I Killed ClownPierce (Friend or Foe #32)

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last episode we gained a life and in this episode I'm going to try and go after Minnie and after quiff both of them have helped out clown Pierce in this series and I I don't want him to keep doing that so I'm going to get it and guys don't forget about my Blockhead it is only available for one more week it's a very cool looking fell the sunglasses do come off as well they're available on BL heads. store and once they're sold out they are gone forever he's he's watching me whil I record as well so welcome back to bro [Music] now in order to go after these players I'm pretty sure I have everything that I need PVP wise stacked around so for example here ender pearls are going to be very very important right here I've also got a player tracker how useful is that going to be I've also got all my strength swiftness and tipped arrows pvp's just come on this is probably my big chance isn't it I should I should take this opportunity I'm going to actually use wood as my block of choice what more could I need I'm not messing about have I got one of these for fire resistance I don't think so okay what I'm going to do is I've got fire resistance there and Fire Resistance there should I need it okay I he have a player let's get the player tracker going I hear a mobster say I'm going for I'm going for mini to start off with because he recently made it so that clown gained a life you'd think that's a waste of a player tracker but now I know exactly where he is and I know where he's going and I know that he can't go anywhere let's get some swiftness down me drink the firez there he is he he might see me as well I mean he might he might just see me but this is this is what he gets for what he has done to S sp737 it looks like he is he is running and he knows that he is in trouble and that's there you go tagged him up okay now like I said we have we have the swiftness we're already gaining on him okay everything is in my favor all right let's let's see what happens there we go and now he can't P for a a little bit okay he is on fire as well he's in trouble ladies and gentlemen this could be the world's fastest death okay where did he go he just went over there My worry is that I'm not going to actually be able to take all of his stuff he's got to be hurting he's got to be hurting he's got to be low ladies and gentlemen SP is not messed about you want to help clown PS G lives you know let him kill you all that stuff this is what is going to happen to you okay I'm afraid you're going to get beat up should have hidden better than that min should have hid him better than that swiftness has now run out well that means his will as well okay let's just go like that tag him up and then I'm going to drink a in fact we're going to go over there we're going to drink another Swift someone else involved is it quiff oh okay can I can I take back can I do back to back can I pull it off Qui might actually get the kill in fact many is talking to haven't seen here man but xp's on my tail we've never seen I this whole series but come on no not like this don't don't think that we're going to be easy on you mini okay why why are you trying to kill him for giving clown two lives yep okay okay so quiff is now with me in going after Minnie mini has Minn has angered two people to be honest I'm not going to waste my resources I'm going to let them let him kind of go after him I I will I will go for quiff as well okay I do plan to try and get quiff as well right now we have a bit of Fire Res we have we haven't got any strength on so obviously that's very important I mean Mini have got very weak when we were when we were after him before and quiff is going over okay is Minnie going to try and get in a boat did I bring a boat I don't know if I did all right we let's let's divide and conquer let's do this if he thinks we're going to let him get away with this he is very much mistaken now we do know this is a pretty big ocean I don't know how we didn't die by by the way before hi clown what's going on we're just we're just sailing we're just sailing yeah are you what bring you it uh just a little a little something little something yeah oh a I swear clown it's too early in my video it's bad for me avd yeah it better make you get away it make you get away yeah that's true why think how many times you've killed me and how many times you you know you've killed quiff and then you know look who's up ahead I know you just get out of here all right all right yeah yeah I'm I'm I'm going on me me mer way what on Earth is going on there what is going on over here everybody wants blood in this video Don't They but I've I've realized I have no durability I am I am in no position to get into a fight okay I I I thought you were getting chased by SB so clown went to rescue quiff because he thought I was chasing him what's going on I mean I honestly guys I would continue the pursuit but with the amount of durability that I have left it's it's too much of a risk isn't it really I just like like if one of my armor pieces breaks anyone could kill me bit of an oversight on my part my plan was to kind of try and take out mini and then I'd have all of his stuff and you know it would have been a pretty foolproof plan but yeah I didn't I didn't think it through there just one person fighting and then all before you you know it everybody just comes comes in with the same idea well I think maybe getting out of there I I hope that there's going to be a death you as you can see me and clown have the most lives on eight five and four for quiff last thing I need is for clown Piers to be getting I didn't even want quiff to be involved I kind of could manag with quiff cuz me and qu have a little bit of an understanding now that now that Minnie's been helping clown but all of them are kind of in some way teamed up and it's just little old SB that has no friends cuz nobody's nobody's really on my side so I've got to be careful I think there is still time and I think Nether Portals Nether Portals might be the way to catch up with mini and take him out if he continues to run okay because I mean we've got 10 minutes left of PVP which isn't a crazy amount of time but it is some time left isn't it so we could we could do something and really there I was just prepared for a battle with mini I I didn't have the resources or anything that I really needed to go after qu as well and and to survive clown cuz I've got barely any fire resistance left not that much strength not that much swiftness you know all that kind of thing so we can start by topping up on these I have a lot of diamonds here but I don't know if I can actually repair my armor or not let's let's see if we've got the XP for oh oh we can perfect minimuka was slain by clown whoa what a turn of events I mean of all the people that were going to take him out I didn't think it was going to be clown that means clown Pier is on Nine Kills if he gets a 10th kill he gains an extra life that is that is insane also means my player tracker is kind of useless I'm still going to be going after Qui and I do have another of these crafted so how about we we get that I mean I could be I could have done with minima's loot that would have been very useful now I don't know how far away they are if they've kind of come back towards spawn but I don't want to get invol involved in too much of a dangerous situation but I do feel like I can I can do something and it's entirely possible that clown is going after quiff right now so maybe I can get a kill still maybe they've maybe they've teamed up maybe I don't know all I do know is that I'm going to approach the area with great caution because I'd like to think I can survive 4 minutes against clown Pier but if I don't need to do that then there's no point also we can we can go pretty quick with the the old dolphin I don't have respiration or aqua affinity on this helmet that is something just slightly to worry about I can hear them I don't know what's going on but I can hear them I think it's quiff that's unmuted yes they have a bit of a fight but I don't know what it means I don't want to necessarily get involved but I can cause some trouble are they going all out I don't know it makes me nervous I mean there's 2 minutes of PVP left but they are they are going at each other I mean clown just turn on me I just I've just seen somebody is Ender pearing around clown Pius is there clown Pius will always like to have a little go at SP sp737 we know that but he a battle in the trees now quiff is going that way I don't want quiff to get away but he might I also think that clown could come out of anywhere yo SB yo quiff what's going on fight clown fight clown fight clown I'm fight fighting him I've burnt a lot of his resources sure yep we know what Clown's like though we just got to be keep critting him out he's bur he's going for a not shle just keep keep hting yep yep yep yep you stuck in here now oh I'm low I'm low I'm low I'm low I'm going to die I'm out the bu over here okay okay pvp's gone up guys gg gg well uh you guys better stick together cuz I'm coming for you next what um yeah I I didn't mean to do that I just S I was going for my trer is oh no I think it's pretty clear I think it's pretty clear what you're trying to do is you see you see this tracker here it's literally pointing at quiff look you can I don't think I can drop it but so so you didn't help me kill quiff but you went after me instead okay I see well quiff it looks like we' we've we've formed an alliance now no we have he's he's trying to get all three kills to get life yeah well you know if he gets one more kill he gets an extra life anyway because he gets 10 kills we might have to try get mini we we might we might have no choice and I mean the fact that we are going back towards where clown Pi is going to be is like the stupidest thing we should we should be going far you know we should you know what we should do Qui we should right we should go to my base we should then go to the end and we should fight him in the end all right just because we might die all right we might die but if we can knock him in the void that is the best way of the best chance we have of killing him in my op might I I do think to W I think we have a very good Strat of killing him we're up we're up against the odds here if he's going to follow us we we could like Camp the spawn build a wall and stuff or whatever you know box it in I guess like we also don't know if he's going to be in the end waiting for us like if he's heard our conversation like we know straight away as soon as he gets to the end he's going to Ender pear you know bro stop looking at end I'm not looking this is how we die we died to end I am not looking at you I swear qu I'm not helping you the next one yo I'm not looking at you okay okay this is it is infinite trust here Qui yeah don't worry yo I'm trying to I'm trying to be Cal that's it I'd clut I'd clutch it with an end Pearl can you imagine the IM I'd clutch it with a pear I'm confident we probably going to be able to knock him in the void but he's going to end the pill back out I mean ultimately if he can't find us in the time all he's done is burn his Bridge with mini that is true and he's essentially burn his Bridge with me too so and he never had a bridge with me yeah so that's he's essentially made it a 3ev one everybody wants to get him on the server now so yeah unless he unless it becomes worth it and he if he kills us both he goes to 10 lives if he kills one of us he goes to 10 lives if he doesn't kill either of us and we kill him he goes to seven I thought that was clown then yeah that would that would have been I was like why is there a third end Pearl Landing noise o yeah this is a good place the shame we I should I should make like a shoot a sh Farm or something and get millions now that this if he appears now it's hands down the best time we have two options here we could wait till the next PVP or we could keep moving I to keep moving might be the best option know Qui break the bridge behind me that's honestly small at least if anything that slows him down okay this is it this is it quiff okay we just have to get across this that massive too that's it's the biggest one it's the biggest one oh you are so lucky that that did not land y yep yep that was that was a clutch Mo imagine if You' have hit the side of that you would have been dead after all we Lally find the perfect one and then you die so we get to the top of that we have the vantage point we have The High Ground And there's no way clampers will want to hunt us all this time and not kill us now cuz he knows this is the last [Music] chance if you Ender to the roof you should go straight up still not seeing him but what do you think up up to the very I reckon so wait oh my goodness I just saw like the particles of the eating but it was you above I was like is he in Piss I heard I heard somebody take damage he's here drink up here he [Music] is okay yep the plan's working this is what we train for yeah this is I didn't realize he was that close hit him get we need to get we need a shul to get him yes the Shula's got him oh I don't have my crossbow but we can we can weaken his shield yep knocking him back he's falling y I mean feather falling he won't take that much damage but it's a challenge from me he's going on the other side well mean okay make you rest strength I might drink a slow poing that could be [Music] useful okay he's coming [Music] through yeah he's going down again has to P clutch it we got him bro we got him we got clown yo we've done it we have done it we I mean we we came out with a plan and we successfully did it SB n no that's teamwork there that was SB you know what we deserve that we deserve that so hard I off bro that's that was that was teamwork I got K that was teamwork oh look at the Sher box how organized they are bro bro now look at my Sher that's the man shortcut if we don't team clownus wins friendly Alo this be where we part ways but we have had a very successful episode very successful and next episode I'm going to see you straight away and we got to prepare that's it yeah we need a plan but GG bro can't believe we pulled it off ladies and gentlemen clown Pius now on seven lives with Nine Kills and me on eight lives in first place with five kills how long will it last we shall see don't forget to go to block eds. store to check out the sb77 plushy there's just one week left so do not miss out on it there is just one week left till they are gone forever
Channel: SB737+
Views: 162,661
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Id: 6vzdlJ2CsDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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