad Romance") No. (somber piano music) Eh, okay, this one's fine. Okay, good. All right, let's start this funeral. Well, see you around, Luigi. (coffin thumps) All right, let's bury this thing. (person groaning) Oh, man, his ground is pretty stiff. Put some more force into it, Bowser. You can do it. Well, I guess this is better than nothing, so I guess Luigi would appreciate us giving him a funeral at all. Yeah. See, Junior. You get it. I mean, as long as we're all together celebrating him, then that's all that really matters. (person groaning) Oh, all right, I'm finally done. Oh, man. Well, see you around, pal. All right, guys, let's go inside. Yeah, it's hot out here. You were in the shade. Okay, you know what? Whatever. (somber music continues) (critters chirping) Oh, my head hurts. Why does my head hurt so mu...? Wait. What? (tense orchestral music) What am I doing in here? What is this? Is this some kind of like box or something, but like, what am I doing in a box? Wait a minute. This doesn't feel like any kind of box. Oh, no. I must be inside of a coffin, but what am I doing down here? Am I really in the ground? How can I be in a coffin? Okay, Luigi. Okay, just retrace your steps, just calm down, retrace your steps, and remember what happened. Okay. So the last thing I remember was I was eating a bunch of food, and then I blacked... Oh my God, the guys must have thought I was dead. Oh my God, and they buried me in the ground. Oh my God, what am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? I'm stuck inside this tiny coffin. (person panting) Okay, what am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? (gasps) Wait a minute. I have an idea. Maybe if I scream loudly enough and bang on the coffin enough, then somebody from the outside will hear me. Okay, let me just do that. Help, help. Get me outta here! I'm stuck in a coffin. (muffled) Please help me, I'm stuck in here. I'm stuck in a coffin, please help me. (indistinct) Hello, anybody? Nobody can hear me? Oh, man. I must have been dug so deep into the ground that no one can hear me. But how could they have even pulled that off? They're not that smart. Oh, well, I guess I have to figure out something else to do. But what? There's nothing in this coffin. Oh, man, I guess I'm gonna really die down here now. (music swelling) Bowser, I'm telling you, eating all that food is what killed him. I mean, what else do you possibly think it could be? I don't know. I'm just saying, I don't think you can die from a food coma, so there's just no way. But the doctors said that he was dead. Yeah, Bowser. Doctors are smart, you know? They're very smart people, so they're right. It just doesn't make sense to me, though. I mean, you really can't die from a food coma. Why do you think it's called a food coma? You can't die from it. Hey guys, what are you doing? Oh, hey, Yoshi. We're just debating about Luigi's death. Oh, okay. That's cool. Wait, what? Luigi died? Yeah, Luigi died. You didn't hear about it? No, you guys didn't say anything. How did he die? Well, we don't exactly know, but we think it's from overeating. Which is impossible. But that's all we know though. Overeat, I don't think you can die from that. That's what I'm saying. I think I would know. Oh, my, Bowser, shush, please. Okay. Yoshi, look, that's all we know, though. I mean, we don't really know how else he could have died. We just took him to the doctor and he said he had no pulse and he's dead. So, yeah, that's kind of what happened. Mm, well, are you sure that there weren't any other side effects, like stuff that happened before that? Or maybe the stuff he was eating could have been like expired or poisoned or something? Not that we know of. Even that, we don't even have poisonous or expired foods, so there's no real way that this could have happened, outside of over consumption, which is possible to die from, because he is dead, Bowser. Nope. Not believing it. You can't make me, it would've happened to me already if it was possible. I mean, look at me. I'm a chunky man. Hey, I guess that's true. But that's all we know though, Yoshi. We just know that Luigi's dead. Wow. Well, that's a lot to take in, but I'll take your word for it, guys, okay? I still don't really believe that death reason, but I'll try to take it, okay? So I'll see you guys later. See ya. See you, Yoshi. So guys, how do we move forward from this? Hmm. Well, I don't think Luigi would want us moping around here like this, so I think Luigi would want us to have some fun. So why do we have some fun? Oh, yeah. I like what you're getting at, Junior. Let's have a food party, but not that big of a food party. That took a lot to clean up, but let's have a food party. Yeah, you guys finally invited me to one of these. Woo. That just doesn't make any sense. I mean, they say that he ate so much that he die... That doesn't happen. Oh, well, I'll think more about this later, but for now, I'm on to them. That's really suspicious. That doesn't happen. (person grunting) No. (person grunting) Oh, no. None of my attempts are working. I just wanna break out here. It's so boring down here, I'm so bored. I don't have any friends down here. Well, Luigi, just like all those podcasters on TikTok, just remember to take that advice, okay? You have to be your own friend. Yeah, you don't need friends. You can do just fine on your own. So, you know, you gotta make your own friends. So I gotta make my own friend down here. But with what? I guess I can talk to my hand. Hey, Mr. Hand, how's it going? Oh, hey, Luigi. (whimsical music) It's going very good. How about you? Oh, that's good to hear, Mr. Hand. Oh, I'm doing pretty good too. I'm just stuck six feet below the ground with no contact to civilization, but I'm doing pretty good, Mr. Hand. So, well, how's your week been? What have you been up to? Oh, you know, just went on my weekly vacation. I went to Florida and I went to Universal, and I went to Disney World, and I went to Legoland. (gasps) I went to Legoland. The place is so in the ring, you should totally go. Oh, yeah. I'm glad to hear that, Mr. Hand. I got to hear you had a much more eventful week than I have. Jesus, Luigi. (ominous music) Why you been in such a sour sport? At least you're not dead. Well, I might as well be. Look where I am right now. This sucks. And the only thing you can do is just flex all the cool things you've done. Well, I mean, you did ask me how my week was going. Yeah, I guess I did. I'm sorry, Mr. Hand. (cheerful music) I'm just in a really bad mood right now. That's okay. Mr. Hand forgives everybody. Oh, wow. Really? Oh, man. Why don't I try talking to myself more often? This is nice. So do you have any advice on how I can get outta here? Well, if I have to be honest, Luigi, it's really unlikely that you'll get out of here on your own. But I could call over my friend with a shovel, and he'll take you out, but you're gonna have to pay him a lot. But it's okay, I have millions of dollars so I can pay him. Was that millions of dollars part really necessary? What are you trying to get at, man? Why are you trying to brag to me when I'm in this near death situation? What? No, I'm just saying I have millions of dollars, so I can pay the guy. Yeah, but what did they have to do with anything? We were just having a nice conversation. And then you'll have to bring up how good your life is. You're a real jerk, Mr. Hand. Well, at least I'm not broke. Well, at least I'm a real person. Geez, Luigi, you're a real nut. Go kill yourself. What? I mean, go fulfill yourself. Yeah, fulfill your life dreams. Woo hoo. Whoa. Well, okay, then. That's nice. Well, I don't really have any life dreams right now outside of getting outside of this coffin. So what about you? What are your life dreams? Well, to be honest, I've already accomplished all of my life dreams. I've done everything because I'm such a cool person. I actually do things with my life. Mr. Hand, that is the final straw. Why do you keep try to one up me in everything? No, I'm just saying my life goals, that's all. No, no, no, Mr. Hand. The entire time I've known you, which has only really been like two minutes, has just been you flexing on me the entire time, and I'm sick of it, Mr. Hand. You're a jerk. Hey, man, you snooze, you lose. It's not my fault you're in here from eating yourself to death. Have fun in a coffin, fat (beep). I'm gonna kill you, Mr. Hand. You pay for, ow. Okay? Note to self, do not punch your own hands. You wouldn't think it hurts that much, but oh my God, it does. Oh, man, I am really going crazy in here. I mean, it's so boring, there's nothing in here. I mean, just, everything just sucks about this coffin. Like, there's just all this weird stuff around me. You know? There's just nothing to do down here. And I especially hate my pillow. It keeps on making this weird noise. Speaking of which, the pillow? There's no pillow in a coffin. What the heck is down here? What could that noise be? (packet crumpling) (gasps) Oh my God. (ethereal choral music) There's a bag of cookies down here. Oh, man, God really threw me a bone. Or Satan, because being down here has made me kind of think more about my life actions. Oh, man, where am I gonna go on the afterlife? I don't really wanna get into that conversation. But still though, I can't believe there's a bag of cookies down here. It's so cool. Oh, man. I can't wait to munch on these. They're gonna be so yummy, but wait a minute. What is a bag of cookies doing inside my coffin? (person gasps) Oh, dang it. I left my cookies in that coffin. Oh, man. Do you guys think that I can go dig up the coffin and get my cookies? You're willing to go dig up a coffin out of the ground just for a bag of cookies? It's Famous Amos cookies. It's the best kind. Bowser, you are stupid. Okay, let's just have this food party. Oh, it'd be a much better food party with some Famous Amos, oh, God. Oh man, these cookies are so good. Oh, this is the best kind of cookies, too. I love these. But remember, Luigi, you have to limit how many cookies you eat, because this is your only food, so you gotta be careful with how many you ea... (tense percussive music) You have got to be kidding me. I was that hungry that I ate the whole thing in one sitting? Oh, man. Maybe Mr. Hand was right. I might be getting a little fat. I mean, how did I eat myself to death and I'm still hungry? That makes no sense. Oh, man. Nothing about this makes any sense. I'm so bored in here, and it's getting really hot in here too. I feel like I'm losing air. Oh, man. Oh, well, I only have limited time in here. I wish I could like play games on my phone or something. Wait, what? What is my pocket? What is the? (gasps) My phone? Wait, wait. My phone's been in my pocket this entire time? Oh, man, I am such an idiot for not checking my pockets out here. This is awesome. You know what this means? Mobile gaming. Oh, man. I'm gonna have the most fun death day ever. All right, let me just check my phone and see what I can do. 5%? oh, I can't do anything on 5%. That's junk. I can't run any games on 5%. Oh, well, I mean, I guess that's not the most important thing right now. If I even have a phone at all, then I might as well use it to call for help. Yeah, I'm gonna do that. Okay, so let me just go to the phone app and do 911. (phone beeping) Okay? (dial tone ringing) Okay. It's ringing, it's ringing. Okay, I'm about to get some help. (phone ringing) Oh, an incoming caller. Okay. Let me answer this. 911. What's your emergency? 911? Okay, yes, yes. Look. I need you to help me, okay? I know this is gonna sound weird, but I am buried underground, okay? I need you to help me, okay? I don't really know exactly where I am, but I know you guys have all that little GPS stuff. So could you guys come over and dig me up, please? To dig you up? Buried underground? How do you even have cell service? How do I have cell service? I don't know, dude. I've never been in this situation before. How would I know? It's not like it's common knowledge of what to do when you're buried underground. Well, it's pretty obvious that if you were really that far deep into the ground, you wouldn't have any cell service, so I don't know how you're talking to me, but this kind of sounds like a prank call. Listen, kid, stay in school, don't do stuff like this. If you have a real emergency, make sure to call 911 for serious emergencies only. But this is a serious emergency. I am literally buried under the ground. I have no way of getting out, please help me. Yeah, sure. You are totally buried underground. And my dad totally didn't go to jail for 14 years due to armed robbery, but you don't see me talking about it. What? Why would you even tell me that? Bye. Kids these days, and their iPhones, and the Blackberries. Ugh, kids. Well, hello? Hello? Oh man, he hung up on me. Why didn't he believe me? Well, then again, I guess this isn't something that happens every day, so it probably would be a little hard to believe. Who am I supposed to call now? I mean, I can't call them again, or I probably gonna get in trouble. Who am I supposed to call? Wait a minute. Don't people usually call pizza places whenever they're in dangerous situations? (gasps) Yeah, I can do that. I'll call the pizza place. Oh, they'll save me. All right. This is it. (dial tone ringing) I'm finally gonna get outta this mess. Hello, thank you for calling Red's Pizza. May I take your order? Yes. Hello? (chuckles) Can I have one Anchovy pizza, please? Bro, come on. You know no one's ordering anchovy pizza. Is this a prank call on? No, no, no, this isn't a pran... Wait a minute. Luigi, be serious. Okay, look, this actually is a serious call, though. Can you get me one pepperoni pizza, please? Okay. One pepperoni pizza. And what address do I deliver this to? Address? Yes. What address do I deliver this pizza to? Well, it is kind of hard to explain, but I don't really have an address right now. You don't have an address. That doesn't make any sense then. How am I supposed to deliver you this pizza? Well, I don't know, dude. I thought you had some kind of like GPS thing, like the police do, you know? Where they can always find where you are? No, no, we don't have that. What made you think we have that? We're not like NASA or something. We don't have some huge telescope in the sky, where you can just look all around the world and find where you are. No, we need an address to send this pizza to. Okay. Okay. Okay, I'll give you an address. Just send it to 612 Acorn Street. Yeah, send it there. Okay, 612 Acorn Street. All right. We'll have that pizza delivered to you in about, mm, 20 minutes, so have a good day. Okey dokey, thank you, sir. Ah, all righty. Now, when he gets here, he's gonna find me. Oh, and it's gonna be so awesome, and I can finally get outta here. (person sighs) (gasps) Wait a minute. I just realized that I gave him our home address, but I don't even know where this coffin is. Why am I such an idiot sometimes? Food party. So everyone, what do we have for our food party? Bowser, what'd you get? Well, Mario ha got me some croissants. And they're the Costco kind too, so they're amazing. Oh, good choice, Bowser. I love those. And Jr, what did you get? Oh, you know me, Mario. I got me some Sonic, but it looks like I already finished my nuggets, so yeah, I'm really good at this food party thing, I already finished. Wow, you're really a master at this, aren't you, Junior? Now me, I got me some McDonald's fries, but I don't really blame you for already finishing your food, 'cause I'm already close to finishing mine. Oh man, this is the best food party ever. (doorbell rings) Wait, what? Who's at the door? Did we invite anyone else to this food party? No, I don't really think we have any friends, so who could it be? I don't know, well, lemme check the door really quick, okay? Hello? I don't remember inviting you. Well, I guess I kind of was invited, 'cause this is the address I was given to deliver this pizza to. A pizza, oh, cool. Hey guys, free pizza. But who ordered it? Because none of us remember ordering that pizza. Mm, from what I remember, the caller ID said the guy's name was Luigi. Wait, Luigi? Luigi ordered that pizza? Yeah, that's what it said. That doesn't make any sense though. Luigi died yesterday. How could that even be possible? Look, man, I don't know, okay. I'm just doing my job. Now, you're gonna take this pizza or not? Yeah, yeah, sure. I'll take the pizza. Oh my God, I can't believe Luigi's ghost ordered a pizza. Oh, that's so crazy. Here, gimme the pizza. Guys, we're gonna have an amazing food party. 67, 68, 69. Yes, I really am down here counting dust particles. That's how boring it's gotten. (person sighs) You know, I wonder if anything happened with that pizza. I wonder if they actually got it. Maybe I should call Mario and see if they got it. (gasps) Wait a minute. That's what I should have done to begin with. I should have called Mario from the beginning. Yeah, he would know. Okay, lemme just call Mario, and I can figure out the real story. Ah, all right. (dial tone ringing) If Mario doesn't answer, then I don't know what I'm gonna do. Oh man, that pizza is really doing a number on my stomach. Oh. (phone ringing) Oh, hold on, guys. I'm getting a phone call at the worst time too, I'm trying to have a pizza hang o... Wait, what? Guys, Luigi is calling me. How is it even possible? Let me answer. Hold on. Hello, Luigi? How are you talking to me right now? Oh, Mario. Oh my God, it's so nice to hear from you again. Okay, so listen Mario, the craziest thing just happened, okay? Oh, my God. I can't believe I'm speaking the Luigi ghost right now. Guys, Luigi on call with me. Wait, Luigi's calling you? Yeah, how could that be possible? I don't know, but he is. Say hi to him for yourself. Hey, Luigi. How's it going man? What's it like being dead? Junior, that's kind of an insensitive question. No, it's not. I just have to know, you know? Like, what comes in the afterlife. Guys, I'm not dead. How would I even be calling you right now? Geez, this is just so crazy though. I mean, I can't believe a ghost is calling me right now. How is that even possible? Hey, Luigi, what's it like after dea...? (gasps) Did you go to heaven or hell? Oh, I bet you went to hell. You've done a lot of bad things in your life, but you're the only one that knows, so you know which one did you go to? Is it nice or what's it like, Luigi? Can you see my dead pet goldfish? Shut the hell up, Junior. That's a stupid question. No, no, this is my only opportunity to know. Hey Luigi, can you see Gerald the fish? Oh my God, guys. Come on. Listen to me, for the last time, I am not dead. (phone beeping) Wait, what? Oh man. My battery died. Why does Mario to be so stupid sometimes? So he wasted my battery. (sighs) Well, I guess this really is it. I have no phone, no food, and no nothing. Oh, man, I really am gonna die down here. What am I gonna do? (gasps) Wait a minute. I just remembered that one of the things you can do when you're hungry is you can go to sleep. Oh yeah, yeah. Okay, I'm just gonna sleep all my stress off, and in the morning I'll think of more solutions. Goodnight, everybody. (person snoring) Luigi? Luigi? Oh man, guys, he hung up on me. We didn't get to ask him anything. What a lamo. The afterlife is probably not that cool anyway. Yeah, you might be right. Especially with Luigi being there, he especially made it lame. What a weird day. Wait, so you're telling me that Luigi phone called them? That doesn't make any sense. This is really fishy and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it soon. (snoring) (cheerful music) Ah. All righty. Good morning, world. Or good morning myself and and my coffin. Oh man, I had a really weird dream last night. I had a dream that somebody came and dug me up and saved me. Oh man. What the silly dream. That's never gonna happen. I'm stuck all the way down here. Man, this sucks. Well, and this is just me down here and nobody can annoy me. Nobody. (fly buzzing) What was that? Oh no, there's a fly in here. Are you serious? (fly buzzing) Wait, get off my feet, Mr. Fly. You're not about to ruin my last day on earth. (person sobbing) This sucks, it's the worst case scenario. I'm stuck down here with no food or phone, and there's a fly in here and nobody can save me. Oh man, this sucks. Okay, I need some solutions. If I'm actually able to break outta here, then it's just gonna be dirt around me. So what was I even thinking? Trying to break it open anyway. Well, I guess I'm gonna have to resort to my final resort. If I wanna stay alive, then I guess I'm just gonna have to eat my way out of here by eating all the dirt. (coughing) That's so gross. But I guess that's my only option, so here we go I guess. (person groaning) I'm done, I'll eat the dirt, I'll do it. All right. Time for some morning lawn mowing. Oh, man, it's such a hot day out here though, but, I have to get it over with. Does this thing even work though? I haven't used this in a while. Whoa, whoa. (lawnmower roaring) Okay, okay. That thing definitely works. Wait, what? Whose voice is that? And is that a lawnmower? Oh my God. Wait. Yoshi's the only one that uses a lawnmower and that's his voice, so that means... (gasps) Oh my God. Oh my God. I've been at the house the entire time and he could save me. Help, help. Yoshi, get me outta here. Wait, what? Where is that noise coming from? I hear a voice, but I don't know where it is. It sounds kind of muffled, so I guess they're hiding. I gotta use my Yoshi instincts to find them. Okay, let's find them. (person sniffing) (muffled shouting) Hey, that's weird. Why do we hear it coming from the ground from where they buried Lui...? Oh my God, oh my God, wait. Wait, that means that... Oh my God, it makes sense now. Luigi is alive. Don't worry, Luigi, I'll dig you up. Oh my God, he can hear me and he's coming to save me. Oh my God, I'm finally free. (panting) Don't worry, Luigi, I'll get you out. (person groaning) Man, digging in the ground is hard. How did they do this the first time? Okay, I'm starting to see something. (person groaning) All right, I've got it out from under the ground. So how do you open this thing? Is there like some kind of lo... Oh, oh, there it is, okay. So just open this. (person panting) Oh my God, fresh air, finally. Oh my God. Yoshi, you saved my life. Thank you so much. Yeah, no problem, Luigi. I had a feeling that those guys didn't really know what they were talking about. The whole situation seemed kind of suspicious. I don't know, but come on, Luigi. I'll carry you inside. (groaning) Okay. You know what? This is probably a bad idea. You're kind of heavy. Oh, thank you so much, Yoshi. Oh, this means a lot. I'm finally free. (person groaning) Okay. Mario, Junior, Bowser, I have someone to tell you. Come to the kitchen. Yeah. What's up, Yoshi? Wait, Luigi? Luigi is alive. Really, dude? You couldn't tell that yesterday when I literally phone called you? How can Luigi be alive though? There's just no way I could have sworn you were dead. I told you guys, a food coma doesn't kill people. Oh my God. Why does nobody listen to me? So why exactly did you guys burning me in the backyard when you didn't even know if I was fully dead or not? I mean, come on. You know how boring and lonely I got in there? Well, we're sorry, Luigi, but look, that was what the doctor said though. The doctor said that you were dead. Wait, the doctor said that? Yup, we rushed you to the hospital as soon as we found your body, and the doctor said that you were dead. That's what he told us. Man, and so much for doctors are smart people, right, Mario? Well, I mean, you can't really blame me. I mean, that's what the doctor said, so yeah, that's what happened, Luigi. The doctor told us you were dead. But I guess that was a lie. Oh man, I can't believe it's almost the weekend, woo. Oh, I'm gonna go on a vacation with my wife, and it's gonna be so awe... (phone ringing) Who's calling me? I'm just answering this, I guess. Hello? Hey, we're suing you for 3 million because you told us that Luigi was dead but he wasn't, and we buried him, and now he has a lot of trauma and that's your fault, 'cause you told us he was dead, so yeah, you're being sued, see you later. - [Speaker] Boy, what the hell...
Channel: CrazyMarioBros
Views: 694,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cmb, crazy, mario, bros, crazy mario bros, crazymariobros, mario plush videos, mario bros, nintendo, super mario, super mario bros, plush, movie, plush movie, sml movie, sml, cmb luigi, luigi, buried alive, buried, alive, buried alive mrbeast, mrbeast buried, mrbeast buried alive, buried alive 50 hours, cmb bowser, cmb bowser jr, cmb jr, cmb mario, bowser jr, bowser, junior, jr, bowser junior, yoshi, cmb yoshi, jeffy buried alive, jeffy gets buried alive, luigi dies, luigi dead, funny
Id: dC0l0V5MGio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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