Crazy Mario Bros: Mario and Luigi's Restaurant!

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- Hi, guys, before the video starts, Social Blade says that we won't hit 400K before the end of this month. So why don't we prove them wrong? Subscribe to the channel to help us reach our goal faster, since, I mean, we're only 9,000 away, so we'd really appreciate it. And if you subscribe, then I'll give you some chicken noodle soup. But if you don't subscribe, then I won't give you any chicken noodle soup. But it's really delicious. All right, smash the like button or something. Enjoy this video. - Welcome to the Annual Brother Bash. Today, we have two brothers going against each other in various challenges. In this corner, we have Mario. - Yeah, yeah. Let's get the show on the road. - [Yoshi] And in this corner, we have Luigi. - Yeah, yeah. - And of course, thank you to the lovely audience that showed up tonight. Now, Mario and Luigi, the first thing you guys are gonna be competing in is a race across the bed. So just go whenever you're ready. - All right. All right, lemme just get a headstart. (playful music) I think I'm doing good. - What the heck? I win. - What? How did you do this so quickly? Junior, I'm pretty sure he cheated. - Nope, he did that, fair and square. Now, let's go on to the next challenge. All right, guys, this test is to test out your reflexes. See how fast you react to things. Here's the button. I want you to press the button when I say go. All right, guys, get ready. And go. - Oh, man. All right, Mario, I guess you'll get that point. - Yes, I got it. All right, Junior, what's left? - All right, it's time for the final challenge. Okay now, the last challenge is I want you guys to cook me some taquitos. You got that? - Taquitos? I can do that. I'll go do that right now. - No, I can do it faster than you, Mario. - All right, and they're off. Let's see what they make in the end. (bright music) - All right, Junior, here's my taquitos. I got here faster than Luigi, so I should get an extra point, right? - Well, no, I should get an extra point. I finished before you. - Look, no extra points, okay? I don't really care about that, but I'll try your taquitos. All right, just. (chomping) All right. (chomping) - So what do you think? - They taste the same. - Oh, really? Well, do you at least still like them? - Mm, you know what? Yeah, these are the best taquitos I've ever had. Well, how did you guys make these? - Oh, you know, just wipe them up in the kitchen just for you. - Wow, these taquitos are amazing. You guys tie, these are awesome. Everyone can go home now. - Okay. - Oh my God, though, I have to finish these. (Junior chomps) (bright music) - Hey, Mario, why is the sky blue? - Dude, I don't know how you expect me to know that. - Hey, guys, I was wondering if I could ask you guys for a favor. So, since I'm really hungry and so is my dad, I was wondering if I could pay you guys $28 to make us dinner, since your cooking is really good. - Well, wait $20? Yeah, sure. We'll do whatever you want. What do you want us to make? - Mm, how about some chicken tenders? - Yeah, no problem, we can do that. All right, Luigi, let's go make $20. - Okay. (grunts) (upbeat music) - All right, Junior, here is your chicken tender. And Bowser, here is your chicken tender. - Oh, wow. This actually looks really good. Hey, daddy, ready to eat? - Yep. (Junior and Bowser chomping) Oh my God. - I think that's the fastest I've ever eaten in my life. - Oh, well, I guess that's good to hear. - Well, did you enjoy it? - Yeah, of course I did. Here's your $20. Thanks for the food, guys. - Yeah, you know what? Count me in. Here's 20 of my own dollars. Thanks for the food, guys, it was really good. - Thank you, we're glad you enjoyed. Oh, Mario, they really liked it. - Yep, I'm glad they enjoyed. But Luigi, look, they promised us $20 and then gave us $40. You know what this means, Luigi? - I guess it means that we made some good food. - I mean, yeah, that, but it also means that our good food is somehow profitable. Luigi, you know what this means? We need to act upon this. - What do you mean? - Oh, Luigi. You know exactly what I mean. (upbeat music) - Mario, I think we're done. - Yeah, you know, I think we're ready to start now. I mean, you know, I got all the signs ready. You got the menu ready. I think we're ready. - All righty, let me just put the menu down here, and let's wait for our first customer. - Guys, what is all this stuff? - (gasps) That was fast. But Yoshi, you're kind of breaking a rule right now. You have to take a few steps back for the waiting line. It's part of the rules. - Waiting line, for what? There's nobody here. - Oh, yeah, you're right. Well, I was just joking, Yoshi. You know, you were just in on the joke. Welcome to the grand opening of the Greasy Grub, the best restaurant in town. - A restaurant in the house? Hmm, that's cute. All right, I'll take a table for one. - Okey-dokey. Mario, table for one. - Jesus, Luigi, did you have to shout out that loud? I can hear you perfectly fine. - Oh, sorry, Mario. I couldn't tell if you could hear me, but just take Yoshi's order, all right? I'm gonna go to the kitchen. - All right, take a seat wherever you'd like, Yoshi. - Thanks, Mario. I guess I'll just take a seat here since it's convenient. - Okay, that works for me. All right, so here's the menu, Yoshi. Just thought, look over it, and let me know what you want. - Okay, thanks, Mario. Huh, this is actually a pretty well-made menu. Could use some colors, but then again, we don't have a color printer, and this is being operated out of our house, so I don't know what I was expecting. All right, let me just get this open. All right, let me just start off with an appetizer. (Luigi retching) Maybe I'll, Luigi, what are you doing? (Luigi retching) - I don't know, actually. - Come on, Luigi, this is our first customer. You can't be doing stuff like that. Anyways, Yoshi, if you decided what you want for an appetizer. - Yeah, I could go get the toast for $1. That sounds pretty good. - All right. Luigi, one piece of toast for Yoshi. - All righty, I'll get to that. All right, put that in, and start. - Thanks, Luigi. So, Yoshi, have you decided what you wanted for a main meal yet? - No, actually, I haven't really looked. All right, let me just, ooh, wait, I'll take some of the brisket. - What, brisket? Wait, is brisket actually on the menu? - Yeah, look. - Brisket? Luigi, what is brisket doing on the menu? - What? I love brisket. - Well, yeah, but we don't know how to make brisket, Luigi. Yoshi, can I see this menu for a second? - Yeah, sure, go ahead. - All right, thanks. All right, let me just take a look at this. What the heck? World famous, Luigi, we don't know how to make most of these. Luigi, can you come over here? This is confusing. - Okay, Mario. All right, let me just take this to Yoshi. All right, Yoshi, here's your piece of toast style. I hope you're having a great day today. Did you see the Red Sox game last night? - Luigi, stop trying to change the subject. What did you do to this menu? - Well, what's the problem with it? - Luigi, we don't know how to make almost any of those foods. - Well, I know how to make that. - Well, Luigiurger. Well, wait a minute, why is it $15? - I mean, you have to price the food based on its quality, you know? - Oh my God, this menu just gets stupider the more I look at it. But what is world famous lasagna? We've only made lasagna twice, and they were from family gatherings. What's world famous about it? - Yeah, this is starting to sound kind of sketchy. Luigi, what's going on? - Exactly, Yoshi. Luigi, how did you write this menu? - Well, I kinda accidentally copied it from another website online. - You did what? But Luigi, don't you realize what this means? Now, Yoshi's gonna leave a bad review on a restaurant, and we're never gonna be able to go in the restaurant business again. - Wait, why would, I'm not gonna leave a bad review. - Huh, why not? I mean, we're not even giving you service. - It's fine, I already know how to make most of this stuff anyway. I was just kind of lazy today, that's why I came over here. But it's okay. And besides, I'm your first customer, I'm not gonna treat you guys like that. I mean, clearly you're new to this, so I'm not gonna ruin your career over this. - Wow, Yoshi, you're actually really considerate. Oh, you're a lot better than like 90% of the people on Twitter. Thanks, Yoshi. - Of course, guys, you're my friends. But I probably would recommend taking some cooking lessons, so you can learn how to make this stuff, you know, just other people don't try and call you out. - You know, that's actually not that bad of an idea. Hey, Mario, should we take cooking lessons? - Yeah, sounds good. But we gotta do it really quickly, so we can get right back to the restaurant business. So thanks for the advice, Yoshi. We'll go take the cooking lessons. - Yeah, thanks, Yoshi. And by the time we get back, we're gonna be master chefs. We promise. - All righty, but well wait a minute. Before you go, just don't get any lessons from mister. (door slams) (sighs) Whatever, I guess. - All right, Luigi, I think this is where the cooking class is, but this is a really weird place for a cooking class. - Yeah, you said it, Mario. What's with all this random stuff laying around? - Hey, hey, hey. Welcome to my cooking class. My name is Mr. Copernicus. What does your guys' name? - Oh, hey, Mr. Catalog. My name is Mario. - That's not my name. - And Mr. Caprisa, my name is Luigi. It's nice to meet you. - Why does everyone say my name wrong? Oh, well, just go take a seat with the others over there. - Huh? Oh, okay. All right, Luigi, let's just go sit over here. - Okay, let me just. (sighs) Hey, wait, why do I have to sit all the way in the back? - Because this room sucks and it doesn't have anywhere else. - I guess that's true. - All righty, class. Welcome to my cooking class. My name is Mr. Copernicus. And today, I'm going to be teaching you guys about how to make basic stuff, since I mean you are in the first lesson. So let's begin. First of all, in order to make chicken noodle soup, you are supposed to mix together the ingredients. You mix in the carrots, you mix in the broccoli. - It's kind of interesting. - I can't even tell what he's saying. - Why not? - Because I'm all the way in the back. - Oh, yeah. I'll just try to focus, I guess. - Okay. - And then once you mix all of those things together, then you have your chicken noodle soup. Does that make sense to you guys? - Yeah, that was actually a really informative tutorial. Thanks, Mr. Contractor. - You guys are never gonna learn my name, are you? - Well, Mario, what did he say? I couldn't even hear him. - Wait, did you actually miss the whole lesson? - Well, yes, I couldn't hear anything. - Oh, oh. Sucks to suck, I guess. (Luigi vocalizing) - All righty. Now that you guys know the basics, I'm going to teach you how to make the egg, spinach, olive, onion, broccoli, bread, oil, casserole. You guys ready? - The what? - Okay, so first of all, you have to take your Petri dish, and then you have to put the little onions in there, and then you have to dice them up. And then you have to do all this stuff to them. You have to do all the calculations. And then once you do the calculate. - What is this guy talking about? - Mario, I literally can't hear him. - Well, yeah, I know, but dude, the lesson he's teaching doesn't make any sense, okay? He just taught us something basic, and then now he's teaching us something complex. I might just honestly leave right now. - Hey, Mario, are you talking in my class? - I don't know. - So you wanna talk in my class, huh? Well, then, I'm gonna have you go up to the front of the class and make the egg, spinach, broccoli, casserole, (vocalizing) casserole. - No, 'cause I don't even know how to make it. - Oh, you don't want? It's simple, just pay attention. Okay, so basically, then after that, you're supposed to take the y equals mc squared, and then you're supposed to take the square root of it, and then you, oh, wait a minute. Where are you guys going? (door slams) (sighs) We were only on the basics. Don't worry, guys, it gets so much harder from here. - (grunts) Luigi, that instructor was weird. We don't need cooking lessons. - Yeah, that guy doesn't know what he was talking about. Besides, I mean, isn't cooking one of those things that you kind of just learned by doing it? - Exactly, Luigi. You learned most things in life by just experimenting without, what the? (bright music) Whoa, we actually have business here? I have to go see this. - Whoa, whoa, man. Get to the back of the line, just like all of us. We all have to wait too. - Dude, we literally own this place. - Yeah, you don't know anything. - All right, Luigi, let's go see what's going on in the restaurant. Whoa, wait a minute. Yoshi? - Oh, hey, Mario, Luigi. I'm sorry that I'm not really that good at cooking fast. I'm trying my best. - Yoshi, this is awesome. How did you get so many people to come here? - Yeah, I mean, like, I expected a few people, but not this many. How'd you do that? - I don't know. It must be like word of mouth or something. I've just been spending the whole time in the kitchen just cooking this. I think the chicken's done. So let me just make this chicken sandwich now. All right, there you go, sir. I hope you enjoy your chicken sandwich. If you don't, then I'm sorry, I'm kind of new to this, okay? - Are you kidding? This looks delightful. Oh my God, I can't wait to eat this right now. (customer chomping) - Okay, please never speak again. I don't wanna hear your voice. Anyways, Lakitu, do you know what you want yet? - Yeah, yeah, I think I'll have the- - I don't have time for this. All right, time to get started on the next meal. Lemme see what the next order is. - Whoa, whoa. (Yoshi grunts) - Huh? - Yoshi, I think you need to calm down and take a break. I mean, you're doing a lot of work at once. You're gonna stress yourself out. - Yeah, if you keep doing so much work like that, you're gonna eventually pop, you know what I mean? Your body just can't handle it. Kinda like that time that I saved the whole town from the nuclear power plant exploding. - Luigi, that didn't happen. - It was a dream, okay? - All right, Mario. I think I'm calm now. But Mario, there's so much to do when it comes to running a restaurant. I mean, I can't take a break. There's people waiting on me. - Sure, you can take a break. Who cares about those customers? All that matters is that you can get back up and be stronger, okay? Just ease your work a little, you know? Just cook a little bit slower and, yeah. I mean, nobody likes rushed work. - Yeah, unless you're a TikTok user. - Luigi, what did I say about telling the truth? - Hmm, you know what, Mario? You're right. I am gonna get up. I'm not gonna let those people control how I work. I'm gonna work at my own pace. - There you go, Yoshi. You got it. All right, Luigi. When do you start the setting roles for this restaurant? Since we don't want Yoshi doing everything. - Yeah, that will be a pretty good idea. What do you have in mind? - Well, I'll be the waiter. You'll be the advertiser, and Yoshi be the chef. It works out perfectly. - Wait, what does an advertiser do again? - They just promote the restaurant to those who haven't heard of it before. Basically, just try to find any way to promote this restaurant, so we can make a lot of money. - Oh, well, okay. I'll get to work right now. - Okey-dokey. And I'll just be here as the waiter. Hey, Yoshi, you doing all right? - Yep, just cooking the nothing's stew. - The nothing's stew. Did someone actually order that? - Yeah, for some reason. - Hmm. Well, I won't question their motives as long as they're buying it. (sighs) - All righty, lemme just record this advertisement, and start. Hi, guys. It's me, Luigi. And I'm just here to tell you that if you want some food today, and you want really good food, then you should come down to the Greasy Grub. You know, we got some of the best food in town, you know what I mean? We have chicken. We have burgers. We have pasta. Anything you can possibly think of eating, we have it. So come on down today. And stop. All righty, hopefully that'll get some hits. Let me just post it on Facebook, and publish. - All righty, sir. Sorry to keep you waiting. Here is your, what the hell is this? Yoshi, What did you just make? - Oh, that It's my Nutella moon pie sundae. I always make it for the family gatherings. - Oh, okay. Yeah, whatever he said. I'm not really sure what this is. - You know, I'm not eating this, right? It looks terrible. - Look, dude, you know how many people will be happy to have this meal, okay? And you waited all through the line just to order something, but you didn't even know you were ordering, and now you're complaining about it, why are you complaining about it? You ordered it. - Oh, because it sounded good on the menu, but now that I have it. (sips) Ahh, it tastes terrible. (spits) - Okay, you know what? That's it. - Why? What are you doing? - I think it's time to fill the restaurant with people who actually appreciate Yoshi's hard work. I mean, look at him. - Oh my God, I'm not even cooking in the pot. I don't know what I'm doing. - Do you see how much work he puts into what he makes? - Yeah, and it comes out with that. That's terrible. - You know what? We don't need people like you in here. - Ahh. (door bangs) - Yeah, we're better off without you. All right, maybe someone else will take that food. All right. Hmm, I don't wanna put this much food to waste. What am I supposed to do with it? Hey, Daisy, you're not full yet, right? - No, why? - You want some of this food? - Yeah, sure, why not? - All right, sweet. - Hey, Mario. It's getting kind of late, when is the restaurant close? - Oh, closing time? I don't know. We didn't actually decide on the closing time. Well, I guess it could close at like- - (grunts) It's my time now. A waiting area? I don't wait in waiting areas. - Well, hey, sir, you're supposed to wait in line just like everyone else. - Yeah, that's what you get for talking back to me. (sighs) All right, let's just get some of this food already. - Mario, I don't really know how to cook brisket. - Oh, of course. Hey, Mario. - I think you're just supposed to, oh, hey, Bowser, what's up? - Wait, what, Bowser? Oh, no. - Whoa, what's wrong? - I'll just go take my seat already. Table for one, by the way. - Well, wait a minute. You're not supposed to go by yourself. You're supposed to go through me. You're not supposed to seat yourself. - Mario, you should probably be quiet. - Why? He's breaking rules. And you're not supposed to break rules in the restaurant. - Yeah, but Mario, he became a Yelp reviewer. You're supposed to go by all of his rules. - (gasps) No. Not a Yelp reviewer. - Yes, Mario. He's a Yelp reviewer now. - Oh, shoot. Oh God, Oh God. All right, we have to make sure that his experience is the best possible, okay? - Yeah, exactly, that's what I'm saying. - Okay, I'll go try, and make sure he gives us a good rating. - So, all right, let me just sit, whoop. Eew, what is with all these stains doing here? Well, lowering to a nine out of 10. All right, lemme just take a seat. Ah, man, it's comfy. - Hello, sir. Welcome to the Greasy Grub, you know, the best restaurant in town. We promise, you'll love it. So here's the menu, and just look through it, and decide what you want. And yeah, I'm not gonna bother you. - Yeah, scram. Let me decide what I want. All right, lemme just look through this menu. Hopefully it's good. - Oh my God, Yoshi, that was really scary. Do you think it took off a point? I think I was too nervous. I think I went in his face too much. Oh my God, this is so scary. - Mario, Mario, calm down. It'll be okay. - I hope so, Yoshi. It's just, I don't wanna get a bad rating. I mean, it's like our first day. Oh, that's gonna be bad. - Hey, Mario. Good news, I already posted the video. I posted it on YouTube and Facebook. And actually they got a couple hundred views on both platforms, meaning that we might have some new customers coming in. - Wait, really? That's awesome, Luigi. But Luigi, we have a really bad situation on our hands. Bowser's over there at the dining table, and he's a Yelp reviewer, so we have to do everything that he says. - A Yelp reviewer? So what, who cares? - Who cares? Well, Luigi, do you not realize what I just said? Bowser is a Yelp reviewer. If he gives us a bad review, then we're gonna look terrible. - Mario, companies get negative reviews all the time, okay? It's fine, we're gonna be okay, just because we have one negative review. - Yeah, Mario, I guess he's kind of right. I never really thought of it like that before. - Well, okay. But I'm just under a lot of pressure right now, okay? So can you just go deal with him? I don't really wanna do this. - Okay, I'll go deal with him. - Oh, boy. Hey, sir, have you decided what you wanna order yet? - Excuse me? I thought we were at a restaurant. You're only supposed to talk to me when I'm ready, okay? I haven't decided what I want yet, so stop talking to me. (sighs) - (sighs) He really does act like a Yelp reviewer. Oh, well, hopefully this will be over soon. - For me, it was too crispy. You didn't put enough salt on it. I asked you to put pepper on my chicken sandwich, and you didn't put it on anyway. And on top of that, I went to the grocery store earlier, and they didn't even have any onions. Oh, man. Today's just been such a stressful day. - Is that all you have to complain about? - Yeah, pretty much. This meal wasn't exactly that good, but I guess I'll still give this seven out of 10. Have a good day. - Whoa, wait a minute. That means, guys? - Yeah. - We somehow survived the Yelp critic. Oh my God, that was the most awesome thing ever. I hated going through that, but now we have a good score. And yo, oh my God, this is cool. All righty, what do we do now? - Well, we just keep serving customers like normal. I'll get back to cooking. - I'll get back to being a waiter. - Okay, I'm just gonna, what? Oh, Daisy, my heart still goes out to you. Stop it, Luigi, your new girlfriend is so much better than her. I'll just go look outside, and see if anyone's out the door. I mean, there has to be someone, right? Let's just see if there's anyone. (Luigi grunting) Why did the door open so quickly? Who is, (gasps) wait, is that the? - Yeah, we should probably take brisket off the menu. I mean, brisket takes forever to prepare. - [Copernicus] This looks like a pretty good restaurant. (Mario gasps) - What? What's going on? - Yoshi, we might be in trouble. (upbeat music) - Hmm, I wonder what food there is to offer here. - Oh my God. Oh my God, Yoshi, this is really bad. - Hmm, well, well, well, what do we have here? We have Mario from the cooking class earlier. - (gasps) Mr. Constantinople, what are you doing here? - Ay, ay, ay, I said my name is Mr. Copernicus. Just get it right. Anyways, Mario, what are you doing here at this restaurant? - Well, this is actually my restaurant, you know. I mean, Yoshi cooks for me. I'm the waiter. And my friend Luigi is, I don't actually know what he does, because he already finished his job. But yeah, you know, we all work here. We're all family. - (laughs) Is that so? Man, it's good to see that all of my teachings are going to good work. Oh, man. My lessons really are changing the world. - Well, you see, that's the thing. Your lessons didn't really do anything, - Huh? But what are you talking about? I mean, you have this really successful restaurant after you consulted with my lessons. - No, actually, we kind of did this all by ourselves. I mean, Luigi was the advertiser, and I was the waiter. So I managed to bring people back by, you know, being a good waiter. And Yoshi's a really good cook. So, I mean, in reality, we weren't even really cooking anything. It was all Yoshi's work. - Is this true? - Yeah, kind of. But not to take any credit away from Mario and Luigi. I mean, they've been working just as hard as I have, you know, promoting the business, making we have a good reputation. They've been doing a lot for it. - Mm, I can't believe this. You guys are really pretending like I didn't lift you guys up. Hey, hey, everyone at this restaurant. Did you know that the only reason that these people are here today is because of me? - Cool. Yeah, I don't really care. - You guys have toxic customers. The ones who don't understand the disrespect of someone's work. - Dude, can you just leave? - Yeah, If you're not gonna get food, then just get out of here, man. There's other people waiting. - And why should I? Technically, this is my restaurant, so I should be allowed to stay in here. - Okay, that's it, I don't have time for this. Security. - Wait, what? This place has security? (upbeat music) - Oh, boy. All right, what seems to be the problem now? - Well, we asked this guy to leave multiple times, and he won't leave. So can you escort him out of here, please? - Okay, no problem. Come with me, sir. - But wait, wait. No, no, no, not by the hat. (crying) - Well, yeah, get him outta here. Woo. All right, anyways, Yoshi, it is getting kinda late, and (yawns) I'm getting kind of tired. So I guess it might be best to close up shop for tonight. I know you're probably kind of tired too. I'm not sure how Luigi's doing, but, all right. I guess it's time to close the restaurant. - All right, Mario. (sighs) You know, even if I did stress myself out with all that work, it was kind of worth it. I like cooking. I like doing this job. This is fun. - Luigi. Luigi, are you here? - [Luigi] Yeah. - What are you doing in the bathroom? - [Luigi] Well, I'm using the bathroom. What do you think I'm doing? - (sighs) Okay, I'll just wait for you to come out then. - All right, Mario. What'd you wanna talk to me about? - Well, Luigi, you might wanna see this. - Well, what's going on? (upbeat music) - Luigi, on our first day, we made $300. - What? 300 in the first day? - Yep, and from the sounds of it, we might have more tomorrow. - Wow, there's actually people lined up outside waiting for it to open tomorrow. - Oh my gosh, Mario, this is awesome. - Yeah, Luigi, I mean, the restaurant's really successful. But then again, I'm also having some second thoughts on it. - Wait, what? Why? I mean, we're already successful right now. How can you have second thoughts? - Well, the thing is, is that, I don't know how long this is gonna last, Luigi. I mean, like, you know, we might be successful right now, but who's to say we're gonna be successful in like a month or a year, or so? - Mario, you know what I learned? I learned that if you put enough work into something, that you are unstoppable. So if you wanna be successful, all you have to do is put your hard earned time into it, and then eventually you will be successful. I promise, Mario. So all we have to do is just keep this up, and we can be more successful. - I mean, maybe, but I don't know, Luigi. I mean, the future's unpredictable. Who's to say that the restaurant will be successful even if we put enough work into it? (upbeat music) All right, I think I see what you mean now. - Ah, man, Mario. To think that after only three months, a restaurant is already the fifth most popular one in the United States. - Yeah, I mean, it does kind of screw with our privacy though, 'cause you know, I mean, this is our house, but I mean, it's been going really well. - Yeah, I mean, to think this is only a fraction of a percent of it. I mean, this is crazy. - Yeah, but actually, Luigi, I think I have an idea. - What would that be? - Well, the thing is I feel kind of bad for Yoshi. I mean, thinking about it now, I mean, he's the one that's kind of doing all the hard work, right? He's doing the cooking and all that, and we're just kind of doing other random stuff. I mean, we're helpful, but it says cooking that keeps people coming back. So honestly, I think I have an idea. - Hmm, I think I see what you're saying, Mario. (gentle music) - Oh my gosh, my gosh. Fried honey is so hard to make. It just, it won't flip. All right, there we go. - Yoshi, what are you doing? There's nobody here. - Yeah, the restaurant hasn't even opened yet. - Oh, sorry guys. I was just getting prepared before the day starts. - Okay, well, Yoshi, can we go talk to you in the back room really quick? - The back room? What's the back room? - Yeah, what is the back room? - I guess the bathroom? - Is anybody in here? (door thuds) (occupant and Mario screaming) Yeah, the laundry room is probably a better idea. - Yeah, I guess so. So what did you guys wanna talk to me about? - Well, you see, Yoshi, I mean, you've been putting a lot of work into this restaurant, and we really appreciate it. And you know, I mean, we're not really doing that much. We've seen how you're putting so much work compared to us. So we were wondering if maybe you wanted to own the restaurant? - Wait, wait. Me? Me? Own the restaurant? Are you serious, guys? - Yes, we're serious, Yoshi. We've seen how much work you're putting into this, and how much you wanna be involved in the business industry, and how you wanna have a bigger role. So we wanna give the whole restaurant to you, and then you could operate it out of your apartment. Or if you wanted to get a whole building, then you could. - Oh my gosh, thank you, guys, so much. This is the best opportunity I've ever had. Oh my God, I'm gonna go cook right now. - I don't know why you're gonna go cook, but, all right. Well, Luigi, he seemed happy. Now can you just go outside, and tell those people waiting that the restaurant's closed, and to go to wherever Yoshi says they're supposed to go? - Okay, I can do that. Attention, everyone. I'm here to announce the unfortunate closing of the Greasy Grub. Now we have to close for unforsaken reasons. But the Chef Yoshi is going to be taking over the Greasy Grub. So whatever he tells you guys to go, then just go there, because that's where the Greasy Grubs gonna be. So yeah, the food will stay the same. Everything will stay the same. It's just minus me and Mario. But yeah, see you guys later. - Okay. - All right, Luigi, now that we gave Yoshi our restaurant, and he seems happy, and we have all of this money still, what do you think we should do with it? - Hmm. (gasps) Wait. Well, I have an idea. - (giggles) Thank you. (bright music) Oh my gosh, that's a pretty big donation. Well, thank you for the $20,000. Please take me back, Daisyitsme, well, thank you for the donation. I appreciate it. - Oh my God, Mario, she said my name, she said my name. - Dude, what the.
Channel: CrazyMarioBros
Views: 2,385,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cmb, crazy, mario, bros, crazy mario bros, crazymariobros, mario plush videos, mario bros, nintendo, super mario, super mario bros, plush, movie, plush movie, sml movie, sml, mario and luigi, mario and luigi's restaurant, restaurant, food, chef, luigi, bowser jr, bowser, bowser junior, jr, junior, luigi's sugar rush, cmb mario, cmb luigi, cmb mario and luigi, cmb yoshi, yoshi, cmb bowser jr, cmb bowser, cmb restaurant, chef nightmare bonnie, chef pp restaurant, sml restaurant, funny, lol, yum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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