Cant fish here ...Im going to call the cops!!

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hey what's up guys heading out to the river and hopefully today I won't be threatened to have the cops called out on me like I did the other day it's pretty crazy I've been fishing the river 15 plus years and never had something like that happens to me so check it out and then I will see you on the other side and we can talk about it how's it gone yeah I live in uh PSL PSL what's that prior property right says who the river I've never heard of that I've been fishing here for 15 years no one's ever said that I appreciate what you're saying I'm just saying I'm no one's ever said anything like that to me to be honest with you I'll have to look into that not that I don't believe you but you can call them I'd like to find out to be honest with you I don't try to be smart I'm just young cuz I I fished the river all for years and years and you're the first person that's ever said anything to me no I I can understand that but I'm in the water so that's why I'm having a an issue with it so that's why I'm questioning I'm just having issue with that idea that I'm out here in the water and that you're saying that you own that water that's that's what I'm it's weird to me you never seen anybody here no get out of here oh my god I see people fish all the time seriously a lot along all of the river yeah yeah Bob T's I have never seen anyone comes to my property and swim or other people party they're really cute puppies was open I'm no one loser now I see that all the time I see people waiting across this all the time exactly they do one puppy's gonna lose their poor they friends no no what I'm saying is I see people that you know they walk they get one there and they walk for miles I walk all the way to poor Pierce along the whole thing no one's ever say anything so the houses next door the one up there they friends come in almost every day they push right there they do not leave the area and if they have left I would say something too I've never heard of it meant to be honest I'm just fishing man I'm not doing anything you know I'm saying I got no problem what were you saying but it just seems very strange to me I live here for 15 years I fished this river for 15 years no one's ever said a word you know I know that's your property though I understand all that about like that's your property oh I live out by a Sandpiper off PSL no no no no no but I feel I've been fishing this river for over 15 years I've weighed fish the entire from here to Jensen for Pierce's Jensen no one's ever even said now I get that that's your property I understand all that and I don't go up people's docks I don't mess with anybody I just stay out here and I fish I'd mind my own business like I said I'm planning on walking all the way too old for Park like I always do I'm surprised you've never seen anybody fish I see people fishing all the time well maybe not staying here but walking by get out of here you got guarantee you see more people now just because you this happened I know three or four guys I fish here every week at least once wow that's strange I fish that at least once a week that's fine I'm not gonna stop I just got in I'm gonna keep fishing I'm not bothering anybody I mean what what bother is it to that I'm out there fishing seriously I mean I'm not being smart I'm just like I'm not trying to do nothing bad or whatever my name is Tom efficient you're a SAP night drive be smart is just very strange for me because like I said for you like you said you haven't seen anybody I've never I've never ever heard anybody say anything that is that just that part alone it's kind of weird cuz every time I I Drive by I see somebody fishing that is that's crazy that's crazy I can't believe that I've never seen anybody fishing walking wading through here really Wow this is a interesting but well I'll stay just for your sake I'll stay a little further I don't know I don't have a yard measuring thing but that makes you feel better I'll stay as far as I'll just as I can yeah just fishing okay okay I only came down because you were calling me hey guys so what'd you think of that did I stay cool during that encounter I tried to I didn't really want to get too smart with the guy he definitely got me by surprise with some of the things he was saying about owning 500 feet into the river there which I didn't sound right to me I've since spoken to another homeowner on the river and he definitely disagrees with that theory and kind of informed me a little bit about the truth so that may have been just one of those guys that uh you know just doesn't like having people fishing around his house I guess but either way drop a comment down below let me know what you think let me know if you think I handled that correctly what you would have done I'm interested to see what some of you guys would have said or done so definitely put yourself in my shoes and let me know what you would have said to that guy and also if you're a homeowner in the area or somewhere where you have guys waiting let us know your thoughts your point of view and also guys if you are a waiter or just fishing in general near other people's property make sure you respect their property make sure you don't go up and down their docks without their permission you know we don't want one bad incident to ruin it for the rest of us so just make sure you guys respect one another out there and respect the homeowners so I appreciate you guys watching the video if you like to make sure you hit that like button and I will catch you guys on the next one [Music]
Channel: Indian River Pescador
Views: 619,966
Rating: 4.5328059 out of 5
Keywords: indian river lagoon, indian river pescador
Id: DkFEpcHo6FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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