I Was CALLED OUT! 60 psi?

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Hey so I've been called out twice by a couple of different people saying that the RAM pump in this configuration about six to seven feet of head pressure cannot build 60 psi and I want to either own up to that that I was making up a value or show that it can so I brought the pressure gauge down here we'll be hooking this up and seeing how much pressure is built in the pressure tank with the delivery pipe closed sorry for my voice I got the cold just all of a sudden yesterday so anyway let's go ahead and shut this off for a second yeah no one let the pressure out of this tank [Applause] maybe the builds up so strong there we go okay cool so here's the deal I've got this pressure gauge here I just want to get it install big thanks to friend and subscriber John for suggesting that this valve go here on this point okay all the pressure has been released I've got the valve here and I want to test out two things pressure with the delivery pipe open and pressure with it closed so go ahead and get the pump going here [Applause] okay open up all right so delivery is open here let's zoom into our pressure gauge that is 20 psi and it seems to be holding pretty steady at that point so here's what I want to see when we close this will it get up to 60 psi [Applause] okay getting close to 40 here all right there's 4045 there's 50 all right 55 okay there's the 60 that I had predicted that this would get up to let's see what we go to here looks like we're hitting close to 65 psi and holding yeah almost 70 now all right that is 70 okay let's drop that back down [Applause] I really appreciate being called out like that I made the assumption that this was hitting 60 psi based on some of my previous tests at a lower head pressure so it is true that the RAM pump is not generating 60 psi with a delivery open in normal operation but since we're testing out how the pressure tank at max pressure crushes things kind of just for fun I'm closing the delivery pipe and as we see it's almost hitting 70 psi in that pressure tank so I appreciate being called out but turns out it is reaching over 60 psi in that tank so anyway I hope that helps and we'll continue to put stuff in this tank and see how it performs thanks for watching this quick little update I'm gonna stop talking now so alright goodbye
Channel: Land to House
Views: 113,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: land to house, land two house, called out, pressure, gauge, ram pump
Id: jS2qO7nAbek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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