How to build a RAM PUMP for Islamic Boarding School Needs in Nisam Antara - North Aceh, Episode 1

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How to build RAM PUMP for the needs of Dayah or Islamic boarding schools - North Aceh Initial clean water supply meeting for our report ... at Cot Mambong Nisam Antara there are 353 students, then in Keutapang there are 1500 students Ram pump "ieteuga" CLEAN WATER NETWORK PLANNING measurement of the level of the water source elevation the elevation level between the water source and the pump plan is 3.70 m How to make a 4-inch ram pump with a 6-inch tube Building a Pump House Foundation welcome back to Traditional Channel this time we built a ram pump ieteuga Aceh in Blang Pohroh Village, Nisam Antara District, North Aceh Regency This ram pump will later supply water to the boarding school or Dayah (Aceh) Babut Thalibin with a distance of 7 Km and Dayah Keutapang Nisam with a distance of 15 Km. hopefully it can run successfully ceremonial event of building the ram pump foundation This is the initial process of building a ram pump carried out by the Head of the Islamic Boarding School / Dayah Babut Thalibin Cot Mambong, Nisam District an atmosphere of community cooperation to build a Ram Pump use a water pass gauge to position the ram pump straight and level followed by connecting the input pipe between the water source to the pump after 12 hours the concrete can be used the input pipe installation process use the best pipe glue to make it strong and waterproof using Rucika AW 4-inch PVC pipe with a weight of 40 Kg go to the location of the water source (dam) procurement of materials and construction materials for self-help ram pumps The construction of the dam, both material, and energy, was carried out in mutual cooperation Dam construction there are 6-inch and 4-inch pipes This Dam is also community self-help in Blang Pohroh village, Nisam Antara district, North Aceh district Security is installed so that waste does not enter the input pipe thus obstructing the passage of water to the pump next episode Next episode
Channel: Tradisional Channel
Views: 799,037
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Keywords: pompa hidram, tutorials ramp pum, how to make a ramp pum, hydraulic pump, ram pompa, how to make a hydraulic pump, ram pump building, pompa air tanpa listrik, traditional Channel, how to make free energy water pump, cara buat pompa hidram, DIY, ramp pump simple equipment, How to Build a RAM PUMP, RAM PUMP for Islamic Boarding School, Nisam Antara - North Aceh, pompa ieteuga, pipa out, pompa ir, ram pump build, cara membangun pompa hidram, air tanpa listrik, bomba arieta
Id: Fzk_-RgLt3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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