Crazy Mario Bros: Mario's Coma!

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- Man, Mario, it's good that we're finally going to fix our sleep schedule by going to bed nice and early. We've been needing that for a while now. - Yeah, staying up till 2:00 AM every night was pretty fun, but we can't afford to do it anymore. It's not fun to wake up at noon. - Yep, you said it, Mario. Anyways, can you go turn off the light, please? - All right, I got it. All right and off. (smacking light switch) I love being extra for no reason. (groaning and sighing) So Luigi, you ready to finally wake up before everybody else? - Oh yeah, Mario, it's gonna be awesome. But I don't really know if I'm ready to go to sleep yet, though. I mean, you know what if the boogeyman tries to get me? - The boogeyman? - Well, yeah, I mean, what if he breaks into here while we're sleeping and he tries to steal my socks? - Luigi, that's stupid. Go to sleep. - Well, then, just saying... You know what? Nevermind, Mario. But when the boogeyman gets you, don't come crying to me. I'm just gonna get some sleep. (snoring) (gentle dramatic music) (snoring continues) (snoring stops) - I feel like getting some breakf- (Mario shouting falling downstairs) Oh my God. (thudding and groaning) What the heck? (smacking) - What was that? Was that the boogeyman? You know what? No, nevermind. It's not the boogeyman. I'm just saying stupid stuff. I guess Mario was right. (snoring) (gentle dramatic music) (uplifting music) (snoring) (yawning awake) - Ha, good morning, Mario. (stammering) Mario? Mario? Where'd he go? I thought he was next to me. (gasping) Wait a minute, he must have woken up before me. Awe, man, I wanted to wake up before him. But I guess I'll get him someday. I'm just gonna go make me some breakfast so I can start the day off right. (upbeat music) Oh, hey Mario, there you are. I don't know why you're sleeping on the floor, but (gasping) wait a minute, this means that I technically did wake up first because he's still asleep and I'm not. Oh, yes! This is another victory for Luigi. Oh yeah, now that I have another win to my name, I'm just gonna make me some nice breakfast. (package rustling and toaster clicking) Breakfast for the champ. (groaning) Man, that was a good breakfast. All right, time to go back upstairs. Oh, I got so many things planned for today. What, huh? (gentle dramatic music) Hmm, you know, now that I think about it, something about this isn't normal. I mean, I'm a heavy sleeper, but I've never seen it to this extent. Mario? Mario? Why isn't he waking up? Hello? Something must be wrong. I have to go ask others about this. Come with me, Mario. (upbeat music) Hey, Bowser. Can you help me out with something? - Oh yeah, sure, Luigi. What's up? (stammering) Oh, come on, Luigi, I wanted to be the one that killed Mario. - Bowser, I didn't kill Mario, but I can't seem to figure out why he won't wake up. - Are you sure he is not dead? - Oh, no, no, no, he's not dead, Bowser. Don't say that. It's just I've tried everything to get him to wake up. I mean, I've tried yelling his name and moving him around, and he just won't budge. - Hmm. Why don't you just try hitting him to death 'til he wakes up? - Bowser, how was that supposed to help? Why would I hit Mario? - I don't know. That's the only idea I have. - (sighing) I guess thanks for the advice, Bowser. - Oh, of course, Luigi, you can always count a me. (falling) - Oh, I can't wait to see what my control will look like once I color it green. Oh, it's gonna look so cool. - Junior, I need your help with something (stammering) what are you doing? - Huh? Oh, hey, Luigi, just try to give my controller a fresh new skin. Do you think it look good in the color green? - Junior, I hope you know that's not how you do that, but anyways, Junior, can you help with Mario? He won't answer anything I say, no matter how much I try. - Hmm. I don't know. He looks pretty dead to me. - Well he's not dead, Junior, don't say that. I just get him to figure out why he won't react to literally anything. Hey, Mario! Mario! Hello? You see what I mean? - Hmm. Yes I do admit this is quite a peculiar case, but I think I have the solution to all this. Luigi he's probably just in a deep sleep. You're overthinking this. - A deep sleep? No, junior. There's no way. Trust me and Mario are known for being deep sleepers, but there's always something that makes us wake up. - Yeah, I guess that's true. Well, I don't know. Just try playing a song he really hates or something. That would make me wake up for sure. - (gasping) Good thinking Junior! I'll use that as a backup plan. Thanks for the advice. Oh God. I need more advice than that. Where am I going to get more advice? - Well, wait, why would you need more advice? I just gave you s- (door slams) (Junior sighing) All right, then have fun making things more complicated. - Oh, man. I don't have any good advise. Who am I supposed to ask? (gasping) (whispering) Yoshi? I can ask Yoshi for advice! Okay. Yoshi, I really need your help. Okay, for some reason Mario just won't wake up and I don't know why, okay? Do you know what's going on? - Luigi he's dead. - Wh- dead?! Why does everyone keep saying that? There's no way Mario could be dead. - Yeah, now that you say that Yoshi, that makes a lot more sense. - That's exactly what I was trying to tell you. - (stammering) No, you guys are all wrong. I'll prove it. We'll take Mario to the hospital and there we'll find out if he's dead okay? Now let's get in the car. (intense music) (medical monitors beeping) (stammering) So Doctor, what's going on? - Well you see the good side of things is that since Mario obviously has a pulse, we know that he's still alive. - (excitedly screaming) Yes, I knew it. See guys, I told you Mario wasn't a dead. I told you so. - Hey, you can't blame us for making assumptions. I mean, he looked just like dad's grandpa when he was laying in that casket. - Junior what made you think that was appropriate to say? - Oh, wait. So what does this mean for Mario then? - Well, let's see. He has a pulse, but he doesn't show much brain activity. And he can't move. So he might be in a deep coma of some sort. - (gasping and screaming) Wait, what?! - Yeah, I was kind of expecting that. - So is there anything we can do? Like is there a way to snap him out? - Well, unfortunately there isn't much we can do besides just wait for him to wake up. Which could be at any time. I mean, it could be now or 50 years down the line. You never really know. - (screaming) I can't live 50 years without my brother! Mario, if you can hear me somewhere in there, please keep fighting, bro. I know you can do this. (echoing) Do this. (monitor beeping) - [Mario] Hello? Hello. Uh what's going on? This is really weird. What am I doing at the hospital with all my friends? Luigi, Junior, Yoshi, Bowser. They're all here. But why? (gasping) Wait a minute. Maybe they're throwing me a surprise birthday party. Wait, my birthday isn't until May. Hey, I know you guys can hear me. Hello? (scoffing) I screw this, I'm just gonna go get a Twinkie. (groaning and struggling) Wait, what? Why can't I move? (groaning and struggling) What the heck is going on? - Huh? Hey guys, I'm getting some brain activity from Mario. - Oh wait, really?! Well, that's good. Well, what are we supposed to do now? I mean, you're free to take him home. Just make sure to watch after him and feed him well. That's all I suggest. He should be fine. - Huh? Well, okay. Come on, Mario. - [Mario] Wait, why are you dragging me? Let me go. Uh hello? Can you guys actually not hear me? I mean, I can see and hear you guys. - All right guys, now that we got Mario tucked in the bed, you think it's time to get some shuteye? - Luigi you do you actually not remember that time that you yourself had a coma? Why are you so worried about Mario? - (screaming) Because Junior, who knows what he's gonna wake up. - [Mario] Wait, wake up? What do you mean wake up? I'm right here. - I mean, you woke up from your coma within less than 24 hours. So who's to say Mario can't either? - Huh? I guess it could be true. - [Mario] What the hell are you guys talking about? - All right guys, you ready to get some sleep? It's been a really stressful day. - Yeah, we just gotta wish for the best in the morning. All right, let's go guys. Goodnight, Luigi! - All right. Goodnight, guys. Sleep tight. (door closes) All right, Mario. See you tomorrow morning. Hopefully you'll be okay. - [Mario] Wh- what? - Goodnight, brother. (door closing) - [Mario] Uh, so I guess I'm actually in a coma, and not even one of those good comas where you get to sleep forever. Oh, man, this is gonna be so boring. I can see and hear everything, but I can't do anything. This sucks. Well, at least it's made me realize one thing. (suspenseful music builds) This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought. (uplifting music) (snoring) (alarm ringing) - Oh, what the heck is that? (alarm continues ringing) It's just Mario's stupid alarm. (gasping) Wait a minute, Mario! Oh, I gotta go check him. I gotta see if he's woken up. (Mario yawning) - [Mario] Oh, man, that was a pretty good sleep. You know, I'm starting to kinda like this whole coma thing, you know? I can just sit back, relax for as long as I want, nobody to bother me- - Mario! Mario! How are you doing? - (groaning) Never mind. - Uh, hey Mario, how you doing? I came as soon as I woke up. Mario? Oh, man. You're still not awake? I thought you would've been outta that coma by now. It's been over a day. Oh, what am I supposed to do? - [Mario] I mean, there's not really anything you can do. You kind of just have to wait for me to wake up or something. - (gasping) Oh, I know. I just gotta spend as much time as I possibly can with you. Hence, since we have such a good brotherly bond, maybe it'll cause you to snap outta your coma! - [Mario] L- Luigi. I don't think that's how science works. - (exhaling) All right Mario, help me to think of something we can do? Hmm. - Please be the TV. Please be the TV. Please be the TV! - (gasping) I know! How about I tell you my whole life story from start to finish? Every single detail. - Okay I doubt that you actually remember your whole life story with every detail. But no, Luigi, it's gonna take forever. It's gonna take like hours, probably days. - I'm gonna take that silence as a yes. All right, so it all started years back at the hospital our parents were there, and so were the doctors. - Oh, oh my God. He's actually doing it. I thought he wasn't gonna do it! Oh well. I mean, this isn't really gonna be that interesting, but this shouldn't take too long. - And then you got in that coma and that's where the story ends. Well, at least where it's supposed to continue. I can't predict the future, so I can't say anything about that. So Mario, what did you think? Pretty cool story, huh? - [Mario] Yeah. Emphasis on the word story. Luigi, you literally made up most of that. Like how does it make sense that you were the prime minister of England, when we live in America? - All right, well until I come up with the next thing we can do, I'm just gonna go downstairs and make me some lunch. Or probably dinner. I don't know. That story took up like all afternoon. - [Mario] God, I can't believe how long that story was. (stomach growling) Oh, great. Luigi mentioned lunch, and now I'm hungry. How am I even supposed to eat during a coma? (singing) (stomach growling) - Oh, be quiet stomach. I'm going to the kitchen to get some food, okay? Be patient. (groans) (stomach growling) Hey, be quiet stomach. Okay? Wait a minute. That wasn't my stomach that time. (gasping) Wait a minute. (stomach growling) Oh my God. Mario, that's you! Oh, I can't believe it. He hasn't eaten food in over a day. Well, don't worry Mario. I'll go get you some food from the kitchen. Okay? - [Mario] Oh, wow. Luigi is actually getting me food. Oh, well, that's nice. I guess that makes up for the eight hour long story. (humming) - All right, let's see what we got in the fridge. (groaning) All right, let's see. Mm-hmm... (gasping) A chicken tender. Oh, Mario's gonna love this. He loves chicken tenders. All right Mario, here is your specially prepared chicken tender. I hope you enjoy. And now it's time to go make my food. - [Mario] I swear his IQ drops by the minute. - Hmm. All right, I wonder what I'm gonna eat today. I guess I could order some Subway, but I don't know how much money I have on me. (Junior clearing throat) - God, I gotta stop waking up late. Wh- oh hey, Luigi. What are you doing? - (gasping) Oh, good morning, Junior. Or good afternoon. I'm just going downstairs to make some food. Do you want some? - Oh sure, I'll take some food. Thanks for the offer, Luigi. - All righty. How about we get started on it right now? - Sweet. Ah this is gonna be awesome. I'll just go watch some TV while I wait. (exhaling) Oh, hey Mario. I didn't expect to see you here and a chicken tender? Uh, what is this chicken tender doing here? I mean, it's not mine. It's definitely not yours. So, wait a minute. It's probably Luigi's. I should have asked him about this. Uh hey, Luigi! I think you left the chicken tender on the bed. Are you sure that's not part of the food you're making? - Uh no, we don't have any more chicken tenders. I just made the last one for- (gasping) Oh! You're thinking of Mario's chicken tender. Oh, yeah don't touch that. I made that for him. - You mean the guy who literally can't move? - (gasping) Oh yeah. I forgot. He can't eat on his own. Man, this is gonna take a lot of adjusting to do. Thanks for reminding me Junior. I'll go fix that right now. - Uh alright. You're welcome, Luigi. Wow. I guess I'm gonna go make my own food then. - All right Mario. So I probably should have realized that you can't eat on your own. So sorry about that. That was my bad. But how am I supposed to get you to eat? I mean, I can't just let you sit there and eat nothing. What do I do? (gasping) Wait, I don't know if this will work, but it's worth a shot. - [Mario] Wh- what? (upbeat techno music) (printing whirring) - All right, Mario. I've got the solution to all of our problems. So here you go. - [Mario] Wh- what? What is this guy even trying to do? - I hope this is working. I don't know how long I have to stand here for though. - Hey, Luigi, what's the wifi password? I think Bowser changed it- (stammering) Luigi, what are you doing? - Oh, hey, Yoshi. I'm just trying to feed Mario. He is really hungry. - And how exactly are you doing that? - Well, I'm just using this piece of paper. This one's got a cheeseburger on it, so I know he is loving this. It's his favorite food. - Okay. I'll ask my question again. How exactly is this feeding him? - Well, what do you mean? It is just feeding him? Did you pay attention in science class? - Wh- what? Luigi, what does science class have to do with this? - Oh my gosh Yoshi. You really forgot about photosynthesis? You're so silly. - You're trying to use photosynthesis on a person. - Uh yeah, why? I mean, it works with plants. Why wouldn't it work for him? - (sighing) Luigi, I'm not even gonna explain why this is stupid. I'm just gonna leave before my brain rots. I'll see you later. - Okay, then. Bye Yoshi! (door closing) Man. Why was he being so weird? (phone ringing) Oh, hold on Mario, the phone is ringing. A call from the hospital? What do they need? Eh, maybe it's important. Maybe it's about Mario. All right, hello? - Oh hey, Luigi. So basically the reason I'm calling is because we kind of made a really big mistake. We forgot to give you the necessary materials to feed Mario. - Oh, no, no. That's okay. I'm figuring out ways to feed him right now using photosynthesis. My friends aren't very supportive of it though. - Uh yeah, I can see why. Anyways, no, that's not how you feed him. See, you're supposed to use an IV tube connected to a machine, which will transfer nutrients into his body. - Uh, I don't know what any of that means. - (sighing) The IV tube is what feeds him. We need to deliver it to your house. We're just letting you know in advance so it doesn't come off as a surprise. - Wait, my ID feeds him? Sir I barely even use my ID. I got it so long ago. Why would that thing feed him? - (stammering and sighing) No, I said IV!. You know what? It'll be delivered to your house tomorrow. It'll come with instruction. So your hollow brain will know what to do with it. - Wait, but I already have my ID. Why are you giving me another one? - You're a moron. - What? (phone beeping) Hello? Oh, man. He hung up on me. But he said something about delivering something to the house. So I guess I have to wait till that thing delivers. Hope it won't be too long. (upbeat music) (door bell ringing) - Huh? Who's at the door? (groaning) Hello? Hello? Who's at the door? Oh, there's a box here. Wait, what does it say? Sorry, we couldn't find a spare IV tube, but this device will still feed him. Okay, if you say so. Hmm. I wonder what's in this box. Let's see. What the heck is this thing? Like, like how does it even work? I don't get it. W- wait a minute. Maybe that part's supposed to go around his face. All right, Mario, I guess it's time to feed you. All righty I think I've got it all set up now. Now all I have to do is just press this button. (machine whirring) (machine chiming) Wow. The thing just fed him like that? This looks pretty cool. Well, Mario, I hope you enjoyed your meal. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom really quick. And the three little pigs lived happily ever after, the end. - [Mario] Wh- What? - Mario! Mario where'd you go? I thought we were playing hide and seek? You're so good at this game. Hey, Mario catch! (grunting and thudding) - [Mario] Thank God. That didn't hit me. - Why didn't you catch it? Hey, Mario, look at this. So the packaging had some really weird bubble wrap in it. And you know what we do at a bubble wrap? (grunting and popping) (distorted) Hey Mario do you want to play some.. (distorted indistinct chattering) (music dramatically stops) (emotionally intense music) - (crying) Oh my gosh. I don't know how much longer I can take this. I mean, at first I thought it'd be okay, you know? I get to see my brother every day, but I just hate seeing someone who was so filled with life be restricted to this. Oh my God. Somewhere in there bud, you're just begging to come out. I'd do anything just to get my brother back. That's exactly what I'm gonna do. But how? (gasping) Oh, I know. I just gotta call the doctor and see if he has any advice. I mean, he's the one that knows a lot about coma, so maybe he knows. (phone ringing) All righty, I just gotta hope he answers. Don't worry Mario, I'll get you out of this. (phone ringing) - Huh? A call from Luigi? Well let's see what it is. Hello, this is your doctor speaking. - Oh, hey, doctor. So basically, it's been a couple weeks since Mario first went into his coma and he still hasn't woken up, and I'm getting really sick of it. So do you have the advice on how to wake him up? - [Mario] W- Wow. I didn't know Luigi wanted me out of the coma this much. I mean, I want to be out of it too, but geez. I really gotta try something. He's gonna go crazy. So what should I do? Mm. (gasping) Oh, I know! I just gotta see if I can force myself to move. (grunting and straining) God, it's so hard to do. Wait, I just kind of felt a muscle though. (grunting and straining) (gasping) Wait, I think I have some feelings! - Well, I was thinking he should try some Adderall. I don't know. I've never used it before. (grunting and straining) - [Mario] Oh my God. Ah, I'm moving a little bit. (grunting and straining) (thudding) - The heck was that? (gasping) (stammering) Oh my God! (soft piano music) Hey, doctor, I'm gonna have to call you back later. Oh my God, Mario! Oh my God, Mario! Are you okay? How did you fall? W- wait a minute. You couldn't have fell. You weren't that close to the end of the bed, so that means- (gasping) (music intensifies) Oh my God. He just fell on his own. Wh- he fell on purpose! Oh my God that means there's still some life in him. Oh I have to get the others! - [Mario] Geez, that took up all my energy. Well, I hope Luigi finds some kind of a solution. - Okay, guys. Now I know it's gonna sound strange, but I need you to hear me out, okay? So I was at a phone call, Mario, who wasn't even close to the edge of the bed, somehow found himself on the floor. I mean, someone who's basically paralyzed shouldn't fall off a bed, right? - Eh, I mean, he was sitting pretty close to the edge of the bed. It could have happened naturally. - Yeah, but he wasn't that close. So maybe it could mean something. Something a lot deeper than we thought. - Have any of you guys seen my Game Boy? I lost it last week. - Look, guys, if I'm being completely honest, it kind of seems like a sign of Mario wanting to break free and we gotta be the ones to help him with that. So how are we gonna do it? Do you guys have any ideas? - Mm. No. Not off the top of my head. - Yeah, I feel like we've already tried a lot of ideas. It's gonna be hard to come up with something original. - Hmm. Okay. Bowser, do you have any ideas? - I mean, does he know where my Game Boy is? - (sighing) Nevermind. (gasping) Wait a minute. I just came up with something! All right Mario, you're coming to the stairs. - Wait, why? Why are you going to the stairs, Luigi? What are you doing? - All right, Mario. Are you ready for takeoff? - [Mario] N- no, not really. This seems like a terrible idea. - Uh, Luigi, I don't think this is a very smart idea on how to get Mario out of his coma. I mean, usually this is how people go into coma, not out of them. - Oh, wait, really? Oh, yeah I guess I can see why. Well, what am I supposed to do then? - I mean, I have a few ideas. (2000's tempo filler music) (water running) (music stopping) - (sighing) Well guys, it looks like none of those things worked. I don't know what we're gonna do to get Mario out of this. - Well, wait a minute. I just realized we haven't done the most obvious solution. Why don't we just play a bunch of loud sounds into his ear and see if that does anything? - Hmm. You know, I guess that could be worth a shot. - Wh- what? No, it's not. It's just gonna irritate me a bunch and there's nothing I can do about it. - Well, I guess it's time to play some sounds, so I'll go first. All right. Let's hope this works. (grunting) (out tuned rock music) S- seriously, nothing? Nothing at all? (sighing) All right, Bowser, I guess you would try to play a loud sound. - Okay. This one has to work. Ugh. (grunting) (indistinct tech noises) Oh come on, Mario! You're still not waking up? This is the most annoying thing ever. - Hmm. Let me see. I think I have an idea. All right lemme just press play. (deep whirring noise) Oh, this one is so funny. Mario, how are you not laughing at this? It's so f- (mechanical screech) Seriously? How is this not working? - (sighing) guys, I don't think this is working. I think we just gotta give up on this plan. But what are we gonna do? W- wait a minute. Speaking of sounds. - Well, I don't know. Just try playing a song he really hates or something. That would make me wake up, for sure. - Junior, gimme the phone. I have one more sound that we can play. All right, guys. If this doesn't work, then I don't know what will. All right, let me just press play. (On the Floor by IceJJFish playing) (Mario screaming) - (gasping) Oh my God. - Jesus. What was that? - Wait, Mario, you're back? - Uh yeah, I guess so. I mean, my legs can move. My arms can move. I guess I'm good to go. - Wait, how did that happen with that song? - I don't know. I guess my cringe levels just raised so high that my body couldn't take it. Well, anyways, at least I'm back! - Huh, well, that's cool. All right, we're gonna go to bed. We'll see you guys tomorrow. - All right. See you guys! (door closing) Well, Mario now that you're finally back, what's the first thing that we should do? - Eh, I don't know. I say we just sleep it off and figure it out in the morning. - (stammering) Sleep it off? Mario, are you sure? I mean, what if the boogeyman comes in. (metal clanging)
Channel: CrazyMarioBros
Views: 630,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cmb, crazy, mario, bros, crazy mario bros, crazymariobros, mario plush videos, mario bros, nintendo, super mario, super mario bros, plush, movie, plush movie, sml movie, sml, coma, cmb luigi, cmb bowser, cmb bowser jr, cmb mario, mario's coma, sleep, sleeping, jeffy's coma, shrek's coma, sml coma, cmb coma, cmb mario and luigi, luigi, bowser jr, jr, junior, bowser junior, bowser, yoshi, cmb yoshi, cmb jr, cmb junior, cmb robot mario, robot mario, mario coma, mario sleeping, lol
Id: WQo7SLd9LbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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