CRAZY CURSING WOMAN RETURNS while Fishing!– Wellington, Florida Fishing!

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[Music] deshaun this could be a really good fish holy crap oh my god it's a monster fish oh oh this is a nice fish my mistake I was not expecting this it's not that big sign that big he's a really good fighter oh yeah that's pretty big actually biggest fishing today the easy three pounder pretty fat maybe a little bit more boys should be three and a half easily nice fish she sees me she's coming out hi y-yeah I've been told I can fish like when they ought but not on the golf course but not really I live well I'm staying over there but I'm in there every time if I'm on the golf course they tell me to move other than that they say it's fine to fish unless I'm in somebody's yard I'm not in your yard I'm securities there I don't understand I'm doing wrong Brown on your own on your yard I mean not really but I think I'm odd so that's the same lady that I made that video with crazy feminist video it's the same lady so I just thought I'd antagonize her some more it's it's fun enjoy it also shoot on security this time so should be able to argue with them a little bit I mean who knows is going on here people are fishing on you did call scaredy yeah he's here [Music] that's what happens I do live here I just told him the address no it's like right there you almost see it from here you nah it's just you can look at my name it's in there Jack McDonald or John McDonald it might be an ass cuz that's my actual name head over there basically the only completion within their area unless you got permission from the resident you can't fish behind people I mean I wasn't really on anybody's property but I know it's me thanks man so the crazy feminists returned today you know gotta keep running into these same people who want to mess with my fishing but I once again told her off but yes I was in the wrong because the security guy didn't feel like dealing with one of his actual homeowners not some kid but please like comment subscribe and watch all the other videos
Channel: ECFresh Fishing
Views: 1,498,926
Rating: 4.5196333 out of 5
Keywords: gopro fishing, fishing freakouts, freakout videos, crazy feminists, bass fishing, triggered liberals, anti trump liberals, i hate liberals, fishing, florida bass fishing, cops called while fishing, kicked out of fishing spot, sjw freakouts, cursed out while fishing, gopro bass fishing, 10 pound largemouth bass, feminist freakout
Id: zXa0iUP6CeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 20 2018
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