Drunk Guy Wants To Fight Me For Fishing

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PF_Mirror_Bot 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

I got so into the fishing part I forgot it was public freakout. Learned a bit about the thermal properties of rocks and the advantages of skitter baits in turbid water.

And good on the kid for keeping his composure. I dont think I could've handled that situation as well as he did when I was 22.

👍︎︎ 586 👤︎︎ u/FlyingOTB 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

After watching countless videos of old fucks being assholes to young people, it is really refreshing to see a young person really dish it back out and call this guy out on his shit.

👍︎︎ 307 👤︎︎ u/evil5snail 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

"do you own this lake?"

"do you?"

"OHOhoho you're a little, ohoho"

Like what the fuck

👍︎︎ 340 👤︎︎ u/Nopulu 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Plot twist: it is the owner. but he's too drunk to remember why he doesn't want him there.

👍︎︎ 224 👤︎︎ u/Dreadedsemi 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm guessing Franklin has tried to fish that lake and isn't very good at it. Then with every fish the kid catches his anger is compounded. 😂

👍︎︎ 101 👤︎︎ u/MmmMotorboatin 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

That boy handles the drunk beautifully

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/effifox 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Fishing guy is a good narrator. Very chill.

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/filolif 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Jesus, I'm glad I quit drinking. I could've been a Franklin in 20 years.

👍︎︎ 91 👤︎︎ u/doobys_Taxiola 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
first cast with the ChatterBait who damn she was not coming off get in my heart gets my heart going already made the switch worth it I just caught one actually that's my first one alrighty my grandparents lived here and they said that no one should bother me but I'd like I'm just here for the Easter weekend yes sir well I come back and forth throughout like how are you oh I just parked right up there in between those two houses ah this is the golf courses a lot I assume okay am i walking through your yard okay do you have permission yeah well my grandparents live here no they can't give permission okay okay I'm not I'm not here trying to argue oh no I understand how did I appreciate ya the only way you can access this is walking across yeah some went through someone's yards that's why I parked there so I wasn't like yeah I see what you're saying like it's an empty lot so but yeah well I've talked to this guy in this house with the two dogs before and like had conversations with him he said he doesn't mind this place okay what do you own it like okay built it okay well it's a beautiful course I you guys just take control okay that's fair okay listen there's some big-ass fish oh yeah well that one that I just caught was pretty big okay just just like try and be cool okay your your family doesn't control anything yeah you're right it on patrol any yeah you're correct okay yeah it's peaceful yes sir there are hey have a good one what the hell that was the weirdest that dude was hammered like I could just smell I have a terrible sense of smell and I could just smell the booze coming off of him but he didn't ask him to leave so he's Fisher and pre-spawn right now and they're he's missed one pretty much just staging up until the water gets warm enough to spawn some fishing this rocky dam which these rocks hold more heat than the rest of the water this time of year we'll all times of the year but this is where they're gonna be hanging out and right now they're just really feeding up on anything they can where's your daddy yet so you did thank you thank God I have good balance holy shoot I'm so glad that I left that other pond grab that scared me gosh I cannot get him Wow I was just talking for like five minutes and the camera wasn't on so the reason I chose to throw this ChatterBait was uh because the water clarity isn't great it's only like six inches and this ChatterBait puts off a lot of vibration really mimics a injured bait fish and this time of the year like I said it's pre-spawn the Fisher really just staged up waiting for the water to warm up so they can go and do their business so nice to be able to catch fish again that's a better fish see we can't hook into one or two more but he wants to talk again really hope my GoPro doesn't die for that what's that well you didn't tell me to leave technically man I literally I'm just out here fishing I'm not harming nobody this damn dude I do understand you know I don't you own this place no but neither do you man who said no I do not do you yeah no you do not you don't know that you don't know that I don't own it either there's not a [ __ ] house there man I'm not here fishing not hard no one else dude I'm parked in between the two houses what gives you the right to come out here and yell at me I'm literally not harming no one not interfering with golfers nothing what are you talking about dude are you hammered like I can smell the alcohol on you no that's fine I asked you I asked you why why did you cut through this slot because I don't know where else to park I'm just out here trying to have fun be Thursday that this is not a fishing lake do you understand yeah I do understand that but okay who says there's not a fishing lake I've seen no signs there are fish in here what are you talking about you keep asking me I'm getting irritated now what oh okay let's fight I'm not driving right no you ready no I'm not go [ __ ] with me I'm not [ __ ] with you man goodbye hula bye I'm not leaving like yo there's the last time you walked through that lock there's 20 minutes of daylight left afterwards no no what do you live in that white house cuz I saw you walk up there earlier you think you own this entire golf course what do you think No exactly so what yeah I don't know anything I own that car but nice fishing rods buh-bye okay that's all right if you don't leave in five minutes we call the plays okay it'll take him 40 minutes to get here I'll be gone by then okay dude you're the one coming out here at me I am not harming anybody I was polite to you it's not a question of harm how do you fish and like you know who owns any Lake no one owns a single Lake who owns blind pony who owns the lake by the insane asylum this is private property okay do you own this private property because I don't believe that you do just who built it I don't believe that you did do you have paperwork or anything it's because you hope yes sir I did who owns that lot I'll tell ya you're welcome you have me on voice recording I have you on camera either or okay that's fine well then what do you think you need you need to walk through why property to get to private property okay do you own any of them do you know I'm gonna go back to fishing minding my own business what if I see you get your [ __ ] I have on my [ __ ] and if I ever see you again I'm gonna be out here again then what you're you're coming out here trying to fight a 22 year old for fishing leaves who believe my grandparents who are you what's your last name my name is Franklin okay night Franklin nice to meet you I'm Alex I have no problem with you you're the one coming out here trying to start [ __ ] for fishing do you have nothing better to do dude it's Good Friday like come on man yes your father but you don't understand you don't understand well Who am I harming what wrong am i doing out here it's not a hard thing how do you have a right to do what your how do you have the right to do what you're doing exactly you don't man I'm just gonna go back to fishing mind my own business it gets dark at 7:30 my little ass dude all right why are you coming at me like talking [ __ ] you came up to me down there and didn't even ask me to leave I'm smarter than you okay you said that 20 times now thank you hey have a good weekend Franklin nice to meet you is this how you meet people are you always this friendly do what okay well you came at me you just asked me to fight man huh you don't either exactly cool all right thank you big boy plan on walking right back through that line thank you Jesus Christ okay I'm gonna end on this fish see you dude actually no I'll make one more cast it's a full moon that's why Franklin in a bad mood last last cast for Franklin gets his panties in a knot again thanks for watching I guess I'm gonna go run from the cops now hopefully Franklin doesn't call my mom always writin down my license plate now this is good Jesus Christ he can barely and [ __ ] walk yeah you're saying the exact same lot that I am man yes sir [ __ ] you dude [ __ ] you dude you're standing the exact same [ __ ] lot but I am hey I didn't have a [ __ ] problem with you what the [ __ ] is wrong with you you don't man what are you doing you're doing the exact same thing that I am why are you you're standing here too do you realize how big a dumbass you seem like I'm literally doing nothing wrong you want to take my picture some more are you gonna go [ __ ] jerk off to it later Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] is wrong with you man you're literally in the exact same lot that I am do you
Channel: Alex Moyer
Views: 4,200,996
Rating: 4.8633933 out of 5
Keywords: bass fishing, fishing, bass, prespawn bass fishing, chatterbait fishing, spring bass fishing, spring fishing, prespawn, pond fishing, big bass, bass fishing tips, bass fishing tips and techniques, prespawn fishing, pond bass fishing, largemouth bass, largemouth, fish, fishing tips, how to bass fish, spring, fishing techniques, bass fishing videos, fight, fishing videos, fishing for bass, giant bass, bed fishing, jig fishing, bed fishing for bass, fishing tips and techniques
Id: ogiN5eoQ8IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 01 2018
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