Crazy Golfing!!! - Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 7

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Zedaph the golfer has arrived

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GRz_Dev ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 20 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
go go go golf golf golf golf golf golf golf golf golf golf golf golf golf wait was the only word I was just saying golf then ah I'm doing it again sorry my mind's been on golf a lot between episodes I've been thinking about it a lot and I've discovered some pretty golfing cool stuff I'm doing it again [Music] hello hello hello that feels weird now I've just mocked myself doing that very intro I feel like I can't do it anymore what's going on ah it's become some kind of catchphrase now this is no good anyway yes we are back last episode you may very well remember we science up the amazing science of a whacking armorstands which means we're gonna be making a fantabulous golf minigame out of this and yes between episodes I have been going nuts whacking a bunch of armorstands I would probably say I've hit at least a thousand armorstands all in the name of science and I got to tell you it's a little bit more in-depth than you might originally think and hopefully more useful and you might think as well well I say useful I mean useful if you want to make a mini golf game which I do so it is this is gonna be the best done minecraft mini golf game on the permit craft server this season made by me now today is gonna be about ironing out some of the kinks or rather should I say nine ironing out get it golf golf joke golf it's a golf joke by the way I'm still not 100% sure where we're gonna be building this thing I think it's gonna be in this area around here cuz it's kind of like my back garden and it means I've got all the space in the world and there's some really nice hilly mountainy Foresti terrain around here which would probably suit a golf came quite nicely but if we're gonna be making this thing 18 holes 18 ah I didn't say 18 who said 18 OHS I didn't say 18 holes there's no promise I'm not promising 18 holes I'm not promising any holes you might get some hot though okay there'll be some holes not sure between 1 and 18 holes will exist at the end of this game but anyway however many holes we end up making we want to make sure everything works as smoothly as possible before we go ahead and make potentially up to 18 versions of said thing right cuz I think these really a lot okay try seven or 18 times it is it gets a banana banana banana banana banana I'm up to five and I'm bored so you know now the real breakthrough that I've had in all of my little golf testing is that we can actually hit this armorstand various levels of distance right between nun and 16 blocks and loads of places in between so hear me out right there we were little Armas tani guy here we've got our knock back one our knock back - now we know they do different amounts right so we just do our knock back one lovely okay that's how far that one goes we put down another one knock back - goes twice as far as that there we go lovely and what I've learnt is you can actually make it go even further by doing a sprint whack alright so we want to do a sprint whack with a knock back - here goes this takes a bit of practice run around whack okay boom and that actually goes 3 times the knock back one so you can see we can go like - it a bit whatever that number is whatever that number is beautiful but that isn't the only thing right weirdly if you put them on a glass block by which I mean ice block to begin with if that's whether they're flying off from they actually go further by quite a bit right so let's let's do it now let's let's knock back one you bum look you only went there before now it goes almost a whole block further let's do another one oh no I need knock back this one standing still lovely that went up there wait did that merge into another one it did they both went about the same distance okay fine fine fine and if we do a sprint knock back to how whack that goes super duper far right isn't that pretty cool so we got a nice range there and then also what effects it is if the floor that they land on his ice obviously they'll do like a little slide so they'll go a little bit further as well so really we've got a regular floor - regular floor three different hits we've got ice - regular floor three different hits we've got regular floor - ice three different hits and then we've got ice - ice three different hits let me lay all 12 of those distances our might have a little bit of a graph III don't know what the technical term is there it is there's the proof so yeah you can see the four different lines and they go in a really nice pattern so these four here will all hit with a knock-back one these four here were all hit with a knock back - and these four here were all hit with a sprinting knock back - and you can see yeah we get all these different levels of whack รคj-- right so it's quite a different cell that we you could go you could choose to go that small that that they're kind of the same but that one they're kind of the same a bit that bit a little bit further a little bit further SuperDuper far it's quite a range and that is the key to a good golf game I would say a good flexibility of distances so that you can really decide which kind of shot you want to take and there's more chance of messing up like if everybody just always hit one distance the same time every time then you know player one would go and they I haven't got enormous time where one would go and they'd just go slack and then player two would come along and just go the whack exactly the same and then and then they'll go okay thwack and then player two would come along and go um Thor whack exactly the same so we need that differentiation as well as the kind of sprint whack gives it a little bit of skill as well you know you could mess that up that's kind of not too easy it makes it so you can't aim as easily because you're too busy spring turnaround so that's all good I call that the Gilmore but what I want to know is you I want you to Don your science lab coach yourself and find out if there's any other ways you can make armor stands go different distances can you make them go really small what would be great is just like a little teeny tiny little putter kind of one block or if you can make them go really really far I know that fishing rods you can kind of make them go pretty far but it kind of destroys the whole thing you have to pull it toward you it's really not the same so you can think of anything that fits this kind of theme do let me know but today we're going to be taking a look at the problems between the hulls hole to hole what happens to the armor stand if they can't die we can't just destroy them and place another one down because they're gonna be heavily heavily decorated which means they need to live forever they need to be the same ball that you start with you need to die with at the end of the game that's it's got a dark way look at it though you need to carry your same ball the whole way through basically so er today we are gonna be solving the six problems from hole to hole problem one is the hull itself of a sea and that is the size what kind of size are we going for here I think it's gonna be one by one and you might look at me and you might go said a few crazy have you never tried putting something in a 1x1 hull before alright piggy there's the hole and you go okay come on breathe it a little bit or something oh no no wrong way it's all the way over there there's a carrot in it come on now fine we'll make a new hole over here then if that's the way you want to go there we go where you gone now right where you going wait you head into weed like twice the distance that when we started don't give me that look I've got a golf got I'm very tempted okay okay okay okay okay and you want to go there very good no good not very good very bad no no no no no no no no go back go back that way and push push no push no just like that perfect nope tuck your legs in come on and that is probably the most frustrating thing ever but if we take a little look an armor stand with f3b we can see its hitbox is way smaller than that of a sheep and if we look at the baby one it's even smaller than that look it shrinks right the way down so compared to a block it's actually really really really small like a sheep is basically the same size as a one by one where is this thing this thing's like it's in a shape in a 3x3 hole as you can see I also want to denote where the hole is by a banner I'm thinking as well so we kind of need some cool flag banner thingy you know like a stick with like a little red triangle thing on it I think that'd be pretty cool and something else I need to try and do as well is we don't want the armor stand to this fall into an empty hole we need it to fall into water streams or something so if we put one down there like so and then we get a little baby one in fact I think I can whack this guy in okay it's gonna be the ultimate and whether I'm gonna do a run gilmore whacker yes Oh hole-in-one oh I'm an expert boom and you can see he's he's gone he's all the way down there right over there he's flooded but if a player falls in they're not gonna all I'm jumping around a lot but they're not going to get sucked through the system although I probably do need to figure a way to get people out help this brings a different meaning to the term hole-in-one now problem two is kind of similar to problem one in the sense that people can whack these things in two different parts of the hole right so if we do it from this direction it's gonna go okay well they went quite central actually you're gonna show me up now aren't you we hit it from this direction are they gonna go in different places or are they gonna go exactly this they're in exactly the same spot all right we'll do it this way we'll put barriers up okay so if we technically was to hit it and it was to go all the way in that back corner over there okay that's possible right could go anywhere within the whole block and then if we put some barriers up here just to prove our point because they like to be difficult swak into that corner you're gonna see they're gonna end up in different places at the end which you know if this was the next hole here right this isn't fair this this person here is near the hole than this person by you know nearly a whole block so that's not good and here is my proposed solution it's just like a three corners of water going round I think that's enough to make sure all of them get lined up against the walls and everything so we can probably test that out if we I'm gonna have to put some walls up again aren't I and I can put four armored stands in each of the four corners and we can see where they all land and he goes around he's at the edge he's at that edge he's at badge and then the little flick makes sure they kind of roughly go into the center of the block it's not perfect but look at that pretty cuddly little baby armor stands there so that's basically yet three left turns and then one right turn aligns them nicely problem solved problem three is actually not that much of a problem it's all really it's just travel right from hole to hole the end of one hole isn't gonna be right next to the start of the next hole so we might have to travel the armor stands along just a little bit which Oh cinematic which can mostly just be done with water streams like so however we can't really connect the water streams together on the same level because even with a bit of ice I don't think it technically reached oh my goodness let me do another one that was so cool okay go understand go jump the gap leap the camp you can do it I believe in you ah oh it only just makes it though by literally a pixel okay so that works not entirely sure how are we gonna get them into a bubble column though if we ever need to take them up he'll obviously down hill is sorted by good old mother gravity okay I gotta test it I gotta test it go little small one I don't think you're gonna reach because you're smaller yeah how disappointing okay so there can I have to drop down one but if we were to get it towards this it's not gonna go up the bubble column either is it no look it's gonna just go there it's gonna stop by the edge so disappointing okay so if we want to do any kind of up travel I think we're gonna need to use like a little slime block to just give it a little extra nudge or come up with some finale way here where the water stream kind of doesn't ever stop to push it right into this bubble thing if we can I don't know I'm not too worried about this but if you've got any solutions let me know so taking a quick little mini break from the Gulf I want to show you something that I've been working on here in the cave of contraptions something pretty cool something pretty big something pretty fishy so you've heard me talk about my big old fish tank underneath via the big dome before well work has been started on it in a live stream me and tango we've done a lot of digging out that you can see the the edge of the oval almost all the way around there's still a little bit of stuff to get rid of there but what we started to do was to collect fish collect aquatic life and then I wanted to try and really kill them not kill them but I wanted to nearly kill them so if we turn this thing back on we can maybe see kind of my ideas this was just from testing Oh I'll hold up we can't just turn it on we gotta gotta go and go yeah look it on like that get a little caught going alright go fishing is go be cool be free be stunt fishes oh oh oh oh they tried to go they tried to go there's a little catching chamber down there for the ones that miss but sometimes go and give it another try oh oh oh but we landed on the edge oh he nearly made it over he did make it over I want another one Oh add another one oh my goodness this ladies and gentlemen is the fish flinger and i want my goodness me it's gonna be an integral part of the aquarium down here you thought I was just gonna have a normal boring old aquarium no we're gonna have a fun fair iam there's no more digging out to be done and stuff down here as well but yeah other projects are in the go the base is just getting bigger and bigger and bigger we need more contraptions to fill it and I can't wait I'm so excited I've got a list that is longer than my arm now problems four five and six are probably the most complicated problems but they also have the most elegant of solutions there are there sat there eating caviar and drinking champagne and all this so elegant and lovely so problem 4 is of course what we've already seen in happening after are a little aligner there is a bunch up right so pretend they've just come out the aligner they've all been aligned or how lovely oh look at you all aligned but what happens is they all bunch up they've got no concept of physical boundaries at all they don't push each other they all just sit exactly in the same space as each other which we cannot have because obviously how we're gonna separate them now we just need to give one person the ball on the next hole but in this way look they love the mode I mean one of them goes further sure but they all still sort of move this is not ideal this is a problem hence problem number four and the solution is aq ER so we give this little dispenser down here a water bucket we got an observer we need to put some string in front of it which this is a bit weird right it kind of like knows that it's been touched even though it's not got like attached to anything bit weird let's put a block out here with some dust underneath to catch the signal and look if I touch it now it triggers weirdly like that that's strange okay so if we can't harm our stands in I don't know why I put it all the way back there now we just got to wait and boom it drops down and it moves a little bit it goes to there and then it stops cuz it's not being treated any more so if you chuck another one in you can see now that one's gonna move up that one takes its place and everything is good and then the next one comes in and they all move up a little bit more until eventually they reach kind of an end point here and I kind of want to have a maximum amount of players right I want four people to be able to play maximum at one time so this Q er just needs to hold for armorstands in it then we need to add some kind of system to like manually when at the other hole like say the other hole is just is here for instance and this is the starting point you know well person one goes whack oh well that I hit that too that I'd fall down fella don't listen to that person ones gone we need the SEC next one to come along so now we need a way to be able to trigger it that was I was at a weird position we need to trigger this from a different place that's not gonna work either cuz it's now made it a line like so and we're ready bub we see a little bit of that it triggered ah okay I've made them all little itty bitty babies because I think it's actually affecting how long the water stays out for because the head was still in a string whereas when they're little they just fall down past it and then they're not even with it anymore so let's check this out let's set the first one off get ready in your cue you can go again as well or water needs to disappear ha or a bit tie it together okay that should be fine though get queuing you can be third in the queue you can be fourth that's it all move along move along make space thank you very much boom that's four oh this might be the perfect length he's ready on the edge and then whenever we're at the next hole ready to go we're like I want my ball please you just hit a button it triggers them all up one Oh perfect I can take my shot flat my ball I've hit it way over there the next person comes along I want my ball now and the next one comes along ready to go and you can see how this QR is working problem for play yeah nothing problem five has a rather slimy solution and that is purely just to get the armorstands away from all of the mech mechanisms out into the open ready for the next hole so pretend this was the start of the next hole you can see we've got no mechanisms around anywhere and it simply uses a slime block which is why earlier when we were won't worried about the water travelling part I was saying we could use some line box to push them around if we need to it's a little bit more expensive I'd much rather use water where possible but slime blocks do ironically give the punch that we need so let's get a little one up here I need to make them little because I've been trying things out when they're big and they just you just get us to big things affect you differently when you're big so let's just go like that make you small and here we go ready so this would just be coming from the cue ah so you've just been queuing up and you've been chosen to come out first so it just goes how about you I like that perfect look it reset and everything I don't know why went twice but now we have this guy all the way over here ready to whack now problem 6 is not really a problem it's more of just a added benefit that I've thought of for the tea so we've got all the way from the whole the previous hole all the way to the next holes tee off area but we want to give people more of a choice right what if they don't want to go off of ice well then simply press this little handy dandy button and bam now you're going off of solid ground which as we talked about earlier hitting it off solid hitting it off ice two totally different distances so now you completely have the choice of pretty much we're not old twelve because obviously it depends where it lands as well but you've got six different options of distances that you can hit it off of this tee off space so this will be how every beginning of every hole works so those six steps my friends are the six steps we're gonna use to make every single hole now you could see why I've done this before building any hole at all I just wanted to make sure we had everything ironed out and I do believe that is almost everything and if there's something that I've not thought about please do let me know I read all the comments I really want to get your science brains on this golfing problem to try and find extra things that we can use problems with the stuff that I've already got going on let me know there might also be one more problem that I've not thought about and I'm not sure of the solution of either yeah yeah I'm not very good at it but that is all we have time for today thank you so very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this little problem so V golf II episode I had a lot of fun doing this and I'm telling you it genuinely is gonna be a really really cool mini game when it is finally finally complete so thank you as always for watching a massive massive thank you to the wonderful people whose names are on the screen right now these aren't my patrons and they have helped to make this episode possible by supporting me supporting the channel love you all but until the next episode which don't worry won't be golf-related we'll be doing something a little bit different a good a bye [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: ZedaphPlays
Views: 90,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Hermitcraft, Hermitcraft 7, Hermitcraft Season 7, Zedaph, Zedaphplays, Lets Play, Let's Play, Series, Game, Redstone, Building, Mojang, Survival, Multiplayer, Snapshot, Server, 1.15
Id: RxUCJS-2G1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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