100 Hours In Hardcore Minecraft: How'd I Survive This?!

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well hello there and welcome back to 100 hours in hardcore minecraft and we are here in our beautiful gorge in our suspended tree base i had so much fun putting this together and i'm glad you guys liked it and reading through all the comments yeah you guys didn't think i was gonna survive the first episode but i did and i'm here standing strong on my plank and i want to take a look at this from a distance and we've got a lot of plans today so for today is infrastructure day and we're going to build some amazing infrastructure in our canyon and well we're gonna try to make it look beautiful at the same time well hello there friend i'm gonna be back for you i am quite happy with the tree but the hanging platform could use a bit of an upgrade today so we might be working on that but as for the rest of the cliffs here it is time to build our farms and our mines and every little minecraft infrastructure thing and attach it to the sides of our cliff and i think that is going to look really really fantastic now if you remember there was a bit of a surprise in our last episode and if you haven't seen the surprise in our last episode i highly encourage you to watch the end there because we are not alone here can i just say thank you thank you so much for all of the absolute wonderful and positive comments in the last episode and some of them were quite funny at my expense which i appreciate it and uh yeah it was absolutely wonderful to see your amazing reception to this series and yeah i hope i can continue to make a super cool videos on this series for you to enjoy and with that i'm in a boat um on the walking the plank thing is this just what it called the walking the plank thing anyway we are gonna go see grian because he told me he has a surprise for me i don't know if i'm gonna die here and i i'm i'm really scared oh my gosh okay we didn't die okay okay i really shouldn't take these risks but that's just in my nature wow this is really cinematic okay well never mind [Laughter] we will clear the pathway here oh by the way we hit 10 hours there we go we're going through the white water rapids back there now we got some sea life to dodge and weave hold on green i have found something to explore wow cue the batman music wait not batman music um no the the show with the dinosaurs in ham the man the name ham he had the cane and the white hat um jurassic park [Music] okay that was the worst cave ever i've got to say look at that tree back there i'm so proud of that dang tree also i've just wasted a ton of time trying to spear fish salmon with my bow it didn't really work out as i was hoping i was hoping to spear a couple salmon to have for lunch to day wait hold on salmon i'll be back for you that right there is a beautiful house it's like an egg but a beautiful eco greenhouse egg i am a sucker for green roofs with the plants and stuff like that i have always loved that uh style in real life and or in mind correct and we work our way oh my gosh he's even got fields all right hold on he he knows we're coming but i need to get lunch we don't have enough food for lunch let alone dinner yet so i'm just gonna help myself before he sees me we should get enough for dinner and that should be good are you kidding me he's got how in the world do you have dumbledore's already what double those i thought you were saying double doors i have been things i have been busy and i see you have been staying on the server staying on the server in style i mean look at the shiny armor look at that look at it it's not falling apart or just about to break in any way shape or form how's your hundred hours going scar it's going quite well i'm actually still alive how many hours in are you i am 10 hours and 27 minutes and you haven't died nope look look celebration fireworks look at this and oh i was i was about to try and end your series right here no no no no no there's no there's no pvp no you can't swim through the wall oh wait there isn't this is this is probably for the best my benefit i agree we look like kids reenacting star wars we've got our pajamas on acting like jedi's we've got our wrapping paper tubes whacking each other anyway how on earth did you get these uh a lot of time i've wasted seven of my precious hundred hours making this place and i'm done i've had enough no more villages for me now scar this isn't last life why would you what i see it i see it right there beef jerky look look yummy go go have some beef jerky it's delicious it's zombie flavored do you have a diamond uh no just one single happy diamond uh let me check i think i might have one around the back here four diamonds that's all i've got to mine okay all right i have a proposal for you for one diamond okay you give me one diamond sky what where is it uh there was a there was a man who came through here i can't even get it back okay there's nothing i can do all right i'm doing negotiations okay right right right so say you give me a diamond and in return i will grant you whatever you want and you can redeem it at any one time what do you need that diamond for a jukebox really you'll do anything for a jukebox okay i know oh i i want a pathway between mine and yours base done done where is your base it's it's it's over yonder but i've opened up the area so you can actually row your boat all the way to my base oh you can row there yeah i i i fixed up the uh the old canal and you can get in a boat and you can get all the way to my base you'll see it it's hanging off a cliff it's the safest place in the world is that your base i can't see over your enormous head yeah yeah yeah you know this is a hardcore world right oh don't worry i built a swimming pool under it wait what well the pool is gone now but when i built it i put a pool under it so if i fell which i did many times i um landed inside of the uh inside the pool and survived that is unnecessarily dangerous base and you've survived for 10 hours scott do you have to jump what's wrong oh no where did he go he's dead i killed the man do i get his villagers oh no i'm not dead no you can't have gosh dang it how do you get into your base you walk up the trunk oh okay down the ladder now be very careful my comments warned me that trap doors can be very dangerous scott no no this is a disbelief oh no i'm scared of my own face oh my gosh that is really scary scott you know like if there's a button i've got to press it if there's a trapdoor you've created the worst possible hardcore base i've ever seen this is so impractical on so many levels i think what i hate most about this is that if you fall it's not even clear water why is there a tree you kind of think when you when you jump down you gotta do like a little spoon okay all right great all right you gotta you gotta take the the the walk here all right you gotta get in that and then you gotta roll yourself off this is safe right just do it let's do it just do it we're living dangerous like get some speed oh wow so how was your tour of my place did you enjoy it no not at all well i've got to say your base is very very very beautiful and very unique being the eco the eco modern with the with the roof and everything yeah i tried to do something different it's i think now that there's an interior it looks a lot better yeah it's got like panoramic windows got waterfalls and rivers and all that stuff it looks really cool yeah well korean i must be off i have many things to conduct many things such as pathways and enchanting and all sorts of fun things so we'll see you later goodbye have a great time are you saying chanting the last words of korean did you say chomping there's a boat back up over here don't worry don't worry i'll give this enchanter back just give him a goof and a gag but uh i love how the voice chat cut off there would you like to see a magic trick oh that's lame wait a second every time i did that i disappeared for whatever reason oh man anyway hopefully not to disappoint we've got ourselves a tupac's and we can now let cat play here sending out those good vibrations from our tree house now our beautiful gorge here is in need of infrastructure infrastructure to sustain us in our journey for a hundred hours in hardcore minecraft and what i'm thinking about is eventually connecting the gorge together building out all of our infrastructure hanging off of the cliffs so we need farms mines places for our portal etc etc but the tree i love the tree the platform it's barely adequate looking at joel's and green's base they're so fantastic and ours looks a little plain so we oh hello there down there you you lower that weapon all right here's some bread have some have some food anyway i might work on building up a proper house here like this was a lot to build in episode one but now it's already feels dated so we might update that so we have a lot to work on in today's episode but the number one thing is we need a whole lot more resources and i'm not gonna lie we almost died there we were one block from death wow okay let's go get some copper i look like quite the intellectual here reading books and everything i had to uh climb back up to the tree house we risked death for nothing because i forgot to do some enchanting so let's get some enchanted tools and then we go get that copper so we meet again diamond this time i've got an empty inventory slot for you to slide on into and it looks like you are all alone very sadly hmm what a disappointment we can make a shovel with this one time mid wow this cave is beautiful and like that we've got ourselves a mobile water elevator i honestly can't tell you what's worse a skeleton or a creeper but in the comments let me know what mob do you fear the most i gotta say the skeletons are definitely the most concerning of all mobs especially in hardcore you don't know where they're gonna shoot you off a cliff or whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa when they shoot you in the dark and you don't know where they are oh he's got magic he's got a magic bow okay okay we got this we got this we have the power of the shield the shield the most powerful item in the game oh oh that's two hearts oh that's good it's two hearts oh we eat my mutton like a good boy oh i'm eating i'm eating my button doesn't taste good but brings them hearts back up okay he forgot about me i am leaving oh boy as beautiful as these as these deep sleigh caves are i i've got to say they're they're nuts are safe they are not skirt oh not three hearts again oh and i do not accept three hearts oh okay as i said these caves are not scar safe oh oh my gosh [Laughter] spider ghost oh my gosh that freaked me out you can't just hide around a quarter like that you give a man a heart attack oh man i am trying to get out of here and i may have found a water cave that has no exits we need an air pocket okay we're good we're good we're not gonna die alone in a dark dark cave with spider ghosts dirt we made it no no no no no no i'm not gonna i'm not gonna suffocate oh man i have pillared out from the bottom and that was quite a journey it is so good to see the stars again ah this dog and i are in a high speed pursuit of the skeleton i don't want to hit the seat every time i try to swing the dog jumps in front of me i want to kill the skeleton before this dog does i'm gonna get it yes now you must be my friend don't hide in a bush it's not that bad being my friend come on now there we go now you're my friend kill this man i have officially reached peak lost in the in the woods come on dog get him get skeleton this is your job not mine all right take down the spot hey do not hurt my dog spider that that is what you get are you okay boy are you okay need some need some mutton okay you're back to full health all right oh my gosh come on can you take care of this one i know on my shield but for whatever reason okay we're safe now oh look i only have two hearts how wonderful how wonderful okay we're gonna eat while we watch our pending doom get closer and closer to us oh we made it back to our beautiful gorge let's drop our resources off get some new gear and hit those minds one more time take two on our adventure here we are now decked out in some shiny purple armor tools galore it is time for some [Music] adventuring that is how you wake up in the morning you leap off your house into some scolding cold water the second cave exploration was quite successful we got nine diamonds and a whole lot of copper iron and lapis now we need to turn our attention to our projects today and we're gonna need a whole whole lot of wood to accomplish that we're gonna need spruce dark oak and oak and to accomplish this our first tool will be a diamond axe oh that's rather disappointing let's go get some dark oak saplings and on the way we need some leather for some bookcases whew that felt like forever but we have finally found ourselves some dark oak saplings this might be a while we're gonna need a lot of dark coke for today welp should have brought a few more axes guess we'll take our saplings and head home now looky looky who we found some cows now we need to somehow get them home are you serious come back here no we're crossing the water don't even think about going to dry land oh i'm gonna i'm gonna make beef jerky out of you the beef turkey threat works every time come on old bessie time to take you to your new home where's our new home you may ask i'm not entirely sure what in the what in the world where's my boat where's my boat no no no no no no no no oh my gosh we're gonna talk oh my gosh wow what is that i guess it's a true it's a double trident are you serious okay okay this that's not a good thing to eat apples are good apples are good okay okay where's my shield hey hey bro i'm trying to eat some apples you can't disturb a man when he's enjoying an apple oh gosh what does one do in this situation i have no idea um my my shield is is is gonna break [Music] um i i feel like if i move i'm gonna die oh it's gone it's gone there's a third one are you serious oh gosh oh oh man oh man oh my oh oh it's a beautiful cave oh it's a beautiful cave for me to enjoy oh oh my gosh i've never in all my life in all my minecrafting life i've seen three how come i can't eat why why is this game so cruel to me axolotls aren't evil right hope they're trying to come through the door i shall make this not a door hello we are leaving i apologize to all cow kind that we have abandoned you but i would like to leave this area with my head still on my head and saplings in my pocket because they were tough to find and we found nemo and his brother we have escaped that cave wow that was honestly one of the craziest things i've seen in the game in a while ah copper no oh my gosh i was saying there's cover geez what in the world always following me no no no i'm gonna outswim you i'm gonna out swim you enough of that shenanigans let's do a big break move here and just use grievance enchanter oh just don't just do this i am wow that is one heck of an axe now that we've got ourselves an axe let's get some wood and start building i love a field of oxidizing copper here in the elements because that means it's time to build we have been what 17 hours now we have been going and we've gathered a lot of blocks a lot of materials and of course we built the tree in our last episode but the platform it's fun it's cute but we need to do something bigger and better with it so with that for the first time in 2022 let's hit super fast build mode [Music] welp there goes our time lapse the server kicks you if you are inactive on the server for more than five minutes and that's just to keep you from wasting any extra time in your countdown and that also means if you log on with your spectator account to record a time lapse it kicks your spectator account now joel and green i think you use replay mod and i i just use a spectator account i'm just a simple man trying to make my way through the universe so until that's fixed sadly no time lapses but as a consolation prize we've got the start of our house nearly complete and i'm loving every minute of it look at that beautiful house with its copper roof and all the different little accent colors we've got flower baskets we have no windows because apparently i have no sand so i need to do that i've just been way too lazy to go down and get some but we do have some additional flower baskets that need some life i've tried some different flowers in them and they look kind of hokey so we'll keep thinking on that and we got the chain holding the tree and i think for the most part i think the tree now makes more sense on how it is hanging over so much because of the weight in the sheer size of this house just being a little bit cartoonish and a bit stylized i think it looks so so so much better we've still got a few details to install on the exterior and still put together the full interior but i'd like to turn my attention to some other builds here like our mine and our farms and what have i done with my hot bar i am now holding my meat my axe is in the off hand we've got villagers roaming the land but anyway as i said i want to start working on the farms i want to start working on the kind of the pathways that connect all of the cliffs i'm just in the building mood my friends well i've gotten a little carried away and our base just got a massive upgrade we've got a mine shaft we have a staircase farms and are a beautiful house you can see that i cleaned up the bottom a little bit on the house the farms have been spruced up slightly still want to work on them a little bit more have our fun little uh ladder going down into the mines with its mine cart and that ladder continues a little further down as you can see into a spiraling cave that leads right up into the house so let's get a closer look at all the stuff we did oh oh oh no oh oh no it stings so much oh okay okay those those berry bushes are all going to be burnt for my safety who'd have thought the arch enemy of this series was going to be a berry bush i love the little ladder house this wait wait hold on that is not the right block there how did i miss that anyway let's walk through here and this will take us down to everything to our mine our farms and of course our house so we've got this cool little mine cart here and then if we walk inside you can see this little cave and then follow the minecart tracks into our mine here and man i had so much fun putting this all together i really got in the zone got in a nice old flow state and just uh started rolling it's been a couple hours for sure and now this part is a little bit ugly so bear with me is still a work in progress this little pathway that i have cut along the cliff which then leads under our farms into our brand new house which has a completed interior so we have our wall of barrels and we've got these fun little trees that have grown up the sides of the building we have our smelters of course and then all the way to the top of the staircase finds our bed and of course the vibe machine there and out these windows you can see our farm now i'm not still 100 satisfied with them but i think they look a little bit better than they did originally so i'm definitely going to continue to work on these i've thought of some fun ways to make these not functionable but looks like irrigation ladders that go up and down i think could be really really cool but if we pop out the back door here at the plank you can see how the minecart's on the edge there and of course our little pathway which in our next episode we are going to fix up and make it a look a lot lot better but yeah that was a lot of work and a lot of fun building this all and i really really hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i did but in our next episode we're gonna have to use our mind get ourselves some diamonds because we lost our shoes and our hat and the rest of our clothes are about to break but we've got a super cool piece just some worthless armor and tools so yeah we got a lot to do in our next episode in the comments let me know what i should do next i want to kind of do some of the stuff that you want me to do and if you have any ideas for the caves and stuff like that please please let me know but until next time this has been good times with scholar and i always really appreciate you guys taking time to watch videos and please do absorb the writing that would be much appreciated and until next time we'll see you later don't subscribe because you may just become scared for life [Applause] you
Channel: GoodTimesWithScar
Views: 953,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 100 hours in minecraft, 100 hours video, 100 hours in hardcore minecraft, 100 hours timer, 100 hours in minecraft scar, 100 hours in hardcore minecraft scar, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft survival, minecraft hard core base, tree house minecraft, minecraft treehouse base, minecraft hardcormode, minecraft 100 hours scar, episode 2, 100 Hours In Hardcore Minecraft episode 2, goodtimeswithscar, scar, minecraft hardcormode 1.18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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