Dream's most Intense Clutch...

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but every second it takes dream to beat minecraft i take 69 out of here and i think it's a really cool concept how much money is left when dream pizza because it's it's like it's more of a speedrunner he doesn't have a time limit normally but the counter goes negative no he doesn't actually gonna owe the hunters 69 for every second that goes by you guys heard him one million dollars will i win mr beast's money or will the hunters take mine only 300. i think he needs more hunters than that i think i think the hunters are up against it because dreams used to like five dream win some money enjoy the video well well mr beast really thought i thought it's gonna be back up well we're minecraft now it's been a while it has actually been a while he's so rusty look at this look how rough i know imagine if he got a 12i that would save him sometime finally there he yes come on right there oh my he's already losing a bit of help but they're going to take full damage aren't they oh my god this is always the hardest part for dream though this is stop it what a move that's so smart that's well smile oh he went on the whole southern when something up jumped he couldn't get on it that was a really good mlg punch the horse down and then jump on it super smart george should not have died [Music] all prop on it oh satin up in a cupboard so he's got decent stuff but he's got limited time okay they found him and they'll have gear he's in trouble now he's got he's got one heart how does he even get out of this he's not good he's not even going to be able to um quit oh my goodness yeah where is it this is how is he going to get food he's so dead he's so dead oh my goodness how is it there's no way he survives how oh my god oh he's on alpha he got a place that look he died this is this is i'm already on there oh my goodness how far did he go go go go go go go might be a gets no hit by three players the thing is they don't know he's on half a heart yeah did george drop through oh my goodness george just has to the whole wasn't there where do we come from george is better than that mike george is good enough but he was like thinking i've got to stay alive or kill him he was thinking dream has a lot of health probably maybe use his brain more i don't know how are you guys over there but now this gives dream a little bit of a chance this is bad this is this guy he has my leather helmet he has my leather helmet that's the best part he's actually got the leather helmet of dreams well not dreams why do you diet it should be green i'm i'm literally in the process of getting food right now we need more food our dream also has all my food right now right now got his health up he's looking pretty good let's split up responsibilities let's get iron and food again that's a great idea bad that is a terrible idea i think we're just older that's a great idea we should focus on splitting up the roles that's a great idea why would you describe the rules we all need food and we all need iron so i mean this is kind of just a king of him just getting gear but the hunters won't be far behind because he's not far from spawn getting his gear you know making sure he's ready for the next battle wait who's digging oh they hear him digging me it's dream he's dreaming oh dream was digging i can see why he would be scared it can't be far till the next one he's in my furnace let's be first treat me i i feel like if i did a man against dream i'd lose but you never know oh obviously these guys are sucking you're much further ahead than you should be how am i too far ahead what do you mean well you've beaten me mr beast has got money to save here i think i should help these guys out server make them float wait float that makes a lot of sense yes wait wait how do you see yellow g this wait wait wait what i i don't even have a water bucket like the block would be head drop i'm just dead you'll figure it out good luck i will figure it out can he make a boat this [Music] to it for horses what's the hoe going to do bone meal what the heck is he planning here how does anybody's brain work this well yeah i don't think i don't think he could make it over this part he needed a bit of food did he flip your neck that's smart that is smart how high up is he how did he how has he got the brain cells to do that he fell he's at the top of the tower what the heck that was that was that was pretty smart i'll give him that okay he's doing it again there's no water anywhere though so they can just wait at the bottom all the way over there he's not really got any oh is he going for that one oh the horse is still there george you have your boy i see i see it you're going to clutch on the hole [Music] that was a risky play that was that was a long way in for a hay bale oh you know what i prefer it with mr beast being in this making it a little bit harder because the hunters we're kind of sucking look at how good sapnap is in mcc and then you watch him do this it's like come on you're better than i'm here become a hunter in dreams if i was a sixth hunter yeah i'd i'd yeah i don't think i could do that would i do it i don't know i just promise you've got to commit for life then to every man probably not got time for that satman's down who's this i'll i'll give him a call but i'll i'll wage you uh a hundred grand for a man no but that's a good way to lose money so maybe not worth it i should have said that i should have said that i'll i'll do another i'll do it a million dollar challenge maybe not oh my gosh it works for mr beast doesn't really work for me oh my god george angle to the right i'm getting bred for us in the village oh god he's going to try and use this ravine to knock him off right now he's not okay this time i found you guys other than him saying why is it not a cave he needs a big cave here because deep slate takes so long to mine as well oh man although they're in a bit of a bad spot oh no he's getting rid of the bomb miller what do we do we need a new pick generate a plan a plan of action oh okay i like the look of this award just you know based on my knowledge of the game oh my goodness they're terrified that one is pretty terrifying when you haven't played with it much i'm not terrifying to me anymore i'm a veteran it will basically the warden works on an anger counter let me pause this and tell you it works on an angus thing so over time it gets angrier and angrier and and it adds anchor points up to a max of like 100 or something maybe more than that and if you hit it it gets like 50 angle points straight away and they take forever to go back down um and uh so sniffing you out gets anger points uh triggering stuff gains anger points like you know like like if it his footsteps like that gain zagger points so um it just they just sniffed them out it gets angry and angry over time and then that's why when you hit it it'll just keep chasing you forever no matter what because it's just angry forever and then it knows where you are you don't move this is pretty terrifying though oh my gosh right by dream if you [Applause] got killed by the water is it jason it probably won't like bee line for dream i don't think it might be though it is it is pretty terrifying though in a manhunt i can imagine it's really scary i mean they are pretty easy to kill with a bone arrow if you're high enough if you guess another knot chapel it's rigged oh no that's not rigged that's that's perfectly possible diamond armor there's some good loot there's some good lure there's like potion effects what was that i was like blind yeah the darkness effect i've ever seen i have never i have never i don't even know all i knew i just thought i think i did it wrong i just stopped moving i just let it stop moving the thing is it was sniffing me i thought it couldn't kill me but then it killed one of you guys and so i assume that it can kill you you put a hot take in here okay she's not any hate to anyone agencies are very very rare okay believe me i noticed the chance of digging down into one is very very low i i i think i think dream knew there was nature ancient city there and did it for content which is not a problem because you know this is at the end of the day it's it's for entertainment purposes and it doesn't affect the outcome of whether he wins or not or pulls off all these things like it doesn't mean it's scripted if he knows where something is like this to get it in the video it's not problem but i i think probably i mean it's entirely possible that he just happened to find it it's entirely possible but i feel like he probably knew it was it was it was somewhere there probably i i don't know but the very rare ancients it is the chance of dinner then again then again if he knows about the thing that if you dig down in like a peak by him like a stony peak jagger pig that kind of thing if you dig down there you've got a decent chance of at least finding deep dark and and then there's a chance of well if you're digging down in the stony peak you can kind of guarantee the deep dark story peak jagged peak and frozen peaks are all yeah guaranteed um things but uh for deep dark but not guaranteed too so if you knew that then maybe it makes it more likely but i feel like um i feel like he wanted that he wanted to go in it for content reasons that's just my my hot tape you might disagree you might agree let's say caroline you're not moving i'm guessing we were standing completely and the chance of finding not chapel in the first chest is also unlikely you have a one in ten chance of getting one in the chest like 11 so it's slightly more than one so he had like a one in ten chances i don't know i'm trying again one is it's completely feasible fire nature is rare but again is he didn't get killed i feel like mr beast is going to make an appearance again soon we need dream dream you know how to do it has it been that long since you did a manhunt oh man if they hadn't been there he could have got there like if he hadn't messed up he probably would have made the portal in time and then he didn't have time to you idiot that's basics that you know it as well it's always tough battling three people he's got the shiny pants but he doesn't have this come on let's get him going voice changer it doesn't stop me i don't care oh wait it does stop me oh wall we can make a bed oh that's a good idea put a bed down all right i'm just going to smelt i'm going to organize my inventory george do you see me he's got he's not got the intense music anymore just get him like that how many hours does he go it's just dead come on george you can collect those tricks i think they need mr b's help at this point what's up number you're dead he jumped out no okay that's very nice he's stepping up he doesn't miss a clutch does it feel like uh wait guys this isn't manhunt we don't actually have to go up and get him we can just wait yeah like that's true that's a good show yeah yeah they just they just wait for it yeah the longer he takes all the money draining that's that's smart hey seven three seven he's on say yeah we got a little uh little seven three seven never been but it's a pretty cool place join the live stream no water bucket okay okay what are you prepared this time what do you want dream you're in a tower this isn't good content okay that's true i'm allowed to do that i'm i'm stocking up on things i'm getting also making stone fold the money's going down that's fine that's part of the deal it's fine i'm fine with the money going down no i think we should change that server give him jump boost [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he's gotta land this makes it harder for dream which is what we like to say because man can be made easy if you're smart [Music] come here he's george is so annoying [Applause] is i did slow george down by the things give them 10 seconds that's a risky mlg like that's easy to mess up you know easy to no you didn't want me get overhead come on we got him going he's scared him again they catch up so fast oh my god does that skeleton get breaking oh well below 700k now yeah me i'm the mom is there anyone after him as well is he getting the pop oh he got the pearl that's huge he's low he's low he's he's very low get your boat going yeah oh my god he needs to eat again oh he's got bread okay oh we got him he's quite a bit of head right now but oh he's slowing down i'm catching him keep going oh hold on a little bit more this is the top well he's always on one high needs to eat oh there he is [Music] they should not uh quit being minecraft youtubers should they don't don't quit to become singers dolphins grace nice he's got away from him a little bit just by trying to move but why is he getting the strength [Music] second my shots are way easier to find now though since again he couldn't find a lava pool he's an idiot he's this sorry he's in this direction so he doesn't mess up again maybe um [Music] is always terrifying i mean it's a pretty viable place to go but it's always very scary wait i think i mean he's gone oh no oh no for dream anyway no sneak mr b sneak dream you do this every video and it's honestly kind of boring make everything visible through walls that doesn't make life easier for them james in big trouble now and there's lava he's got a nut chapel right that's the only way he gets out with fire resistance right he knows it right he's dying whoa what a move [Music] oh and now they dream can get them he's actually used what was going against him to his power hurry up that's smart like well he couldn't waste time going after him but they couldn't get through the lava tube so that's bought him quite a bit of time come on outside i have my shield up don't put your shield down don't put your shield down careful you tell me he needs more elevation to get him oh what's he doing i don't think what the heck yes what the heck just happened there let me just watch this again so he tnt yeah we can hook it smart he pulls into them oh and then he used it and just got out the way that's [ __ ] smart that's really smart yes let's go that's well smart that's that's one of his best ever plays in my opinion maybe not best ever but that is a really clever player fishing rod tnt yeah that's smart what do you even do i want to try that in sky batteries you might have seen that before i like tick tock or something are you kidding me another tick-tock trick that's smart i'm [ __ ] done that is very smart man you still haven't been firing yeah i literally just ran out i guess we need more iron whoa i i might be wrong i just really want one more time get all the uh the blaze rod stream you do that more diamonds oh my gosh i have more diamonds oh my god three four oh my goodness wait what what stream finding what's george [Music] this is very very difficult to get out of wait what the heck but we don't have the pumpkin oh we had a dog okay well he's a good good thing about dolls i think oh what i don't i i hate digging i hate [Music] he definitely has his thing on that increases his belt because i guess he doesn't want to spend ages doing that oh my god where did my boat go [Music] this is a pretty uh interesting strap oh he can like get them then we'll keep himself safe okay that's smart i guess dream has got some george's got some serious art george played it way smarter than bad boy [Music] just turned it on then [Music] if he lands that shot he's the greatest shot ever what what no i was back in the there's there's no way you can script someone like that legend as much as you might want to say dream script oh my god what a shot andy was one shot that was ridiculous i was back into like the field where we were fighting yes that was a shot went off that is it i win ridiculously good i can't believe that i actually can't i just go to the end now that's actually that is a lot of money that's left guys if you're subscribed if you're subscribed you're about to win we just well not everybody subscribed just gonna win i'm subscribed but i don't think i'm gonna win anymore it's looking good for dream though i'm getting close i guess i guarantee you 100 mr beast is about is that gonna join he's gonna join and do some something dumb i don't know mr bass is gonna help him get something down to stop dreaming well that would make sense right now we do we do they're they're playing for mr beast at this point yeah they need him which does make sense what are you doing right now during i'm about so i'm playing safe i'm setting up and i won't even lose it because i can die it doesn't matter for the subs for the subs for you yeah he's just going to find the portal straightforward but there's going to be a final twist in the tail here ladies and gentlemen there's got to be mr beast isn't going to let it go down without a fight there we are there we are why is it some drip stone in it never seen that before no no no no no dream dream dream think about it think about it so i guess he's making a little room for spawn or something how about we all just take a 10 minute uh bathroom break that sounds good sounds good to me i do need the toilet doors i definitely need the toilet please have some sportsmanship yeah he's putting him smart he's smart putting stuff in here hopefully the hunters don't find this i can't believe you know he's not really hidden break you're denying me basic human right in a bad way how do you make a hundred days a day did that put the download link in the description i might have done for that one it's really really hard work though it's kind of a bit glitchy oh here he is they needed him i oh my god no he's putting these in before no no what do you want help us hello there dream looks like you're about to win yes i'm about to make your pockets hurt big time buddy well if you're that confident then i'm just gonna help the boys out again server teleport them to this room here we go no no no does he have any pills he does he needed that are you in there they're probably going to set this bone yeah he's going to be quick with the towels let's go did he flip and look at an enderman as well you don't need that anyone have been the most annoying thing ever oh they've got decent gear as well good good clutch you can oh he's in trouble then that's going to make things wait he can't mlg he's only pearl and stuff yeah it looks like you're in trouble dream you yeah just gotta do this a bit of manual work oh the dragons have been screwed him up there and he looked at enemy on his way down here this is hard it's hard without a wall this is really difficult oh [Music] [Music] oh there's still there's still ten minutes this is like eight minutes left in the video there's still more twists to this he can't bow it forever that is [Music] he's to do it again [Music] that's not helping the dream so he needs to get some hits on this oh they're going to be here can be get in oh my god oh no oh that's messed him up big time isn't it happening i don't think it is oh we had a golden apple okay he's tight yeah but it's just tough to get it what's gonna do jumping oh but he can respawn he can respawn he's got a little bit of gear but now he's all his good stuff has gone oh my goodness that's going to make it really hard though like they can really stall him now to not do it he's got like until the 200k goes down i guess he's not out of it yet though that's true you have no bed [Music] he has stuff he has stuff he's here okay yeah he could make some out he did have spare right that's the smart move and he had spare pearls but not many he took everything oh they left george he's perched he can get more hits on it he gets it right it's so weak it's one hit oh no wait he has nothing to mlg with he died again it's one hit how is it not dead [Music] [Music] under 200k he should have had it in the back 200k oh my god where is he i don't know oh he's digging he's digging he's going to be so much more strategic one time it's inevitable you're gonna eventually hit the dragon it's inevitable oh you can install me all you can do is stall me i'm literally going forward george is preaching i'm coming i'm coming you would do it i've only got an encryption they've got healing and that's he's waiting for dramatic effect um how'd he get down is he gonna try and use a bed maybe he's gonna blow it up with a bed smart george's dead no george why didn't you tell me he was coming you're an idiot i didn't see him the time is going down rapidly we need to stop him because he's jack he's carrying to the middle looking down at you tell me when i'm in range of him hitting me he might be entering right now looking at george how did he do that let me just how did he do that let me just how do you place the lab he's looking down at you tell me when i'm in range of him hitting me he might oh okay so he just switches to the lava and then does it straight away i didn't even have the love in his hand i didn't expect it bye-bye oh he kills him as well so jim's got a little bit of armor but mostly burned he just has to one tap the dragon literally he can he can use a oh he's going to boat boat clutch down because he's got drugs but he just has to place a bed and blow it up he landed on the dragon that's the worst he just did how did that not hit it he's dead he was there i bet he thought he'd done it he's i don't know if this is the right move i suppose i don't know what he needs to do oh no he's just gonna what's he gonna do just make like make iron bars or something i'm trying he can't find any other blocks he just has to try and get there oh he's found some dirt down right now you can't even get all the dirt that's sad come on come on money just keep holding on keep holding him off we're going to try like half an hour he's going to make he's getting grabbed he's grabbing everything but the kitchen sink at this point [Music] oh my gosh this is so annoying he grabs a torch you never know he's just looking for anything he can use he needs the bookcase room that he's least wait what have you moved it he might have hidden that i see him i see him he might have moved it i just need to find that that's true he could have moved it when they break his dragon stay in the air forever surely when the dragon purchases but he's got nothing so that makes it pretty hard it's a nice little nod to techno with his crown everywhere i need you i need you i need to look at it look at that look at the thing at the top it's literally yeah you it's kind of blurred not blurred out but but look at the end dragon's help i'm trying to zoom in on it literally there's nothing there it's zero pixels i don't know how it's literally not dead at this point i'll see crafting okay the is better to be broken oh i found her it's right back here the dragon still hasn't perched break his leg now break it break it and leave it somewhere okay now on a different block it has to be different different block and then made the iron oh he's making eye help i guess he might as well yeah we do he lets you win they just don't know where he no they only have trackers why don't they come and get him they're just guarding it this is it he has to land this otherwise he's dead it's going to be a good pearl he got it 157k that is what he got for the subscribers wow that was tough if he had died again he would have been back at spawn and then they would have literally yeah literally look he would just if if he hadn't got the dragon and he'd been killed he would have been back at spawn and he would have had to go through everything and get other resources to get back to the end he would have been in so much trouble there he um 57 000 so i wonder how long that means that that he took it it took him so i do some calculations guys 1 million minus 157 000 is 843 000 eight four three thousand uh divided by 69 because that's how many things makes it that divide that by 60 is how many minutes divide that okay so it took him like over three hours three hours and like 20 minutes that's insane
Channel: SB737 Reacts
Views: 331,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 20sec (2720 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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