CRAZY Deaths in Hardcore Minecraft...

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thankfully I have not died in my hardcore world for quite a few years but that's not the case for everyone so today we're gonna be watching some of the best Minecraft hardcore deaths make sure to get my new merch on and let's see what happens first it gets a follower I haven't watched the stream at all okay he might just be listening yeah maybe listening for the creeper sound whoa he put his shield up how do you die I think he's like up too much for 360. all right well I think I've already subscribed to your microphone okay here we go [Music] GG ah what how did he die he ate he ate an apple oh he picked up the Pearl oh that's so unfortunate that that would make anybody race that is unfortunately RV by starving you have he landed it and then panicked and walked up never Panic guys that's my number one trick never Panic randomly left charged creepers around the place which isn't always yeah that's not a good idea there's two there why is he love so many charged creepers around the place would like to know the backstory why did you leave church Creepers the skeleton doesn't shoot me hold up why did you hold your Shield up then let the creeper explode what's he he's gonna walk off oh that's a place two blocks place your hay that's it ah he's not quick enough not got the hotkeys ability that is unfortunate though to have lava flowed out onto it that is very unfortunate you're good you're keep moving you've got so much health what that is hilarious that they just dropped down from this guy that is funny Corner shaders yeah we're here this is the Shader pack Shader options why is it okay so he's positioned ties a sideways die in the menus so why corner I can't see so a museum open till now it must have been another server because it would have paused otherwise that is unfortunate though at that time of the day no you can land it you can save it why is it going for water [Music] yeah that's sad that is that is sad risky bridging though no don't do it why you would enter Pearl this and not just Bridge what I agree why didn't you just get closer why did you think you could make that's a stupid thing like this looks like a situation where you just can't die what are they trying to build excuse me creepers fall they blow up so fast and like other ones they don't but when yeah when creepers fall like if it walks up to you it's not that bad but when it falls on you you don't have much chance do you it's the Tommy in it music nice try you wink how did he die there that's unfortunate you wink it's just like I don't know how until that much damage you need feather falling these people need totems why did he walk off okay do you know how to walk in a straight line I bet he did not expect that'd be ever been underneath the village house that is unfortunate we don't blocks we don't blocks pop a virus pop the fire rest come on you don't blocks better food oh I like that fancy oh no got full of that's unfortunate did they not have much food so they're only like four and a half hours and they didn't eat up that's that's that's an oversight that's disappointing from them I've ever seen oh hey Cooper hello pants I'm very naked he's gonna is the gollum gonna get him genius you idiot genius then dies yeah maybe not genius yep you idiot [Laughter] should have built up sorry awesome head death traps sorry you got this it's in lava nah you don't die like that oh it's a lot though you've got to get away from the water the water is gonna be the problem don't head towards the creeper oh you're panicking too much Panic no enough composure there Panic it is the reason a lot of people die in hardcore I think three tube planting on a three by three two this is gonna be sad he's not wearing elytra oh that is a sad way I think a lot of people accidentally die from not wearing their electrons the following is genius for the ender dragon fight yeah so you got he's got his slow fine so he oh she can't take the fall damage he's gonna punch only why didn't you know about that the slow falling was smart though no what are you doing what are you doing what a way to go he let the lava get to him what a way to go look at that that's one heck of a mustache by the way take your time why have you got no stuff you know what you deserve to die in the world there's this new if you have like zero stuff Chelsea's last a long time against this spider he probably thinks he can win no I couldn't win but he was close oh that's yeah that's a GG mate that's a big GG I got a one day I'm gonna be in one of these compilations but not for any time one time suit yeah don't go into remaining hardcore they just jump out this guy it's very hard it's very hard yes I should avoid those in front of probably but you know what nothing's happening lava's coming down I saw it from the sky wait wait yeah you didn't think it it's all right he lives he lives here wait literally all right guys it's been a pleasure eat you could save that no hey I could have eaten and saved up that annoys me a little bit if it had started the saturation you're so scared you're gonna fall off of this well you have fell off of this well done well done do the work boys oh a creeper no what oh the harmony that's op that is op they only throw it they don't it's kind of rare the times we throw it no you have to have like four hearts or less wait he hit the shield didn't he no how did did his shield break his shield broke just before the creepers look that's so unfortunate his shield got broken just before that's really unfortunate look at eyes on okay but you shouldn't have a that's maybe not so lucky although yeah I mean it was right behind you this guy this this guy is the funniest steps because he's he dies a lot in Stupid Ways XP this is a little home oh no way why would you have a hole there like that that you could just walk into you're an idiot yeah put water at the bottom you don't see that what Tuple you're better than that couples are pro you can see what I Tuple what that's so easy to avoid it's ridiculous couple's good at Minecraft as well see what I did there's no way he didn't keep his shield out as well come on top I expect better from here oh am I gonna die oh look at that no I'm fine should have gone away what is this twice Villages no let the villagers die why are you trying to sleep what was I trying to sleep or something that was not the time for that mate it was not the time for that for my chat that's on it is because see when people build farms like this you know they kind of I love it end game why is it why is he taking his armor off the Thorns I didn't want the Thorns happen I can't stop nobody no that did not just happened darling no that is sad stop that is a little bit sad but I can't find the Forest Fortress or anything really and like I kind of got confused on that look down this is the entire fov then you can see what's below you that's that's what you need otherwise it's harder so you get your fov up and you can see around you you see the creep that's why I have the higher for V that's why the pros increase your feet I mean it does make aiming for PVP easy on a lower F of me I think but I like to see everything around me you're being risque here and that creeper came behind you didn't expect that did you dear no summoning oh oh oh oh yeah you could die a lot in these kind of farms can't you oh he's out he's dead I'd play mate I'd go kidding me kidding me another total I know get out of there no is he like a proper good hardcore player like he's got a super big world as well how did you fall down there didn't even see him too dark Get Your Gun Rob don't panic they panicked he panicked I don't want you doing that situation you have to place blocks maybe just two once we get up here so that's good I mean you just have a well you messed up but yeah if you had the shield guy would be fine okay unlucky what are you doing TNT is a creeper coming down I'm gonna blow up on the ground block the entire desperate oh no I don't know actually because he's got the TNT from that but I bet a creeper blows him up he's coming down Shield up bro Shield up I tell you a lot of these creeper deaths could be avoided if they use their Shields properly but but it is it is a shield thing what's he doing wait did he broke okay that was a weird one what are you doing what are you doing yeah it should be fine why did you walk back you were fine I was like I want to look it must have had rubbish stuff to get killed by that though because it was not that far away if you know what I mean like I don't know it was far away for a little bit this person looks really young but he has like a he swiped me like an older voice def's four okay again he's not got much stuff I've not seen it this guy get very far in the world see people just Panic so much in this game like just walk back inside I'll run away I'll punch the creeper away on oh that's unfortunate nobody saw that oh are you serious there's no way to get out of that well and then he still dies he just about makes out and still dies that is very very important Miss gift or is it a deep fake of Miss Kiff we will never know are you kidding me why did he just did it break up maybe it broke I don't know okay we did it we did we did oh no yeah you're crouching those situations the cat's gonna kill him the cat is gonna go on the thing and kill him right hello the cat's going on the pressure plate yeah he knows what wait did he not realize that he was gonna blow him up he didn't know he should have because he could he could maybe a bit up and saved it oh pickling piglets are deadly that's just a dangerous place in hardcore without decent stuff oh he seems to be kind of confident he's got another [Music] uh the briefs are dangerous the Bruce if I jump mate I jump and block clutch don't start eating when one of them is smacking you and you think you're gonna survive you need to control the population a little bit though all right Chad does he get entity crumbed in this no way is this you just digging oh that zombie has a sword well um it must be hard when you're in a group thing together if one person dies is it over they're hard they're very hard of those little baby things because they're they're just annoying but then they're out and all the rest they end is that what happens and he's gonna take out with them come on bro you got this oh nice whoa that's a lucky to pull off that glitch in that situation was very good that wasn't looking this guy's actually got diamond stuff now oh no he's dead look at the button run you're gonna run in those situations bro you gotta run you know it's like three or five it's dangerous they are hard because they just watch this coordinates he's gonna walk that is unfortunate that there's a giant hole there though I'll give him that that's a little bit unfortunate you got this bro exploded donator what this guy that's on look nice what he didn't even do anything and he just got teleported off what right here you don't need glitches like that Decoy [Music] you could have got away there you had time bro you had time to to move you mother oh what the heck Creeper Creeper Ravine that is funny what supported you're awesome this guy's got a little village of thing so he didn't even see the creeper you know he had a decent thing when he didn't even see it this guy's drowning I better get Sandra at this one go down what about what's going on dude just rise I can't it's too high up why has he gone down here he knows he knows just his mate loving in the backgrounds funny look how close he's got to the screen hey dude he's annoying to that one that you should be because why would you go down there yeah yeah yeah you messed up yourself there [Music] is so dangerous it's a good sub buddy how's he die in this situation well there's always a group I have to say 99 of Hardcore deaths must be by a creeper not a space but everybody else's look at that there's just mobs down there oh he's on you've got this unlucky a creeper catapulted another creeper behind him that is unfortunate but like it's better than no food like wait I forgot where's the creeper up close the door behind you mate really they're everywhere you should hear them sooner you'll be more vigilant keep moving don't stand still don't stand still what are you doing that's it let him blow it must be hard when they blow up posture I don't have ever really experienced that come on you land this you land this how would you miss the MLG come on scissors you you're better than that spamming right click you don't spam your timer you time it well in its final moments what are you doing did you think you could sleep in the nether you look so surprised that you that that happened free iron he's gonna the Golem's gonna kill him as he's trying to free a minute oh no he's gonna he's gonna punch it by mistake or something I'm gonna help him [Laughter] get rid of him now don't try and help a Golem that's trapped I guess why didn't you crouch oh I let go of it I mean it's unfortunate but he should have let go of it come on that's a that's a that's a very poor move see and dragon fights are pretty dangerous no you're not London oh you're good you're good you're good keep moving did you not pop did he not get the gapple off he didn't get it off if he got the Gap off he probably would have survived how did he fall into one by one that is unfortunate anyone buy one it's funny when there's loads of people in it and they're all in the corner like I died [Music] that that surprised you didn't it mate damn look at them guns by the way oh my dude you're fine although I wouldn't try and battle them all I'd I'd maybe just try and heal up move away that's it you're fine you stay keep moving just don't get it again Sprint yeah you kind of just I don't know these are all situations you don't have to die in you know but I think it's just a bit better at Minecraft than you would that's unfortunate wow he's like I'll jump in the water and the water soaks up before he gets there that is unfortunate it's getting out is it gonna be a drown no you can mine this hold it hold it hold it and mine [Music] please as in his final moments and he's like please [Music] that isn't looking they were so close oh that's all okay that was um that was that was pretty crazy around to more hardcore dips there's more videos and stuff let me know in the comments but thank you very much for watching subscribe to this channel get my merch all that good stuff and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: SB737 Reacts
Views: 523,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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